A hitmans girlfriend || Mafia...

By foxgirl7895

150K 4.4K 1.1K

|COMPLETED| It all started by accidentally bumping into this guy~ He had a weird name, Yellow, to be precies... More

Gangsta {Chapter 1}
Names? {Chapter 2}
Call me Yoongi {Chapter 3}
Bored {Chapter 4}
Little sister {Chapter 5}
Beach {Chapter 6}
Dizzy {Chapter 7}
Two sinks {Chapter 8}
Busan {Chapter 9}
Not a sign of tension {Chapter 10}
Forgot to tell you {Chapter 11}
For her? {Chapter 12}
Crazy {Chapter 13}
Paralyzed {Chapter 14}
Nightmare {Chapter 15}
Tipsy {Chaptor 16}
Free day {Chapter 17}
Want her {Chapter 18}
Woman at the bal {Chapter 19}
Problem {Chapter 20}
Finally being honest {Chapter 21}
Why did you ask me? {Chapter 22}
Madness {Chapter 23}
Can you see now {Chapter 24}
Need each other {Chapter 25}
Soon {Chapter 26}
Idiot {Chapter 27}
In the system {Chapter 28}
Japanese {Chapter 29}
A lot of cash {Chapter 30}
White warehouse {Chapter 31}
Be there at 10 thirty {Chapter 32}
Smirker {Chapter 33}
The both of us {Chapter 34}
She needs to duck under {Chapter 35}
Gummy smile {Chapter 36}
Suit store {Chapter 37}
Milky {Chapter 38}
Family activities {Chapter 39}
Think about it {Chapter 40}
I would kill to meet him {Chapter 41}
Beautiful scars {Chapter 42}
Cloud 9 {Chapter 43}
Warm words {Chapter 44}
5 thousand reads!❤️😭❤️
Flight {Chapter 46}
Home is where the heart is in {Chapter 47}
Fond {Chapter 48}
We are not one and the same {Chapter 49}
Dream or reality? {Chapter 50}
Leader {Chapter 51}
Thank for another 1000
What is he getting at? {Chapter 52}
Me, you and her. {Chapter 53}
Do you remember? {Chapter 54}
Death is alway close in this life {Chapter 55}
The plan {Chapter 56}
Safety {Chapter 57}
Familiar voice {Chapter 58}
The point where it changed {Chapter 59}
Gathering {Chapter 60}
Girlie {Chapter 61}
Fucker {Chapter 62}
Tomorrow {Chapter 63}
Evil and dead {Chapter 64}
Get out {Chapter 65}
No {Chapter 66}
Back home {Chapter 67}
Animal {Chapter 68}
I'm not out smarted yet {Chapter 69}
Weird life {Chapter 70}
Pressure {Chapter 71}
Flash-bang {Chapter 72}
Loading hall {Chapter 73}
Escape {Chapter 74}
Black lace {Chapter 75}
Praised {Chapter 76}
Cherished {Chapter 77}
Real love {Chapter 78}
Glad you're here {Chapter 79}
Money, cocain and more money {Chapter 80}
Seungho {Chapter 81}
Our future {Chapter 82}
Surprise {Chapter 83}
You'll remember me {Chapter 84}
Leave {Chaper 85, End Chapter}
Little sneak peek!! Thanks for 100K

No way around {Chapter 45}

1.3K 37 0
By foxgirl7895

F/N's POV;
I saw Jungkook and BF/N arrive at the front of the house.

One of the maids ran over to get the door as it rang.

She welcomed them in as she noticed me. 'Ah miss.L/N.' She smiled brightly at me.

I hadn't seen the maids for a long time~ Yoongi told me he gave them a long break after the ball. They are al really sweet to me even the once with an attitude.

'Choon-Hee, please call me by my first name. I would like you too.' I smiled back at the young girl. 'Of course, F/N unnie.' She lightly bowed.

"Always so polite." I kept smiling at her as I looked at her bright pale skin that shimmers in the daylight.

'Thank you.' I said letting my hand glide over her shoulder as I walked pas her. She turned back to us and pardoned herself to leave.

Jungkook was tired~ I could see it at the bags under his eyes.

Jungkook nocked on Yoongi's door as BF/N and I stood behind him. 'Boss we are here.' He said in his deep voice. 'Come in.' Yoongi replied back.

We walked into his office we saw him working on his laptop.

'So how did it go today?' He said before looking up at us. 'Rather steady although I was cut in my arm.' He lifted up the sleeve of his long-sleeved shirt, showing us the wound. Dried up blood staining his arm.

Yoongi stood up and walked over to Jungkook to grab and pull up his arm gently to study the wound.

'It's deep. Why didn't you bandage it?' He looked confused at Jungkook how shrugged. 'It's nothing.' Yoongi let go of the younger boys' arm and pinched the bridge of his nose. 'You know- Jungkook, you are old enough to handle yourself.'

'I should have patched him up! I'm sorry...' BF/N spoke to stand up for Jungkook.

