Bad Luck or Fate?

By yummyfallon

115K 2.2K 329

Breckyn Jones travels to New York to getaway from her past. Little does she know she's about to find her futu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85. FINAL CHAPTER.
Alt. Chapter

Chapter 34

1.1K 23 0
By yummyfallon

The whole flight home Breckyn didn't really say anything. She just looked out of her window the whole time. I tried to get her to talk to me but when she did she would only answer in short phrases. Finally, with about 30 minutes left in our flight I couldn't stand it anymore. I can only read the Skymall magazine so many times before I can't stand it anymore. "Breckyn? What is wrong? And don't say nothing like I know you are about to. If there was nothing wrong, you would give me more than a second of your time when I try to talk to you. So spit it out or I'll get it out of you. I promise you that."

"Nothing, Jim. It's not a big deal." Breckyn said as she continued to look out the window. I touched her chin with my finger to try to get her to look at me. She took her head away from my hands. "Actually, it IS a big deal, Breckyn. You never call me Jim and you never turn away from me like this. What is wrong?" I asked her one more time.

She turned to look at me finally. "I already told you, Jimmy. I'm just in a weird mood. Just stuck in my own head. I'll be fine once we land." She said curtly. "Are you sure? Are you feeling okay? Did I do something?" I asked one more time. Something was wrong. Even if she refused to tell me, I knew. She looked at me and tried to give me a half smile. "I'm fine.. please, just drop it." She said, putting her hand on mine. That's the first time she's even touched me all day. I guess that's progress. I just cant figure out what is going on in that head of hers.  I decided to let it go for now and gave her a smile. She smiled back and went back to looking out the window until we landed.

As we walked through the terminal, I held Breckyn's hand, rubbing the space between her finger and thumb with my thumb. This always helps her calm down for some reason. She rubbed back and smiled up at me occasionally. I looked up and saw Jake andd John, like Drew promised. Jake ran towards us. "BRECKS!" he yelled as made his way towards us. He picked her up and spun her.  I walked up to John and held out my hand and shook his. "How you doin, John?" I asked as we watched Jake spin Breckyn. "Hey, not too much, she gets sick easily now, Jake!" I said as John laughed. "Jesus, Breck! You've gotten big! How's my nephew?" He said as he put her back down. She immediately shed the worried face she has had all day and let out a big smile. "He is kicking away and moving around like crazy. Just like his Uncle Jakers. Here, watch this." She motioned to walk towards her. I complied. "Show him what the baby does." She said. I bent down and put my mouth to her belly. "Hey, little guy! I hope you're doing okay in there! Uncle Jake says Hi!" As I spoke, Breckyn put Jake and John's hand on her belly. She giggled as Jake pulled his hand back. "Holy cow! He just kicked the hell out of me!" John smiled as he felt Breckyn's belly. "You sure look good, kiddo!" John said as he rubbed her belly. "Thank you Dad! Where's Mom?" Breckyn said looking around. "Oh, she's not here, she stayed at home, Drew said that..." He started. I stood behind Breckyn and waved my arms and shook my head no at him. He cant tell Breckyn that I told Drew to have them meet us here. John looked at me and stopped mid sentence. Breckyn looked at him confused. "....she needed help picking out what to wear when you were here.." He looked over at Breckyn and smiled. "She is so weird. Why would she ask Mom? That sounds like Drew though.' I let out a sigh of relief. Well that was a weird improve line but it seemed to work. Jake looked over at me and gave me a confused look. "Well, lets get out of here and get home, shall we?" I said, picking up Breckyn's and my luggage. Jake grabbed Breckyn by the shoulder and led her off, playing with her belly the whole time. John smiled and went to walk off when I cleared my throat.

