Another Chance Book I of III

By yourfuturegirl11

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Prince Rogers Nelson has died sad, tired, in pain and alone. As people mourn his loss and buildings around t... More

Another Chance-Book I
Another Chance Book II-Chapter 1, The Arrival
Book II-Chapter 2, The Arrival Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 3, The Vow
Book II-Chapter 5, Collaboration, Bella's POV
Book II, Chapter 6, Comfort Anyway, Anytime
Book II-Chapter 7, Hold Me
Book II-Chapter 8, Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice
Book II-Chapter 9-The Making of Creation Song, Challenges
Book II-Chapter 10, The Making of Creation Song, Challenges-Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 12, Residual Feelings-Mary's POV
Book II-Chapter 13, Creation Song Preparation
Book II-Chapter 14, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
Book II-Chapter 15, Residual Feelings, Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 16, Residual Feelings, Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 4, Collaboration
Book II-Chapter 17, The Reckoning
Book II-Chapter 18, Bella's Fears
Book II-Chapter 19, Countdown to Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 20, Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 21, Prayers and Decisions
Book II-Chapter 22, What Paradise Teaches
Book II-Chapter 23, Family Is Forever
Another Chance Book III- Chapter 1, A Journey Begun
Book III-Chapter 2, Heaven and Earth
Book III-Chapter 3, The Journey Continues
Book III-Chapter 4, Bella and Elaine
Book III- Chapter 5, The Royal Prince
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 6, First Look
Another Chance-Chapter 7, Friends First
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 8, The Afterglow
Book III-Chapter 9, What Fathers Understand
Book III-Chapter 10, The Conversation
Book III-Chapter 11, Finally 18
Book III-Chapter 12, the Album
Book III-Chapter 13, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 14, Jimmy Sanders, Predator
Book III-Chapter 15, The Calm Before the Storm
Book III-Chapter 16, Storm Clouds Gather
Book III-Chapter 17, The Rain Begins
Book III-Chapter 18, The Storm Erupts
Book III-Chapter 19, The Tsunami Hits
Book III-Chapter 20, The Aftermath
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 21, Return to The Largo
Book III-Chapter 22, August
Book III-Chapter 23, Us Time
Book III-Chapter 24, Whirlwind
Book III-Chapter 25, Gold and Platinum
Book III-Chapter 26, The Creator's Plan
Book III-Chapter 27, The Elephant In The Room
Book III-Chapter 28, Practice Makes Perfect
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 29, Musical Road Warriors
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 30, New York City
Book III-Chapter 31, New York City Part 2
Book III-Chapter 32, A Time of Change
Book III-Chapter 33, Who Are These People?
Book III-Chapter 34, The Query, Answers Revealed
Book III-Chapter 35, Don't Play Me
Book III-Chapter 36, Countdown to The Interviews
Book III-Chapter 37, Taking Care of Bella
Book III-Chapter 38, The Interviews Part I
Book III-Chapter 39, The Interviews Part 2
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 40, The Project
Book III-Chapter 41, The Project Part 2
Book III-Chapter 42, Negotiations
Book III-Chapter 43, Details, Details
Book III-Chapter 44, Establishing Their Worth
Book III-Chapter 45, Establishing Their Worth Part 2
Book III-Chapter 46, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 47, Let's Work
Book III-Chapter 48, Midterms
Book III-Chapter 49, Homecoming
Book III-Chapter 50, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 1
Book III, Chapter 51, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2
Book III-Chapter 52, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 1
Book III-Chapter 53, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 2
Book III Chapter 54, A Parisian New Year's Eve
Book III Chapter 55, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 1
Book III, Chapter 56, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 2
Book III-Chapter 57, A New Year, New Challenges Part 1
Book III-Chapter 58, A New Year, New Challenges Part 2
Book III-Chapter 59, Movie Anyone?
Book III-Chapter 60, Family Oasis
Book III-Chapter 61, Back To Real Life
Book III-Chapter 62, Amiir Speaks
Book III-Chapter 63, Another Chance, the Phenomenon
Book III-Chapter 64, The Fame Game
Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again
Book III-Chapter 66, Showtime
Book III, Chapter 67, Miracles
Book III-Chapter 68, New Life, New Strategy Needed
Book III-Chapter 69, The Press Conference Part 1
Book III-Chapter 70, The Press Conference Part 2
Book III-Chapter 71, The Press Conference Part 3
Book III-Chapter 72 Tour's End; Soul Sanctuary
Book III-Chapter 73, From Darkness : JesseBelle and Lucian
Book III-Chapter 74, Light Against Dark
Book III-Chapter 75, A Test of Resilience Part 1
Book III-Chapter 76, A Test Of Resilience Part 2
Book III-Chapter 77, An Uncommon Sense of Style
Book III-Chapter 78, An Uncommon Sense of Style Part 2
Book III-Chapter 79, The Energy of Youth
Book III-Chapter 80, A Mission of Mercy
Book III-Chapter 81, Thank You God For Everything
Book III-Chapter 82, Weddings and Movies, Movies and Weddings!
Book III-Chapter 83, Drilling Down to the Details!
Book III-Chapter 84, Justice, Rain Down From Heaven Part 1
Book III-Chapter 85, Justice Rain Down From Heaven Part 2
Book III-Chapter 86, Filming Ends, Countdown to Premier Begins
Book III-Chapter 87, Home Sweet Home
Book III-Chapter 88, Family Goodbyes and Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 89, Sunny LA, Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 90, Colors, Furnishings, Dresses and Sexual Shenanigans!
Book III-Chapter 91, Thanksgiving With Family
Book III-Chapter 92. Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1
Book III-Chapter 93, Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 2
Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1
Book III-Chapter 95, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk -Los Angeles Part 2
Book III-Chapter 96 The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA
Book III-Chapter 97, The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA 2
Book III-Chapter 98, The Wild Ride Begins
Book III-Chapter 99, Satan's Plan
Book III-Chapter 100, To Love God Is to Trust God
Book III-Chapter 101, Key West
Book III-Chapter 102, Angels, Demons, Ray Burgess and Para-Sails
Book III-Chapter 103, Battle at Key West
Book III-Chapter 104, The Making of Wonderful Memories
Book III-Chapter 105, Learning to Live Joyously Despite Nonsense
Book III-Chapter 106, The Spirit of Lilith
Book III-Chapter 107, Christmas Day, 2215
Book III-Chapter 108, Gretchen
Book III-Chapter 109, Confronting Evil
Book III-Chapter 110, Be Grateful
Book III-Chapter 111, You're Dating Who?
Book III-Chapter 112, For My Homies, Happy New Year
Book III-Chapter 113, The After Party
Book III-Chapter 114, January 1, 2216, Downtime
Book III-Chapter 115, Business and Pleasure in Chicago
Book III-Chapter 116, Change
Book III-Chapter 117, Time to Tour
Book III-Chapter 118, World Conquerors
Book III-Chapter 119, The Wedding Week
Book III-Chapter 120, With This Ring
Book III-Chapter 121, My Husband, My Wife
Book III-Chapter 122, Newlywed...Year of Wonder
Book III-Chapter 123, Little Swimmers
Book III-Chapter 124, Finally Family

