
By mochalatte1

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It was supposed to be another fun summer before we all went off to college, but of course, a new guy had to c... More

1. Prologue
2. New Neighbors
3. Dinner
4. Chicken
5. Blender
6. Number
7. Goal
8. Storm
9. Movies
10. Draining
11. Harry
12. Practice
13. Like
14. Girlfriend
15. Stupid
16. Wrestling
17. Listen
18. Nice
19. Fork
20. Begging
22. Backfoot
23. Very very good
24. Avatar
25. Secrets
26. Hug
27. Fix It
28. It's cream
29. Elevators
30. Doubting
31. Crazy
32. Marcel
33. Golf
34. Hold On
35. Candle
36. Vodka
37. Bold Streak
38. Dip
39. Map
40. Airport thing
41. Love you
42. Please
43. Bonding
44. Birthday boy
45. Nerja
46. Game
47. Friends
48. Guys
49. Saint Lemon
50. Initiation
51. Married
52. Good to go
53. For real
54. Alienated
55. Fans
56. Logic
57. Kids
58. Helping
59. Snow day
60. Stay up
61. C'mon
62. Presents
63. Talks
64. Logan
65. It's blonde
66. Flinching
67. Justin
69. Bright side
70. Fine
71. Girls Night
72. Time flies
73. Miss you
74. Oh shit
75. Promise
76. James
77. Mary
78. Birthday girl
79. Pros
80. Whats best

68. My boyfriend

1.3K 32 2
By mochalatte1

I walked out of the bathroom, holding my towel around me and wiping the water off my face with my hand. Making my way back to the bedroom, I could hear Niall shaking something as he coughed. I walked in right as he stuck something in his mouth, something that he was hiding in the expanse of his hand, and taking a deep breath from it.

“What are you doing?” I laughed a little when he jumped at the sound of my voice, quickly hiding the thing behind his back. “What’s that?”


“Tell me,” I half chuckled as I walked towards him.

His face turned pink, “It’s nothing.” My face dropped when I realized he wasn’t playfully denying me; he really didn’t want to tell me. I stared at him for a second before backing away and giving him his space.

“Alright,” I shrugged. I went to my three drawers of clothes I filled up when I thought he was coming for Christmas. The sound of him taking a deep breath could be heard again, but I didn’t turn around so he could have his privacy to do whatever it is.

I dug around for an outfit, coming across a red dress that had a zipper going up the front. There was no question about it—I always got compliments when I wore it (because when girls who are usually not slutty dress slutty they suddenly become hot and sexy and deserve all the attention of the planet to be on her. I don’t write the rules, I’m just living by them), so obviously I’m going to wear it again. Especially now that Niall was here, I can look as slutty as I want, and no matter what I’m going home with him—not that I would ever go home with anyone else. And plus, I want to look hot for him. So…

My phone chimed from the bedside table and I threw my dress on the bed as I went to answer it. A smile crossed my face when I saw who it was from.

Zayn:Tomooooo!! I’m in New York for New Year’s! Where can I find you? Aha :) xx

“Niall, do you remember Zayn?”

He looked up at me from his suitcase that he was rummaging through. “Yeah, the original Tattoo Boy.” He smirked, “What about him?”

“He’s here, in New York, and he wants to hang out.”

“Tell him to meet us somewhere for the countdown,” he shrugged.

“Oh, good idea.”

Me: yeah!! You want to meet somewhere for the countdown?

Zayn: yeah sure.

Me: we can meet at 7th and 42nd. I’m pretty sure C.L. will be there too

Zayn: Yeah they are; just wanted to make sure I see you at some point while I’m here

Me: :) well I’ll see you tonight. What are you doing here anyway?

Zayn: it was the fiancée’s wishes to come party in America for New Year’s. I couldn’t say no

Me: FIANCEE????????

Zayn: yeah


“Zayn’s engaged!” I screamed.

“What? To who?”

