A hitmans girlfriend || Mafia...

Oleh foxgirl7895

150K 4.4K 1.1K

|COMPLETED| It all started by accidentally bumping into this guy~ He had a weird name, Yellow, to be precies... Lebih Banyak

Gangsta {Chapter 1}
Names? {Chapter 2}
Call me Yoongi {Chapter 3}
Bored {Chapter 4}
Little sister {Chapter 5}
Beach {Chapter 6}
Dizzy {Chapter 7}
Two sinks {Chapter 8}
Busan {Chapter 9}
Not a sign of tension {Chapter 10}
Forgot to tell you {Chapter 11}
For her? {Chapter 12}
Crazy {Chapter 13}
Paralyzed {Chapter 14}
Nightmare {Chapter 15}
Tipsy {Chaptor 16}
Free day {Chapter 17}
Want her {Chapter 18}
Woman at the bal {Chapter 19}
Finally being honest {Chapter 21}
Why did you ask me? {Chapter 22}
Madness {Chapter 23}
Can you see now {Chapter 24}
Need each other {Chapter 25}
Soon {Chapter 26}
Idiot {Chapter 27}
In the system {Chapter 28}
Japanese {Chapter 29}
A lot of cash {Chapter 30}
White warehouse {Chapter 31}
Be there at 10 thirty {Chapter 32}
Smirker {Chapter 33}
The both of us {Chapter 34}
She needs to duck under {Chapter 35}
Gummy smile {Chapter 36}
Suit store {Chapter 37}
Milky {Chapter 38}
Family activities {Chapter 39}
Think about it {Chapter 40}
I would kill to meet him {Chapter 41}
Beautiful scars {Chapter 42}
Cloud 9 {Chapter 43}
Warm words {Chapter 44}
5 thousand reads!❤️😭❤️
No way around {Chapter 45}
Flight {Chapter 46}
Home is where the heart is in {Chapter 47}
Fond {Chapter 48}
We are not one and the same {Chapter 49}
Dream or reality? {Chapter 50}
Leader {Chapter 51}
Thank for another 1000
What is he getting at? {Chapter 52}
Me, you and her. {Chapter 53}
Do you remember? {Chapter 54}
Death is alway close in this life {Chapter 55}
The plan {Chapter 56}
Safety {Chapter 57}
Familiar voice {Chapter 58}
The point where it changed {Chapter 59}
Gathering {Chapter 60}
Girlie {Chapter 61}
Fucker {Chapter 62}
Tomorrow {Chapter 63}
Evil and dead {Chapter 64}
Get out {Chapter 65}
No {Chapter 66}
Back home {Chapter 67}
Animal {Chapter 68}
I'm not out smarted yet {Chapter 69}
Weird life {Chapter 70}
Pressure {Chapter 71}
Flash-bang {Chapter 72}
Loading hall {Chapter 73}
Escape {Chapter 74}
Black lace {Chapter 75}
Praised {Chapter 76}
Cherished {Chapter 77}
Real love {Chapter 78}
Glad you're here {Chapter 79}
Money, cocain and more money {Chapter 80}
Seungho {Chapter 81}
Our future {Chapter 82}
Surprise {Chapter 83}
You'll remember me {Chapter 84}
Leave {Chaper 85, End Chapter}
Little sneak peek!! Thanks for 100K

Problem {Chapter 20}

2K 64 24
Oleh foxgirl7895

Because J-Hopes mixtape dropped today, March 2nd 2018. I thought why not drop another chapter?😊
What do you guys think of his m(h)ixtape? I really like it especially Airplane!😁


Being back at the mansion we all said our goodbyes and goodnights.

'Let's get inside. It's cold out tonight.' Yoongi said hanging his suit jacket over my shoulders.

'How late is it?' I asked him. '04:40 pm.' I nodded as he looked at his Rolex.

As we entered the house I could feel my body become heavy. Almost collapsing Yoongi caught me by my middle. 'What's going on F/N? You have been acting strange since I left to get drinks.' He looked at me as he pulled me closer to him rubbing my shoulders. "He's hurting me, I don't want him to touch me..." Your legs get weak again. Yoongi picked you up and carried you up to his room.

