Bad Luck or Fate?

By yummyfallon

115K 2.2K 329

Breckyn Jones travels to New York to getaway from her past. Little does she know she's about to find her futu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85. FINAL CHAPTER.
Alt. Chapter

Chapter 25

1.3K 32 0
By yummyfallon

I put my fingers up to my temples on both sides and then brought my hands out in front of me. 

"Wha..." I started. "How... Pre... She's pregnant?! Pregnant. With a baby?" I shook my head. "Yes, Mr. Fallon, pregnant with a baby. We need to do an ultrasound to see how far along she is, but she is most definitely pregnant." The doctors said. 

"That's... that's impossible." I shook my head again. "Breckyn told me she can't have kids. She only has one ovary and her uterus was severed and had to be surgically repaired. How... PREGNANT?!" I rubbed my temples. 

"Mr. Fallon, I assure you she is pregnant. I ran a blood test. Its hospital protocol. The test is 99 percent accurate. She IS pregnant. Now as far as her fertility. It is possible for a woman to conceive while having only one ovary. It is harder to do, but it does happen. And in Breckyn's case, it is very possible that the scar tissue from her surgeries have created a healing method as opposed to a harmful reaction. The scar tissue could be making it a perfect hosting environment for the baby." 

"But, I don't understand, I tried for five years with Nancy and no luck. I always thought I couldn't have children. That's why we had a surrogate. Even that didn't work the first few times. I was always convinced it was my fault." I was getting light headed, I had to sit down. The doctor chuckled. "I assure you, you can have children, and you are pregnant. If you would like, I could send the OBGYN in here to run an ultrasound so you can see the baby and see how far along Breckyn is. We need to see if the baby was harmed from Breckyn's injuries as well." The doctor looked at me. 

I looked over at Breckyn and started to tear up. I smiled as I looked down at her swollen little belly. Breckyn never told me anything about being pregnant or even late on her cycle. I wonder if she knew. I started crying and smiled. "No, actually, I think I want to wait to do it when Breckyn wakes up. We need to experience this together." 

"Fair enough. I will be coming in and checking on her periodically. If she wakes up or you change your mind about the ultrasound, just use your call button on her bed. Oh, and Congratulations, Mr. Fallon." the doctor walked over and held out his hand. I stood up and shook it. "Thank you. For everything," He smiled and walked out of the door.

I stared at the door for a second and then looked over at Breckyn. I couldn't help but look at her belly.  I walked over to her and put my hand on her waist where her scar was. Breckyn was pregnant, with my baby. OUR baby. I immediately had a flashback to the other night when I told Breckyn that Winnie wasn't her daughter and that she didn't have to worry about her. Little did I know, she was right about having a child for us to worry about. I feel an inch tall. Of course, Winnie is like her daughter. Hell, as far as I'm concerned, Breckyn is another mother to Winnie.  Oh my gosh, Winnie was going to be a big sister! I smiled at the thought of that. I leaned down and kissed her waist. "I know you cant hear me in there, but if you can, please be okay and hang on tight in there, okay? Mommy is trying to get better for you. Just please be okay. Daddy loves you already." I kissed her waist over and over again. I was crying but this time, it was happy tears. I cant believe it. I'm going to be a father again, with Breckyn. I couldn't contain my happiness. I moved up to Breckyns face. 

"Hey baby, you know how you are always telling me you arent going anywhere? Well, I really need you to come back to me. We've got a baby, Breckyn. I don't know if you know that. But we do, we're going to be parents together. So just hang in there." I kissed her head.

Just then, John and Karen and Jake came into the room. I lifted my head and smiled up at them. "Well, that's the first time I have seen you smile all night." John said. I smiled at him again. "The doctor came in and said she is doing great for her condition. Her blood work all came back amazing and as long as the swelling continues to go down, then she can have her final surgery tomorrow." I decided not to tell them about the baby, just in case Breckyn didn't know yet. I want her to be the first to know. 

"I'm going to go grab my bag and grab some food and shower. Can you cal me if anything changes with Breck?" I asked. 

"Sure thing, son." John said. I kissed Breckyn on the cheek and said "I'll be back soon my love." I walked out the door and down to the elevator. I went down to the ground floor and outside of the hospital. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Nancy. 

"Hey! Jimmy, how's Breckyn doing?" Nancy asked after she answered the phone. 

"She's hanging in there. She is still unconscious but the doctors said that most of that is from the stress her body is under. Her blood work came back normal and they said as long as her body keeps responding like this then they can do her final surgery tomorrow." I took a deep breath in. 

"That's great, Jimmy. How are you doing? Are you doing okay?" she sounded worried. "I actually couldn't better right now, Nancy. Are you sitting down? Cause there is something I need to tell you." "Yes, I am. What's going on Jimmy? You are scaring me." she was really worried.

