Another Chance Book I of III

By yourfuturegirl11

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Prince Rogers Nelson has died sad, tired, in pain and alone. As people mourn his loss and buildings around t... More

Another Chance-Book I
Another Chance Book II-Chapter 1, The Arrival
Book II-Chapter 2, The Arrival Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 3, The Vow
Book II-Chapter 5, Collaboration, Bella's POV
Book II, Chapter 6, Comfort Anyway, Anytime
Book II-Chapter 7, Hold Me
Book II-Chapter 8, Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice
Book II-Chapter 9-The Making of Creation Song, Challenges
Book II-Chapter 10, The Making of Creation Song, Challenges-Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 11, Residual Feelings-Denise's POV
Book II-Chapter 12, Residual Feelings-Mary's POV
Book II-Chapter 13, Creation Song Preparation
Book II-Chapter 14, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
Book II-Chapter 15, Residual Feelings, Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 16, Residual Feelings, Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 4, Collaboration
Book II-Chapter 17, The Reckoning
Book II-Chapter 18, Bella's Fears
Book II-Chapter 19, Countdown to Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 20, Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 21, Prayers and Decisions
Book II-Chapter 22, What Paradise Teaches
Book II-Chapter 23, Family Is Forever
Another Chance Book III- Chapter 1, A Journey Begun
Book III-Chapter 2, Heaven and Earth
Book III-Chapter 3, The Journey Continues
Book III-Chapter 4, Bella and Elaine
Book III- Chapter 5, The Royal Prince
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 6, First Look
Another Chance-Chapter 7, Friends First
Book III-Chapter 9, What Fathers Understand
Book III-Chapter 10, The Conversation
Book III-Chapter 11, Finally 18
Book III-Chapter 12, the Album
Book III-Chapter 13, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 14, Jimmy Sanders, Predator
Book III-Chapter 15, The Calm Before the Storm
Book III-Chapter 16, Storm Clouds Gather
Book III-Chapter 17, The Rain Begins
Book III-Chapter 18, The Storm Erupts
Book III-Chapter 19, The Tsunami Hits
Book III-Chapter 20, The Aftermath
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 21, Return to The Largo
Book III-Chapter 22, August
Book III-Chapter 23, Us Time
Book III-Chapter 24, Whirlwind
Book III-Chapter 25, Gold and Platinum
Book III-Chapter 26, The Creator's Plan
Book III-Chapter 27, The Elephant In The Room
Book III-Chapter 28, Practice Makes Perfect
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 29, Musical Road Warriors
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 30, New York City
Book III-Chapter 31, New York City Part 2
Book III-Chapter 32, A Time of Change
Book III-Chapter 33, Who Are These People?
Book III-Chapter 34, The Query, Answers Revealed
Book III-Chapter 35, Don't Play Me
Book III-Chapter 36, Countdown to The Interviews
Book III-Chapter 37, Taking Care of Bella
Book III-Chapter 38, The Interviews Part I
Book III-Chapter 39, The Interviews Part 2
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 40, The Project
Book III-Chapter 41, The Project Part 2
Book III-Chapter 42, Negotiations
Book III-Chapter 43, Details, Details
Book III-Chapter 44, Establishing Their Worth
Book III-Chapter 45, Establishing Their Worth Part 2
Book III-Chapter 46, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 47, Let's Work
Book III-Chapter 48, Midterms
Book III-Chapter 49, Homecoming
Book III-Chapter 50, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 1
Book III, Chapter 51, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2
Book III-Chapter 52, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 1
Book III-Chapter 53, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 2
Book III Chapter 54, A Parisian New Year's Eve
Book III Chapter 55, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 1
Book III, Chapter 56, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 2
Book III-Chapter 57, A New Year, New Challenges Part 1
Book III-Chapter 58, A New Year, New Challenges Part 2
Book III-Chapter 59, Movie Anyone?
Book III-Chapter 60, Family Oasis
Book III-Chapter 61, Back To Real Life
Book III-Chapter 62, Amiir Speaks
Book III-Chapter 63, Another Chance, the Phenomenon
Book III-Chapter 64, The Fame Game
Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again
Book III-Chapter 66, Showtime
Book III, Chapter 67, Miracles
Book III-Chapter 68, New Life, New Strategy Needed
Book III-Chapter 69, The Press Conference Part 1
Book III-Chapter 70, The Press Conference Part 2
Book III-Chapter 71, The Press Conference Part 3
Book III-Chapter 72 Tour's End; Soul Sanctuary
Book III-Chapter 73, From Darkness : JesseBelle and Lucian
Book III-Chapter 74, Light Against Dark
Book III-Chapter 75, A Test of Resilience Part 1
Book III-Chapter 76, A Test Of Resilience Part 2
Book III-Chapter 77, An Uncommon Sense of Style
Book III-Chapter 78, An Uncommon Sense of Style Part 2
Book III-Chapter 79, The Energy of Youth
Book III-Chapter 80, A Mission of Mercy
Book III-Chapter 81, Thank You God For Everything
Book III-Chapter 82, Weddings and Movies, Movies and Weddings!
Book III-Chapter 83, Drilling Down to the Details!
Book III-Chapter 84, Justice, Rain Down From Heaven Part 1
Book III-Chapter 85, Justice Rain Down From Heaven Part 2
Book III-Chapter 86, Filming Ends, Countdown to Premier Begins
Book III-Chapter 87, Home Sweet Home
Book III-Chapter 88, Family Goodbyes and Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 89, Sunny LA, Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 90, Colors, Furnishings, Dresses and Sexual Shenanigans!
Book III-Chapter 91, Thanksgiving With Family
Book III-Chapter 92. Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1
Book III-Chapter 93, Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 2
Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1
Book III-Chapter 95, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk -Los Angeles Part 2
Book III-Chapter 96 The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA
Book III-Chapter 97, The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA 2
Book III-Chapter 98, The Wild Ride Begins
Book III-Chapter 99, Satan's Plan
Book III-Chapter 100, To Love God Is to Trust God
Book III-Chapter 101, Key West
Book III-Chapter 102, Angels, Demons, Ray Burgess and Para-Sails
Book III-Chapter 103, Battle at Key West
Book III-Chapter 104, The Making of Wonderful Memories
Book III-Chapter 105, Learning to Live Joyously Despite Nonsense
Book III-Chapter 106, The Spirit of Lilith
Book III-Chapter 107, Christmas Day, 2215
Book III-Chapter 108, Gretchen
Book III-Chapter 109, Confronting Evil
Book III-Chapter 110, Be Grateful
Book III-Chapter 111, You're Dating Who?
Book III-Chapter 112, For My Homies, Happy New Year
Book III-Chapter 113, The After Party
Book III-Chapter 114, January 1, 2216, Downtime
Book III-Chapter 115, Business and Pleasure in Chicago
Book III-Chapter 116, Change
Book III-Chapter 117, Time to Tour
Book III-Chapter 118, World Conquerors
Book III-Chapter 119, The Wedding Week
Book III-Chapter 120, With This Ring
Book III-Chapter 121, My Husband, My Wife
Book III-Chapter 122, Newlywed...Year of Wonder
Book III-Chapter 123, Little Swimmers
Book III-Chapter 124, Finally Family

Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 8, The Afterglow

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By yourfuturegirl11

The Afterglow

Prince's POV

The Royal Prince had played the second set at the Stork Club with outstanding results. As was common in Detroit, because of the reputation of the club, a couple of the local news outlets had crews on site who had recorded some sound bites of Royal singing and had caught snippets of Bella and Elaine singing with Royal and the band and also of them dancing with him. These news crews would show up whenever a new Artist was being presented in the hopes of having a corner on discovering the next big thing in performers. When the sound bites and dance views were edited for viewing, two city desk editors working on the night desks at their station headquarters realized that this time...they might just have identified the real deal. Each of the editors knew that their competition had been there and so both were working hard to ensure that the other did not scoop them. After working through the night, WXYZ the ABC affiliate had a nice piece with both great sound and visuals to run on its early morning news magazine, AM-Detroit. WDIV with Live in Detroit would also feature Royal's performance on their morning news show. But all of the networks would report that about 7:30 PM that evening, the crime desks in the worst Police Precincts in the city stopped getting calls and having to dispatch to the normal horrific crime scenes . The CBS affiliate, WWJ-TV, went so far as to declare that Crime had taken a holiday the night before. In Detroit that was big news. At the time no-one knew just how big the news would get. No-one, excepting those in Paradise that is.

After the last set Prince, the band and his family along with the Borden's, the Rodrígueze's and Mr. and Mrs. G had a light meal in the main dining room of the Stork Club. Bella and Elaine were sitting together and Prince was sitting next to Bella while Carlos sat next to Elaine. Mr. G. congratulated Prince and the band on an incredible performance and said to Royal Sr. that not a word of what he had said about Prince and the band was hype. Every word he had spoken about them and their talent was true. He said if they still wanted it, the entire weekend was theirs to perform in of course, but he would also like to talk about the rest of the weekends for for the summer if they would like to in the morning. Royal Sr. looked at Prince and asked how he felt about that. Prince thanked Mr. G for the kind offer and said he and the band would need to talk but he would get back to him tomorrow if that was okay. He thought though that they were all okay with the rest of the weekend. He looked around the table. All the band members did a thumbs up to that statement. They talked of many things the food, what a great music town Detroit still was and other normal conversation. They laughed at some of the antics of the band in getting ready for the show too. Prince whenever he could without being obvious stole a look at Bella. Even at almost 14 she was beautiful. This was going to be a trip he thought. He loved her still, completely without question, but he was a man with the needs and desires of a man. How in the world would they make this work. Her parents would think he was some sort of pervert if he tried to spend any alone time with her...and his parents would think he had lost his mind. He needed Divine direction.