“To Perrie! The girl that sang at the thing. Holy shit!”

Zayn:yeah it’s cool. I’ll tell you about it tonight

I took that as the conversation was over and threw my phone on the bed. “I can’t believe he’s getting married.” I’d known Zayn since he was nineteen, and it was weird to grasp the fact that he was about to bind himself to someone in marriage. Honestly, I didn’t think Zayn was the marrying type—but I guess I was wrong. I made a promise to myself to get to know her a little when I see her tonight.

“Perrie’s cool; I don’t really know Zayn though.”

“Wouldn’t want him marrying someone uncool now, would we?” I teased. He made a face at me before pulling on a weird patterned shirt—a classic Niall shirt. “Where’d you get that shirt?” I chuckled.

He frowned down at himself, “Hmm….I honestly can’t remember. I think I was with Harper,” What the fuck, they shop together? I don’t even shop with him.

It was wrong of me—but I didn’t like Harper at all. After I saw the pictures of them together and her excessively flirty tweets towards him, I didn’t trust her at all. She was in the same category as Snap for me. And on top of that, Niall had never mentioned her before. I don’t know; she just rubs me the wrong way…from what I’ve seen of her on the internet. I was discrete about it though considering Niall had no idea.

“It’s a nice shirt.”


“Yeah,” I quickly moved on. “So are we arriving fashionably late?”

He chuckled, “When does it start?”

“There’s not really a start time—I think most people are getting there at ten.” I twirled my freshly blow-dried and straightened hair around my finger. “Ted’s gonna be there.”

“Really?” I nodded before walking back to the dresser to pull out a pair of underwear and slipped them on. “Have you guys made up?” He mumbled as I dropped my towel, facing away from him.

I snorted, “Nope. Don’t plan on it. I do plan on showing her just how not boring I am tonight.”

“I won’t have to pull you out of a cat fight will I?”

“You will if she talks to me.” I grumbled as struggled to zip the front of my dress up past my hips. “You don’t understand the extent of what happened. I’m beyond done with her.” He laughed but I was being serious. I didn’t even want to see her. It was a good thing Logan had a penthouse, or first of all, he wouldn’t be able to fit all these people in there, and second, it’ll be big enough for it to be possible to never run into Ted.

“Anyway,” I said. “You and I will have to mingle and find someone for Calum. At least someone for the night. I don’t want him to be alone.” I grabbed the other pair of boots that I hadn’t wore yet and sat on the end of the bed.

“He wants a girlfriend?” He asked as he sat next to me.

“I’m like…ninety-eight percent sure he does.”

“And what does Logan—” He was cut off by my phone ringing on the bedI had an idea what he was going to say anyway.

“Speak of the devil…” I snickered before I answered the phone. “Hi Logan.”

“What’s goin’ on beautiful? What time are you getting here?”

I glanced at Niall, “Um, when do you want us?”

“Whenever you want, really. Cal’s here—we can all drink together.”

“Niall and I will be there at…” I thought of a time off the top of my head, “Nine-fifty.”

“Nine-fifty on the dot? I’m holding you to that.”

“Yeah, on the dot. I’ll see you then.” He agreed and hung up, so I threw my phone back on the bed before standing. “So?” I put my hands on my hips to show off my outfit, “What do you think?”

“You’re so sexy, it’s stupid.” He said rolling his eyes. “C’mere.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer until I was standing between his legs. My skin tingled when he moved his hands to my thighs. “You’re mine. No one else is allowed to even look at you tonight.”

“They can look all they want; you’re still the one fucking me.”

He smiled, “That’s so fucking true…but I still want everyone to know you’re mine.”

“I’ll make sure they know. And they’ll definitely know you’re mine.” Damn straight; and they better learn quick. I don’t have the patience for anyone getting in my way…or even near my way. I’m usually not so ‘he’s mine’-y but tonight I am—especially because Ted will be there, and I know she wants Niall, and because Logan knows those types of girls. And on top of all that, I’m already thirsty for him…and some alcohol.