"Uh, actually, John, would you be able to stay back with me and help me with these bags?" I asked as I started to walk towards him with the luggage. John stopped and waited for me to catch up. "Sure thing, Jimmy. Breckyn has always packed too much for herself, ever since she was a teenager." He said taking a couple of the rolling bags from me. "Some things never change." He said laughing. I looked up at him. "Actually, these three bags are mine. This one is hers." I added, trying not to laugh. John looked embarrassed. "Oh. Sorry." He said quietly. "It's fine. Some this is baby stuff too, so don't worry. It's not a big deal. I've always been like this though. Pack way too much. I just never know what to bring." I chuckled as John put his hand on my back. "I trust that you've been taking special care of my daughter and my grandson?" he said as we walked several feet behind Jake and Breckyn who were talking away in front of us. I nodded. "Yes, sir. I have." John looked down at me. "I trust you are keeping her happy as well and that you are keeping your promise to me?" He said as I looked into his eyes. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Actually, that's why we're here. I need to talk to you about tell you something, Mr. Jones." John stopped where he stood and lowered his eyes at me.


"Drew, I'm telling you. Jimmy is up to something. It can't be good, either. I mean, what do you think that phone call meant?" I said as we walked around the mall looking for cute maternity clothes for me to wear as I was quickly growing out of the ones I was currently wearing. Drew led me into a cute clothing store and held up a shirt to my belly. "I don't know Brecks. Maybe he is just wanting to surprise you. You said it was your anniversary right? Maybe he just has something special planned for you."

I held up a black shirt to my belly. Too small. "Yeah. It is our anniversary. I don't know though, Drew. He was sneaking around and whispering to someone. He told them that the only reason he told them was because he got caught. I mean that right there sounds suspicious right? But then, he said if I found out it would be horrible. I mean, that sounds bad. Doesn't it?" I grabbed a few shirts and pants and walked towards the dressing room.

"Yeah, I guess that part sounds bad, but what if he was discussing a surprise he has for you? I mean, what if he meant that if you heard it would ruin his plans? I mean, that could be horrible for him if he has worked a long time to try and pull something off for you. I mean, he is one for big, grand gestures, and he does tend to over dramatize some stuff. I mean, its Jimmy. I don't think you have anything to worry about. He loves you and little Thomas!" She said outside of the dressing room as I tried on the outfits. I felt like a fat cow. None of these looked good. I tried on the last shirt and jeans. Not bad I guess. "I guess you're right, but, it just sounded suspicious. What if he finally realized that I'm not good enough for him, Drew? I mean, have I been kidding myself this whole time? What if he is cheating on me? What if he is just sticking around because he got me pregnant?" I said as I walked out in the last outfit.

"There's a lot of what ifs in that speech, Breck. Plus, I don't think Jimmy is that kind of guy. He is the best guy I have ever seen you with. He makes you happier than I have ever seen you before too. You know that Breckyn, and so do I. I would just stop freaking out about this until you have a reason to." She said as she motioned for me to do a spin. I complied. "That's cute for a celeb baby mama. Cuter than half those bitches in the magazines anyways. Hell of a lot cheaper too."

I smiled. I pulled a card out of my purse. "Jimmy gave me his card so we can get clothes for Thomas and me." Drew grabbed that out of my hand. "And something cute for Drew from Coach?" she said as we walked up to the register. "Ha. I don't think so, nice try though." She handed back the card and shrugged. "Can't blame a bitch for trying."

I laughed as we checked out. The cashier told me my total and I handed her Jimmy's card. She looked at the name and then gave me a double take. "Jimmy Fallon? Oh my god! That's where I recognized you! You were on his show the other night? You're pregnant right? Is that his baby?" She pointed at my baby bump. I looked down.

"No, I just ate a really big lunch." I said sarcastically, rubbing my belly. "Yes, I am pregnant, yes it is his. Not that that is any of your business." I said. She swiped the card. "Wish I could trap a man like that." She muttered under her breath. Drew scoffed.

"Excuse me?" I said. The cashier snapped her head up. "What did you just say to me?" I said. The cashier just looked at me shocked. "Oh well, I just.. I mean, it was a one night stand right? I mean, I would assume that is why he is with someone like you." She said looking me up and down, handing me back the card.