Book II-Chapter 11, Residual Feelings-Denise's POV

185 18 7
By yourfuturegirl11

Residual Feelings

Denise's POV

Denise's mother had heard what sounded like crying. She thought to herself that one of the students must have hit a wall in the training. But she heard no other sounds other than the crying itself. As a matter of fact it was so quiet that she thought perhaps the students were gone. She walked to the front of the house to the classroom area and going in saw Denise crying with her head on her desk. She went in and said gently to her daughter putting her hand on her shoulder, "Denise what's wrong", ? Denise's response was "nothing". "Denise" her mother said? Oh...ok. I saw Prince at the Communal Gathering Place when the class and I went there for lunch. I knew, I would run into him and Bella eventually again even though Mary has not had me start any training yet with Bella. I just didn't know it would upset me like it did. "Why Denise; what did he say"? "He didn't say anything. He did not see me", Denise said. "Then why are you crying Denise", her mother asked honestly confused. "Mom, he looked so happy. I can never recall seeing Prince look so happy and content with a woman. He held her hand when they walked in and he got up and went around the table to sit next to her rather than across from her and held her hand again while they selected their food. He rarely took his eyes off of her and he never stopped smiling. He was never like that with me." "Denise are you saying that you are upset with Prince because he is happy with Bella"? "Well yes. It is not fair". "What" her mother responded? "I want him to be like that with me", Denise said. "Denise, her mother counseled, you need to leave this alone. This is not some little girl on earth that you are competing with for a boyfriend. This is an Eternal Companion made by the Creator himself specifically for Prince. You do not want to try to insert your self into the middle of that. Prince loved me once Mom, and I think I can make him love me again. Denise! Listen to yourself. You have made a vow of Eternal Celibacy for good reason. Further, if Prince loved you he had a strange way of showing it. He was never faithful to you or any other woman he was with on earth that we know of. Have you thought about why that is? You were not there Mom, he did love me. He was just young and chasing a bunch of other women. We would have been okay if it were not for that. Denise, you need to get a grip on yourself. He wasn't just young he was looking for the woman that he is with now, the one that was made for him. You could get yourself into serious trouble...the quality and nature of your own Eternal Life could be effected. Think about that Denise". Denise got a look on her face that her mother had seen a million times since she was a young girl. It said she was done listening and was going to do what she wanted to do. Her mother turned around and walked toward the kitchen. There was something wrong with the way that Denise was thinking but she clearly was not willing to let her mother help her gain any clarity. On her way into the kitchen she said out loud "Lord, please forgive my child. Help her and do not condemn or abandon her please sweet Jesus". She entered the kitchen , sat down at the table and began to pray earnestly for her daughter.