At that moment he heard in his mind" Prince, I told you long ago whenever you or Bella needed me I would be there in the form of the Holy Spirit. Trust me and trust Bella. Spend some time in prayer and meditation. You are doing very well, but there are some things YOU need to work on before I can entrust Bella into your care. Figure them out. I love you Prince". Prince was overwhelmed, not by hearing Jesus voice as he often did. But he was overwhelmed with the fact that there was something of such great concern to his Savior that it was an obstacle to him being with Bella. Jesus had said it was something to do with him, not Bella's age which was obvious...but him. He would need to meditate about this. He would not allow anything to prevent his love for Bella and his dreams for their life together to become reality. He was feeling upset and antsy. He needed to do his take 10 thing. He excused himself from the table saying he would be back in a few minutes. Bella had seen in his eyes that Prince was tired when he sat down to eat. She had also noticed his stress level growing as he listened to the banter of the last few minutes and did not think it had anything to do with the decision of whether to play at the Stork this summer or not. She said, "I need to go to the powder room. Elaine want to join me"? Elaine was enjoying being the center of attention to Carlos's at that moment and started to shake her head no until Bella kicked her ankle under the table. When she looked at her friend and saw that look in her eye...she knew she better go with her. "Sure" Elaine said. The two girls got up and as soon as they were out of earshot, Elaine said "why did you kick me...what's up"? Bella said, "something is up with Prince and I need to speak to him. Cover for me for a few minutes"? "Of course", Elaine said. "I will be in Dad's private suite. No-one but your Mom or mine would dare to come back there...don't be long though. You know what kind of radar they have". Bella took off at a fast walk toward the dressing rooms while Elaine headed to the Executive Suite. As she walked toward the Star dressing room, she saw him through one of the windows standing outside on the patio leaning over the railing that separated it from the sprawling lawn on that side of the club. She opened the door and stepped out. "Prince, are you okay" she asked? He looked up and she could see the stress on his face. "What is it baby" she said? Almost 14 or not in this incarnation...he was and would always be her baby. He looked at her and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She called him baby out of her teen-aged lips and he knew he was...but he could not act like it. He could not kiss her or hold her like he wanted as it would not be right. But he could hold her hand and so he took her hand and walked her over to one of the round tables on the patio and sat them down in two of the chairs. He looked at her in the moonlight. Her beautiful eyes were filled with such concern and kindness and love. He remembered the Christ's words. "Trust Bella" he had said and so he told her of his conversation and of his concern that he did not know what Jesus meant and he needed to figure it out as he had been directed. He was determined to prevent any unnecessary obstacles from being in their way. They had enough of those as it was. Bella smiled and said "Prince, you are still the smartest man I know and I know that you will figure out what he meant. I also know that you probably already have an idea of it and that you just are not ready to look at whatever it is straight in the face but in time you will be. I believe in you Prince and I trust let's agree that we will support each other in prayer until you get your answer. Are you okay with that"? "Yes" he said...and he was but he would also give anything for Bella to gather him up in her arms and sing Lullaby and Goodnight to him. Maybe then, his stomach would stop shaking and he would not feel so antsy. "You know, it is too risky for me to hold you and sing you a lullaby here, but if you want you can call me when you get settled and I will sing to you" Bella said. For the first time since hearing from Jesus he felt a little better. Getting up, he said" just a minute". He stepped inside and going into the Star room he grabbed his Lyric Notebook and wrote down Bella's Cloud phone number and also wrote his down and gave it to her. He told her "call me anytime you need me. If I am not performing or in church, I will answer". "No matter what" she asked? " No matter what" he said. with that he kissed her on her cheek and said he would call her later. " I will go back in first" he said.. "Okay", Bella said. He went back into the Star Room to put his Lyric book back and then headed to the dining room. Bella knocked on locked door to the Private Suite and Elaine opened it. "Better", Elaine asked? "Better" Bella said. She hugged Elaine and said "thanks for being such a good friend". The two girls started walking back to the dining room.

When Bella and Elaine took their seats, all, including Prince were enjoying healthy sized slices of Baklava. It was delicious. Mr. G said that tomorrow was Prince's birthday and he had a little something special planned so he asked if all would be available to stay after the show again the next night. All said they would and with that the evening began to come to a close. Elaine would spend the night with Bella tonight and the band would go back to the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. G would stay until cleanup was completed and then set the alarm on the club and go home to some much needed rest. All of Prince's family and friends would stay through Sunday and go home after the brunch performance, but they would all sleep late tomorrow and Sunday morning too. Hey Mr. G said, if any of you that are sleeping in want to go worship, you are welcome to join us at the 12:00 mass at St. Benedicts on Sunday. David and Kendra and of course Bella are members there too. We have the best Choir in the area and that includes all Denominations. Prince and Carlos, who was Catholic said they would be there as did the rest of the band. Carlos's parents said they would join them too. What the heck Royal said if Savannah was willing they would be there also. Savannah was as she did not want to get up for a 10:00 service at the closest Methodist church to them if they were going to be up late again tomorrow night. Only Prince's grandparents said they would play it by ear. After thanking Mr and Mrs. G for the great meal and hugs all around, all left and went to their places of rest. As the girls rode home with Bella's parents, she pulled out the piece of paper that Prince had written his number on and looked at his beautiful handwriting in which his name was written. It was another thing that had not changed. Putting the piece of paper back in her bra, Bella put her head back on the headrest and thought they had a lot to work out, but in both her mind and her heart, she knew that they would. She fell asleep, thinking of his beautiful eyes. Prince and Carlos rode the few blocks to the waterfront hotel where they were staying. Prince drove his Air Jeep and finding a parking place right near the side door closest to their room felt that it was a good sign of things to come. They got out, used their thought pass to enter the building and did the same to enter their room. Prince took a shower and putting on his lavender lotion thought of the many nights Bella had done that for him and then given him a massage to help him relax. He also remembered how he felt when she held him and sang to him. He would do whatever it took to have that be a nightly thing...their thing... in their lives. He waited a little while to let her get home and get showered and then called her. Bella picked up the phone on the first ring. "Are you in bed" he asked. "Yes" she said. Picture in your mind my cuddling you close", she said. Close your eyes and smell my Vanilla Coconut fragrance and then she began to sing Lullaby and Goodnight. His eyes welled up with had been so long, but as she sang he relaxed and felt safe and loved in her heart and Prince fell asleep. When she heard his even breathing she whispered, "good night my Prince" and disconnected the call. Elaine had laid still and not said a word when she heard Bella's phone ring and heard her speaking to him and then singing to him. This was going to be some story when Bella was ready to tell it she thought and turned over and went to sleep.