I threw my finger in her face. "Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I yelled at her as I reached over the counter and grabbed a handful of her hair. Drew threw her hands around me and started pulling me and the bags out of the store. "Alright, Brecks. Let's go! Time to go!" She drug me out of the store as I fought against her to try to get to the girl behind the counter. "YOU'RE LUCKY! I SHOULD COME ACROSS THAT COUNTER AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" I yelled as a security guard came up and Drew sat me on a bench a few feet down from the store. I walked back in the store. "AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION IT WASN'T A ONE NIGHT STAND WE ARE TOGETHER YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH! "Breckyn, you need to calm down. You're pregnant. Remember that before you start scrapping with girls half your age in a maternity clothes store. You're gonna get thrown in the mall jail."

I sat down and caught my breath. "Well, did you hear what she said? Stupid fucking bitch. I could have taken her, pregnant or not. Plus, it wouldn't be the first time I went to mall jail." Drew knelt down in front of me and laughed. "No, it wouldn't be. But, its not worth it. I promise you that." She said as she checked my pulse. "You need to calm down, though, your pulse is pretty fast."

I took a deep breath. "What if she is right Drew? What if I trapped him? What if that's the only reason why he's with me?" I started crying. "What if him making me happy is not enough? What if I don't make him happy? What if he brought me back here just to leave me?"

Drew looked me in the eyes and wiped my tears. "Honey, I don't think Jimmy is like that. I really don't. Like I said before, there are a lot of ifs in that sentence, but for right now. Just calm down and let it go. Let's get you home, before you kill that little girl." I let out a little laugh as we walked towards the door to the parking lot.


I had just finished my talk with John as I hear the girls pull into the driveway. John looked me in the eyes and stood up. He clapped my back. "Jimmy, I respect you. All I can tell you is, do what you got to do, son. That's all you can do. You have to do what your heart is telling you to do. That's the only thing a man has to fall back on at the end of the day. Listening to what his heart is telling him." He stood there for a second and sighed as he walked out of the room.

I stood up and wiped the tears from my eyes and stuck my hands in my pockets. I looked out the window as Breckyn got out of the car with a handful of bags. I took in a deep breath and let out a long sigh. I watched the girls disappear under the window pane. I let out another long breathe and walked down the steps. I checked my face in the bathroom mirror. It was important that Breckyn didn't suspect anything. At least for right now. I rubbed my face and cleared my throat. I heard Breckyn walk up the stairs and close the bedroom door. I walked out and looked up the stairs. Drew came around the corner.

"Hey Jimmy. We need to talk." She said as she rounded the corner. I looked back down from my glance at the stairs. "I was going up to talk to Breckyn, actually, Drew. I really need to talk to her." I said as I went to walk up the stairs. "NO. WE NEED TO TALK." She said grabbing me by the arm and pulled me out the backdoor. "Ouch, Drew, you are hurting me! Let go of my arm!" I said as she threw me towards the car. "In the car." She said pointing to the passenger side of the car. I gave her a look. "Now. Fallon. I'm not fucking around." She said as she went to her side of the car. "For real, Drew? You can't talk to me like that." She gave me a glare. "I can and I will. Now get your scrawny little ass in the fucking car, Jimmy. Now!" She said opening her door and slamming it shut when she got in. I stood there for a second in disbelief. Drew opened the passenger door and pulled me in by my sweater and closed the door, locking me in. She started the car and tore out of the driveway.

"You have this car ride to explain to me what in the FUCK you are exactly doing with my best friend, Fallon. I'm not fucking around her. No games. You tell me the truth, or so help me God, I will take you some place that I promise you no one will find you." She said as we tore down the road at excessive speeds.

"Drew, this is funny. You're scaring the shit out of me." I said as she blew through the first stop sign. "Calm down." Drew turned a corner, throwing me into the side of the car. "Oh I am calm, and if you want to see your son born, I would suggest putting a seatbelt on." She said as she grabbed the seat belt and clicked it for me.

"What is going on, Drew?" I asked. "You tell me, Jimmy. You tell me." She said as she turned down a familiar road. "I have no idea what you are talking about, Drew, honest."