Bella knocked on Mary's door and was invited in and offered a cup of tea from the tea service on the coffee table. It smelled divine and was a Peppermint variety. Tasting it she noticed she did not need to add anything to it. She asked Mary the name of the tea and was told it was called Paradise Peppermint. Mary asked her about her day, specifically how her first Walk with Jesus had gone. Bella said it was wonderful and that they had spoken of many things. Jesus had been kind and given her some directions. She was still processing all that they had discussed but she was certain that the time they would be spending together would be most helpful. She told Mary that the plans for the new musical Suite were moving ahead quickly and although she would be really busy she was looking forward to being a part of it and making a contribution. Mary then asked if she was ready to do some role play. Bella said "yes".

Okay Mary said. I want you to picture yourself sitting on the sofa at your home and kissing Prince. He begins to kiss you more aggressively and allows his hands to begin to wander placing them on your breast and starts caressing it. What will you do or say? I would break off the kiss and say 'Prince, please stop'. Now what would you do or say if he didn't stop. Bella thought about it and said, 'I would gently take his hand off of my breast and say Prince I asked you to stop'. And if he still didn't and became more aggressive. Again she thought about the scenario in her mind and said, I would stand up and tell him 'Prince, I love you, but you are making me uncomfortable and I am going to have to suggest you leave and cool down. We can talk tomorrow'. I would then walk to the door and open it. "That is exactly right Bella" Mary said. Do not remain in his presence if he is not honoring your requests of this nature. That is like rewarding him for bad behavior and can be very confusing for a man. Great work! I will have some more practice scenarios for you tomorrow. Bella do I sense that you have something else you want to talk to me about? "Yes",Bella said. She then told Mary how she had observed Denise furtively watching Prince again today. This time at the Communal Gathering Place. Mary asked her what happened. Bella said they had gone their for lunch to celebrate and discuss the successful meeting with the Angels today. Whitney and Bobbi Kristina and stopped by their table on the way out to say Hi. Prince had stood and introduced them to Bella. She said that is when she became aware of Denise watching covertly. Mary knew this was going to have to be addressed before it got our of hand. She told Bella, "as we have discussed, do not invest your energy into this. You have Prince's love and although there is not a guarantee that he will not error, it would cause him a great deal of pain if he broke his eternal companionship role with you. It is not uncommon for eternal companions to avoid inappropriate pursuit very aggressively because they fear the pain of loss of their companions so deeply. Did you know that a piece of Prince's soul was woven into yours at the time of your creation to help you to understand him"? "No I did not know that", said Bella. "You are just beginning to become aware of your power as an eternal companion. Just stay focused on doing what you should and all will come to be as it should. What are you doing this evening". "We will have dinner and then go to Worship". "Well enjoy each other and I will see you at worship".