Bella's POV

Bella woke but laid still in her bed for a little while rather than getting right up. She thought about the last few days and how seeing Prince again had been bitter sweet. He loved her and she loved him but the gulf between them was as wide as it had been when she was on earth and he was in Paradise...only this time it was age. She had no choice but to let the story play itself out as the only alternative was to walk away from it altogether and the only reason she had returned to earth was to be with him and serve God through her love for him. She sighed and got up and went to the bathroom. When she came out to get her clothes out of the closet Elaine was no longer in bed and had gone into the guest bathroom. Bella put on her robe and looked at the clock. It was 11:00 AM Saturday morning. She waited on Elaine to come out of the guest bath and threw her one of her robes to put over her pajamas. The air conditioning was on even though it was only June. It helped with the awful Michigan humidity of summer, but sometimes it made the house really cool. They went downstairs to get some breakfast. As they walked into the kitchen they could hear Bella's parents laughing and talking. David had on an apron and a chef hat...oh boy...her father was going to cook breakfast...that meant omelets. Fortunately both she and Elaine liked them. They went into the breakfast nook and turned on the television. Bella moved to the refrigerator to get some juice out. The weekend version of the Morning Show was on and after some inane banter about an antique muscle car show Elaine started screeching "Bella look"! There for the world to see, at least the Detroit World was the Royal Prince singing his heart out on 4 The Tears in Your Eyes. Then they saw themselves harmonizing with him on Future Soul Song and then the clip cut to Prince dancing with Bella, Elaine, his parents and others from the audience. The commenter was the shows music critic who had a reputation for knowing talent. He gave some stats on when Prince and started to play and the number of instruments he played and said that the Royal Prince was a huge talent with a very bright future in music. He noted that his father was a local boy who had remained in Chicago after graduating from the University of Chicago and that he was a Music History Professor at the same and that his mother was a minister of music at St Stephens A.M. E. church. He closed saying that the Royal Prince would be performing for 2 more nights at the Stork Club on the Waterfront in Detroit. Bella's parents had come into the breakfast nook to see what the screeching was all about and had caught most of the story. The one that came on immediately after though got Bella's attention even more so. The city desk story said that Crime had taken a holiday on a Friday night in Detroit. The most dangerous of Precincts in the city had reported no murders or aggravated assaults from about 7:30 PM last night and as of the time of the current broadcast that was still the case. Something had brought a sense of peace to the city and while no one could explain it, all thanked whatever God they worshipped, if they did, for it. Bella sat there after the story concluded. Something about that seemed familiar. She wanted to remember what. It was hiding just outside of her conscious memory. She knew that in time she would remember. She would just have to be patient. Everything in God's time. She went into the kitchen and helped her dad by cracking the eggs into a big silver bowl and buttering the toast to go into the oven. Elaine was on the phone with her father telling him about the story they had just seen. He said he knew he had seen it too and the phone at the club was ringing off the hook with people trying to get reservations for dinner and the show tonight or for brunch and the show tomorrow or just for either show if there were any of those reservations left. Antoine was already at the Club preparing for this evening and had called to report what the reservationist had told him. They should open the second dining room tonight and Cloud Stream the show in that room once the Performance Hall was booked to capacity Andy said to Antoine. It was already to capacity and that is why he was calling to let him know he was opening that room. Further he had doubled the delivery of certain meats and ingredients for desserts. He had to pull in a few blue chips but they would have what they needed. He had called in not only the assistant chef, but also his close friend who was a retired chef. It would be incredibly busy over the next two days...and before Andy asked, he said he would work this Sunday even though it was his Sunday to be off!

Elaine was thrilled...and Bella was ecstatic for Prince. She wondered if he knew. After breakfast she called him. The phone rang several times but did not go to voicemail which meant he was on it. Just as she was about to hang up, he answered and said I am sorry it took so long to answer, I am on with Andy. Hold on for a minute Sugah. He said whatever he needed to say to Andy quickly and came right back to her. "Hi pretty girl" he said. "Thank you for last night. I felt a lot better when I woke up this morning?. "I am so glad" Bella said. "I gather you have heard about the story on The Morning Show"? "Yes that is what Andy called about. I asked him if he could get some copies of it for you and your folks and of course mine and the band. He said without a doubt; they would be delivered to the club this afternoon". "I am so excited and happy for you Prince", Bella said. "No" he said!..."be excited and happy for us. I know it will mean a lot of work but I told you a long time ago that I would grow up, find you, be successful for you, marry you and have and raise babies with you and I will! Do I need to tattoo that on your pretty behind to make sure you remember"? "No" Bella said laughing. "So what time are you coming to the club today" Prince asked? "I don't know yet why"? "I thought you and Elaine might want to sing with me again and I was going to play you the music". "What time would you like us there"? " After lunch about 1:00 would that work"? "Why don't you call my dad and ask him. It is a little early to let them know about us I think" "Okay" Prince said. "You are probably right". "Oh Prince, did you hear about what happened to crime in the city last night"? "Yes I did. It is kind of like what happened after we performed Creation Song. Do you remember" he asked? "Yes it is coming back now...crime went down, people walked away from doing horrific things and if I remember, even battles in wars in different places in the world stopped and the soldiers walked away. There is much for us to talk about regarding this Bella, but for now I am thinking I will do two pieces of music that is written about our amazing Creator in each concert until we figure out what else to do". Bella became really silent. "You want my input on how to address the service of God through your music Prince? Is that what you are saying"? "From now on little girl I want your opinion on all that I do. It is for us remember" Prince said. "Yes Prince, I will remember" Bella said sincerely. "Okay...I have a lot to do before the band and I leave for the club. I will see you there and I will call your dad when I hang up with you. I love you Bella. Bye for now". Prince called David and after speaking with Kendra, he agreed to have the girls there by 1:00 PM. Bella went flying down the steps grabbed Elaine and told her about her conversation with Prince, all but the Creation Song part. "Come on we need two more new dresses Bella said...let's go talk to mom"! Bella told her mom about the plan for singing on stage with Prince and said that she and Elaine just had to have 2 new dresses. Kendra smiled remembering what it was like being a teenager and said of course but to get dressed because Prince wanted them at the club at 1:00 so they would need to shop quickly. Kendra made a mental note to ask Bella how she knew about the request for them to sing. Neither she or Bella's dad had told her and Elaine was on the phone with her mother when David talked to Prince. She had noticed Prince looking lovingly at Bella last night and had seen how Bella sneaked looks at him also. It wasn't in an inappropriate way that he had looked at her. As a matter of fact, she would have thought nothing of it if he weren't so much older. He was obviously taken with their young daughter. Kendra needed to better understand this before David noticed. He might go off the deep end. He rarely did but he was crazy about and highly protective of Bella. She would speak to Bella after all of this excitement died down.