Drew turned down the lake road and pulled into the parking lot and shut off the car. "Why is my best friend telling me that you have been on the phone with people all the time, whispering about getting caught, and not telling Breckyn anything or it would be horrible. Why is my best friend crying in front of me, thinking that she is not good enough for you. Why does my PREGNANT best friend second guessing everything she has done with you up to this point? And you better fucking tell me why the girl I love most in this world thinks that you are going to leave her after she has your baby?And why the FUCK is my best friend getting into fights at malls with skinny little bitches who think that she TRAPPED you in this relationship?" She said as she threw open her door and walked to my side, grabbing me out of the car and throwing me against the car.

"SHE WHAT?!"  I said as I rubbed my back where the door handle hit me. "We were buying fucking maternity clothes and the stupid cashier bitch recognized her from your fucking show and started talking shit. Asking if the baby was yours.. if it was from a one night stand.. saying she wished she trapped a man like she did.. blah blah blah." She waved it off. "Whoa, hey, don't wave me off? Is Breckyn okay? Did she get hurt?" I said putting my hands on Drews arms. "Yeah, she's fine. She gave that bitch what she needed. Got a handful of hair before I pulled her out of there."

"You're taking me to this store. Right now!" I said as I threw open my car door. I got in the car. Drew opened the door. "NO! You ARE NOT ignoring this conversation. You are going to tell me what is happening, Fallon! I mean it!" I looked at her. "Get in the fucking car, Drew. I will explain it on the way. Take me to the damn store. Now!" I said. Drew looked satisfied with that answer and walked over to the car and got in. She started out of the parking lot and back out to the road. "Explain yourself. Or I'll stop the car right now." She said, her voice shaking with anger. I looked at her.

"Drew, I don't know why Breckyn feels like she isn't good enough for me, but I promise you, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Her, Winnie, and Thomas. They are all the best things that have ever happened to me. I don't deserve someone as great and as beautiful and as smart as she is." I said softly.

"Damn right, you don't." Drew said as she kept her eyes on the road. "Really?" I said. She waved me off. "Whatever, continue." She said. "But she is right about me being on the phone all the time being secretive. That's what I came here to talk to you about. I told Higgins something because he did catch me. And it would be horrible if Breckyn knew about it right now. But that's a very long story. A story I don't have the time to explain right now. I came here to talk to you and to her dad for this very reason. So she wouldn't do this type of shit. Who gets into a fight when they are 5 months pregnant?  I mean, what the hell Breckyn?" I said as she pulled into the mall parking lot. I got out of the car and walked into the mall. 

"HEY! We aren't done talking Fallon! You are going to tell me what the hell is happening?" She said as she ran after me. I turned around. "We are done talking about it for right now! Which store is it?" I said to her, pushing up my plaid sleeves to above my shoulders. Drew caught up and grabbed me by the arm. "This one." She said pointing in. 

I walked in quickly, with purpose. There was a very pregnant woman standing near the door when I walked in. She dropped the clothes in her hand and gasped. "Oh my gosh!" I heard her say. I gave a quick smiled and waved. "Hello." I said as I walked by quickly and up to the counter. There were two young girls standing at the counter. Drew was walking in behind me and stopped to watch. "Hello, excuse me? Is your manager here?" I said as the girls looked up. They looked to be around 20s or so. One looked up and dropped the clothes she was refolding. "Oh my god... you're..." she began. "Yes, yes, yes... I know. There's no time. Can I just talk to your manager please?" I smiled as the other one looked at the girl. "Ooh.. you're in trouble now Cassie..." She said as she walked off to get the manager. The other girl turned bright red and turned her back to me.

Soon a man around my age came out. "Hello, How may I help you Mr. Fallon?" He held out his hand and I shook it. "Well, actually, my girlfriend was just in here buying herself some clothes because she no longer fits in her normal clothes because, well, she's pregnant with our child. Anyways, what was supposed to be a pleasant shopping trip for her and her friend turned into a nightmare when she went to pay for the clothing. Apparently when my girlfriend went to pay with my credit card, there was an issue with one of the cashiers. The cashier looked at my name on the card and then proceeded to ask my girlfriend all sorts of inappropriate questions that did not regard anything to do with the purchase and was quite frankly none of her damn business. As I understand it, my girlfriend tried to be civil and that's when the cashier accused her of TRAPPING me in a relationship. I was just wondering how you were going to handle this situation?" I said loudly enough, because it was clear that this Cassie chick was the girl who Breckyn had the fight with. She turned her face towards me, her ears red hot.

