the love i give to you || pjm

By icecreamobsession

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just another fluffy jimin fan fiction cause he's the cutest little bean and i love him. More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight

chapter twelve

73 2 0
By icecreamobsession

the clock read 9:49 when namjoon woke up. there was sunlight in his eyes as he sat up on grace's sofa. it was quiet, no one was awake yet. he looked at the floor and saw grace sleeping next to jimin, he couldn't help but smile because no matter how much they denied that they liked each other they still showed affection. namjoon quite frankly thought that they would be good for each other. jimin needed a nice girl who would treat him good and grace seemed perfect for that.

it has seemed so crazy to him that they had only met grace over a month ago and now it seemed like they had known her for years. he quickly stood up and ran into grace's room where most of the guys were. he woke them up and told them to quiet down.

"look at how cute they are."namjoon says as the guys rub their eyes.

"what? who?" jungkook asks.

"jimin and grace." he says motioning for them to follow him.

he quickly woke jin up who was in the other room. once jin was awake they all went to the living room where jimin and grace were resting. they were close, only a few inches apart. if grace turned her face they would practically kiss.

"look at them." namjoon whispered.

"i'm going back to sleep." yoongi announces as he goes back to bed.

"did they sleep there all night?" jungkook asks. namjoon shrugs and watches as grace turns on to her side. her back now pressing against jimin's side.

"awww, i'm taking a picture." jin said a bit too loudly because jimin slowly opened his eyes followed by grace.

"what are you all doing?" jimin asks as he sits up. everyone is just watching them.

"were you watching us sleep?" grace asks.

"only for a few seconds. you both looked like ten year olds." jin says.

"creeps." grace whispers as she stands up.

"yeah, weirdos." jimin follows her.

"they are definitely a thing." taehyung says as grace and jimin leave the living room.

"i'm hungry." j-hope announces.

"i have mouth wash in the bathroom. i'll make breakfast." grace says.

she quickly brushed her teeth and allowed the guys to use the restroom and wash their faces. she started by making a pancake mix and then whisking some eggs together. it didn't take long before she was cooking the food.

"anything i can help with?" jimin asks as grace watches the first pancake cook.

"yes. could you please cut up some fruit? please." she asks with a smile.

"got it."

"what about me?" tae asks as he walks into the kitchen area.

"you could make sure the eggs don't over cook." grace says.

tae walks over to the stove and flips the egg. to make everything easier grace cleans up as they go. jin then makes the pancakes while grace washes the dishes she used. the rest of the guys wait in the sofa doing what they do in the mornings. all but yoongi are awake.

"hey why are frogs so happy all the time?" jin asks as he drops a pancake on to a plate. "because they eat everything that bugs them!" he laughs on his own while everyone else just ignores his joke.

"anyone want to wake yoongi up?" grace asks when they are all sat somewhere eating.

"he will come when he smells the food." jungkook says.

"what is everyone doing today?" tae asks.

"song writing." namjoon says as he bites his pancake.

"dancing." j-hope says.

"grace?" tae asks.

"i volunteered at the hospital today." grace says after sipping from her coffee.

"we all have a fitting for a shoot later as well." jin reminds them.

"i forgot about that." tae says frowning.

everyone was mostly busy so they went on with their day. after having breakfast the guys said goodbye to grace and left. she had missed their presence in the short five minutes that they were gone. she stood up from her spot on the table and went to do her bed when she saw someone on it. it was yoongi, they had forgot about him. he was still sound asleep.

grace climbed on the bed beside him and lightly shook his arm. "yoongi." she whispered. he didn't move or do anything so she shook his arm harder and spoke his name louder.

"mmmm." he replied faced down on her bed.

"everyone left. they left you." she says.

"good because i'm not leaving this bed." he says.

"yoongi i have somewhere to be in a few hours. you can't stay here."

"i can." he mumbles getting under the covers.

"you have a fitting today." she says messing with his hair.

he groans and ducks his head under the covers. grace sighs as she watches him move under the covers. she grabs her phone and calls jimin. he picks up at the first ring.

"you left yoongi here." she says.

"that's who was missing. we will pick him up in a bit."

"alright he's still sleeping so good luck getting him out of this room." she says with a chuckle.

"tell them that i don't need a fitting. i'm fine." yoongi mumbles as his head pops up from under the white comforter.

"you can't stay here yoongi." grace tells the boy who only stares at her from his spot.

"jin is on his way." jimin says.

"alright. they're coming for you." she tells jimin.

"noooo!" yoongi whines.

"thanks jimin. i'll uh... i'll talk to you later. okay?" she asks biting on her bottom lip.

"okay. i can't wait." he says.

she smiles before hanging up and grabbing the pillow beside yoongi. she hits him with it a few times and then just leaves it on his head as she smacks it.