Bella entered the cottage and smelled the lovely bouquet of her Marinara sauce coming from the kitchen. Prince was wearing her apron and had heated up the food. The distinctive 'ding' of the oven timer went off and he said the bread is ready. She walked over to him and gave his a kiss on his cheek. He smiled and said "I will collect my real one later. Dinner is served Madame" Prince said. She thanked him for attending to their meal. They sat down at the table and ate. He was very excited about the announcements they were making tonight, and after dinner, while Bella cleaned up the kitchen, he reviewed his notes. She came into the living room and sat next to him on the sofa. He put his arm around her and said, "I love you pretty girl". She did not say anything, just nuzzled his cheek with her nose. They talked for a little while with Prince asking about her Walk with Jesus and she shared how helpful she thought the Walks would be. He asked about her meeting with Mary too and she said it had been a good and interesting meeting. He realized how much she had done today 3 meetings and still had Worship to go. Not one complaint...what a trooper he thought not bothering to mask his thoughts. She smiled as he said "thank you Bella". She touched up her makeup and brushed her hair and he took her hand and they were off to Worship. When they arrived, they saw Amiir sitting at one of the tables with Samuel. They were talking and laughing. Prince and Bella joined them. "Hi Dad; hi Bella", Amiir said. He gave Bella a Holy Kiss. "Hey you" she said smiling. "Hi Samuel", Bella said. "I just want to say you have an amazing voice and you are doing a wonderful job". He glowed and shyly said "thank you". Prince said we will basically do the same rendition as last night unless the Holy Spirit or the Universe change it up again. He then asked, "why are you guys sitting out here anyway",? Amiir said, "you'll see when you go in". "Well let's go in then", Prince said. They entered the Temple and saw that there were about double the number of souls that they were used to seeing. Bella made a mental note to ask Prince about that later. The Choir was in place as were the Angels. Prince stepped to the director's podium and gave the signal for the music to start. Samuel's clear and gorgeous voice started to soar over the congregants. The Angels came in with their harmony and Prince invited Bella and Amiir up to the mike to sing their harmonic parts. He signaled the Choir to stop singing and now it was just the music and the ensemble and the Angels singing. He directed the music to stop and all one could hear was the amazing harmony of the Angels and the ensemble. He brought the Choir back in and all voices were still singing acapella he then brought the music back in and as the previous night took them to an incredible crescendo allowing that to soar for two additional bars. Finally he brought the music back down to a whisper and directed the Angels once again to do their echo effect and brought Worship to a close. There was stunned silence and then pandemonium as clapping and shouts of God be praised and Hallelujah erupted inside the Temple. Jesus and the Creator appeared almost transparent the light was so soft and bright. Tears were falling from almost every face as well.

Prince stepped to the mike and the Temple became almost totally silent. He invited Michael and Sandalphon to the microphone. Once they had joined him, he announced that a new musical Suite called Future Soul Song was being worked on and the Center Piece of the Suite was called Creation Song and would be sung only by the Angels. At that point he turned the microphone over to Michael who announced that Creation Song would be sung in the Ancient Angelic language. Applause erupted from the Angels and the Congregants alike. Sandalphon shared the rehearsal schedule for the Angels and the general Choir and stressed this was to begin on the coming Tuesday. Then Prince said that an additional feature was being added to worship which was Holy Interpretive Dance. He invited Bella up to the microphone, introduced her as his eternal companion and the choreographer for Future Soul Song. Bella shared that auditions would be held next Wednesday and that they would be selecting 5-6 dancers for this particular Suite due to the tight rehearsal schedule. She also said that they fully expected that number to grow in a short period of time. Applause broke out and Prince thanked Michael and Sandalphon for their help, the Host of Angels for their willing participation and the Congregants for staying and listening and said he would see them all at Worship tomorrow. Amiir, Bella, and Prince then were on Bella's porch with a thought. As they entered the house, Amiir said I am so proud of you Dad. That was great and he fist bumped his father. Bella said both service and his handling of the announcements was as close to perfection as she could imagine and gave him a big kiss on the lips. Prince thanked them both and emotionally told them how their being with him, as his family made everything so much easier. He had happy tears in his eyes and both Bella and Amiir put their arms around him. Amiir offered a prayer of thanksgiving for things going so well to the Creator, Bella added a request for guidance as to how to best support, encourage and help him as things began to move at the frantic pace that they had to and as he developed the anticipated over stimulation that they knew that they would see soon. Prince offered a prayer of thanks for his family, for their love and trust and for them caring as much for him as they did. Amiir did something very unusual. He kissed Prince on the cheek and said "I love you Dad. I will see you later". Bella saw the happy tears in his eyes as he left and noticed his skin was glowing. Bella and Prince sat on the couch and he literally broke down in tears but as he did his skin glowed. She asked him" Baby what is wrong". He looked at her and said" nothing...absolutely nothing. I am totally happy with God, and you and my son". Bella was glowing too. He buried his head in her chest and she held him for a long time. After awhile he kissed Bella passionately but caught himself and said "I am really stimulated Bella and I think I better go. I love you more than my own soul". He stood up held her close and she could feel the hardness of his member and knew what an effort he was making. "I love you too my sweet Prince", she said. "Good night Bella", he said and he was gone.

Prince showered put on his lotion and pajamas. He was bone tired, but decided if he didn't sleep he didn't. He turned on his recorder with the light jazz loaded and turned the sound down really low. He pulled out this Bible and began to read Ps 150:1-6 with the intent of memorizing it. This was his 3rd restless night. At 1:45 AM, his Bible fell off of his lap into the bed and he was asleep.

Bella showered, moisturized her body and put on a pair of pajamas. She then kneeled and prayed to the Creator that he would help her beautiful Prince to rest tonight. She knew he was exhausted. She pumped up her pillows, climbed into the bed and fell asleep.

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