"I am aware of the confrontation you are talking about. I assure you, it has been handled. I would just like to state, however, that your girlfriend did reach across the counter and accost my employee without my employee laying a hand on her. While I don't agree with what she said, I cannot condone that type of behavior from customers in my store." He said.

I looked the man in the eyes and then looked at Cassie. "I would just like to say this, not that I have to, but what happens in my personal life, is my business. Not anyone else's. But, I know that my fame comes with a cost. I just would like Cassie to know that I was not trapped, nor anything like that. And that she should never reduce herself to saying she wished that she could TRAP a man like me to take advantage of that. Women shouldn't talk like that. I hope that appropriate actions are taken in regards to her employment but I would like to say that I am not happy with how she was treated and that people will know how employees in this establishment treat their customers. I'll tell you that much." I turned to walk out of the store and right before I made it out the door I turned back around and said. "Oh, and Cassie?" She turned to face me. "You're lucky her friend was here instead of me, cause I probably would have let her put you in your place just a little bit longer." Her mouth flew open and I turned and walked out of the door.

Drew walked up behind me as we walked back to the car. "Jimmy there were a lot of people in there. Some people were recording everything." She said as I got in on my side of the car. She got in on her side. "I don't care. I didn't do anything wrong. She deserved it. Now take me back to Breckyn so I can make sure she's okay." My face was bright red, I could feel the heat on my face.

Drew turned the car on and started driving. "You still need to explain to me everything. I'm not letting you off the hook. What did Higgins catch you doing? Why does Breckyn think you are cheating? Are you going to leave her? Why did you have to talk to John and I?

I sighed. "This is not how I wanted to have this conversation. But fine. The truth is, I don't know how she caught me this morning but I was talking to Higgins. And I do need to talk to you. But, Drew. Breckyn means everything to me. Thomas does too. I would do anything for them. I am NOT cheating on Breckyn. I would never do that to her. I promise you. Just the thought of that alone kills me. I couldn't do that to her. Breckyn is my life. I love her more than you or anyone else could ever know. I am not going to leave her, I don't know where she got that thought, but I assure you, I wont hurt Breckyn. And I had to talk to John because I made him a promise a while back. That's why I had to come here."

"Ok, Jimmy. I believe that you care about her, but this still doesn't make any sense. Why are you being so secretive? Why are you sneaking around? What was the promise and what do I have to do with all of this?" Drew said as she turned back towards Breckyn's house.

"I am being secretive because I made a promise to John. A promise I fulfilled today when I sat him down and talked to him. I am sneaking around because Breckyn watches my every move like a hawk so I have to sneak around. And you have a big role in this because after talking to John and asking him, I need to know what you think about this because you are the only other person that needs to give me their blessing." I sighed and put my hand in front of Drew's face. She screamed and hit the brakes in front of Breckyn's house, making me hit my head against the dashboard.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" Drew yelled as I leaned back and screamed "OW! WHAT THE FUCK!" I grabbed my head and pulled my hand back.

"Great! I'm bleeding! You're crazy you know that?!" I got out of the car and looked on the floorboard. "Get out and help me find it! That was a family heirloom!" I said as I got on my hands and knees and searched on the floorboard.

"Well, you scared the shit out of me Jimmy!" she was looking on her side and under the seat.

"I shouldve known you'd flip out! You always do!" I yelled at her as I looked under my seat. "Nevermind, I got it!" I said as I turned on the flashlight on my iPhone. I pulled it out from under the seat and held it up. "Thank God. I would've been dead if I lost this."

I got up from the ground and walked around the car to Drew. I wiped the blood of my face as Drew stood up to look at me. She put pressure on my head. "What do you think" I said as she looked at my wound.

"I think you need stitches. I'm sorry!" she said as she got gauze out of her car and put it on my head.

"Not that. What do you think of this?" I said as I winced from the pain, "Ahhh"

I pulled my hand out of my pocket and held it up. I held it on my pinky as Drew's eyes filled with tears and rainbow facets showered her face as the sunlight hit the diamond just right.

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