I just don’t want anything to go wrong, because knowing me when I’m drunk, horny, and possessive, shit can hit the fan pretty quickly.

“Oh, getting protective are we?” He said raising his eyebrows. “Don’t be so damn clingy.”

“Niall, you haven’t seen clingy yet.”

“I don’t mind.”


“We still have forty-five minutes…what should we do?”

I tried to hold back my smirk, “I don’t know.”

“We could…” he stood up and leaned in to whisper, “time how quickly I can get you out of this dress.” I bit my lip and hooked my fingers in his jeans, pulling him even closer. “You’re very frisky tonight.”

“You haven’t seen frisky yet.”

“What are you planning?”

With my new height in my boots, I didn’t have to stretch to bring my mouth inches from his. “I just want to have some fun.” I hushed. He gave me a sly smirk before smashing his lips to mine, and pulling my hips into his center.

“I hope you don’t plan on walking tomorrow.” Holy shit…

“I don’t.” I said laughingly.



Logan, unlike Calum, didn’t try to tone down our friendship. When he opened the door he engulfed me in a big hug, swinging me in a circle before putting me back on my feet. I glanced at Niall to see his reaction, and thankfully he didn’t seem upset, just indifferent—which I couldn’t tell was good or not. He introduced himself coolly though, giving a charming smirk to challenge Logan’s, but they didn’t engage in casual conversation the way he did with Cal. Sensing tension, mainly from Logan, I laughed randomly and pulled Niall behind me as we walking into his room.

“Let’s drink.” I smiled, sliding my hand down Niall’s arm to lace my fingers with his. There weren’t many people here, only about thirty or forty. “Where can I put my coat, Lo?”

“The window room…the one we sit in all the time.” Goddamn it, Logan Lamb.

I ignored his attempts to start something, “Okay, we’ll be right back.” I led Niall out of the large front room and down a small hallway to the window room. “Ignore him.” I said to Niall as we both took our coats off and threw them on one of the chairs.

“I am. I don’t want a problem.” He mumbled looking off to the side. I stepped forward and took his face in my hands. “What?” He chuckled when I didn’t say anything.

“Nothing.” I shook my head. “Kiss me.”

“We’re not saving that for midnight?”

I moved closer so my body was flush against his, “I just want a little one.”

He smirked, “A little one?”

“Yeah, teeny tiny.” He rolled his eyes and pecked me on the cheek. “Now here,” I tapped my finger against the corner of my mouth, where he soon pressed a soft kiss. “And here,” I whispered tapping the tip of my nose, which he kissed gently. “And—”

“What is this? Simon says?”

I giggled, “Simon says kiss me on the lips.”

“Which lips…?”oh my.

“On my mouth!” He laughed and kissed me heavily before pulling away. “Where do you want a kiss?” His smirk gave me his answer and I wrapped my arms around his waist. “Maybe later.”


I smirked and pushed him away from me as I walked back into the big front room. A couple—two or three—heads turned when I walked in, and I cursed the magic of the dress. I only wanted Niall’s attention, not everyone else’s…but I guess I can’t do anything about it now. I spotted Calum at the kitchen counter, setting up shots with Logan.

“Are these for me?” I smiled as I walked towards them, resting my arms on the counter. They both looked up at me, but at least Calum tried to hide his gawking. It’s the dress…

“Holy shit.” Logan mumbled under his breath.

I ignored their reactions though, “Can I have a couple?”

“Can you handle a couple?” He smirked. I felt a hand on my ass, making me whip around to yell at whoever was touching me, but it just turned out to be Niall. Logan and Cal couldn’t tell, but his hand was slipping between my thighs, making me blush.

“She can definitely handle it,” he said casually.

