A Wuxia Tale: Blade in Traini...

By ginaddict

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Dao is off to train in the military base. His search for his own name and glory starts here. While Hua will f... More

A Weakness in my Blood
A Hellish First Hour
Personal Hell
Special Opponent
The Potential Guard
A Lone Wang
Remain Alive
Second Test
A Sack of Rice
A Start
Most Prized Possession
A Guard's Mettle
Strongest Man
A Sire's Pride
Crown Prince's Guard
An Unexpected Visitor
Strong Love
Troubled Reunion
Rights and Lies
Princess Nadira
Crazy and Dangerous
Mughal Nest
In Laws
On Leave
Danger in the Air
Spilled Secret
Pitiful Human
Legends and Tales
Insufferably Annoying
Former and Current
A Kingdom's Fate
Mission Accomplished
Voice in the Head
Powerful Weakness
Sojourn Outside
Between Twins
Well Wishes
Standing Still
Pathetic Fool
Handpicked Truths
Interesting Character
A Way to Survive
Still Regrets Nothing
Thank You Note

A Demonstration

661 76 14
By ginaddict


I watched with the other officials in the Palace of the Crown Prince as my son did exactly as I told him.

Like a good soldier, Dao did what I ordered him to do. He shows his impressive skills in dagger and steel spikes but kept his knowledge of the sword tightly hidden. His moves with the swords are jerky, impatient and a bit clumsy.

In short, officials sees that my son needs improving in his sword skills.

In archery, Dao did what he usually do, he released the arrows too early, too swiftly. I don't need to order him to botch this one. As always, patience defeated my son. In archery, where patience is all that counts, my son showed just how much patience he has on his body.


But over all, I think Dao impressed the people he needs to impress with his first showing of skill. After this demonstration, he will train with different trainors for two weeks to improve his skills and he will have this kind of showing again by the end of each week. Dao had to show massive improvements and he needs to prove to everyone that he can guard the Crown Prince zealously with his skills and body.

It will be a tough undertaking but no Wang had walked away from his fate. And Dao is a Wang, through and through. He will rise to the challenge and win in the end.

I know my son. Losing is not something he even contemplates. Losing is not on his sight. Losing is not an option.

After the demonstration, Dao stood before his judges.

"You surely know your weapons," General Bam said. "Although most of them you haven't mastered yet."

"I will work hard to improve them, General." Dao, chest still heaving from that sword fight against two skilled soldiers, replied respectfully.

Captain Ching clucked his tongue, "And here I thought he is perfect. Seeing as he is a Wang." The Captain smiled at me. "It's a jest, Master General. Your son is impressive."

"The fact that he didn't die after fighting two swords at the same time, I am impressed already," I said in a bored tone. "But you are right, General Bam. There are rooms for improvement."

"Lots of room, General Wang." General Bam nodded at me. "What can you say, First Minister Tan?" We all turned at the fourth man sitting in that table that witnessed Dao's show of skills.

First Minister Tan is Prince Jin's Uncle and the most powerful man in the Emperor's Council now. He got that position after the Emperor pulled his own father in law away from it.

First Minister Tan will write the report for the Emperor and Empress who also had a tantamount interest in the next guard for the Crown Prince.

"He is your son, General. That fact became an advantage and disadvantage to him," First Minister said. "On one side, we are aware that he got set of skills and they are quite impressive, for sure, like what Captain Ching said. But on the other side, being a Wang, I personally expected more and although Wang Dao is impressive, he doesn't met my expectations. Maybe they were too high and it's my fault or the boy is really lacking, we will know after his two weeks of rigorous training. All in all, I am hopeful for him, generals. He is a promising candidate."

That is a fair judgement for my son. I am happy with that.


"Is there another candidate?" I don't think I like that. I thought my son is the only choice for the job. Handpicked by the Emperor himself.

"We are talking about the Crown Prince here, General Wang." General Bam answered my question. "You cannot expect this to be an easy picking for your son. Of course, there are others too who would love to lay their life for the next Emperor of the land." There are no malice on General Bam's tone but in his words lay hidden meanings.

I frowned. Other candidates, eh. Who? Any relative from other generals and officials in the Palace? Any other sons or nephews by influential politicians? What are they thinking, that I am greedy? My daughter is already marrying a Prince, why is my son entangled in the Imperial Family too? Are they thinking I am too political now? Using my children to gain leverage and power on the next set of Royals that will reign the lands.

I find that thought...truly disgusting.

"I hope the panel in this table are not forgetting the fact that my son and I didn't volunteer him for this job," I said in a clipped tone. "If you have another candidate in mind that will be better than Wang Dao to take the job of guarding the Crown Prince, then by all means, give them the post. I will take my son home where people misses him."

"General Wang," everyone there gave me uncomfortable stares. The fuck I care for their comfort. I will not be insulted like this. I will not let my son be insulted like this. We don't want this post for Dao. Dayu is annoyed at me right now because of our son's stay here. And what? They will insinuate that this is a ploy to further sink my claws to the Imperial Family. I am getting angrier and angrier with the thought.

