Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

261K 7.5K 1.5K

You're still on the hunt for the yellow-eyed demon even though John is now gone from your lives. While on the... More

In My Time of Dying- Part 1
In My Time of Dying- Part 2
In My Time of Dying- Part 3
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 1
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 2
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 3
Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 4
Bloodlust- Part 1
Bloodlust- Part 2
Bloodlust- Part 3
Bloodlust- Part 4
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 1
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 2
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 3
Simon Said- Part 1
Simon Said- Part 2
Simon Said- Part 3
Simon Said- Part 4
Simon Said- Part 5
No Exit- Part 1
No Exit- Part 2
No Exit- Part 3
No Exit- Part 4
No Exit- Part 5
The Usual Suspects- Part 1
The Usual Suspects- Part 2
The Usual Suspects- Part 3
Crossroad Blues- Part 1
Crossroad Blues- Part 2
Crossroad Blues- Part 3
Crossroad Blues- Part 4
Croatoan- Part 1
Croatoan- Part 2
Croatoan- Part 4
Croatoan- Part 5
Hunted-Part 1
Hunted- Part 2
Hunted- Part 3
Hunted- Part 4
Hunted- Part 5
Playthings- Part 1
Playthings- Part 2
Playthings- Part 3
Playthings- Part 4
Playthings- Part 5
Playthings- Part 6
Nightshifter- Part 1
Nightshifter- Part 2
Nightshifter- Part 3
Houses of the Holy- Part 1
Houses of the Holy- Part 2
Houses of the Holy- Part 3
Houses of the Holy- Part 4
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 1
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 2
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 3
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 4
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 5
Born Under a Bad Sign- Part 6
Tall Tales- Part 1
Tall Tales- Part 2
Tall Tales- Part 3
Tall Tales- Part 4
Tall Tales- Part 5
Roadkill- Part 1
Roadkill- Part 2
Roadkill- Part 3
Heart- Part 1
Heart- Part 2
Heart- Part 3
Heart- Part 4
Hollywood Babylon- Part 1
Hollywood Babylon- Part 2
Hollywood Babylon- Part 3
Hollywood Babylon- Part 4
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 1
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 2
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 3
Folsom Prison Blues- Part 4
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 1
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 2
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 3
What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 4
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 1
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 2
All Hell Breaks Loose Part One- Part 3
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 1
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 2
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 3
All Hell Breaks Loose Part Two- Part 4
Author's Note

Croatoan- Part 3

2.4K 83 7
By queenofdeansbooty

It was starting; she was already infected and there was nothing you could do about it. Sam immediately took action, advancing to Beverly but she was strong and threw Sam into a glass cabinet. Man, if she can throw a large man like Sam, then you would need a weapon to contain her.

You looked around while she grabbed a scalpel and a fire extinguisher from the wall, advancing to Sam to harm him but you were way ahead of her. You rushed at her and grabbed her wrist to stop her from slicing open anybody and grabbed her other wrist, using it to smash the fire extinguisher against her head, effectively knocking her out.

"Sam!" You ran to Sam and got on your knees, making sure he was okay.

"I'm okay. I guess it takes a while for the infection to spread. We saw her got sliced by her son a few hours ago." Sam groaned, using your hand to get up.

"Then we better be careful on who we let inside the building. For all we know, everyone out there has it." Dr. Lee said, shaken up over what happened. You looked over at Pam who was frozen on the spot.

"Hey, you're okay. I promise you." You said, walking to her. She nodded but didn't say a word.

"We should get her to another room. Somewhere where we can monitor her but contain her." Sam suggested, flexing his muscles because they were a little sore.

"I know a room. Please, can you carry her?" Dr. Lee asked. Sam nodded and did as he was told, following Dr. Lee out of the room.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Pam asked, scared out of her mind.

"Trust me, I know a lot of things about a lot of things but this one... It confuses me the longer we're here." If you didn't know what was going on here and Sam didn't know and Dean didn't know, then you were all screwed. Maybe john might. You would just have to wait until Dean got back with his journal.