I turned back to Cal and Logan, “Yeah, he’s right.” My voice rose in octave as Niall’s hand crept up the inside of my thigh, inching towards where I wanted him. Can anyone else see this?! Without even blinking twice, I downed three of the five lined up shots, just to stop caring whether people could see Niall’s roaming hand or not. Niall chuckled and pulled his hand away, throwing an arm around my shoulders as he took the last two shots.

“Alright then,” Logan said. “If you’re so good, why don’t we play a game?”

“With Niall…and Cal.”

His eyes hardened as he nodded, “Yeah, them too.” He looked at Niall, “If you’re up for it.”

“I mean, I came here to party didn’t I?”


Niall turned out to be weirdly good at this stupid guessing game, and I turned out to be absolutely horrible. I was basically taking a shot every turn, making me the drunkest and easiest to pick on. By the time we were almost done the deck, Niall suggested that I slow down before I ended up puking in the bathroom all night. I agreed, and we all abandoned the game to mingle around.

“When do I get my lap dance?” Niall whispered in my ear as he hugged me from behind, walking us through the crowd to no real destination. He was not nearly as drunk as I was, but he drank enough to giggle slightly when he talked.

“When a good song comes on…” I replied. He gripped onto my hips and pushed me against the nearest wall, pressing his lips to mine within the same second, before I could even blink. “What’s that for?” I breathed once he pulled away.

“I want to do something…”

“Mm, like what?”

“Like,” his hands trailed up my body and gripped onto my breasts, squeezing gently. “Like stuff we can’t do here.”

“You want to leave? What about the lap dance!?” I shouted, my drunken state messing up my ability to control my volume. The people around us turned to stare, but I couldn’t have cared less.

“You really want to do that don’t you?” He smirked.

I nodded and put my hands in his hair, pulling his face closer to mine. “Yeah, I want to dance for you…with you…on you…” His eyes clouded with lust as he put a hand on the wall above me.

“If that’s what you want baby, who am I to deny you?”

“I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

He licked his lips and leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Go ask to put a good song on.” I grinned and pushed myself off the wall, yelping when he smacked my backside as I walked away. I weaved through the crowd, which had doubled—maybe even tripled—since I last looked around, in search for Logan. There were lots of people here that I knew from my classes, and I had to stop numerous times to say hello to them. I found it funny how the girls looked me up and down, making their judgmental thoughts clear as they sipped from their red cups, while guys welcomed me like this was the first time they met me, though I’d had classes with them all semesterIt’s the dress.

I was glad I wasn’t so drunk that my ability to stand was completely nonexistent. Though I did stumble a couple times, it was only because of the vast amount of people, unable to move without bumping into someone. The music was turned up, turning the whole penthouse into a night club as Logan finally turned the lights down just so there was barely a glow in the room, making everyone cheer in response.

“Logan!” I shouted over the music as I caught sight of him. When he didn’t hear me, I ran to him and grabbed his arm. “Logan! Can you put on a good song for me?”


I rolled my eyes and moved my mouth to his ear so he could hear me better. “Can you put a good song on?” He turned his face so his mouth brushed against my ear as he responded.

“What kind of song?”

“I don’t know…” I didn’t want to come out and say it—I wasn’t that drunk. “A good one…one that’ll get people to dance with each other.”

“What kind of dancing do you want to happen?”

“Damn it! You know what I’m talking about.” I poked him in the chest. “Just put on a good song.”

“Should I just put on the song I plan to fuck you to one day?” WHAT! I pulled back and frowned at him. Why would he say that?! “I guess that’s a no…”


“Maybe I should save it for another time. Wouldn’t want snowflake to get upset if I make a move.” I gaped at him. What the HELL!?

“You’re drunk.” I shook my head taking a small step from him. “Put on whatever song you like.”

“Alright—just don’t get upset when I—”

“Logan!” I cut off. “Seriously…”

He shrugged, clearly not caring now out of line he was speaking. “There are lots of girls here Hunter…it’ll be easy to find someone to occupy me tonight at least.” He stared at me for a second, looking like he was plotting something, before disappearing in the crowd. I shrugged it off, knowing that I usually over read things—though that conversation was a little too far— and turned around to look for Niall again. He wasn’t where I left him, so I just roamed around and socialized.

