After Him

By BTSexyStory

20.5K 2.1K 515

BTS, EXO, Redvelvet fan Fiction The worst part about loving is that there is no assurance you will receive it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 24

327 28 3
By BTSexyStory


"Hmm." He answered, his gazed still focused on the road.

I twist my lips contemplating if I should say it.

Remembering my message with my mom, I just don't know what I'll do. Why is life so frustrating.

"What is it?" Kai ask and just knowing my mom isn't in a good mood, especially with our message back in the hotel, I just didn't know if what I'll ask him would put him in a good situation.

Joy: Mom, should I come.

Messaging that was dumb but it was the only thing I wanted to ask.

Mom: Are you okay.

Once I saw her, I immediately replied back, hoping this conversation would go well.

Joy: yeah.

Mom: have you broken up with your boyfriend?

I sigh from frustration, once I saw her reply. Its not going the way I want!

Joy: Mom! He isn't a bad guy!

Mom: I don't care. Break up with him then come home.

Even though I didn't want to say it, I wanted to trigger her to make me come home.

Joy: Then I'll just live with him if you don't want me to come home.

I smack my head for actually saying something like that.

Mom: Joy! Don't play with me! You better don't live with a boy! Where did you sleep last night!

Joy: his apartment. Where do you want me to stay? The street?

Mom: Yes! Sleep on the street! At least I'd feel more at ease! Who knows what you guys must have done at his place and how old is this guy!? Don't tell me you're with a 30+ guy or something.

Joy: I could get rape on the street by guys I don't know! At least I know him and he isn't like that. He's 18. I don't date old guys,wth😑

Mom: Was he's parents home?

Joy: He lives alone.

Mom: where is his parent. Weren't they in their home.

Joy: I don't know! He has his own place.

Mom: So no adult was at home! He's 18? And he has his own apartment? Joy you better not be lying to me.

Joy: I'm serious!

Mom: if you are not careful, you'll end up like your sister!

She always compared me to Sunmi for being dumb, but which sister was she comparing me to for dating.

Joy: Who?

Mom: You sister Sunmi, she's pregnant!

My eyes widen at her message. It then hit me, with all the symptoms Sunmi was showing, it never came to mind that she was pregnant. She never dates. Like never.

Joy: Who's the father?

Mom: We don't know. She won't tell, So joy! Just please, don't date! Okay! Get a job, be stable, then find the right guy.

Was she actually thinking I'm getting myself pregnant? With.. Kai!? What the heck!

Joy: Mom! I'm not getting myself pregnant! Sunmi is 24 so of course! She can date! And she's old enough to have a kid anyway😑

Mom: Are you listening to yourself! There's no father! Okay! The dad of the kid probably ran away or something!

Joy: I'm not going to get pregnant. Mime is just a safe date.

Mom: why are you so hardheaded!

Joy: 😑

Mom: okay I'll let you guys date on one condition.

Her reply seemed unreal, yet I was hoping for this conversation to end with a simple "okay."

Joy: for real? What condition.

Mom: let me meet him.! Hell no!

Joy: Mom.. MOM!!!! I don't want!

Mom: If I ever find you! I'll slap you straight on the brain! You better listen to me! BRING HIM HOME!. Or I better not see you on the street! School! Bus! Store! Mall! We better not cross road! Or I swear😤😤


Smacking my head on the car window, I just don't know what to say to Kai.

"Kai." I call out again.


"Do you want to break up. I mean like announce our breakup... To everyone." I say and he looks at me.

"I don't want to."

"Why!" I complained. "Look, I'm getting in trouble for dating you!"

"What about our deal." He says and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Who knows, maybe even if we break up, Rose would still stay close to you." I try to explain to him but the way he was gripping the steering wheel, proved he wasn't happy with my explanation.

"She won't." He grumbles. "You can't back off from our agreement. I get that you don't want to stay beside me cause I annoy you, but at least just letting people think we are dating won't kill you." He argued, His gaze still on the road.

"My mom will! Okay! My mom will kill me. She knows I'm dating! And she's furious and exaggerating! She'll only let me date you, if she meets you! And she's crazy!" I argued back and the car became silent.

His grip on the steering wheel relaxed a bit.

He'll probably just break up than meet my mom. It's not like we are even dating.

"Then I'll meet her."