Kendra called Linda to let her know of Princes request and to say she was taking the girls dress shopping. Linda asked where they were going. she said they would probably start at the Le Chateau Boutique. Linda said she would meet them there. The girls dressed quickly and they took Kendra's Air Infinity and went to the Boutique. Linda was sitting on one of the Velvet Chairs in the Lobby waiting for them when they arrived. They were known at this store and they shared with LaVette who owned it what it was they had in mind. She took the girls to the dressing room and started bringing in the dresses. Bella was getting discouraged as nothing seemed quite right and then LaVette came in with a Red dress that was perfect! It hugged her waist and emphasized her lovely figure but had a slight flair to the skirt once it got past the hips that would allow her to move comfortably. It was trimmed in gold braid around the scooped neck and on the hem and had a little shrug type jacket to it also. She looked gorgeous. Prince's eyes were going to pop out of his head Bella thought. She then chose a mini dress for the Sunday brunch show in Royal blue it was sleeveless but LaVette had a bolero jacket in the same shade. It was short but not too short and her legs which were one of her best features looked great with the length. The skirt was pleated and it had a silver gray material inside each pleat. It too was highly fitted in the waist and she frankly looked like a dream. LaVette brought in kid leather shoes in Red and Royal blue with a two inch heel. She would wear the gold earrings her dad had given her for her last birthday with the Red and her mother bought her some really pretty ones in a silver tone for the Blue. Elaine had found a really pretty solid Red flair dress with a deep V cut neckline with flair sleeves to the wrist and matching shoes. She also wanted something in Royal blue so they would not clash on stage. LaVette came through! She brought a Royal blue Lycra like material dress into the dressing room. It fit her snugly but boy did she look hot. Her mother shook her head but let her have it. She also had similar 2 inch heels with a small bow on the toes. They would carry small matching glove leather handbags. They were ready to go home shower and put on something feminine and casual and head for the club. Linda said she would see them when they got there as she needed to go help Andy get organized for the big crowd. After hugs all around she took off for the club.

The girls went back to Bella's, showered and put on some girlie girl summer weight sweats and matching shoes. They then put their outfits in hanging zip bags with undies, stockings and of course the prized Red dresses and shoes and were downstairs waiting for Kendra when she came down. Kendra kissed David goodbye and said she would be back shortly. They would be at the club about 3:00 to see if there was anything they could help with for the evening. Kendra walked the girls into the building and went with them to the Private Suite to hang up their outfits. Then they went into the performance space and saw that Prince and the band and Phil and Andy were in conversation on the stage. Phil was congratulating Prince on the amazing show last night and asking if there were any special instructions for tonight. Prince showed him the potential playlist for tonight and said that if they used last night as a model everything would be great. Phil went to check his equipment and said to himself on the way up...well he is not an idiot so he must be a genius...referring to his comment from the previous evening. Kendra said "Hi Andy the girls are here". "Okay" he said. "I have a few things to do but we will see you about 3PM", Kendra told him. "Okay, I could use your help getting the VIP passes ready". "No problem, David and I will handle it". Prince called the girls on the stage and said that he was going to do Future Soul Song again tonight but also he thought he would like to do The Ladder also. He ran through the music pointing out the sections where they would sing harmony and then they sang it with him. Wow he thought these girls can really sing...but Bella's voice was magnificent. The girls settled into the audience to watch the rest of the sound check. It was fun to watch and learn how Prince directed. They stayed put watching Prince call out keys and key changes and also shouting out lighting cues too. Time flew by and all of a sudden it was time to grab a light bite and get ready for the first show. Kendra and David had been down in Andy's office and had gotten all of the attractive looking passes printed and assembled. They came into the dining room just as Bella and Elaine did and sat down to the salads that Antoine had made for them. Prince and the band were right behind. Prince sat across from Bella at one of the small tables for 4 and Carlos was across from Elaine. Kendra heard the easy conversation and laughter coming from their table and felt okay with the interaction. As they finished their meal, a smiling Prince said, "okay folks let's get ready its Showtime". As they were walking downstairs to dress Elaine said," that Prince of yours is gorgeous". "Yes he is" Bella said and thought to herself and he doesn't even wear makeup except what is needed for the lights. "You know Carlos is really handsome too". Bella had to agree with her on that too. "Yes he is a very good looking man and nice too" Bella said. "So does he have a girlfriend"? "I don't know but I will find out" Bella said. "You know he is the same age as Prince right"? "Yes I know...but I like him and I think he might like me too". Bella knew that was probably true...but would he be willing to allow her to grow up and be willing to wait like her Prince. She did not want to see Elaine get hurt...she would talk to Prince and find out more about his character.

The show started and was just as exciting and well received as the previous night. Prince and Carlos had walked with the girls to the performance hall as they had run into them as they both cut through the VIP room. When Prince saw Bella resplendent in her Red he couldn't speak for a minute only stare and almost drool. "Little girl you are beautiful and really sensual looking in that dress". "Thank you Prince. He took her hand and faced her and looked her in those beautiful almond shaped eyes with his equally beautiful amber ones". He mouthed 'I love you" silently...she did the same back and he continued to hold her hand as they walked. Carlos said Elaine you are really pretty tonight. She responded in Spanish. In Spanish he asked her how well did she speak it? She responded that she was totally fluent which she was. They then began to chatter in Spanish which Bella understood as did Prince. "Oh boy" Prince said. "Why do you say that" Bella asked concerned. "I'll tell you later", he said.

They saw the girls to their seats and then went behind the curtain to wait on Andy's introduction. The Royal Prince and the band had come out kicking butt and taking names performing the same songs as the previous evening including the Prince set. What a show! He called the girls up to sing with him much like he had the previous evening and they sang Future Soul Song with the band also doing harmony. Then, with the girls and the band singing harmony, he sang The Ladder. The crowd went into frenzied applause after both songs and then they moved into dancing and getting the audience involved. To end the show tonight he sang You Are My Sunshine at Night and brought the house down. Again at the foot of the stage he looked into Bella's eyes and said "Always...thank you and good night. The Band left the stage the same way they had the previous night. The applause went on for almost 15 minutes before the crowd began to disperse.

