
By mochalatte1

123K 4K 387

It was supposed to be another fun summer before we all went off to college, but of course, a new guy had to c... More

1. Prologue
2. New Neighbors
3. Dinner
4. Chicken
5. Blender
6. Number
7. Goal
8. Storm
9. Movies
10. Draining
11. Harry
12. Practice
13. Like
14. Girlfriend
15. Stupid
16. Wrestling
17. Listen
18. Nice
19. Fork
20. Begging
22. Backfoot
23. Very very good
24. Avatar
25. Secrets
26. Hug
27. Fix It
28. It's cream
29. Elevators
30. Doubting
31. Crazy
32. Marcel
33. Golf
34. Hold On
35. Candle
36. Vodka
37. Bold Streak
38. Dip
39. Map
40. Airport thing
41. Love you
42. Please
43. Bonding
44. Birthday boy
45. Nerja
46. Game
47. Friends
48. Guys
49. Saint Lemon
50. Initiation
52. Good to go
53. For real
54. Alienated
55. Fans
56. Logic
57. Kids
58. Helping
59. Snow day
60. Stay up
61. C'mon
62. Presents
63. Talks
64. Logan
65. It's blonde
66. Flinching
67. Justin
68. My boyfriend
69. Bright side
70. Fine
71. Girls Night
72. Time flies
73. Miss you
74. Oh shit
75. Promise
76. James
77. Mary
78. Birthday girl
79. Pros
80. Whats best

51. Married

1.5K 46 6
By mochalatte1

“Oh shit, you know what?” I mumbled as we walked up the front steps of my house.


“We can’t go to a party tomorrow! It’s Thanks Giving.”

“Do you celebrate that here?”

“No, but you can’t just skip it because you’re not in America—oh, you know what else? You get to mark Mullingar on your map now! And I have a list of stuff for us to do, so you’ll be able to mark off Dublin and London, but that’s only if you want to do those things and we’d have to fly to London.” As I got my key out I peered in the front window, seeing the kitchen was still lit up from the last time I was here. “Shit, I left the kitchen lights on.”

She laughed, “You’re saying so many things Niall. I don’t know which to respond to.”

“I guess I am talking a lot, aren’t I?” I blushed and pushed the door open. “Welcome to your home for the week.” I held a hand out and let her go ahead of me before closing the door. She looked around, peering at pictures on the walls and the furniture. Her eyes settled on an empty beer can on the coffee table and her eyebrows shot up as she whipped around to me.

“Is this your house?” I nodded. “You have your own house?!”

“Yeah…. It’s been in the family forever and my gram just gave me the keys and things for my birthday last year. She said it was better than selling it.”

“Niall, that’s sick and it’s so nice…” She looked around again, “Wow.”

“My Dad’s house is about twenty minutes away, so whenever I’m here he always drops by…” I paused and muttered to myself, “Which reminds me, I should tell him I’m here.”

“Why do you have a dorm then?”

I groaned, “I signed up for dorms before I got the house, and they told me I couldn’t un-sign up until after my first four months. I’ll be here by Christmas though—think I’ll have everyone come over here instead going to my mum’s house…that’ll be cool.”

“So cool.” She said distantly, but sincerely as she started to wander with her suitcase rolling behind her. “Tell your dad you’re here. I’m going to look around!” I rolled my eyes, but I reluctantly let her go, knowing I have all week to attach her to my hip. I pulled out my phone and called Dad.

“Hey buddy!” He answered.

“Hey Dad, I’m at the house…Hunter’s here with me.”

There was a pause, “Oh yeah?! Can I come over now or are you two not your best selves?”

I held back a smile, “We’re our best selves…but you can come over tomorrow for dinner I think.”

“You’re going to cook?”

“Actually it’ll be a team effort between myself and Hunter.”

“Fair enough! I’ll see ya tomorrow. Can’t wait to meet ‘er!”

“Alright, see you then.” We hung up and I quickly called my mum and Greg, telling them the same thing. I figured since Thanks Giving was a family holiday, it would be the perfect time for Hunter to meet my dad and get better acquainted with Mum. There was a loud laugh somewhere upstairs and I raised an eyebrow. What is she doing?

“Hunter?” I called.


I walked towards the stairs and leaned on the banister, “What are you up to?”

“I’m jumping on your bed!” She giggled, “It’s so soft.”

“You’re ridiculous.” I laughed. “D’ya want a drink?”

“Water’s good.” She panted.