"I don't really know how to say this other than this. Winnie is going to be a big sister, Nancy." I couldn't help but smile when I said that. Nancy squealed on the other end of the phone. "Ahh. No. No way! I thought she couldn't have kids, Jimmy?" 

I laughed. "That's what we thought too, but apparently she can. The doctor said she is definitely pregnant. I would know. I asked him about a thousand times if he was sure." Nancy giggled into the phone. "Well that's great news Jimmy. Is the baby healthy? Is it alright?" she asked. "Actually we don't know yet. I told them to wait until Breckyn woke up to do an ultrasound. I don't know if she even knows she is pregnant yet, so I wanted to find out together. Do me a favor, Nance?" 

"Anything, Jimmy." Nancy said "Could you say a little prayer for her and the baby. We could use all the help we can get." I sighed into the phone. "Definitely. I'll let you get back to Breckyn. Stay strong. She's tough, she'll make it through this. Oh, and Jimmy?"  she said. "Yeah, Nance?" I said as I started to pace in front of the hospital. "Congratulations, Daddy. I'm happy for you." I smiled. "Thanks, tell Winnie I love her and miss her." 

I hung up the phone and called Lorne and Higgins and shared the news with them. Everyone offered their congratulations and their prayers for Breckyn and the baby. Lorne told me to take as long as I needed for a hiatus and that they would release a press statement tomorrow morning informing everyone of Breckyn's condition and everything. I told them to keep the baby under wraps for now since we don't know if it is healthy or a viable pregnancy. This is nothing new to them. They kept Winnie under wraps as well. I trust Lorne. He knows what hes doing.

I went back into the hospital and went to walk up to Breckyn's room. Instead, I walked into the hospital chapel. I walked into the empty room. I sat in one of the middle pews and looked up at the crucifix on the wall. "Uh well, I've never really been too good at this. I'm Irish Catholic so basically we just drink our Jesus Wine and wave the bells around. "  I shook my head. "Sorry, I try to be funny when I'm terrified. Its not working. Uh, anyways, I just wanted to thank you for letting Breckyn come into my life. I know you have a plan for everyone, and if she's it for me then I'm ready for that. She's all I really need. You could take everything else from me, but as long as I have her then its worth it. I know I don't deserve her but Breckyn doesn't deserve this. She's a good person and she'll be a great mother if you just let her. Look, I know It must suck how people are always asking for things and never giving anything back and I know that you've saved me many times before, God, but Breckyn saved me a long time ago from myself. There has to be a miracle left for her, please. Please, don't take her me. Don't take our child from her." I leaned forward and let some tears fall. 

The next day I woke up sleeping in the cot that a nurse brought in for me. The nurse woke me up and said that they were taking Breckyn in for her pre-op and then would take her straight in for her surgery but that I would be able to wait in the waiting room until the doctor comes out to get me and her parents. 

Three hours later, I am pacing in the waiting room running my fingers through my hair and muttering under my breath. "How long does it take to repair a lung?" I said. Breckyn's parents were sitting the chairs in front of me watching me pace back and forth. "Jimmy, son, you are going to wear yourself out pacing like that." Karen said. "Well, they said it wouldn't be too long. Its been three hours!" Just then the doctor came through the door. 

"Mr. Fallon? Mr and Mrs. Jones?" he was looking around the waiting room. I ran up to him. "How is she?" I grabbed him by the shoulders. He put his hands up and backed away a little. "Calm down, she's fine. The surgery was a success. We got all the bullet shrapnel out and repaired her lung. She made it through with flying colors. She is in recovery right now. You are welcome to go see her, but please, one at a time." 

I let out a huge sigh of relief and looked back at John and Karen. Karen smiled at me and motioned for me to follow the doctor. "Go ahead, dear, you guys have plenty to catch up on. We can see her later." I ran up and hugged her "Thank you so much." 

I ran through the door after the doctor and he led me to Breckyn's bed side. She looked a lot better. She didn't have that tube in her throat anymore. Her color was returning to her face and she wasn't so swollen or black and blue. Who am I kidding? She looked gorgeous. I smiled at her and touched her face with my hands. I kissed her lips for the first time in a week. 

"She may not wake up for quite sometime, when the body undergoes a shock like this, it takes some time to adjust, but you are welcome to talk to her." I thanked the doctor and sat down next to her bed. She no longer had any tubes sticking out of her side. She was finally breathing on her own and she looked peaceful. 

"Hey beautiful. You made it through like a champ, they said. I knew you could do it. But, I'm gonna need you to wake up. There's somebody you need to meet. Somebody I need to meet. If you can hear me and let me know you are still with me, just move one of your beautiful fingers for me, Breck. Please. I just need you to come back to me." I rubbed her hand with mine and watched it for a second. Nothing.