“Yo, Hunter!” I spun around when hearing someone calling for me.

Fuck. “Uh…hey….you…” I knew the guy was one of Logan’s football friends, but I couldn’t remember his name for the life of me. He leaned in to hug me but I firmly placed a hand on his chest to keep him back. He’s one that I strongly disliked.

“Wow, don’t you look hot!” He shouted over the music with a smile.

“Yeah, I know. My boyfriend told me too.”

“What?” I repeated myself, but louder that time. “Boyfriend?” I nodded. “Well, I don’t see him anywhere.”

“I don’t care.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m just trying to talk to you.” He smirked, stepping into my personal space.

My short temper flared, thanks to the alcohol. “Get the fuck away from me.”

“Logan said you were feisty…”

“Did Logan tell you that I punch out of my weight class?!” I spat. His eyebrows shot up. “So leave me alone before I d—” I hiccupped, “demonstrate.” He looked me up and down as I talked, completely ignoring what I was saying. I made a disgusted noise that I don’t think he heard before turning away from him and continuing my search for Niall.


I heard his laugh before I saw him, so I followed the sound and found him seated in a circle of random folding chairs, talking to people I didn’t know—which means he definitely didn’t know them (which also means he drank enough to be laughing his ass off with complete strangers). I walked up behind him, ignoring the way some of the people around him looked up at me, and slid my hands down his chest. He tensed before he saw my new expensive watch and realized it was me.

“Hi,” I whispered in his ear. “Miss me?”

“’Course.” He smirked.

“Whatcha doin?” I giggled.

“Lookin’ at these fools gawk at you.” He tugged on my arm to coax me around the chair and into his lap. “But you’re mine so that’s all they can do.”

“I’m all yours.”

His eyes lit up as he stared into mine, “All mine.”

“All yours to look at…” I smirked, kissing the corner of his mouth. “To feel up…”My hands slid under his shirt and around his back as I leaned forward. “To do whatever you want, whenever you want.” As I spoke Grind on Me by Pretty Ricky came on, completely changing the mood of the room from ‘drink yourself into a coma’ to ‘breed’ in less than a second.

“I love this song.” Niall smiled. “You know what’ll make me love it more?” I tilted my head in confusion but within the same second it clicked in my head. “Sound good?” I bit my lip and nodded. “Let’s sit over in the corner…so we don’t make a scene.” He stood up, and led me through the throng of bodies rubbing together and sweating from the heat in the room.

When a corner chair was in sight, I pushed Niall into it and stood in front of him, with a drunken seductive smirk on my face. Maybe it was the dress, but I was feeling all kinds of sexy as I started dancing before him. The way he was looking at me made me felt like I was the epitome of erotic and arousing. I rolled my body, taking my hair out of the temporary ponytail I had it in while I drank, and ran my tongue over my lips as I stared at him.

I turned around swinging my hips in a circle. Looking back at him, I saw his eyes were completely locked on my ass swirling in front of him. He’s an ass guy…no doubt about it. I smirked to myself when I placed my hands on his knees and grinded my backside in a circle of his crotch. His hands skimmed down my hips and between my thighs, making my center wet with anticipation. But I realized this would be less about me pleasing him, and more about him being smug because he fingered me in public…again. I can’t let him win this. I will be the smug one in this round.

Once the first verse ended, I stepped away from him and turned to face him, smirking at the lust and thirst in his eyes. I did a little more body rolling before I strutted forward to straddle one of his legs. For a split second, I thanked God that I was completely gone right now. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to do this with hundreds of people around us. Though it was dark and we were in a corner, if anyone looked at us, they would’ve seen…but thanks to the alcohol, I didn’t give half a fuck.

