Cupid's Love

By IAmTheTrashCan

147K 6.5K 1.4K

[***Warning***] [Possible spelling erros though it's been edited] [Possible triggering topics; read at own ri... More

Chapter 1 - Cupid
Chapter 2 - More Cupid
Chapter 3 - Who is he?
Chapter 4 - The meet
Chapter 5 - I'm Cupid
Chapter 6 - Dylan
Chapter 7 - The Blues
Chapter 8 - Sick
Chapter 9 - Elevator malfunction
Chapter 10 - What is this feeling?
Chapter 11 - Love?!
Chapter 12 - Who the fuck is Eric?
Chapter 13 - Is it me?
Chapter 14 - I never said that!
Chapter 15 - Blow pop
Chapter 16 - Flowers of all things
Chapter 18 - WHAT AM I DOING?!
Chapter 19 - I can't say it
Chapter 20 - You're not good enough
Chapter 21 - What loser?
Chapter 22 - Awkward
Chapter 23 - Plan
Chapter 24 - This was a mistake
Chapter 25 - You Idiot
Chapter 26 - I'm sorry!
Chapter 27 - Hold on..!
Chapter 28 - Where am I?
Chapter 29 - Mud
Chapter 30 - Clingy
Chapter 31- I only love you
Chapter 32 - I DIDN'T CONFESS!
Chapter 33 - Five is a Crowd
Chapter 34 - Who is she?!
Chapter 35 - I'm Angelina Doyle
Chapter 36 - I am too...
Chapter 37 - Wrong Move
Chapter 38 - Two idiots
Chapter 39 - Starting Plan
Chapter 40 - Operation reject him
Chapter 41 - One too many rules broken
Chapter 42 - One too many chances
Chapter 43 - Memories
Chapter 44 - Remember me Cupid
Chapter 45 - Tell me what I missed
Chapter 46 - Cake
Chapter 47 - He can get drunk?!
Chapter 48 - Forgetting and Regretting
Chapter 49 - It's A Date
Chapter 50 - Returning the Favor
Chapter 51 - You Finally Did It
Chapter 52 - Don't Leave Me Like This
Chapter 53 - Open Up To Me For Once
Chapter 54 - Moving On
Chapter 55 - Toy
Chapter 56 - Issues and Breaks
Chapter 57 - I D̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ Need You
Chapter 58 - If You Promise
Chapter 59 - Tickets
Chapter 60 - Fun at the fair!
Chapter 61 - Cupid's Love
Chapter 62 - The Day After
Chapter 63 - Aphrodite
Chapter 64 - Bad Intentions
Chapter 65 - Attempt 1: Mischief
Chapter 66 - Attempt 2: Passion
Chapter 67 - Vacation Gift
Chapter 68 - Attempt 3: Force
Chapter 69 - Tie
Chapter 70 - Surprise?
Chapter 71 - Deal
Chapter 72 - Foul Play
Chapter 73 - I Can Explain...
Chapter 74 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 75 - Rules, Rules, Rules!
Chapter 76 - Her
Chapter 77 - Odd Ones Out
Chapter 78 - Amusement Park
Chapter 79 - Will You
Chapter 80 - Marry Me?
Chapter 81 - Liar
Chapter 82 - Oh, Brother!
Chapter 83 - Dearest Mother
Fun Facts!
Chapter 84 - Tell Me More
Chapter 85 - Mount Olympus
Chapter 86 - I Don't Mind
Chapter 87 - I Remember You
Chapter 88 - Loose Ends
Chapter 89 - Honesty
Chapter 90 - Immortality
Chapter 91 - It Can't Be
Chapter 92 - Reatheen
Chapter 93 - Decision
Chapter 94 - On The Run
Chapter 95 - What a Day
Chapter 96 - Birthday Surprise
Chapter 97 - The Big Day
Chapter 98 - The Reception
Chapter 99 - Honeymoon
Thank You

Chapter 17 - Tell me when you're sober

1.9K 82 8
By IAmTheTrashCan


"So, now that you're here Eric we can have some fun!" Rachel walked into the kitchen.

"Fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know get drunk and stuff!" She and Rose began taking out plastic cups.

"Ah, yes, totally, I've been drunk before, it was great!"

What am I saying? I've never been drunk from human alcohol, in fact, I can't get drunk even if I tried, gods can't get drunk it just doesn't affect us at all unless it is an alcoholic drink made especially for gods.

"That's the spirit!" They began pouring some clear liquid into each cup.

"I'm not really up for this so I'm just goi—" Dylan began but was cut off by Rose.

"No way! Are you chickening out on us? Oh. My. God."

"Really dude? Is it because you're embarrassed to show Eric who you are when you're drunk?" Rachel asked with a smirk.

"No, it has nothing to do with him, I'm just, uh, I—" he began looking for words.

"Why? Is he a lightweight drinker?" I asked with curiosity.

"No!" "Yes." They both answered differently.

"Well then prove it," I handed him a cup.

"FINE!" He chugged the cup stopping a few times to cough from the burn.

"Well, you proved me wrong," I said ruffling his hair.

"Yeah I did," he blushed.

Poor guy still has to wait a couple of minutes for it to hit, but I'm not gonna say anything.