The second show went just as well and the band and the girls though tired felt exhilarated. They gathered in the dining room for dinner and to celebrate Prince's birthday. As they took their seats a tall distinguished looking gentleman came into the room with Andy. All, I want you to meet Jimmy Sanders the Vice President of A and R for Sony records. He called me after seeing the clip n the news and asked if he could join us tonight. Somehow I didn't think you would mind Prince. Prince shook his head laughed and said "no". Andy introduced Jimmy to Prince, the band and Prince's parents and grand parents and then to David and Kendra Borden and finally to Bella and Elaine. And who do these beauties belong to Jimmy asked. Elaine is my daughter and Bella is David and Kendra's girl. Prince watched Jimmy as the introductions rolled out and did not like the way he looked at Bella or for that matter at Elaine either. He noted that in his mind and decided he would prevent him from ever being in their company without either him, Carlos or their parents present. Andy and David noticed it too. While they were very polished men, they had grown up in the hood and knew what time it was. Mr. Jimmy Sanders better walk easy as he had no idea what he was dealing with. Dinner was easy and pleasant and Antoine had made a huge cake with a Royal Blue guitar adorning the top layer. The band led a harmonious rendition of happy birthday and Prince with the help of Bella and Elaine blew out the 20 candles. Jimmy then said he knew that the band was headed home on Sunday night. He asked if it was possible for them to return at some point the following week to meet with him and the President of Sony Cloud Records over a couple of days. Prince looked at his Dad who shook his head yes and they agreed to meet on Thursday and Friday during the day before the Show. Prince said that he, Carlos his drummer and his Dad would be attending the meeting. Jimmy said I think just you and your Dad would...before he could finish the sentence Prince quietly said Carlos had always been involved in any decisions that concerned the band and would continue to be. There was total silence at the table until Jimmy said that will be fine. Andy looked at Prince smiled and shook his head yes.

Prince, Carlos and Royal Sr. would be reviewing the contract for the summer in the morning after Mass during a private meal before the Brunch show which would start at 4 PM. Brunch was served at 1PM. The band would be served at 1:30 PM and warm up at 2:30. They would come directly to the Club after Mass and Prince, Carlos and Royal Sr, would eat while they worked in the Executive Suite.

After Jimmy left, Andy told Prince and all present that while what Prince did was ballsy, it was important to establish himself as an equal upfront, not as someone who would take whatever they would give him. Keep it low key, respectful but direct as he had tonight and he would be fine. Royal Sr. had asked Andy to help with this process and Andy said he would but would not ask for a cut of anything. He hoped though that he would able to call upon Prince to perform periodically in return. Prince gave his word they shook hands and the deal was done. It was late and all were tired. Bella would sleep at Elaine's tonight and go to Mass with them in the morning. Bella's Mom would drop her dress off for church and bring her clothes for the show in the morning in time to go to Mass. All were going to church except Prince's grandparents both sets of which said they needed to rest up tomorrow. His mom's parents were flying back to Atlanta that afternoon and his Dad's Mom would head home to Southfield. After embracing each other and wishing Prince well they all headed out to their much anticipated beds.

When they got back to their hotel Prince and Carlos had a conversation. He wanted to make certain that he knew how old Elaine was. Carlos said he knew and he also knew that she was off limits sexually. He really liked her though he said. As a matter of fact he liked her so much that it kind of bothered him. He was one of those guys that could only do one relationship at a time. It was something that his father had drilled into him. To do otherwise was disrespectful to the girl and he didn't know if he was strong enough to go years without sex the having of which if he was with Elaine would violate his code of ethics. Prince said well you are not going to marry her right now. Carlos said that is the problem. She was so beautiful and unspoiled and real and liked and understood his culture that he could totally see himself marrying her someday and that meant he needed to be around to block the players because there were going to be tons of them. "So" Prince said, "let me get this straight, you think that if you know you want to marry her and you commit to that, even though she is too young for you to have sex with, you won't have sex with anyone else until she is ready"? "Yes amigo" Carlos said," that is what being committed is all about", Carlos said. He also thought about what Jesus had told him about working on himself. Was this what he meant. Did he need to stop having sex with women he was not committed to? Was he able to sacrifice his needs like that for several years? What if he chose not to and lost her because of it. He knew that if that were to ever happen he would look back and see the sex he had as very trivial and stupid to have done and sustained such a loss. He needed to focus on this big time. He called Bella who answered after a couple of rings. "Hi Bella" he said. " Hi Prince". "That was some pretty exciting stuff that happened today" she said. "Yes it was". We will have to discuss it as it rolls out. I am going to be very cautious as I want whatever decisions we make to be the right ones as they will impact the rest of our lives. "Okay baby. We can discuss it whenever you want". "So what did you mean when you said oh boy when Elaine started speaking Spanish to Carlos". "Carlos is a really good guy and I knew he would never be with anyone who did not speak Spanish so I had not even thought about him getting involved with Elaine. But now that is no longer an obstacle and I think he really likes her. Her age bothers him a little but that is to be expected. There are so many things that are off limits. Sex out...heavy petting out...French kissing I think he is thrashing it out with himself as to what to do right now. I do know this. If he decides he wants her it will be only her and he will wait for her and be faithful until she is ready. He will not mess around with other girls if he chooses Elaine.

