Solangelo One Shots

De galaxydog290

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[DISCONTINUED] some Solangelo one shots. 90% fluff, 10% angst, 100% cringe-worthy. *whispers* give me the val... Mais

Thought You Could Fool Me?
Grocery Shopping
Doctor's Orders
I Didn't Order This
Airport Shenanigans
Achoo and I Love You
Someone Special
Arcade Date
Neko Nico
Falling For You
I'm Lovin It
Little Will
Solangelo Watches Voltron
You Stole My Heart
What the Seven + Reyna Think About Solangelo
Train Ride
Is Your Fridge Running?
Karaoke Night
Let's Get Physical
Alone In The Darkness
Halloween Time
Why Wait?
Slushie Love
Office Shenanigans
The Duck One
The One Where Nico Returns a Library Book
You Are My Sunshine
Stood Up
Be My Study Buddy
Truth or Dare (But Without the Truth Part)
You Can Call Me Anytime
Buzzfeed Unsolved ft. Nico and Will
An Early Christmas Present
The Best Christmas Sweater Ever
Decorating Shenanigans
You Slid Right Into My Heart
Winter Nights
Dance With Me
Laugh With Me
The Jerk Next Door
A Night on the Beach
The Human Radiator
I Just Wanted Some Pancakes
A Gift For My Love
You Make My Heart Go Wild
Kiss and Miss
Mornings With You
We Didn't Start The Fire
Driving My Mind Crazy
Lay With Me
The Sunny Death Duo
Impromptu Duet Partner
Dancing's Fun When It's With You
Sweet Kisses pt. 1
Sweet Kisses pt. 2
Helpless (For You)
Hiatus/Discontinuing Notice
Of Photos and Memories (Extra #1)
Of Promises and Rings (Extra #2)
Random Author's Note

Greek Delights Bakery

5.4K 138 82
De galaxydog290

Will walked down the street at a brisk pace. He wasn't late to his first day of medical school. In fact, he was probably an hour early. But he woke up at the break of dawn that morning and he couldn't go back to sleep so he figured he should just get up and get ready.

He decided to explore the town. He moved into an apartment with his best friend Cecil who was generous enough to offer Will someplace closer to his school.

Will took in everything as he strolled along. A pharmacy. A grocery store. A library. It was your typical town. As he passed a bakery, he stopped in his tracks when heard a soft voice singing.

The only good thing I see is you, you, you
Good thing it's only me and you, you, you
I know you're good for me
I think I'm good for you
So let's see what tonight brings
Maybe it's a good thing too

Will was awestruck. Not only was this person's voice smooth and strong in its own soft way, it seemed to give off such intense emotion, such a longing. It was as if this person could channel his emotions through every word he sang. Will would probably be extremely happy to hear this person sing again.

He looked up to where the voice was coming from once the singing stopped and saw an open window above the bakery. This person was probably living in the apartment there. He strained his neck to try and see who it was but sadly, the windows were so tinted that he couldn't see inside the home.

He looked back down to the printed letters on the glass windows of the bakery. "Greek Delights Bakery," Will muttered to himself. He stood outside for a few moments wondering whether or not he should go in. Might as well go in and get some breakfast, he thought. He pushed open door and headed in.


Nico got up from the windowsill and stretched. He always got up earlier than when his shift started to sing a little. Singing makes him calm. It takes all of his thoughts and replaces them with the familiar lyrics of his favorite songs. He often uses songs to convey his emotions. The truth is, Nico sometimes feels a bit lonely. And it didn't help that today was Bianca's birthday and she wasn't here anymore.

Nico sighed. He walked down the crickety steps that lead to the back of his workplace. Percy, the owner of the store (he's the same age as Nico but he inherited the bakery from his Greek family. Hence, Greek Delights Bakery), was nice enough of offer Nico a job here so he could at least earn a little money to try and pay for college.

Nico entered the cozy interior. A few wooden chairs and tables littered the middle. All around the walls were glass cases that showcased their pastries and such. He went behind the counter and into the kitchen to see Percy and Jason, their close friend who also worked there, messing around with some dough.

"Guys! Stop fooling around. You're going to get that dough everywhere," Nico chastised.

Percy and Jason both stopped playing and gave Nico identical pouts. Nico only rolled his eyes and gave them a small grin before heading back out behind the cash register. On the way, he grabbed one of the few aprons hanging on a hook by the kitchen door. Just as he got to the counter, a bell jingled, signifying that a customer was walking in.

Nico's breath hitched when he saw the sight before him. The man had shiny blonde hair, tan skin, and warm, blue eyes. Kind of like Jason, Nico thought, but this guy made Nico's heart thump a little faster and his hands were getting a bit sweaty at the thought of talking to him.