"That's fine baby, just take your time. I just need you to know that I'm not going anywhere. I'm here, I know I was an idiot the last time you saw me, but I promise I will never act like that again. I don't know how I could be such an idiot but I swear, I will make it up to you if you just wake up for me baby. I was such an idiot." I leaned over and started crying into my hands.

"You're...a...ding..dong." I heard a very raspy and soft voice say. I flung my head up and looked at Breckyn. She had her one good eye open and looking around. She couldn't open the other one because it was swollen. "OH MY GOSH!! BRECK!" I yelled I stood up and grabbed her hand and kissed it. I grabbed her face and kissed it over and over. 

"ouuuch" I heard her say from under me. "I'm so sorry baby. You're awake. Look at you! You're gorgeous!" I kissed her all over. 

"Hiiii" she said softly. I laughed. "Hi baby." I said as my voice broke. 

"Jimmy... I'm sorry for..." she started. "No, don't. I'm sorry, okay. You're right. I was an asshole. I was the biggest asshole to ever asshole in the existence of assholes. I should have been there for you. I should have supported you, but I promise you, we will get through this and if you let me I will spend the rest of my days trying to make this up to you."

"I think I'll be okay with that." Breckyn whispered. I looked up at Breckyn with tears in my eyes. I touched her face with my hand. "There's something I need to tell you Brecks."

"Yeah?" Breckyn said. "Yeah, baby. This is good news. When the doctors were monitoring you, they took a blood test. They came back to give me the results. We're pregnant, Brecks. We're gonna have a baby." I said as I looked into her eyes.

Breckyn looked up at me confused. "What? I'm... pregnant? That's impossible." I laughed at her. "I'm so glad you responded like that, now I don't feel as guilty. I said the same thing. But its true, baby. We're going to have a baby."

Breckyn looked up at me, worried. "Is the baby okay? Have they checked on it? Did you see an ultrasound or anything?" I rubbed her head. "Shhh.. Baby, relax. I told them I wanted to wait for you to wake up so we could do this together. Hang on, I'll get the nurse and see if we can get an ultrasound now." I kissed her on the lips and walked to the nurses station. I explained to the nurses what was happening and they said they would get an OBGYN consult to come to the room immediately. 

Breckyn and I kissed and held hands and watched tv while we waited on the consult. Finally, twenty minutes later, a ultrasound machine came wheeling into the room. "I hear that someone might be pregnant in here. Lets see if we can find a heartbeat shall we?" The nurse wheeled over to Breckyn's side of the bed and got out the wand. He lifted up Breckyn's shirt and put the jelly on her abdomen. Breckyn scooted over and motioned for me to sit in the bed with her. I gingerly sat next to her and cuddled her gently. 

"You understand there are no guarantees in medicine, but as long as we can locate a heartbeat, there is no reason to expect that this baby wont be perfectly healthy." I held Breckyn's hands as the tech slid the wand around for a few seconds. Breckyn hid her face in my shoulder when there was silence in the room. I leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "No matter what, we will do this together Breckyn." I whispered to her.


I lifted my head up and looked on the screen.  Breckyn took her face out of my shoulder and looked at the screen with me It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my life. "Okay, everything looks good. Here it is on the screen. There is your uterus, and right herrrre is your baby." I looked down at Breckyn with tears in my eyes and she looked up at me. "You look to be about ten weeks or so. Everything looks perfect. The heartbeat is great and strong. Congratulations. I'll give you guys a few minutes to be alone."

I hugged Breckyn and she started crying in my chest. "I can't believe we are having a baby. Thank you so much Breckyn. That's our baby. Winnie is going to be a big sister. Thank you Breckyn for giving me a family. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for fighting for yours. Thank you." I kissed her over and over and over again.

"We're going to have a baby, Jimmy." she giggled as tears were streaming down her face.

"Yeah, we are." I bent down and kissed her abdomen. "Oh, EW! Jelly! I said as I wiped off my mouth and then wiped off her belly. I leaned down to kiss it again. "If you can hear me, thank you for being perfect in there. Just hold on tight and don't give your mommy too hard of a time while she's recovering. Daddy loves you so much already. I cant wait to meet you." I kissed her waist over and over again.

"Mommy loves you too." Breckyn said as she ran her hands through my hair. She picked up my head and brought it to her mouth. "Thank you for giving me a family, Jimmy." I looked at her and we both cried happy tears.

" I don't know what I would do without you, I love you Breckyn." that was the first time I had ever told her I loved her. I couldn't mean it anymore than I did right at this moment. Breckyn just held my face in her hands and softly kissed my lips.

"I love you too, Jimmy."

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