Yoongi shook his head as he looked over at her. 'No he knows this.'

He turned back to Jungkook. 'BF/N is your partner but you can't expect her to treat you like a pampered baby.' Yoongi said in a rather fast and irritated tone.

'Boss, I wasn't acting like a child. I was focused on my priorities.' Jungkook pulled down his sleeve. Making Yoongi even more annoyed.

Yoongi spits back and pulled it back up. 'Your health is your number one priority, rather than getting the job done. I told you this over a thousand times already. You're not made out of steel.' Jungkook looked away and bit his lip in frustration.

Yoongis' face softens and laid his hand on Jungkooks neck patting it a few times. 'Remember it.' Jungkook nodded as Yoongi spoke disappointed.

Yoongi smiled and looked over at BF/N. 'We were here for you, weren't we?' She smiled back and nodded.

He sat back down on his chair and signed me over. Softly he took my hand and pulled me into his lap.

'BF/N how are you feeling?' He asked starting of. 'I'm doing good, I am feeling kinda safe when I'm out with Jungkook so that's good.' She smiled at us and Jungkook. 'How do you feel like she is doing jungkook?'

'She has improved, that's for sure.' BF/N looked sad at Jungkook's rather short praise. Yoongi sighed. 'Okay that's good to hear. Tell me more about it, we are here to discuss her improvements.' Jungkook looked at her and folded his hands together letting his arms hang lazily.

'She is good at negotiating. Ones she pinned a girl against the wall because she was getting us unwanted attention. Acting tough around her friend. Even pointing a gun at us but BF/N handled it well.' Yoongi nodded.

'Do you feel like you need to grow more BF/N before you can do other work or maybe run alone?' BF/N straightened her back and looked into Yoongi's eyes. 'I don't know how to act casual about the whole thing when we are out so that's a point that I still want to improve.' Again Yoongi nodded.

'It's good that you know something like that yourself.' She nodded and loosened up a bit. 'If I am truly honest-' She bent her legs a little and straightened them back before speaking, pouting her lips. 'I don't really like this world.'

My heart started to race. I felt Yoongi, weirdly relax and sit back. A little chuckle came out of his mouth as he looked down.

'Jungkook head home.' Jungkook looked with a confused look. 'You did good today get some rest and especially, patch yourself up.' He nodded and thanked Yoongi before he left.

I looked over at BF/N as Jungkook closed the door after him. She let her head hang low and had her shoe tips slightly pointed at each other of nervousness as she wrapped her arm around her back, folding them together.

'I'm sorry, boss. I-I have been struggling with some things.. that's why Jungkook-ah didn't really have anything good to say about me.' Yoongi nodded, slightly prepared for her answer.

'I'm gonna call Hoseok to pick you up.' Yoongi said in a monotone.

My heart itched as I saw her eyes fill up with tears. A soft sob escaped her lips. I didn't hold Yoongi back as he reached over for the phone on his desk.

'No please don't.' She said as Yoongi dialed the first digit. She dropped her arms against her side and balled her hands into fists. I could hear in her voice something more was up with her.

Slowly I laid my hand on Yoongi's stretched out arm and pinched it softly. He stopped in his movement and looked at me. I kept my stare on BF/N as I spoke. 'Please don't, there is something more.' I stood up as Yoongi broke the call. Giving him a small thank full smile.

As I walked towards BF/N I noticed she was tightening her fists even more. She knew I wasn't gonna give up like Yoongi on that call.

'BF/N, tell me what's going on~' I said with a suiting voice. 'Don't call Hoseok, please just don't.' I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and tried to look at her but her hair covers her face. Turning over to Yoongi I could see the concern in his eyes.

'Did he hurt you or something?' Yoongi asked leaning on his desk.

(Play/look at the video above.)

She shacked her head fears. 'No!' Her voice sounded broken. Again Yoongi and I looked at each other.

'Let it out.' I said as she started crying loudly. 'I-I!' She stuttered in between strong sobs.

'I love him!' Yoongi's and my eyes flew open.

"She loves him!?" You both though.

'My heart is tearing apart. I can't do this work! I can't handle this world.' She peered into my eyes, making my breath hitch in my throat as I saw her broken expression.

Yoongi stayed still. He knew this was something between women even tho it was about one of his best friends. And his organization.

She pulled me into a strong hug as she leaned onto my shoulder. 'Schhe.' I shushed her and stroked her hair. 'Why are you crying about it? Aren't you happy?' I said trying to cheer her up. 'It just hurts and I don't know why. He smiles and my world gets a little brighter. He helps me and my life gets a bit better.' I smiled and laid my chin on top of her head.

I could see that Yoongi was smiling too. 'BF/N you know take the house for the weekend. We are out of town so why not. Clear your mind, sat things straight and relax a bit.' She looked up at him as a hiccup was heard. 'Are you sure?'

Yoongi nodded with a little smile on his face. 'Sure why not.' The three of us smiled and I pulled back to look at BF/N.