Right now, you wished you had phone service so you could call Jo. She had no idea what was happening here and you knew that her, Ellen and even Ash would be able to help. You had no idea where Dean was and hoped he was safe out of this town.

You wished you could call Bobby because even though he hurt you, you still would appreciate his help. Maybe it was time to forgive him and start over. You wanted to do that so badly but you thought over all the years you cried about not having a family.

There were times when you cried at Bobby's house, telling him how you lost your mom and he just watched you, not saying a word. You wanted things to be okay between you two but it just wasn't going to happen. You didn't see it happening between you two for a long while.

Dr. Lee and Sam came back into the room and she immediately went back to the microscope to check things out while Sam sat down.

Pam moved away from you in fear. Not of you, but of the things that were happening.

"What if we all have it? What if we all go crazy?" Pam said, scared out of her mind.

"We don't have it. I believe that you can only get it when you come into contact with an infected person's blood. I don't think you've been parading through town, mixing your blood with others." You said, looking at her.

"I need to get out of here." Pam started crying.

"Pam, you have to stay calm. All we can do right now it wait. If you leave, you don't know what might happen. In here, is safest for all of us." Dr. Lee said, looking at the nurse.

"I can't... I have to go." She ran out of the room with Dr. Lee yelling after her. You sighed and ran out, following her. Sam and Dr. Lee were on your tails.

"Pam, please, you don't want to go out there!" You said.

"No, you don't understand. My boyfriend's out there, I gotta make sure he's okay." Pam said, walking to the front door. You were going to stop her when you heard the beautiful sound of the Impala outside. Thank God, Dean was back.

"Pam, help is here, okay? Please, we're safer inside." You said.

"Sammy! Open up!" You heard Dean say. Sam opened the door and Dean was in with his gun trained on another man who had his gun trained on Dean.

"What the hell happened? Did you get help?" You said, frowning at the sight in front of you.

"The road's blocked. Mark, why don't you go inside? The doctor is there and let me have a word." Dean said to the stranger. Mark stared at him before nodding and leaving his side. You turned to Pam and offered her the same thing. She sighed and left, leaving you, Sam and Dean alone. You walked to Dean, immediately checking for injuries.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" You asked, looking into his eyes.

"No, he didn't. I'm okay." Dean assured you.

"Good." You pecked his cheek and stayed by his side.

"What the hell is going on out there?" Sam asked.

"The hell if I know. It's like people want everyone to stay in this town. Looks like we aren't getting out anytime soon. Do you know what we're dealing with?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, the doctor thinks it's a virus and I think she's right," Sam said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I guess the only way you can get it if it's through blood-to-blood contact. Oh, and it gets better because she found traces of sulfur in the infected blood." You said, looking at Dean.

"So, a demonic virus?"

"Yeah, more like demonic germ warfare. At least it explains why I've been having visions. I've been going through dad's journal and he found something about the Roanoke colony. Dad always had a theory about Croatoan. He thought it was a demon's name, sometimes known as Deva or sometimes Resheph: a demon of plague and pestilence." Sam said, crossing his arms.

"So, after all these years, why here? I mean, why now?" You asked, not being able to fit the pieces together.

"There isn't time to figure it out. We just need to get these people out of here. We need to get out of here. Who knows how far this thing can spread?" Sam said.

"She's one! Quick! In here!" You heard the stranger Dean came in with say. You looked at the brothers and rushed into the room with them.

"What are you talking about?" Dean asked as you looked at Mark.

"Oh, yeah, the wife? Yeah, she's infected." You said to Dean.

"We have to take care of this. We can't just leave her in one of these rooms. My neighbors, they were stronger and the longer we wait, the stronger she will get." Mark said. You watched as Dean barely hesitated to pull out his gun and the next thing you knew, he disappeared from your side.