I grinded against Niall’s leg, placing my hand over his crotch and felt him grow underneath. Me too, Niall. I swung my leg over his waist so my center was over his, and circled my hips, rubbing myself against him, desperate for some friction of my own. He pressed his hand into my lower back to bring my rolling hips closer to him and I moaned as I felt his bulge underneath me. I leaned back with my hands on his knees as I continued to slow grind against him.

His hand was suddenly in my hair, pulling me forward so he could sing the lyrics in my ear, “Step one: you’re kissin’ on me,” I smirked and licked up his neck and nibbled at his ear lobe. “Step two: girl, I’m caressin’ your body. Step three: now I’m lickin’ off the whipped cream. Step four: and oooh girl, you’re grindin’ on me.” He chuckled at the end when I started singing along with him, breathing in his ear (in a sexy and non-creepy way), and kissing his side burns.

After another verse of slow grinding and building up how outrageously thirsty I was, the song ended and I sat staring in Niall’s face, still straddling him.

“You’re alright at the lap dancing…” My mouth fell open and he laughed. “I’m just kidding!” He leaned forward, kissing at my neck and collarbones.


At one point, I blacked out I think, because the next thing I knew I was following Teddy into another room. I kept walking but looked behind me to see Niall wasn’t coming with us; he was still in the front room…talking to Logan. I saw that as a good thing though, because he was smiling, and turned back to Teddy just in time to bump into her.

“Oops, sorry.” I giggled drunkenly. “Look who it is! Haven’t talked to you in a while!”

You stopped talking tome.” She mumbled crossing her arms.

“Oh, that’s easy. It’s because you called me boring.”

She frowned at me, blinking her dilated green eyes at me a couple times. “And that’s why you decided to stop talking to me forever? Because I called you boring?!”

“Oh,” I chuckled, “You want the whole overview? Well first off, you dragged me with you to everyfucking club and party you could fine since I got home—no, matter of fact, I’ve been doing it since we met! And I had to babysit you every damn time, and we both know how you get when you’re wasted—”

“Kinda like you right now,” she snapped with an attitude. Why am I even standing here with her? Did I tell her I wanted to talk to her? Pictures or it didn’t happen, because I damn well don’t remember it. But now that I’m here, I might as well go all out, since I’m drunk and have the ovaries to do so.

“No, you fucking whore ass bitch. I grind on my boyfriend not on a different guy every night. I make out with my boyfriend, not on whoever’s around at the end of the night.” I raised my voice, “I fuck my BOYFRIEND, not some thirsty alcoholic in the bathroom stall of a dirty bar!”

“Don’t act like you’re so fucking innocent Hunter. You know you’re all over Niall strictly to prove to Logan he doesn’t have a chance. You act like you’re such an angel, but you sure as hell are not. You’re a manipulative cunt that doesn’t deserve anyone even a quarter as good looking as Niall.”

My alcohol laced blood boiled and I got in her face, “You sleep with your professors to get an A on a paper that deserved a fucking F! How dare you call me manipulative when you use sex as currency!” I pushed her shoulder as I started screaming, “And don’t fucking tell me anything about Logan when you only hung out with him because he has money. All of a sudden you care about his feelings?! I don’t fucking think so!”

“Oh please!” She shrieked, raising her arm and making her drink slosh around in her cup. “You hung out with him because he was hot and you have a boyfriend!”

“No, I didn’t! I hung out with him—and still do hang out with him because he’s a good person! I enjoy his god DAMN mother fucking COMPANY!”

“Fuck that Hunter! You’re not fooling anyone! Everyone knows your big brown eyes and batty eyelashes have Calum and Logan wrapped around you’re fucking finger, just the way you like it.”

I put a hand up, dismissing her stupid comment. “You sound like a fucktard. It’s called having friends you stupid ass bitch.” I spat.

“Tell me, does Niall know how quickly you would forget about him if Calum or Logan ever even gave you a chance.” I rolled my eyes and snickered.