The stranger walked over to one of the glass cases and browsed around before selecting a blueberry muffin. He headed over to where the cash register was and placed the muffin into Nico's outstretched hands. Their fingers grazed ever so slightly and it left a little tingle on Nico's hands.

"Hey, so, um, I'll just get the muffin please," the guy said awkwardly.

Nico mentally kicked himself. He forgot that he was actually supposed to be working and not gawking at this beautifully sculpted person. "Oh, sorry. Let me ring it up for you," Nico mumbled. He quickly put the muffin into a little bag and told the customer his total. He fished out some dollar bills and a few coins and handed them over while Nico gave the person his muffin. Before he turned his back, the person thanked Nico and gave him a blinding smile, one that set Nico's face on fire. How can he have such an amazing smile too?!

The person headed out and let the door shut behind him, leaving Nico standing behind the counter with a dreamy look on his face. Nico was snapped out of his trance when he heard giggles coming from behind him. He quickly turned around to see Percy and Jason in the doorway leading to the kitchen, giving Nico a knowing look.

"Looks like someone's got a crush." Percy wiggled his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you should've seen your face when he left. You sort of had a glaze over your eyes," Jason added with an amused smile.

Nico shot them both a death glare and gave them a scowl. Percy and Jason scrambled back to the kitchen in a hurry. Nico rolled his eyes at them for the second time that day and turned around. The day passed by in a haze, his thoughts always wandering back to the mystery person and hoping that he would stop by again.


The moment he walked in, Will's eyes landed on the cashier. His eyes widened a bit and he could feel the heat creeping up his neck. He quickly turned his back and pretended to look at the pastries. Really, he was taking this time to regain his composure. The cashier's face lingered in his memory. Raven black hair, dark eyes, his pale skin. Everything about him came together to form that beauty of a person. He remembered a green apron over a black shirt that hung loosely on his small frame. Will absentmindedly grabbed a muffin and turned around to pay for it. Oh gods, he is so cute.

When he got there, the person seemed to be lost on thought and staring straight at him. He hoped cashier didn't notice the faint blush threatening to overtake his tan skin. "Hey, so, um, I'll just get the muffin please," Will said nervously.

The cashier snapped out of it and mumbled a quick sorry and gave him the total. Will handed over some money and stared at the cashier intently while he put the money away. He admired his seemingly soft hair and had a strong urge to stroke it. Will shook his head and tried to get that thought out of his head as the person gave him the muffin that was now in a small bag. Will thanked him and gave him a smile before walking out of the bakery. The smile never left his face as he walked towards campus, the cashier's face never leaving Will's mind.


Over the course of the next few days, Will always came to the bakery early in the morning. He would get there at the same time each day just to hear the mystery person's melodic voice. Everyday he would sing something different. Sometimes it was happy, sometimes it was sad. Will admired the way he could practically feel what this person was feeling through his singing. And then afterwards, Will would always head in to buy a blueberry muffin and talk to the amazingly beautiful cashier.

Will had finally found the courage to actually strike up a conversation with him. He learned that his name was Nico and that he was majoring in art. Nico. Something about him struck a chord with Will. He felt like he knew Nico from somewhere. Nevertheless, Will enjoyed talking to him everyday, even if it was for a short amount of time. If Will didn't know any better, he would say that he had developed a crush on Nico.

However, on this particular day, Will was running late. Yes, it was surprising, even to Will, since he was never late. He quickly rushed out of his shared apartment and heard Cecil laughing.

"Oh my gods, I can't believe studious, punctual Will is late for once in his life."

"I'm glad you find this amusing," Will said sarcastically before sprinting down his usual route. As he passed the bakery, he caught a snippet of Nico through the window. Would Nico be wondering where he was today? The thought made Will smile despite his crappy morning and he made a mental note to himself to visit him tonight.


Nico stood at the counter waiting for Will. He still couldn't believe that this person would want to talk to him. He found Will riveting, always making conversation without a moment's hesitation. He loved the way Will's eyes sparkled from whatever light source that was around.

Suddenly, a blur flashed by. Nico thought he spotted a familiar mop of blonde hair. Was that Will? Maybe he was was late, Nico thought. That would explain why he didn't come in as usual. Nico let out a little sigh, his mood a bit dampened from his lack of interaction with Will today.

"Is lover boy not coming today?"

Nico jumped at the sudden interruption and swivelled his head to find Jason standing behind him. Nico blushed before settling on a scowl. But it probably didn't intimidate Jason as much as he thought because the other boy just chuckled before coming over to stand beside him.

