For That Special One (Special...

By theonlyphyn

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"I promise I'll come back..." It was a promise she had vowed not to break, because breaking it would break he... More

For That Special One (Special A Fanfiction)
Chapter 01-Identity
Chapter 02-The Academy
Chapter 03-The New Boy
Chapter 04-I Want To Challenge You Nagisa!
Chapter 05-Confession?!
Chapter 06-Test Or Trip?!
Chapter 07-Your Loss
Chapter 08-Hikari, That Idiot
Chapter 09-A Visit From The Hillocks
Chapter 10-I Can Catch Any Wave But Not His Heart
Chapter 11-Lily Where Are You From?
Chapter 12-Evidence
Chapter 13-The Road Of Honesty And Humiliation
Chapter 14-The Meeting Of The Heirs And Heiresses
~❤~A Special Saint Valentine~❤~
Chapter 15-I'm Back
Chapter 16-Revelation Of Truth
Chapter 17-Caught-Part One
Chapter 17-Caught-Part Two
Chapter 17-Caught-Part Three
Chapter 18-Fighting Over A Holiday Trip
Chapter 19-Forgive Me
Chapter 20-Just A Cup Of Tea
Chapter 21-Summer Plans
Chapter 22-Shocking Summer Holiday
Chapter 23-Hawaii, Land Of Pure Jealousy?
~Chapter 22 In Nagisa's Eyes~
~Chapter 23 In Adam's Eyes~
Chapter 24-Summer Job?!
Chapter 25-Fireworks; Autumn Awaits
Chapter 26-Autumn Tea Festival
Chapter 27-Family Reunion
Chapter 28-Date
Chapter 29-Crush Those Losers
Chapter 30-Sakura's Holiday Treat
Chapter 31-Stories Of The Past
Chapter 32-Nagisa & Ryuu (Final Chapter)
Author's Note

~Chapter 22 & 23 In Kei's Eyes~

329 12 2
By theonlyphyn

BONUS CHAPTER~Chapter 22 & 23 In Kei's Eyes~


Hikari, I think as I stare at a picture of us together in last year's school festival, I will fix how much I screwed up the last time with my mood swings. How I'd get so enraged over how dense she is baffles me. How did I end up angry with my dear, sweet Hikari?

I will fix it this time, make this a trip she'll never forget as we make memories together. Maybe by the end of summer she wouldn't be so dense, and realise my feelings for her. I know I don't express it well, but I don't really want anyone to know, and rat out to Hikari. It won't be a surprise then.

I'm a patient person, I want her to realise my feelings for her and her feelings for me before we really get into our relationship. Though it's hard to keep staying patient, so maybe I'll give her a nudge in the right direction.

Sometimes I do wonder if Hikari is that dense, if she's just testing me? But how clueless she can get sometimes pulls that idea out.

"Kei!" my father calls out to me, pleading look on his face. "Just this once, help me complete, and I promise not to interrupt your summer holidays!"

"I need to pack." I reply coldly, glaring at him. Why can't he just do the work himself? He's already 35! That man just won't grow up, just like his baby face. "And you'll break that promise because you'll still email me work."

My father shrinks back and leaves me be as always. I'm so proud of my glare, I get to do what I want to, but I don't take advantage of that. Maybe not all the time. It did get me out of all those blind dates.

The next day, Akira goes round picking everyone up as I await them at the Todou's private airport. I've hired a larger jet this time, to accommodate the luggages the girls will bring, and the extra ones full of clothes they will bring back.

And I'm oh so kindly giving Ryuu some time off seeing my cousin, while being close.

I mean, wouldn't you feel awkward seeing your cousin laughing along with your friend, and your friend happens to like her? And with my super memory, that image is etched into my brain, and it won't go away.

We board the jet, and I've already briefed the pilot and crew. If anyone speaks a word to them, they'd go back to working for normal jets, instead of high-class private jets.

Here's to eight hours of being in the same row as Hikari, just an aisle apart!