“Ted, honey, I’ve had an unbelievable amount of chances,”not entirely true…but I went with it. “But I wouldn’t cheat on Niall if fucking Magic Mike was being filmed on my bed. So get your facts straight before you say shit to me.” She glared at me and I knew I won the battle. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go grind on my boyfriend some more.” I turned on my heel, whipping my hair in her face before strutting away like I was walking away from an explosion. In my internal drunken dialogue, I told myself Ted was jealous of what I had with Niall, and was looking for every excuse to see a flaw in it. I may have just been talking shit because I was drunk though—I’ll see how I feel about it tomorrow morning…if I even remember any of this.

“Hunter,” I heard someone say. A hand was on my shoulder and I turned to see it was just Calum. “What did Teddy say?” I frowned, trying to gather my words together enough to explain what happened, but I just ended up shaking my head angrily. “I’m guessing you didn’t fix things?”

“No!” I said like he was being ridiculous. “I hate her, oh my GOD!”

“Alright, alright,” He chuckled.

“Where’s Niall?”

“He went to the bathroom; he’ll be back in a second.” He paused, “He’s so funny!”

I grinned, “I know! Aw, he’s so funny, and caring and sweet and like a man-child, but also so manly. I love him. He’s so perfect even when we’re fighting. I just can’t get enough of him.” Cal laughed loudly at my drunken monologue, but nodded like he was listening. “Oh, I miss him Cal! Where did you say he was?”

He pointed behind me as he chuckled, “Look, there he goes.” I whipped around and Niall was in the middle of the crowd, making his way toward Cal and I. A big smile spread across my face as I decided to run towards him, squeezing through people talking and side stepping around couples making out. Niall caught sight of me and smiled right before I collided into him. I hugged around his neck, kissing at whatever skin I could.

“You okay?” He whispered before pulled me back so he could see me. I nodded happily. “You lookcrazy. No more drinks, yeah?” he chuckled.


“Sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sooo okay. Are you okay? Is something wrong?!”

He laughed, “I’m fine. Let’s go hangout with Cal.”


“Ready?” Niall said in my ear. I nodded and waved goodbye to Logan across the room, and gave Cal a hug goodbye as Niall got our coats. I thought about actually getting up to say goodbye to Logan, but he was busy talking to some random girl, so I assumed he didn’t want to be interrupted. Niall came back, both of us shrugging out coats on, before he grabbed my hand as we both walked to out the door.

I was still a little tipsy, but I was a lot more aware and coherent than I was about an hour ago. As I sobered up, I was just noticing that Niall really didn’t drink that much. Since he was so lucky in the game earlier, he didn’t have to take as many shots as I did. I only saw him with one cup, but when he finished it off, he never got more.

“How come you didn’t drink much?” He shrugged. I stopped walking and pulled his arm so he was facing me. “You okay?”

“Yeah actually,” he frowned as he nodded, like he was surprised his statement was true. “I’m alright now.” Now? “Did you have fun?”


He smiled, “Good.” I stared in his eyes, trying to find out if he was telling the truth or not, and found no trace of dishonesty. He closed his eyes and sighed lightly before leaning in to rest his forehead on my shoulder, inhaling deeply. I first I thought this was his way of silently asking for a hug, but when I placed a hand on his chest, his heavy heartbeat told me what he really wanted. I felt his lips press into my neck a couple times before he moved his mouth to my ear.

“Let’s get out of ‘ere.” That’s what he said, but his tone said ‘let’s do something’. So, I took initiative and thanked Jesus for my bold streak.

“Ok.” I rushed, pulling his arm into the elevator. The door barely closed before he spun me around, pushing my coat off onto the floor, and grinded his hips into mine as he looked in my eyes. “What?” I said coyly.