"Dean!" You rushed after in, into the lab where Pam and Dr. Lee was.

"What do you think you're doing with that?" Pam said when she saw the gun in Dean's hands.

"Where's Beverly Tanner?" He asked.

"You're going to kill her?" Dr. Lee asked.

"No, he's not. Dr., is there some kind of cure or treatment?" You asked, trying to be hopeful so you didn't have to kill her.

"How can I when I don't even know what "it" is!" The doctor said, not understanding what was going on. In all fairness, you didn't either.

"I told you," Mark said, entering the room. "It's just a matter of time before she breaks through and kills us all."

"Just leave her in there! You can't shoot her like an animal!" Pam said, looking at Dean like he was crazy. You looked at Dean to see him doing that silent communication thing he does with his brother with their eyes.

"Dean." You said, watching him and Sam go to the door that led to the room where Beverly was. Mark decided to join in on this and drew his gun, walking with the boys. You couldn't believe they were going to do this without even trying to fix her.

Sam opened the door and you could see Beverly huddled in one of the corners, scared out of her wits. Dean and Mark took up defensive stances, holding up their guns. You walked to Sam to try and talk some sense into them but then you got a closer look at them.

You could tell, by one look, that she was crazy. You knew this little act she was putting on. Maybe it wasn't an act but she was definitely infected by what you saw.

"Mark, what are you doing? It's them, Mark, not me! They are the ones who locked me in here! They are the ones who are infected! Please, Mark! You've known me all your life!" You sighed and looked at Mark who seemed to be in almost tears and you knew he wasn't going to be able to do this.

"Are you sure she's one of them?" Dean asked, looking at you and Sam.

"Yeah, she is." You whispered. Mark took a step back, not being able to kill his friend but Dean had no problem stepping forward and shooting the poor woman twice. You jumped at the sudden noise and you buried your face in Sam's chest to block the sight of a woman being shot. You didn't care if you've shot a lot of people; it isn't a pleasant sight to see.

You've been stuck in this damn hospital for a while and it seemed as if you weren't leaving anytime soon. You had the doors and windows covered but that didn't stop you from peering outside. You saw a group of people starting to form, as if they were waiting, all of them were staring at you.

"Creepy, isn't it?" You looked to your right and saw Mark by your side.

"Yeah, it is." You sighed, leaving his side and going to Dean who was leading a gun while Sam checked his blades.

"What are we going to do? We can't stay here forever." You said, looking at Dean.

"We're working on it," Sam said with a sigh. You looked up at Dr. Lee who was working on a computer while Pam was handling blood samples.

"Why are we staying here! Please, let's just go!" Pam said, tired and scared.

"No, we can't, because those things are outside and they are everywhere," Dean said. Pam got a few tears and looked at Dr. Lee who was trying to calm her down.

"Seriously, we need a plan to get out of here. Maybe find a way to get to the Roadhouse. Hell, even Bobby's place is looking good right now." You said.

"Yeah, good point. Night of the Living Dead didn't exactly end pretty." Dean said sarcastically.

"I don't think we have a choice," Mark said, joining in on the conversation. "A lot of folks up here are good with rifles, even with all your gadgets, we're easy targets. So, unless you got come explosives, then we have no shot."

"We could make some," Sam said, looking up at a medical supply cabinet. He reached into it and took a bottle of Potassium Chloride when mixed with other chemicals can make a nice little bomb. Before you could get started, there was a frantic knock on the door of the place and you rushed out with everyone else to see who it was.

"Hey! Let me in, let me in! Please!" A man said.

"It's Duane Tanner!" Mark said, recognizing the voice. Before you or anyone else could do anything, Mark opened the door and Duane stepped through the door with a backpack on. He was limping but you weren't focused on that.

Your whole body froze when you got one look at him like you knew he wasn't human. You didn't know if he was infected or not because you couldn't tell with Beverly, but you knew something wasn't right. Mark shouldn't have let him in.

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