We didn't talk, but she occasionally smiles back at me, and I smile back too. Seeing Hikari so cheerful, so happy, it's rubbing onto me. Until Akira comes and ruin the happy mood.

"Kei!" she screams. "Are you dumb? What are we doing in Hawaii again!"

I shrug, not really wanting to tell her the true reason.

I smile at her and reply, "Well, I picked using a random country generator I found online. And I made myself pick the tenth country I clicked on to go to." I hope that covered it up, since they should believe me and my ways.

And I set Akira on fire. She was fuming mad, and she may or may have not attempted to throw everything she could find and hit me with. From random cups of orange juice she must have stolen to trays that served our meals.

Hikari calms Akira down, and I have no idea how she does it. Maybe she has a charm, that's why. And her charm increases by billions when she's with me, because I feel so attracted to her. Even if she doesn't have a charm, I would still love her for who she is. Because that's my Hikari.

We all get off the plane, and piled up our luggage and sped off. I, for one, want to get my lodgings settled quickly so I can launch into my Hikari-involved plans...

I bet she'll love them all, especially the guy she's going to be with throughout the whole time. The guy by the name of Takishima Kei. And maybe she'd try put all the rivalry behind.

"It's quite hot, isn't it?" Hikari comments once we took every piece of luggage out. All of us are in shades, staring at the villa in front. Being the professional person I am, I ring the doorbell.

Then, a woman opens the door. I assume she's the lady we were talking to. She's in a business suit, and I know she's definitely a professional.

"Hello, Mis-" I began speaking English, just like how I've been scanning all those books on the language.

"Alice Maisy," she smiles, but there's not much meaning to it. It's those kind of professional smiles where they do out of respect. "So you're those Korean teenagers that called for lodging."

Korean? Oh well, some people do find it hard to distinguish Japanese and Korean just by their English voice. I can do that, but not so well. I'm not telling anyone that, not even Hikari, who believes I excel in everything. And I do excel in everything, almost everything. Hikari and Akira look like they're about to pounce. I feel the same, but I choose to stay calm and collected. I cannot and refuse to make this woman think lightly of us. Especially thinking lightly on Hikari's behaviour.

I smile back, "Yes, ma'am. We're the Japanese teenagers that called."

She nods, understanding who we are. She seems unfazed by her mistake, and I believe she is trying to convince herself she didn't make a mistake. I believe she doesn't really interact with Japanese and Koreans enough to tell the difference.

Tadashi steps up the front and examines the house beyond Alice Maisy's shoulder, she glares at him, but the awestruck guy doesn't seem to notice. Well, this is a first for Tadashi, I guess. Then, I went back to glaring at him.

"So this is all free? I still don't believe it when you say that you're not charging us at all!" he says, waving towards the well-decorated house. It had vintage items, homey looking couches that were in beige and light brown, and there's even a vintage fireplace. I realise I'm peeking too, but Alice Maisy simply smirks at us. I don't like that smirk.

"I did?" she raises an eyebrow, the smirk still present on her face. "I will keep to my word and not charge you. This isn't my house anyways. I live in a apartment, not this villa."

She...what! Is she trying to scam us? I can't let Hikari go around with her luggage, homeless for the entire summer! We're supposed to enjoy, not this.

"I'm sorry, what?" Akira asks, holding Tadashi by the ear. At least she's blaming him. Can't let her make my sweet Hikari hate me.

"You don't pay me. You pay my niece, or her friends."

"Oh great," Akira mutters under her breath in Japanese. "We have to deal with some rich snob that's probably going to charge us everyday by the millions."

I can't help but agree, and even if we have rich families and stuff, I'd rather not spend so much on lodging. I'd rather spend more on making Hikari have the best summer ever.

Where's a hotel or motel when we need one? Completely booked.

Alice Maisy leads us into the house, and we're all silent, except the clicking of her heels. I try to help Hikari with one of her bags, but she's refusing my offer. Frowning, I try not to get the "rejection" into my head. Not that I don't have faith in her carrying the baggage, I just want her to be open about other's helping. I want her to rely a little on me, not just do everything like that. I'm no different, but I'm still trying to change.