"i'm suffocating down here!" yoongi's scream is muffled. grace removes the pillow and pulls the covers off of his body.

"get up!" she shouts standing beside the bed.


"because i made breakfast." she says.

"alright. i'll have my breakfast here."

"you're funny yoongi! get up." she says.

"i'm only getting up because i won't be able to fall back asleep. i'm already sleep deprived grace, thanks." he says groggily making his way to her bathroom.

while he's in there she makes the bed and cleans up a bit more.

"i'm hungry." yoongi says once he exits the bathroom.

"there is a pancake in the kitchen if you want it."

"i'll take it!" he says.

so she makes him coffee as he pours syrup on to his pancake. "did you seriously make these?" he asks.

"yes. why? they're delicious?"

"i've had better but they're not that bad." he says taking another bite.

"here is your coffee. enjoy."

she walked away and came back with her laptop. she took a seat on the sofa and pulled open her laptop.

"what are you doing?" he asks.

"getting a head start on homework."

"boring." he says taking a sip from the mug.

"yeah well i want a career and a stable job in the future. not all of us can be pop stars."

"ha i know. i'm lucky."

"you are."

"what are your plans?"

"i'm going to the hospital later-"

"no, i mean after you graduate college. are you moving or what?"

"i don't know. if i can get a good job here i'll stay. i don't really know so don't ask any more questions."

"when do you graduate?"

"in the spring. it is only a few months from now."

"and then you'll be just another adult. i wish you the best grace, i do."

"shut up. you act like we won't see each other."

he only chuckles and finishes his pancake.


jen was in the same condition she was in yesterday and last week. there were times when grace just wanted to shake her and force her to wake up and other times when she wanted to turn the place upside down. rarely was she calm around jen. she just wanted her to wake up. today she felt like she wanted to see god herself and yell at him for not allowing jen to wake up.

"jen it has been another week... without you. why can't you just wake up and keep me from going insane because every week i come and expect for you to just wake up. i say different things and expect you to just wake up. i truly believe that i'm going mad without you jen." she takes her sister's hand in her own as she cries once again.

"i-i don't feel like i can g-go on without you." her voice was shaky and it would crack as she tried to keep in a sob. "i cannot help but be sad every day because you have left a hole in my heart. i need you to wake up because i feel like i just can't move on. i couldn't ever move on."

as grace slouched down and gripped the hospital sheets with a fist jimin watched her from the doorway. he had wanted to bring her ice cream. grace had told him that she was volunteering at the hospital and he hoped to find her. he had and she was broken. he watched as she spoke to the unconscious girl on the hospital bed. the sound of her beautiful voice drained and sad made his heart ache. he wanted to hug her desperately but he couldn't move. he had no idea. absolutely no idea that this had been going on in grace's life. he felt bad for not knowing, he hadn't asked enough or tried hard enough to learn her past. now she was here crying and he couldn't find it in himself to move.

"i love you jen and i could not lose you. i will do whatever it takes to keep you here while you wake up okay. no matter how much mom and dad oppose. you're not dying." he heard grace say.

the girl on the bed is grace's sister. how did he have no clue about this? jimin watched as she wiped away the tears before he walked away. he had to force his muscles to carry him away when all he wanted to do was embrace her weak body in his arms. keep her safe.

he walked away because he could not just show up at a moment like that. she hadn't told him for a reason. so he walked away and forgot all about the ice cream. she needed time alone. with her.

when he got to the apartment only yoongi was there. he had no idea where the others were and he didn't care. he could only see grace crying. it hurt.

"jimin-ah where were you?" he asks.

"out." he replies plopping down on the sofa with a sigh.

"is something wrong?"


"okay there's definitely something wrong. what is it?"

jimin didn't know if to tell him. it wasn't his business to tell. but he felt like he needed to talk to someone right now. yoongi wouldn't tell he knew that. they had always been close. they talked all the time.

"it's grace." jimin says after a long silence.

"what's wrong with her?" yoongi asks.

"i saw her at the hospital." he says. yoongi remained silent as jimin continued. "she was crying. there was this girl."

"her sister. jen." yoongi replies.

"yes. how did you know?" jimin asks surprised. how did yoongi know? had grace told him? why him?

"she told me. that day when she came over with that dessert. she was sad so i talked to her and she told me about her sister. very little but i could tell that she was very sad about it."

"why didn't you tell me?!" jimin asks.

"i thought she would. i couldn't just talk about her business."

"what happened to her, her sister."

"i don't know. she didn't say."

"i feel horrible for not knowing or noticing." jimin said running a hand through his hair.

"don't feel bad. she just... she always seems happy."

"yeah." he says.

he felt like a total idiot for not seeing through her fake smiles instead he had fallen for them.

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