“Don’t break my bed.”

I walked into the kitchen and got two glasses out of the cupboard before holding one under the purifier on the sink faucet and turning it on to fill it. I watched the water run and thought about how this week was gonna go. So far, the first four hours have been great—except for Snap, but that was over quickly. I switched glasses and put the other under the waterI’m like a husband getting water for his wife. Well maybe not exactly like that, but kind of.

But maybe it’s a little early in our relationship to start comparing us to a married couple…

After turning the faucet off, with both glasses in hand, I sipped from one and I climbed the stairs. I couldn’t hear her jumping, so I assumed she’d started unpacking, which I found out was true when I walked into my room. She was bent over her suitcase, making the lacy part of her sock things visible, and I took my chance to kick her bum. She shot up, turning to face me with a fake scowl.

“Hey.” I greeted with a smile as I handed her the glass of water.

She took a sip before returning my smile. “Hiiii.”

“You’re very awake…I thought you’d be tired.”

“It’s…” She glanced at the clock. “It’s only five in the afternoon for me. And I slept on the plane.”

“Oh, I forgot about jetlag…”

She shrugged, “Just means I’ll sleep in a bit. I’ll try not to though.”

“No, you can. All my classes this week don’t start until ten…so five am for you. I’ll wake you up to say goodbye, then by the time you actually wake up, I’ll be back already.”

“That sounds good.”

I laced my free hand with hers as I took a large gulp of water. “I wish I didn’t have classes at all though.”

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be chilling here…or with Lemon.”

“You like Lemon, then? Now that you’ve spoken in person?” She nodded. “What’d you do after you landed?”

She brought our hands up so I could see her fingers. I was just now noticing her fingernails were dark blue and shinier than usual. “We got our nails done, then she showed me the video that you haven’t posted yet. I think it might be my new favorite.”

“You always say that,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, it’s the truth.”

There was a pause as we both took a simultaneous drink from our glasses, looking over the rim at each other. As I brought the glass down, I licked my lips and glanced at the bed, rumpled from her jumping on it.

“So um…it’s only nine-thirty,” I said quietly. “What do you want to do?” The deep blush from earlier crawled over her face as she looked towards the bed. “It’s up to you.” I added. She was quiet for a while and her eyes moved to her feet. What’s she so embarrassed about? “What are you thinking?”

“I planned on…doing something…but…”

“But what?”

“I um…can’t…today.”

“Ooh,” I said knowingly. She was always so weird about this, but I didn’t mind—it’d be weird if it didn’t happen. “That’s okay. I didn’t even mean like…if you wanted to do something, I just meant something to pass the time.”

She shrugged, “You look tired.”

“I am.” I admitted. Soccer always wore me out. “But I’ll stay up for you.”

“You should sleep. I’m actually going to take a shower.” She turned around to her suitcase and took out a couple of clothes and a bag of toiletries. “Get in bed, I’ll be back.” I smiled at the ‘I’ll be back’ bit, solely because it was true—she’ll only be down the hall. She kicked her shoes off and stood on her toes to kiss me then walked out of the room.

I decided to listen to her since I was really tired and stripped down to my boxers. I turned the light off and got under the duvet, waiting restlessly for her to lie next to me. It’s what I’d looked forward to the most after our big hug. Listening to the shower running nearly knocked me out, but soon as she turned it off, I was suddenly hyperaware of every moment I heard. I listened to her drying off, brushing her teeth and washing her face, wondering what she was thinking while she did all that.

Minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and soon her silhouette appeared in the door way, dressed in a t-shirt and running shorts. “Niall?” She whispered.


“Do you want me to turn the kitchen light off?”

I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn’t see me in the darkness of the room. No, Hunter, come cuddle. “Sure.”

“Okay.” She disappeared again and I listened to her feet padding across the floor and down the stairs. Only a second later I heard her coming back up at a quicker pace, and I almost laughed knowing she was running away from the dark first floor. The light in the hall turned off and I heard her walk next to the bed before turning the lamp on.

“Would it be annoying if I read right now?” She said timidly. “I don’t have to.” I shook my head, telling her I didn’t mind. She went back to her suitcase and when she turned around she pushed her glasses onto her face and had a book in hand. I snorted. “Don’t laugh; I have to take the contacts out before bed.”

“I’m not laughing. Marcy was right; you do look like a sexy librarian.” She held back a smile as she finally came to bed, sitting on top of the duvet as she opened her book to the first page. “What are you reading?”