I can't get angry. This is my chance to make better memories with her. I can't just throw it away like that. Stay calm, calm and happy because Hikari is smiling right next to you.

Alice Maisy just dumps us at the living room and she leaves us with two redheads, who are obviously siblings. I bet their her niece's snobby rich friends, but they're both in wetsuits. Not really a typical sight in a rich person's house. It gives me the impression that the rich kids here aren't really the snobby kind that only do things the high-class way.

The two siblings are talking to themselves, and I find the female redhead strangely familiar.

I've seen her before in Japan, just need to try and figure out where. Was it at the beach? Or maybe I've seen her walking along the streets as I was being driven home?

"Um, excuse me? Do you know which room we can take?" Hikari asks, stretching her arms and stifling a yawn. She didn't sleep much during the flight, and I know because she's been watching the collection of an international fighting championship available on board.

The two siblings scramble up from their seats, and gestured us towards the stairs. We follow behind, and I make sure Hikari's by my side.

"I'll show you around!" the younger one, the female redhead says, smiling at us, while her older brother carries some of Akira and Megumi's heavy bags.

"I'm Poppy Hillocks and this is my brother Theodore."

And I now remember her. She's Nagisa's friend, who flew over to inform her of the death of someone close to her. She came to the greenhouse, and went to the beach that time Akira wanted a picnic there.

I watch as Hikari struggles a little up the stairs and I try to help, even though she's shaking her head. That stubborn girl I love...why can't she just accept my help? Sometimes, she doesn't need to do everything by herself, even with my rivalry with her, I want to help. It doesn't make her weak to accept my help.

"Oh my god." Akira says, placing her shades in her bag. I look up as well, and I see him.

Chitose, Yahiro's younger brother is peeking out of one of the doors, rubbing his eyes and looking at us. What's he doing here? He better not have the strong affection towards Hikari like the last time. I want Hikari to myself.

"It's the Special A! They're coming to babysit me again, aren't they?" Chitose smiles, and I really don't need him to interrupt my plans. In fact, I don't want to see anyone else I know who can potentially affect my plans with Hikari. No matter what, I'm not going to cancel my plans with Hikari.

"Of course they are!" Theodore carries Chitose and leaves, laughing. "Now let's get you something to drink."

Then, it was followed by awkward silence, and the dragging, heaving of bags as we make our way to the top of the stairs and Poppy simply watches us.

I asked for a solo room, and so did Tadashi and Ryuu. Much to my dismay, Akira wanted to share rooms with Hikari and she agrees. How am I supposed to make this memorable for us? How can I secretly make plans and ask her to go out if Akira's there? I need to fall back on my alternative plans.

I drag all my luggage and unpack as fast as I can. I want to discuss our plans before we end up feeling jet-lagged. And also because I want to sit next to Hikari and talk to her.

"Can we go deep-sea diving?" Tadashi asks. Megumi shakes her head, and raises her sketch book. 'No, let's go to the concert!' and Jun nods along as well.

"Shopping!" Akira yells, getting our attention. It's like the only thing she does apart from her tea time obsession.

I do not want to do all those, I've already planned for Hikari and I, but since her eyes are shining with such excitement, I guess I have to go along. For the sake of Hikari, and to spend more time with my fellow classmates.

Hikari's happy, and somehow a genuine smile forces its way to my face. This is our summer holiday, we're supposed to smile, enjoy and be happy all the way. I can't let anything dampen my mood, or Hikari's.

"We can spend days together, and other days doing what we want. We just have to agree on which days we'll go together, and which days we'll split up. Besides, we are staying with two locals, and they can help us." I explain, hoping my plan will start to fall into place. Step 1: Unconsciously Hinting And Planning To Disperse SA For A Few Days.

The rest of the SA nod in agreement, and secretly, under my stony expression, I'm smiling. Whatever plans I have for me and Hikari only are starting to fall into place, and we'll make wonderful memories. Now I'm left with Step 2: Removing Akira Out Of The Picture.