'Back to business.' Yoongi's eyes were gloomy as he glared over at us. 'Do you want to leave my organization?' He asked with a deep voice. She looked confident at him. 'Yes I do. But I can't, so I want to work on my own stuff.' Yoongi leaned his head to the side and pinched his eyes together. 'Who are you to have a say in that.' He was not even questioning her.

BF/N's body language was unexplainable. She was rushed with emotions.

'You'll stop running, and start in the asylum.' Yoongi is a hard but reasonable man. You need to suck up the shit you did and reflect on your decisions. That's why I love him but his hard side drives me crazy.

Even tho we all agreed to let her decide what she wanted to do. 

She can't just go in against her leader and she is paying the price for that now.

My stomach clenched together at the thought of what he was going to do to me tonight.

He noticed my sudden change of behavior and smirked at me making me blush a little.

"Why are we doing this at this moment!? Why am I even thinking about that-" I thought to myself and tried to control myself.

'You can't send me to that awful place, please!' She begged out to him.

He raised his hand for her to keep quiet.

'I'll give you a choice, BF/N.' She gulps as Yoongi cleared his throat. 'You know how all of us work. So you either join however you want in there work or, you go to the asylum and listen to me.' A strong gaze strikes Yoongi's face as she lowly groans.

'You knew what you were up to when you joined, you didn't expect you could just leave right?' It felt as if I was stabbed in the stomach as he spoke to my best friend in that way. My love and my best friend, fighting.

'Why, Yoongi!? Are you afraid I'm gonna sell you out?' She loses her cool and dashes towards his desk. Leaving me dumbfounded at my thoughts as she moved.

Yoongi grins as she leaned forward over his desk towards him.

'Sell me out, I don't care you'll be dead in an hour if you leave here, but- Who do you think you are speaking to?' He said in a relaxed and amused tone as he kept grinning at her.

'H-hu~ I-I-I..' She lost her words as he leaned his arms on his desk, his face only inches apart from hers. 'Tell me, BF/N.'

The room went dead still as BF/N gulped loudly. 'Min Yoongi, boss.' She obeyed his command and answered him. 'That's correct. And who makes the shots here?'

Her face went serious. 'You boss.' Yoongi lowly chuckled and leans back.

He raised his hand and pointed it towards her.

'So what's it gonna be?' He pinched one eye closed and looked at her over the tip of his finger.

She stood up straight and answered him. 'The asylum as you suggest.' She bowed for him. 'As long as I don't need to see him that much.' She whispered to herself, but we could still hear.

'You will work in the lad, he visits often. Don't worry.' Yoongi picked up a pen and wrote something down.

After a few silent seconds we hear dashing in the hallway.

'Hyung~' Hoseok stopped in his tracks as he entered the cold room. He looked confused as he saw BF/N bow deeply for his leader. 'I-I'm sorry.' He apologized and smiled brightly.

As he was about to close the door Yoongi called him back. 'It's okay Hoseok. Come in.' Yoongi smiled at him.

'You can stand straight now BF/N.' He looked at her. She slowly stood straight up and had a serious expression on her face.

The always smiling BF/N has changed.

'Tell me, what is it.' Yoongi pointed his look over to Hoseok.

'Ah yes I came to inform you over the new orders, nothing special they arrived at our partner in Japan but something went wrong with the packaging. He apologized for the unprofessional way his men handled it. They lost over two thousand kilograms.' Yoongi's widened his eyes in anger as he heard the number. 'Fuck, how can you lose that amount of cocaine! Bazillion fucking coc for that!' Yoongi groaned deeply, massaging his temples.

'Get them on the line. Namjoon and I will look into it. Thank you for stopping by.' Yoongi thanked hem as Hoseok lightly bowed.

'You both are done here. BF/N go with Hoseok for the evening and listen to him, he needs help.' She looked over at me with a sad pout on her face. Hoseok couldn't see because he stood slightly in front of her.

'Okay c'mon BF/N.' He said happily at her with a smile that slides on to his lips as they exited the room.

'FUCK!' Yoongi smashed his hands onto his desk and made half a turn with his desk chair, clenching his hair. Sighing loudly he turned back.

'Baby come here.' He retched out his hand for me to take it. Softly he pecked my lips while I was sitting on his lap. 'I miss our little cuddling moments.' He said snuggling his head into my neck. I hummed happily. 'Hm me too.' I wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself closer to him.

'Your smell is heavenly.' He sighed out as he placed sloppy kisses on my jawline. I just smiled and ruffled his black hair in between my fingers.

'I'll let you go back to work.' I said pulling him in for a long kiss. He heavily sighs and groans as I stood up. 'See you in a bit.' I said peeking my head alongside the door. 'I love you.' He smiled making me blush. 'I love you too.' Giggly I hopped into the hallway and felt like a child again.

He must be stressed and pissed now, I probably would make him some snacks to cheer him up.


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