“The Outsiders…I haven’t read it since sixth grade so I thought I’d read it again.”

“Oh, okay.” I said. It went silent as she got into her reading, frowning at the pages, but I don’t think she knew she was doing it. Despite my exhaustion, I couldn’t close my eyes. She was interesting to watch while she read, and I wondered why she hadn’t done it many times over the summer. Maybe it was because she needed glasses back then too? I don’t know. She was a fast reader though, and had read a good amount once an hour passed.

That made me realize there were still some things I didn’t know about her. It only made me that much more attracted to her though, because I was still figuring her out. But I also have a feeling that when the day does come that I know every single thing there is to know about her, she’ll still surprise me by doing something unpredicted—which I like.

“You’re great, you know?” I whispered. She glanced at me then back to her book, holding back a smile.

“Thanks, so are you.”

“Thanks,” I said laughingly. My fingers itched to touch her. I took my arm out from under the cover and laid it across her legs, my hand rubbing her thigh as kissed her exposed hip. “I like you.” I mumbled against the soft skin and placed another kiss in the same place, before resting my head on her stomach, cuddling her lower half. I heard the book hit the floor and I looked up to watch her take her glasses off then reach behind her and turn the light out, leaving us in complete darkness.

She scooted down so we were on the same level before grabbing my arm and wrapping it around her. “Hug,” she whispered. Wow, I missed that. I pulled her against me so our legs we tangled and buried my face in her collar bones, kissing them gently. She sighed and cradled my head to her.

“I like you too Ni.” She kissed the top of my head, “You also need a haircut.” I laughed and squeezed her closer, wanting to drown in that mango smell.


For no reason in particular, I woke up in the middle of the night and pried my eyes open to see I was in bed alone. I frowned, moving my eyes around the dark room, as I looked for her. I assumed it was the jetlag that was making her roam the house at three in the morning. Although I was still tired, I got up to look for her, dragging my feet across the hardwood floors. I wondered if I should ask her to install a carpet in my room, because the floor is a little too cold. Half asleep, I wandered through the house before finding her sitting on the counter, legged crossed under her, in the kitchen. She was staring out the window eating something and I could see the white wire of headphones coming from her ears.

“….yeah I know.” I froze, thinking she was talking to me, but when she kept going I realized she was on the phone, talking through her headphones.

“It’s not like that at all…if anyone’s forcing anything it’s probably me…” What? “I don’t know…I mean I’d like to think he does….He’s more—yeah and I was never like that, you know? And I don’t want to like, be a big disappointment after he’s waited so long….” Is she talking about the sex thing?

“That’s not at all what I’m saying Chip, what the fuck…NO!…you’re making me uncomfortable so I’m hanging up…”ShitI ran around the corner until she hung up, and then waited a couple more seconds before deciding to walk back in. I rounded the corner and we bumped into each other.

“Oops sorry.” She said, reaching out for me like I was falling, even though I wasn’t. I didn’t say anything though because my mind was stuck on the conversation she was having with Chip—of all people. Why was she so doubtful about how much I liked her? Why did she think there was some big standard she had to reach, when she was the one that set it?

As I stared at her, I watched fear cross her face, “Are…you okay?” I nodded. “How long have you been up?” I could see anxiety and worry clouding her eyes, making me sigh. I decided to just forget I heard anything—she’ll tell me when she wants to I guess…I hope.

“I just woke up and you weren’t there…so I came to look for you…then you bulldozed me.” She let out a sigh of relief as a smile spread over her face.


“Come to bed.” I yawned, leaning forward to rest my head on her shoulder. “You’ll have to sleep at the same time as me to beat the jetlag.” She giggled and licked the side of my face making me pull away. “Hey, that’s my thing…”

“I’m stealing it. What are you doing to do about it?” She challenged putting her hands on her hips.

I narrowed my eyes at her, “I can take it back.” She raised an eyebrow before I leaned in to lick across her collarbones. I didn’t get the reaction I expected as she whimpered quietly. “You like being licked?” I chuckled resting my forehead against hers.


“That used to be my thing too. You’re stealing all my moves.”

“You need new moves.”

“I should start winking. Girls love a wink.” She brushed the idea away but when she looked in my eyes and I gave her the classic wink/taunting kissy noise, blush crawled over her face. “I win!” I laughed. “Victory sleep.” I wrapped my arms around her thighs, hoisting her up before I headed towards the stairs.