His bit his lip, but didn’t say anything. I looked right back at him, feeling myself get turned on just by the look in his eyes. It’d been happening all night. Just one look, and I wanted him, and each time the feeling doubled, so right now, I was desperate and yearning for him. Oh Niall…

I felt his hand slip between my thighs, and in the same second I couldn’t take it anymore. I hit the button to stop the elevator and panted as I waited for the doors to open. He seemed confused, as he picked up my coat, but didn’t object when I pulled him off the elevator and down the hall of the twentieth floor.

“Where are we going?” He whispered, not wanting to disturb people in their apartments.

“The stairs.”


I bit my lip as I smirked at him. His eyes flashed with lust as I moved a hand to the zipper of my dress. “Guess what,” I giggled softly. Maybe I was a couple notches above tipsy…


“I’m not wearing a bra. Wanna see?” His eyebrows shot up when I unzipped my dress as we walked.

“You’re ridiculous…” He mumbled shaking his head. He suddenly turned into the left and through the door leading to the stairwell. “Might as well take the dress off.”

“You have to take something off first.” I responded a little too loudly, making him reach forward and clap a hand over my mouth and pull me into the dark landing, lit by only two or three lights. He ripped his shirt off and threw it on the floor, trying to hide the little shiver his body did in reaction to the sudden cold.

“Now take the dress off.” I obeyed, kind of liking his dominate tone of voice. As I let the dress fall around my ankles, I stood there in nothing but underwear and boots as I waited for his next request. “What should I do with you?” He mumbled.

I shrugged, making him laugh and ruining the dominate feel he started.Damn it… I took initiative again and stepped forward, palming him through his jeans. “Fuck me.” I whispered. He seemed surprised, like he didn’t think that’s what I wanted to come in a fucking stairwell for. Idiot…

“Here? Now?” I tightened my grip on him, making him gasp. Just by the new, equally desperate, look in his eyes, I knew I had him. He walked me backwards before the back of my feet hit a stair. “Turn around and bend over.” My heart sped up as I did what he said, as the heat in my core became unbearable. I placed my hands on one of the higher up stairs, and locked my knees straight.

He hands skimmed over my backside before he gently peeled my underwear down, exposing me to him. I made an impatient sound. Right now, this gentleness and slow shit isn’t cutting it. I wanted it fast and hard, on the staircase—no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

I flipped my hair out of the way as I looked back at him, “Don’t be gentle. It’s not doing anything for me right now.” He smirked devilishly at me before ramming two fingers in my core. I whimpered as my knees buckled. Honestly, I thought there would be at least a little bit of a warning before he—

“Spread your legs a little.” I panted and widened my legs. I moaned when his fingers hit the right spot just before he pulled them out. The rustling of his jeans being shoved down could be heard as he spoke, “So you want rough, huh?” I nodded. “Don’t nod.”

“Yes, I want rough.” I shuddered when I felt his tongue sliding up my spine, making me squirm and arch my back. “Hurry up!” I giggled. The only warning I got was the sound of a wrapper getting ripped open.


“We’re standing by the Starbucks.”

“How did you get that close?” I shouted into my phone, trying to be heard over the millions of people around Niall and me. We were trying to find Zayn and Perrie in the mess of people. They assured us they had a way to get us close enough to see the show without getting us in trouble for not having a plastic bracelet or whatever.

“We just walked, the security on the other side and less cool than on this side.”

“Oh,” I laughed.

“Yeah just come up to Starbucks and we can see if we can get any closer.”

“Alright, see you in a couple minutes.” I hung up and looked at Niall, who was waiting patiently to see where we had to go next. The tip of his nose and his lips were pink from the cold, making him look like one of the kids from that tissue commercial. He coughed into his fist before asking where we were off to now. “We have to go up past this street to the middle of the next block.”

“Okay.” He sighed. I don’t think he was used all the walking that came along with New York. He seemed bored with is as we were walking from my apartment building (not to mention that flurries were starting to fall from the sky). We also have to walk back to Kel’s after this, which is a little further away. Poor guy…

“C’mon, it’s not that far.”

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