By now, I believe I can read Akira's mind. She's thinking of all the tea she can drink, the various types of fruit tea she might find here, and desserts, as well as pastries. If not, her mind is probably swamped with the amount of designer clothes she might find and how cute Hikari and Megumi would look.

We continue to make plans and I'm feeling really smug. In roughly three or four days is our first "Disperse Day" and I'm planning to take Hikari to the zoo, or maybe for a trek.

I spot two people staring at us from the corner of my eye. And the others soon follow. There's this girl with chocolate brown hair, blue eyes, next to a guy with chestnut brown hair.

And I realise it's Nagisa and a guy.

"Hey, Theo. Hi everyone." she says slowly, her eyes scanning over the whole room. She's in a little shock. I am too. Is this her place? She does have similar hair to Alice Maisy, are they related? Is Nagisa the niece Alice Maisy was talking about?

I narrow my eyes, and she's dumbfounded. Was she expecting us, or did she not know at all?

"Kei, what are you doing here? I thought you guys were going to New York? Akira did mention that in her message." Nagisa looks at me before she turns to Akira. Oh, so she doesn't know.

"Well, since Kei won the challenge, I thought we go wherever Hikari wanted to. And I clearly remember her saying she wanted to go to New York!" Akira points at my lovely Hikari, dragging her into the conversation. "I tried getting information out of Tadashi, but it didn't work! Kei refused to tell any of us except Tadashi."

Well, I had to surprise Miss Rank Two.

Tadashi looks scared. "Kei never told me. And you know how much I hate organised trips! I wouldn't even bother, really." he says quietly, but I hear him. Out of fear, I guess. He loves Akira, but he still fears her wrath.

"So, you mean that scary, well-dressed woman is her aunt?" Hikari exclaims, her hand gestures complicating and it made absolute sense.

"That's not the matter. There's so many places to find lodging, how did you find my villa? And it's not even available for any holiday goers!" Why is Nagisa so enraged over us staying here?

"Theo gave Alice Maisy's mobile to them." Poppy speaks in Japanese all of a sudden, and I'm a little shocked. I didn't know she knew the language.

We all turn to Theodore, and he looks at us weird.

"Besides," I reason. "All the places are booked and full. Anyways, there's so many rooms. I bet you wouldn't mind."

She's considering. She better not kick us out.

"We'll pay you!" Tadashi adds, and he gets attacked by a cushion. Nagisa smiles. Rich snob alert. She better not make Hikari pay. I see how close Chitose is to Nagisa, and I know they're closer than how Ryuu is to him.

Finally, "Disperse Day" has arrived. I already made arrangements to go to the zoo, and Hikari has agreed. Much to my dismay, Akira and Tadashi are bringing Chitose along as well. The twins are going to see the Orchestra.

Oddly, when I asked Ryuu, he didn't want to go. Maybe it's because Nagisa isn't going either. He rarely declines any wildlife related things. In fact, this is his first time declining an offer to see animals. I wonder what changed. He still has his love and passion for animals. He fed a squirrel before having his own breakfast.

Still, I guess he wants to sort out his feelings.

Since my plans have three additional people, I've decided I should disappear into the huge zoo and enjoy with Hikari, leaving them to explore on their own. Akira, Tadashi and Chitose can bond for all I care. Hikari is the only one I want to spend time with today.

Hikari has a cute cap with panda ears sticking out, and a picnic basket. I've prepared food for Hikari, since she made me rice balls and porridge. Those were delicious, and now, my turn to impress her with Rank One cooking skills.

Akira and Tadashi are trailing after us, picnic basket full of desserts, and tea. Chitose just smiles, and I wonder what made him so cheerful to go with us. Hikari may have won his affections, but he is still closer to Nagisa more than anyone else, including Yahiro.

"I wished Nagisa and Ryuu would come with us." Chitose had whined last night, but today, I wonder if Nagisa spoke to him.

Upon our arrival at the zoo, I can see happiness in Hikari's glimmering eyes. I smile too, glad she's starting to enjoy. With my presence, of course.