"You know, if you like him that much, you should ask him out," Jason said.

"Mmhmm, and what makes you think that I like him?" Nico asked innocently.

Jason scoffed. "Oh please. Anyone with eyes can see that you obviously have a crush on him. Just ask him out. You'll never know what might happen."


A few customers sitting at the tables looked up from the sudden noise. Nico and Jason perked up, a little startled. "Uh, Jason? A little help?" It was Percy. As usual.

Jason gave Nico a sheepish look and a shrug before rushing into the kitchen to aid Percy, leaving Nico alone with his thoughts.


I am so freaking tired, Will thought as he stumbled down the street. He took two big exams today and it really drained him. He was pretty sure he could crash onto the pavement right there and then and sleep. He looked around at his surroundings and was pleased to see he was standing in front of Greek Delights. How convenient. He quickly adjusted to the bright lights inside and was surprised and amused to see Nico sweeping the floors, dancing and probably singing. He had headphones in and the long wire disappeared into his apron pocket. Will smiled at the sight. Just what he needed after a grueling day.

He pushed open the door, Nico too lost in his performance to notice Will walk in. As he leaned against the wall to watch and listen, a certain voice caught his ear.

The only good thing I see is you, you, you
Good thing it's only me and you, you, you
I know you're good for me
I think I'm good for you
So let's see what tonight brings
Maybe it's a good thing too

It was the same voice and song Will had heard when he first came here! Will couldn't believe that the angelic voice that he couldn't get out of his head belonged to the most adorable person he had ever met. This only made Will's crush stronger. Will relished in the sound for a few more moments, how Nico's voice was like honey, smooth and flowing. His feelings rolling out like waves along with the lyrics. Nico's back was turned to Will but Will could tell that the other boy was using the tip of his broom as a microphone. Nico looked so lost in it, like another person.

Will walked towards Nico and tentatively tapped his shoulder. Nico let out a little yelp and dropped his broom in surprise. He whipped around and gaped at Will with wide eyes. "Um, uh, how long have you, uh, been standing there?" Nico stammered. His cheeks were a deep velvet and he looked so vulnerable.

"You're the person that's been singing everyday above the bakery in the window! I love your singing. That's kind of part of the reason I've been coming here. To hear that person and to see you," Will rambled excitedly. "Well, to hear and see you since you guys are the same person."

Nico looked taken aback. He was at a loss for words. Will just witnessed him singing and dancing like a moron. Oh my gods, he heard me singing everyday. OH MY GODS, HE SAID HE LIKED MY SINGING. Nico could probably die on the spot.

Wait. Will had also said that part of the reason he came to the bakery was to see him.

Will quickly tried to sputter something out to break the silence. "I am so sorry. You probably think I'm a creep now and it was pretty rude to listen to you singing everyday without your permission and probably a bit weird-" Will was cut off when he felt something warm on his lips. Will's eyebrows shot up when he saw that it was Nico. His eyes were closed and he had to tiptoe a little to reach Will's lips. Will relaxed and melted into the kiss, pulling Nico closer by wrapping his arms around the smaller boy's waist. He could feel Nico smiling and Will guessed that he was doing the same. The awkward, tense air around them dissipated and became an air of bliss.

They broke apart, both boys panting. Nico had a shy smile. Will sported a goofy grin. Both of them were blushing profusely. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," Nico breathed out.

Will practically stretched his face from smiling so hard. "Me too. To be honest, I've wanted to asked you out for quite a while now," Will said.

"Yes! Um, I mean, yeah, I'll go out with you," Nico babbled.

A comfortable silence settled between them as Will looked at Nico fondly. However, they were interrupted by loud shrieks coming from the kitchen.

"I knew it! Pay up, Jackson!"

"Whatever, I knew it too!"

Nico put his head in his hands and groaned from embarrassment. "Don't mind those two idiots. Sadly, they're my  friends."

"Hey! We heard that Neeks!" Percy yelled. Percy and Jason stepped out and gave Nico sly looks and thumbs ups before hastily leaving the bakery. Nico only glared at them half-heartedly while Will released an airy laugh. "Neeks, huh?" Will asked with an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up," Nico said, a smile tugging at his lips.

They spent the rest of the night dancing, talking, and getting to know each other. It was well past midnight when both boys decided to part ways, but not without deciding where they would go on their first date.


A/n: The song that Nico was singing is "Good Thing" by Tritonal. Go give it listen! I got this idea while I was singing this exact song in the shower and you have no idea how fast I yeeted out of the bathroom just to jot down this idea.

-Victoria :)

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