'I don't know Yoongi, I just feel sick.' My head was fucked up, one moment I couldn't look him straight in the eyes and another moment I could clench myself to his body, not wanting to let go.

'I'm gonna take care of you. Just try to sleep it off, okay, you will feel better tomorrow.' I nodded as he laid me down on the bed. 'I'm gonna take a quick shower. Are you gonna be okay by yourself?' I looked up at him and nodded. He gave me a small smile and went into the bathroom.

Yoongi's POV;
I closed the door behind me and sighed. I turned on the shower and stripped down. I leaned my hands on the sink counter, looking at myself in the mirror, looking at my scares on my chest.

'I can't give her the life she wants...' I traced the scare that was between my ribs with my fingers remembering my first job. When I was still a young teen I was just like Taehyung and Jungkook, dealing drugs. Although It didn't end well for me. Another gang cornered me and stabbed me right between the ribs. I nearly died that day but look where I am right now. The leader of the biggest mob gang in south Korea.

Letting my head hang I turned away from the mirror and stepped under the hot running shower. Water splashing on my body.

As I was done I looked around and cursed at myself as I noticed I didn't take any clothes with me to put on. 'Damn it!' I wrapped a towel around my middle and slowly opened the door to the bedroom.

I looked onto the bed to see F/N laying asleep. 'Huff that's a good sign.' I said silently under my breath as I walked towards my closet. It was hard to see but I mentioned to get out some sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

When I was about to head back into the bathroom I felt someone tug on my towel.

Turning around I see F/N's sleepy face staring at me. 'Oh, you are awake.' I whispered. Again she tugged at my towel. "What's going on with her!?" Her eyes were filled with pure lust.

'Come on Yoongi.' She stepped closer to me. Now only inches apart from each other she wrapped her arms around my neck. 'What are you doing?' She had a small smirk on her lips. 'I want you.' She whispered into my ear turning me on.

Gulping I slowly pushed her backward. 'We can't do this F/N.' Ignoring me she gave me a passionate kiss. Leaning into the kiss I pushed her down onto the bed.

'I'm not gonna do it F/N.' I said as we pulled back. A small water drop from my wet hair landed on her forehead. She didn't even blink. I took a good look at her and saw that her eyes were red. Has she been crying? No. I slide my tong over my lips and noticed a bitter taste. "She's drugged."

I pushed myself off of her. 'Come on Yoongi, don't you love me?' My eyes winded at her words making my heart skip a beat. 'F/N, you aren't yourself. Please try to go to sleep.' She didn't know what she was doing so I tried to tug her in but she kept on pulling me closer to her leaving scratch marks on my right shoulder. When I finally got her to sleep I called everyone up and told them to come over.

Still in just a towel I sat on the edge of the bed, back facing her.

The door opened wide and the guys came in turning on some dimmed lights. They looked shocked at first but calmed down as they saw that the two of you were unharmed.

'Hyung did she do that to you?' Taehyung said pointing at my scratched up shoulder. I nodded as I leaned forward-leaning my forearm on my knees and thighs, folding my hand together.

'God Fucking Damn It.' I cursed staring at the wet carpet underneath my feet.

'Yoongi, did you?' Namjoon asked tilting his head up a bit. 'No of course not. I'm not the right one for her...' They all stared down at there boss.

'This isn't right. I can't fucking give her the life she deserves.' I hissed out trying to hold back the tears.

'You love her Yoongi. You can't change that.' Jin said kneeling down beside F/N pulling the strings of hair out of her face.

He stood back up and walked into the hallway. He was gonna set a machine of coffee because he already knew they all were gonna stay over because it's already 6 in the morning.

'She doesn't belong here.' I mumbled out looking up at the 5 of them. 'It was her own choice.' Hoseok said folding his arms over each other. They all nodded and looked at F/N. 'What if this happens when she is sober?' I looked at each one of them.

'What about it?' Jungkook spat out. He truly cared about his noona. 'You need to hold back Hyung.' Taehyung said. 'Yeah otherwise you are gonna hurt her, And yourself even more.' Jimin filled in.

'Aishh I can't hold back anymore... you guys don't think I know I would hurt her? She's gonna end up hurt in either way. Shit! I love her, I love her so fucking much that it hurts.' Tears streamed down my face. 'I need to tell her that I can't do this..'


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