"Prince does my age bother you too"? "A little Bella. I have needs that I have not felt restricted in meeting in the past. I am not a Virgin and have not been since college. But I have always let the girls know that I did not want a close or committed relationship. If they agreed fine if they did not I moved on. But now there is you. You are still so young that to even consider getting those needs met with you would be almost like defiling you and I could never do that. But what do I do now? I had not really thought about it until Carlos and I were discussing it tonight". Bella had listened very closely and said nothing and then said "So let me make sure I understand what you are saying. Are you saying that you thought you would not defile me but would get you needs met by other women until I was ready to do so"? Prince said nothing for a moment. When hearing it put like that, it sounded almost sordid.

"Bella, I am being honest with you because I want you to understand my struggles as a man. I had not thought it through. I now am real clear on the fact that approaching it that way would not be fair to you. You know, I remember when I was doing my walks with Jesus in Paradise and he told me that I needed to develop a clearer understanding about love and sex and what each of them actually is and the place they occupy in a relationship. I also remember him helping me to understand my errors in making the two marriages I did. You know Bella despite this age thing, I think you have re-entered my life at the perfect time. You see Jesus helped me to understand that dating and sleeping with a woman you don't love is a huge mistake that leads to even bigger, more tragic ones. I had forgotten that lesson in my own selfish quest to meet my needs sexually. Please accept my apology as I know that had I continued along that path it would have caused me to have to at some point lie to you and hurt you. I have much to do to be able to completely control myself but baby I am going to make every effort. I want you to know you can completely trust me and I want Jesus to know he can entrust you to me". Bella said "I accept you apology and I will pray for you to be strengthened in this area". "Bella I love you, please believe that". " I do believe it Prince and I love you too". "Good night Bella". "Good night Prince".

Bella did not know what a breakthrough Prince had just had. She had never been sexual and therefore had no clue how difficult what he was going to try to do was. She did know how much he had to love her to try though. Father in Heaven, please help this good and decent man to conquer this mountain in his life. Please guide me and show me where and how I might best support him in this effort. In Jesus name Amen. Bella snuggled down in her bed and went to sleep. Elaine had already been in dreamland for an hour. She would tell her what she had learned about Carlos tomorrow.

When Bella woke up, Elaine was propped up on her elbow looking directly at her. Like a cat pouncing on a mouse, as soon as she saw Bella's eyelids flutter she asked "so what did Prince say about Carlos"? "Good morning to you too Elaine" Bella said. "I'm sorry Bella; good morning I just really want to know"." Okay, Prince says that Carlos is a really good guy who is very interested in you. He is very impressed that you are fluent in Spanish and appreciate his culture and know so much about it". "Thanks Mom and Dad for the annual trip to Mexico during Winter vacation and thanks Mr. and Mrs. Borden for going when my dad couldn't because of the club" Elaine said giggling. "He has concerns though. It seems that his parents are really old school and his dad drilled into him he cannot be dating one girl and sleeping with another. He sees that as a breech of what is ethical". "Well" Elaine said, "that's good so what is the problem". "Elaine you are going on 14 years old and that means that he would have to give up sex for a really long time. He doesn't know if he can do that". "Well if he is going to be with me he will have to". Bella said "look Elaine, you have only known this guy for 2 days. I think he is a great guy but you can't expect him to make that kind of a commitment to you in just two days. Heck, you can't expect any kind of commitment in 2 days. Just enjoy him and let things happen as the Creator intends. If he is the one the Lord will tell him and you and then you can worry about the rest. For now just be friends". Elaine looked at Bella. She always had a way of taking the looney out of Elaine's ideas when she got ahead of herself. "Yeah you are right as usual".

The girls got up and began getting ready for Mass. Bella was waiting for her mother to drop off her dress and so she turned on the Cloud Stream and the lead story blew her mind. 'Something amazing is going on in Detroit said the newscaster. For the second night in a row, there have been no major crimes in our city. Not one murder or attempted murder has been reported in the last 24 hours. On the West side of Detroit yesterday, 2 men with masks on entered the Bank of Detroit armed and planning to rob it. A very pregnant mother was standing in one of the teller lines with 2 other little ones in tow when the robbers started demanding that all sit on the floor. Trying to follow their demand was clearly difficult for her and as she tried she lost the hand of one of her children who started crying and screaming and one of the robbers pointed his gun directly at the little girl yelling at her to shut-up. The mother who was now on the floor unable to get up started to cry also and begged the man please do not shoot her child. The gunman looked at her and was reported to have said "what the hell am I doing' and ran out of the bank. The second gunman followed. The two men are still at large. Several witnesses said it was like the man suddenly woke up and realized what he was doing and immediately stopped. Whatever is causing this interruption to crime, our city is thankful for.