"Well, I was going to make this fun, but Eric had to go and make Dylan drink his portion so I guess we all have to chug it too," Rachel drank hers and so did Rose.

I did too because it would be unfair.

I finished without any struggle while they stopped and coughed a couple of times. This went on for a few more rounds.

"You really have had a lot of experience with this haven't you Eric?" Rachel asked me.

I'm guessing she noticed that I wasn't showing the slightest hint of being at least tipsy or drunk.

"Yeah, I guess."

I looked over to Dylan who seemed to be zoning out.

"So Dylan, are you up for another round?" I teased.

He blushed, "What are you trying to say? That I can't handle it or something?"

"Nah, I'm just making sure you're up for it," I poured more of the clear liquid into each cup pouring a little more into his just to fuck with him.

"Alright let's goooooo," I could tell Rose was already getting drunk and so was Rachel who had to sit down because she was giggling at something I didn't catch.

"Hey! Mine has more than everyone else's!" Dylan yelled inspecting each cup.

"You're just drunk Dylan, everyone has the same amount, you can always chicken out," Rachel slurred.

"I will not!" he chugged the whole thing down and when he finished he stopped for a second and put his head down.

"Shit is he okay?!" I'd never seen a drunk person pass out before so I was worried especially since it was Dylan.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry he's just napping," Rose calmly told me as if it happened all the time.

"So do we wake him up? It wasn't that many and he's already giving up," I said as I reached over and moved his empty cup.

"Yeah, wake him up we'll meet you guys in the living room with the empty bottle of vodka, it's time to get this night started!" Rachel yelled as she and Rose struggled to walk into the living room.

Thank god they're too drunk to notice that I'm completely fine.

I walked over to Dylan and shook him.

"Wake up lightweight!"

"Ugh,imnotalightweight...youstupidcupid," he slurred.

"Don't call me Cupid or your friends will know who I really am," I whispered.

"Cupid, Cupid, Cupi—" I covered his mouth.

"Are you crazy?!" I hissed looking at his drunk face.

He leaned over and put his head on my chest. "Let me sleep, you idiot."


"As much as I really, really, like being like this, we can't because Rachel and Rose are waiting for us in the living room."

"Just...tellthemtofuckoff," he mumbled.

"Sorry about that, he's really, really clingy when he's drunk, I should've told you this before I left you to deal with him," Rachel said making me jump.

"Fuck off Ragleaf or whatever the fuck your name issss."

"If you keep talking to me like that Dylan, I swear I will punch you in the face," she threatened.

"Okay, okay, let's all just go into the living room, Rachel can you help me?" I asked grabbing onto one of Dylan's arms.


We made it to the living room and all sat down in a circle.

"So I'll spin the bottle first," Rose spun the bottle which stopped at Dylan.

"Okay, Dylan truth or dare?" She asked evilly.

At this point, Dylan was kind of fine because he got a drink of water.

"Dare," he said.

"I dare you to drink another cup," Rose said handing him another cup.

"What the fuck Rose!?" He whined but still drank it.

"Dylan it's your turn to spin," Rachel said handing him the bottle.

He spun and it landed on me.

"Alright, 'Eric,' truth or dare?" He asked.

"Truth," I said, in hopes that he'll ask something that will not give away the fact that I'm Cupid.

"Okay, how many people have you gone out with?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ooooo," both Rachel and Rose said in sync.

"Zero," I said with confidence since it was true.

I mean I've messed around with others before but I've never actually gotten into a serious relationship with them, they weren't good enough for me.

"No fucking way bitch, you had to have been with like a loooot of people for fuck's sake you'r—"


"OKAY, it's my turn to spin," I said cutting him off. He pouted and the girls looked at me with suspicion.

I spun the bottle and it landed in between Rachel and Rose which meant that I had to make a truth or dare they can both participate in.

"Dare," they both said.

"Okay, um, I dare you to both try and drink what's left in the other bottle."

They can handle it, right? There is only like half left.

"Alright," they said and began pouring a lot of vodka in the cups.


They were all shit drunk and passed out after a while, there was vodka spilled on the floor along with some pizza we ordered, and cups everywhere. Dylan was awake but he was super drunk and lying on the floor mumbling nonsense.

I sat next to him, "What's up Dylan?"

"Me," he said getting up to sit.

I flicked his forehead, "How're you feeling?"

"Ugh," was the only response I got.

"Why aren't you drunk you turd?!" He asked dropping his head on my shoulder.

"Well, because I'm a god," I whispered because I was unsure if Rose and Rachel could hear.

He gasped, "You're a god?! And you never told me?!" He asked in astonishment.

"I'm Cupid you idiot, the god of love," I said as if it were obvious.

"Shhhh, anyways if you're the 'god of love,' then why haven't you made me fall in love?" He asked sadly.

"Because I can't, you're the only one I can't control, plus you're already in love," I said.

"With who?"

"With me," I made him blush.

"As if! I wouldn't like you in a milli—"

I kissed him making him shut up.

He pulled away, "Why'd you do that???" He asked completely flushed.

"Because I love you," I said.

"Why?" He asked weakly and began tearing up.

"Because you're different, and you make me the happiest. I've never truly fallen in love before, you're my first and last, I hope," I said as he cried on my shoulder.

"I—I, I lo—" I covered his mouth and made him look at me.

"Tell me when you're sober."

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