His word then registered to me.

"Wait! What!" I widen my eyes at him and he turns to look at me.

"I said I'll meet her." He says and I release a sarcastic laugh.

"I told you she's crazy! C-R-A-Z-Y! Are you deaf!" I bark at him.

"I heard." He says and I roughen my hair in frustration.

"Kai! Lets just break up. So what if Rose ignores you, uh!" I argued, and he looks back at the road.

"I don't want to." He grumbled.

"Are you that obsessed with her." I grumbled back, looking away from him.

Annoyance taking over my expression. Once he gets Rose, we'll break up, then what? My mom won't trust me with guys anymore.

I'm the only one at risk in this..

We both went silent again, no one talking as we just watch the road.

"I don't want to go home yet." I mutter once I see our school coming into view.

Though Kai didn't say anything.

Sighing I watch our school building slowly pass us, the building was slowly being covered in snow, it looked empty since everyone was obviously in that boring class at the moment.

Blowing my breath on the window, I watch the window frost before I drew a monkey on the window.

Then wrote.

Kai Xx  on the bottom.

"Are you for real." Kai voice startles me and I immediately erase it with my arm then turn to him with a innocent eye.


"I saw that."

"Saw what?" I played dumb.

"You were drawing yourself just a while ago." He says and I nodded since that was obviously what the jerk wants me to say.

"Yes. I was drawing me." I nod, chuckling slightly which makes him smirk.

"Good." He pats my head and I slap his hand away.

Though I thought we were going to my house, he stopped his car in front of the convenient store near my house.

"Let's have a drink first." He turns to me.

"Okay." I say, I bit relieve that we weren't going to my house yet.

After he grabs my stick for me, he gets out of the car.

"Jerk won't even open the door for me." I mutter but then my eyes widen when I see him walking towards my door.

He opens my door "let's go." He says and like the cliche teenager I was, I cheeky grin takes over my face, even with how hard I tried to contain it.

"Why are you smiling?" He ask and I raise a eyebrow at him, immediately hiding my smile.

"What do you mean?" I ask and playing innocent.

He stares at me, then bends his head in confusion. "I'm pretty sure I saw you smiling."

"Its because I remembered something. What I drew a while ago." I say and he glares at me, before walking away.

Sighing in relieve, I follow him in the convenient store, my cheeky smile taking over my face again.

He paid for two drinks and we both took our sit in front of the window. Sipping our drinks silently as we watch the quite road.

"This is where our weird agreement started right." I say, turning to him. He looks at me then shakes his eyes.

"It started back in school. When I asked you to agree to it."

"I shouldn't have agreed." I say, dropping my juice and folding my arms as I look at the road.

"Why?" He ask and I shrug.

Then I wouldn't have fall for a jerk like you.

"Nothing." I said.

"Seriously why?" He ask again and I turn to him.

"You know what. Our bad kiss was already a sign that you sucked." I say and he folds his arm.

"Excuse me?"

"You are excused." I raise my chin proudly.

"You mean you sucked and what happened back in school was not a kiss. Who spits in someone's mouth. That's disgusting. You were the one who sucked" He rolls his eyes.

"If you weren't so bad, I wouldn't have spit at you." I tease him and he scoffs out a laugh.

"Do you want to die." He threatens and I stand up, which makes him stand up as well, his stares only on me as he moves forward.

"Wha-what!" I ask him, taking a step back as nervousness starts to take over my feelings.

"What?" He played innocent, a playful smile on his face as he takes a step closer towards me. I was about to take a step back until he says. "Don't take a step back." Which makes me freeze completely, my palm started feeling sweaty and my heart slowly started beating faster.

Lowering himself a bit, he moves closer to me which makes my heart  beat even faster.

"Wha-what are you doing?" I mutter, my voice coming out as a whisper, but he just kept his gaze on me which made me extremely nervous and I just automatically look away, not being able to stare at him.

His hands then grips mine as he says "look at me." The way his voice was just so low, yet tempting, I turn my gaze back at him and slowly he moves closer, our lips a inch away from each others.

The moment his lips landed on Mine, I immediately shut my eyes and he takes in my bottom lips, his arm slowly snaking around my waist.

I was about to kiss back until I heard a door open which makes me open my eyes slowly.

"Shit." I immediately move back, my gaze meeting with my confused sister.

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