In other news ...Bella turned off the Cloud Stream and she and Elaine looked at each other. "This Is very weird" Elaine said. "Good weird, but weird". Bella heard the doorbell ring and then her mother's voice saying hi to Linda. Running down the steps she hugged her mom and thanked her for bringing her dress and the dress and accessories for the brunch show. Okay baby, go get dressed we don't want to be late. Bella slipped into her church dress. It was yellow with black trim on the hemline and on the cap sleeves. It, like most of the dresses she got from Le Chateau fit her waist and emphasized the rest of her nice figure. She slipped into the black patent pumps with the 2 and 1/2 inch heels changed purses to the little patent one and put her gold earrings on. She quickly checked the contents of the other hanging bag and saw that everything was there for the Brunch performance. She put on some peach lip gloss and was ready to go. Elaine was already down stairs looking pretty in pink. Kendra asked who are you girls riding with me or Mr. G? They decided to ride with Kendra and David since they were ready to leave right now. Mr. and Mrs. G would be right behind them in the next 10 minutes. As they circled the church to land in one of the parking spaces, Bella saw Prince's car as well as the one Royal Sr. had rented. When they walked into the church as she was making the sign of the cross she saw Prince and Carlos talking to Father O'Rourke. Prince looked up and saw Bella and smiled. Carlos waved at Elaine. Prince walked over to them and said Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Borden. Hi Bella, Elaine. Father O'Rourke saw the clip of us singing 4 the Tears in Your Eyes and Future Soul Song and has asked that we sing them both, 'Tears' just before Communion and Future Soul Song during Communion. Are you up for that he asked? Absolutely Elaine said and Bella agreed. Is it okay with you Mr. and Mrs. Borden? "Of course...go serve God" David the way Prince I am David and my wife is Kendra...we are like family now so please call us by our first names. Prince smiled and thanked him and shook his hand. Prince then went up to the Choir platform and Father O'Rourke introduced him and the rest of the band to the church musicians. Prince asked if they would allow them to use their instruments. The Minister of Music said of course. Prince picked up the acoustic guitar and strumming it heard it was a little out of tune. "May I" he asked? The Minister of Music nodded yes. He quickly brought the guitar into tune without even striking a note on the Piano. Among his other gifts was the fact that he had perfect pitch both vocally but also in his mind. The Minister of Music, Mr. Dooley noted this and smiled. This was one talented kid that had taken their city by storm he thought. Bella and Elaine sat with the Choir as the combined Choirs were singing today. Prince and the band members sat in the second pew on the left side. Mr. and Mrs. G walked in and sat with the Borden's and the Anderson's and the Rodríguezes who were already seated. Mass began.

Prince had attended Mass before with Carlos but he had never seen one like this. The Mass was actually written in African American Gospel form. The church was an integrated faith community representing both White, Hispanic and Black cultures. They also had a Latin Mass at 8:00 AM and a Spanish Mass at 10:30 on Sunday. The music was amazing and the Minister of Music played the Piano beautifully. In addition to the singing of the Mass, the choir performed two other selections, Whom Shall I Fear and I Love the Lord. Savannah was also really impressed with the music and the church musicians. This was not your average Catholic Mass she thought.

Father O'Rourke took the podium to deliver the homily or the sermon or message as it might be called in some other denominations. He spoke of the times that we live in and how far man seemed to have wandered from Biblical teaching. He spoke of Commitment to Marriage and other key relationships hanging on by a thread in our society. He spoke of faithfulness to spouses sexually and emotionally and how in our freedom driven culture we were motivated and actually trained by the media to find ways to justify infidelity. We are so focused on our needs that we fail to focus on God's love for us and the safety He provides by asking that we choose and have one partner. That safety is both physical, emotional and spiritual and even financial. He gently reminded the congregants that you are either committed or not to each other and to God. There is no half step measure to commitment. He also said that just when true believers were ready to dissolve into tears and permanent depression at the plight of our World, our amazing God would do something to remind us that He is still in control and there is still hope for man to get it right. He was in the midst of doing that right now as Crime was taking a holiday in one of the most dangerous cities in the America. He reminded the congregants to give thanks and to pray for its continuance. He then said that we have guest musicians today and that it had not escaped him that the miraculous drop in Crime had begun as The Royal Prince and The World Changers were playing their first concert at The Stork Club. Perhaps he was Detroit's newest Angel or perhaps the Angels were moved by the music to help the city. Whatever it was he praised the God of the Universe for it. This miracle of Peace was, he believed The Afterglow of a pure heart and a God shaped mind and gift, musically worshiping the Creator's majestic presence in the World and in Heaven. "Thank you Father for this glorious gift and for this young Godly man" Father O'Rourke said! There were many shouts of Amen and Hallelujah and then Prince went to the platform and with Bella and Elaine and Carlos beside him, began to sing.

Long ago there was a man

Changed stone to bread with the touch of his hand

Made the blind see and the dumb understand

He died for the tears in your eyes

Your eyes...

As the song went on and Bella, Elaine and Carlos began to harmonize, Bella saw something that she remembered. Wet eyes. Many of those in the congregation had tears running down their cheeks and others cried outright. As they completed the song Sidney, the keyboardist came on to the platform and sat on the Piano bench and the opening chords for Future Soul Song were played as the Eucharistic prayers were completed and they came to a summit as the wafer and wine became the Body and Blood of the living Christ. The Priest proclaimed 1 Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb and the people responded Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say word and my soul shall be healed. After more prayers some that Prince was unfamiliar with but thought beautiful, Communion began and Prince began to sing Future Soul Song. The harmonies were exquisite as always but even more moving than normal. They repeated the song bringing it down to a whisper level until communion was over. The song came to an end and all that had sung or played returned to their seats. There were more prayers and then the Priest said the Mass is ended go in peace.

Father O'Rourke approached Prince and thanked him for singing for the Lord today and also shared how beautiful and moving the two songs were. He also said Prince was welcome and he was requesting that whenever he was in town, to please if time allowed, come and worship and sing at St. Benedict. Prince told him how much he had appreciated the sermon and asked the Priest to pray for him. The two men embraced and Prince gave him an envelope. On the outside the words "For the Lord" were written on the inside was a $100.00 bill. All of their party then got into their vehicles and headed to The Stork Club. Prince went into his meeting with Andy, his dad and Carlos where they were also served their lunch. The others were directed to a private dining room where their brunch awaited them. After the delicious meal, the girls went and changed clothes and sat in the audience area of the Club to wait for the sound check to begin. Prince and Carlos went to their dressing room to prepare. Carlos said "do you believe how that sermon clearly addressed the issue of sex and commitment that we were talking about yesterday"? Prince said "God is trying to tell us something. And Carlos...I am listening with both my ears and my heart". Carlos saw the tears in Prince's eyes and said "how long have you known her"..."for eons" Prince responded. "How long have you loved her" Carlos then asked? "Longer than that" Prince said. He wiped the tears from his eyes, took several deep breaths to steady himself and he and Carlos walked upstairs to do the sound check with the band.

1 From the Catholic Mass, Roman Rite

2 From the Catholic Mass, Roman Rite

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