I look at my son who discreetly nodded at me. I relaxed my body. Dao bowed to us, "I don't mind competitions, Sirs." He said before pulling all his nerves to smirk at us. "The more the better for me. I will beat them all. There will be no hardship in that," my son even shrugged like beating competition is nothing to him.

Cocky bastard. I want to laugh loud but other people might think that he got that from me.

Being cocky, Dao obviously got it from his Father. Dayu is one overly confident fighter.

I lean my body at the back of my chair. "The boy had said his piece. He doesn't mind competitions. Then I hope this panel will give him what he wants. Lots of them," I stood up. Captain Ching stood too in respect to me. "I will see you all one week from now." I look at my son who bowed to me.

I cleared my throat and walk away. Rei, who accompanied me, followed behind me.

"There are no other candidate, General." Rei assured me when we got to a safe distance away from the others. "If there are, I would have heard it by now. But so far, my sources near the Emperor had not given me any informations about that."

"Ask them again. I don't want any surprises for Dao's sake." I said to Rei who nodded, "I will question my sources again, General."

"Good," we continued walking. My thoughts are with Dayu. If Dao got caught unaware and made a slip or worse, get hurt, Dayu will kill me. If our son gets hurt in this base, there will be no question as to who my lover will blame.

It's me and the Emperor. And Dayu will go after us both.



The exercise was exhausting. Partly because I was not even given time to warm up before they start asking me to demonstrate my skills. That one is my fault. I should have warmed up.

But I am exhausted mainly because I was being watched. I am not use to other people looking at me as I showcase my skills, aside from my family.

But after hearing all the judges thoughts on my performance, I think that Father is still my worst critic. The way I blundered my way into that sword fight display, my Father would have stopped the fight three minutes into the demonstration and started berating me.

Those judges had been nice to me. I find that...disconcerting. I am used to my Father's harsh but honest opinions. And when he followed those criticisms with an advice or more lessons, that, I miss so much.

Father's pointers and teachings. I miss them. His strictness. His trust on me. His encouragements. Baba's presence in that demonstration helped a lot, but if Father was there, I would have worked doubly hard to impress him.

My teacher. The only man I care to impress. My Father.

Captain Ching followed me all the way to the door of my room.

"What you did was impressive, Dao. Don't feel too down," he said.

I turned to him. "I don't feel down. I don't feel disappointed with my performance at all," I said. And I am not. I did what Baba wanted, and I am proud about that.

Captain Ching frowned at me, "You are not disappointed with your performance?" He asked curiously.

"Yes," I nodded in confirmation.

Captain Ching stared at me. "I see. And did you know your mistakes during the demonstration?"

I nodded, "I made a few mistakes. But not that much, I think." I blinked several times as I think carefully.

Goodness, it's hard to lie. How do you exactly tell your superior that you did made the mistakes but they are all deliberate?

I hate this game already.

Captain Ching patted my shoulder, "Then that is good. Admitting that you made those mistakes are the first step to correcting them. You did well, Dao. Rest now," he urged me to go inside.

"Thank you, Captain." I bowed to him before entering my room.

I lit the candle and moved to wash. After changing my sweat soak clothes with fresh ones, I flopped on the bed with thin cushion on it and closed my eyes.

Sleep came to me easily.



I entered General Bam's office and saw my superior waiting for me. "How was it? Are those mistakes, deliberate?"

I nodded grimly, "The boy gave us a performance, General. Deceiving us."

"Why? What did he said?"

"He said he was aware of his mistakes but he doesn't think there are many." I chuckled humorlessly, "The boy is still clueless that we noticed how he missed the steps on swordfighting and dagger handling. That he made systematic mistakes that are hard to spot, yes, but he made those mistakes in pattern that we spotted them."

General Bam sighed, "General Wang had a talk with the boy in this office before the demonstration started. I think the good general had told his son what he should do..."

I nodded, "That could be the case, Sir. But still, this changes everything..."

"Yes," General Bam nodded. "It means the boy is highly skilled that he can make deliberate mistakes while fighting. It also means that he is loyal to his father."

"What son is not loyal to his father?" I asked.

"A son that should shed that persona because he will be the guard of the Crown Prince. I want a guard who will dedicate his life to Crown Prince Han and will be loyal to our cause of keeping the Crown Prince safe until he ascended to the throne. A guard loyal to his father or his family, cannot do that job." General Bam said. "This company of men has a reputation, Captain Ching. We are here to protect the Crown Prince, not to be loyal to our fathers. Wang Dao had to follow that cause."

I nodded. "I understand, General."

"I want to know the extent of the boy's skill. I want you to force him to show me what he is really made of during the training this week, Captain Ching. I don't like surprises. The Crown Prince's life is at stake. We cannot afford surprises especially from someone who will walk as closely to the Crown Prince as possible." General Bam gave the order.

"Will do, General." I bowed to him when he dismissed me.

I left the general's office with a sigh. I knew it. I knew Wang Dao will be a lot of work.

A real pain in the neck.

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