“Oh, by the way, my parents and Greg and Denise are coming for dinner tomorrow.” I mumbled as we made it to my room. I closed the door behind me before falling on the bed with her under me. She made an ‘oomph’ sound, and I shifted around in the dark until I was lying next to her.

“Your dad will like me right?” She whispered after a long moment of silence.

“Think he already does.”

“Oh,” She mumbled. “What should I wear?”

I rolled my eyes, “Wear your bunny costume.”

Great idea. I’m sure your mom will love that.” I laughed and laced our hands together before moving them above her head. She tensed a little, but I kissed her on the cheek, telling her it was okay and that I wasn’t doing anything.

“After my first class, we should go to the market.” She nodded quickly and I felt her trying to move her legs under me so she could close them. “What’s wrong?”

“I…I mean you’re between my legs and I’m…bleeding…”

“It’s not like we’ve got nothing on,” I said, trying to relax her. “You’re okay.”

“I know, it just—it makes me so self-conscious and I feel…yucky.”

I moved my mouth to her ear, “I don’t think you’re yucky,” I whispered. She wriggled underneath me and I let her go, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable anymore.

“Come back,” She mumbled, rolling herself closer and cuddling into my side. “You’re the best.” She yawned. “We should sleep.” I chuckled but didn’t object as we moved up the bed and reattached to each other under the duvet. Neither of us said anything else and within minutes I felt her body go limp. For a while I just laid there, liking the feel of her sleeping against me again, until I fell asleep myself.



I jolted awake to turn my alarm off before it woke her up too. Reluctant to leave her for three hours of a boring English class, I got out of bed and went into the bathroom for a shower. She had her bag of girly Hunter Things sitting on the counter and again, the thought of us being like a married couple in this house together. I didn’t know what I thought of the comparison though, it was more of just an idle thought rather than something I seriously considered.

I started the shower, stripping down and getting in immediately, wincing a little at the chill water. After a couple seconds though, the water reached my normal hot temperature and as usual I stood there looking at my feet with my hand on the wall, for about seven minutes. Hunter’s phone call to Chip had crawled into my mind again.

It didn’t really feel the best to have basically the girl of your dreams think you’re shallow enough to drop her because she wasn’t experienced. Did I come across like that? I didn’t think so…maybe it’s just the insecurity that Alec forced her into.

Yeah, that’s it. He fucked her up into thinking she had to be some kind of acrobat in bed or no one would want her. That piece of horse shit. My biggest regret was letting Eileen get in my way so Marcel could punch that fucker in the face. It should’ve been me—not that I’m not thankful that he did.

I remembered Greg’s speech on girls that he gave me after I told him about Hunter running out when I’d first kissed her. ‘Girls are always confused and worried about something’ he said. ‘She could know everything about what she wants to be later in life, but there’s always at least one thing that girls just don’t know and are conflicted over. Like Denise! She’s so worried decorating the baby’s room, genuinely worried!’ he ended up rambling on about Denise, but I got the gist of what he was saying and I was definitely see it more now.

Hunter is just confused and worried—it’s a girl thing. But the big question is, how do I help her? Do I just…come out and tell her she doesn’t have to worry? I frowned at my feet. It couldn’t just be that easy—it has to be more complicated.

After another couple seconds of thinking, I finally decided I should wash myself then get dressed. I’d forgotten to bring clothes in the bathroom with me, so I walked back to my room with a towel around me. Hunter was still sound asleep on her side, almost dead looking if her back wasn’t rising and falling with each breath wasn’t so easy to see. I dried off and threw my towel in the general area of the dirty clothes hamper before pulling on a pair of boxers.

“You need a smaller size.” I heard Hunter croak, startling me.


“Your boxers, they’re too big.”

I looked down at myself. “I guess you’re right.” She didn’t say anything else, but when I looked over my shoulder, her half closed brown eyes were still on me. I pulled on a pair of jeans before walking towards her and lying next to her. “You okay, doll?”

She nodded, “Tired.”

“Sleepy Hunter.” I chuckled when she nodded again, letting her eyes close. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be back in three hours and then we’ll get some food before my second class.”


“Hug?” With her eyes still closed, she brought an arm out from under the covers and wrapped it around my shoulders, weakly embracing me to her chest. I laid there for a little longer before kissing her cheek and pulling on a random shirt from my drawer. “See ya in a bit.”

“Bye,” she mumbled turning on her stomach and drifting back to sleep. Saying goodbye in the morning…like a married couple.

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