We take the maps once we enter, and I've got the map memorised late last night once I was done with the work my father sent me.

Time to lose the trio behind. I want fun with Hikari, to make romance and happy memories. I whisper in her ear. "Race you to the Mountain Lions."

The Mountain Lion exhibit was the furthest from the entrance. The zoo was built on a hill, and the Mountain Lion exhibit was high up there, where the altitude made the temperature desirable for the wolves that were situated there as well. Leaving Hikari shocked, I wave and dash off. She follows suit, never backing down from a challenge.

That leaves Akira, Tadashi and Chitose at the entrance. Good luck to them. I don't really care about them already. Now, time to spend some fun time with Hikari.

She took it as a challenge and the zoo became our playing field. It was fun though, and beating her every step of the way. I know all the shortcuts, but I simply refuse to cheat. The great Takishima Kei needs no shortcuts to win. Hikari can take the shortcut while I take the long way, and I will still win.

Hikari knows it, but yet she's willing to go the long way, to make things fair. That's what I love about her. Even if she was at a disadvantage, trying to make sure the picnic basket is okay, she still is game for more. Most of all, she doesn't use her minor disability to get pity points.

I love challenging her, but I love her more. It's so fun to do interesting things, to compete on a fun level with someone dear to your heart. It just makes my feelings for her blossom even more, I don't care if she's dense or not. I hope unconsciously, her subconscious feelings are developing. Emotions of love towards me, like how I feel towards her.

The picnic area overviewing the ocean was surprisingly empty. Just what I wanted. We laid out the picnic spread, and silence envelopes us as we eat. I feel so happy to be with Hikari now, even though no words are being exchanged. I help Hikari with the fruit juice I made, and we laugh as we "clinked" or tried to, with the fancy plastic cup.

"Has today been great?"I ask Hikari, and she smiles back with childlike excitement.

"Of course, Takishima!" she exclaims, her face red, and really cute. "Let's race to the penguins later! I really want to see baby penguins waddle!"

I can't help but smile too. She's having fun, and I will too.

Anything for my sweet and lovely Hikari.

Anything to protect her from getting courted by guys. Because my icy glare tells them all that she's mine. They know better than to mess with me, even if they do tower over me.

When we walked around casually after lunch, I place my hand on her waist and guide her places. Seeing the blush on her cheeks, I smirk. Maybe she does have feelings for me, just hidden.

I held her hand in mine as we went back, and I refused to tell her why. She assumes that no guy would come close to her and ask for her nonexistent phone number, but I need no reason to hold the hand of my sweetheart.

We return a little earlier than expected, and I'm sad that the day has ended so quickly. My hand seeks the warmth of Hikari's, and I even took the longer route back to the villa. As Hikari goes up to her room, I go to the kitchen and unpack. Theodore is making popcorn there.

"Hey, do you want to watch a movie? We're watching Warm Bodies. And you can get all your friends too!" he offers, but I don't think I'd watch a movie now, I want to spend time with Hikari.

"I'm sorry, today's been a long day, and the rest of the SA aren't back yet." I reply, hoping he'll just leave me alone.

"The SA?" Theodore exclaims. "You mean you're part of the Strumabteilung? The Germans are recruiting Japanese now? That's amazing! Oh wait, that was during Nazi Germany. Are they still running around German streets? How did you get in, that's like so cool!"

All I can think of is that Theodore sounds like some obsessed girl.

"SA stands for the Special A Class. Not the Strumabteilung. And we have nothing to do with Nazi Germany." I say coldly, glaring at him as I take the remaining contents from the picnic basket out.

How could he think we were from the Nazi Party's private army?

{published 19/07/2014}


It may not be how you thought Kei would be like, but this is how I think his thoughts would be ;)

I'm so sorry for the long, long time it's taken for me to update, so as an apology gift, I not only added a bit of

Kei's Chapter 23, but I have written Chapter 23. It's a long chapter, and once I edit it, I'll post it!

It won't take that long.

*sobs* second-last bonus chapter...maybe.

Read, Vote, Comment!

theonlyphyn <3

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