
By mochalatte1

124K 4K 387

It was supposed to be another fun summer before we all went off to college, but of course, a new guy had to c... More

1. Prologue
2. New Neighbors
3. Dinner
4. Chicken
5. Blender
6. Number
7. Goal
8. Storm
9. Movies
10. Draining
11. Harry
12. Practice
13. Like
14. Girlfriend
15. Stupid
17. Listen
18. Nice
19. Fork
20. Begging
22. Backfoot
23. Very very good
24. Avatar
25. Secrets
26. Hug
27. Fix It
28. It's cream
29. Elevators
30. Doubting
31. Crazy
32. Marcel
33. Golf
34. Hold On
35. Candle
36. Vodka
37. Bold Streak
38. Dip
39. Map
40. Airport thing
41. Love you
42. Please
43. Bonding
44. Birthday boy
45. Nerja
46. Game
47. Friends
48. Guys
49. Saint Lemon
50. Initiation
51. Married
52. Good to go
53. For real
54. Alienated
55. Fans
56. Logic
57. Kids
58. Helping
59. Snow day
60. Stay up
61. C'mon
62. Presents
63. Talks
64. Logan
65. It's blonde
66. Flinching
67. Justin
68. My boyfriend
69. Bright side
70. Fine
71. Girls Night
72. Time flies
73. Miss you
74. Oh shit
75. Promise
76. James
77. Mary
78. Birthday girl
79. Pros
80. Whats best

16. Wrestling

1.5K 63 0
By mochalatte1

I said goodbye to Elena and walked out of the restaurant towards my bike. The avenue was crowded today with everyone shopping and talking. Niall told me to come down to Emilio’s so we could ride home together and, blatantly ignoring Eileen’s threat, I gladly accepted. I wanted to hang out with him today anyway. I’m trying to work on accepting that I like him and ‘take it how it is’.

Now that I think about it, I can’t really follow through with what both of them want from me. Niall wants me to talk to him every day and hang out as much as possible, and Eileen wants me to stay away and never be alone with him. Obviously, I’m going to listen to Niall because like Brice said, I deserve to be happy—to have him as a friend at least.

As I neared the shop, I saw Niall coming out of the store with Eileen close behind. What is this…?

“…home with Hunter and—”

“Hunter? Why are you going with her?”

He frowned at her, “Why not?” I stood awkwardly behind them, waited to be noticed—as usual.

“But, I could go with you—” Niall glanced behind her and his face lit up. I gave him a small smile.

“Hey, you alright?” I nodded and Eileen turned around, giving me a mean glare behind her smile. “Don’t nod…”

“Yeah, I’m alright.” I mumbled.

“Your hair looks different.” He tilted his head to the side and I glanced at Eileen, who was fuming, before looking at my feet.

“Um…yeah I straightened it.” My fingers tapped nervously on the handles of my bike. “Ready?”

“Yeah,” He turned to Eileen. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Come over?”

“Can’t—I have late practice…I’ll call you.”

She rolled her eyes, “Whatever.” Niall didn’t even seem to notice her bitter tone before unlocking his bike. “Wait,” She grabbed his arm, spinning him around to mash her lips to hers. I turned my bike around and mounted it to keep my heart from aching. “Remember what I said Hunter.” Eileen called and I turned to glare at her.

“I fucking heard what you said, and I’m ignoring it. You remember what I said, Eileen.” Niall looked back and forth between us in confusion. I rode away from them both, knowing Niall would catch up soon enough. Why would Eileen just say that in front of him? Does he know she said that? Does he care? Of course he cares; he said I’m his best friend. He wouldn’t let her say that to me, if he knew, right?

“Hunter, what did she say to you?” Niall questioned sternly, riding along side of me.

I snorted, “She doesn’t want us to be alone together because she doesn’t trust me with you.”

“She said that?”


“Well….um…” He paused, “You’re not gonna do that are you?”

I rolled my eyes. He’s such an idiot. It was just the two of us riding down the completely empty back street bordered by empty back yards. It’s just us. “Obviously not since we’re alone right now.” I muttered, glancing at him. He wore his usual cocky smirk. He’s so fucking attractive. “Don’t.” I warned.

“I’m not doing anything.”

“I know what you’re thinking though. It’s not going to happen.”

He laughed, “I’m just looking at you. I can’t look?”

“No, you know I don’t like that.”

“I like looking at you though,” He said playfully. I smirked. I like when he’s playful—which is almost all the time. “So I was thinking—”

“Oh, lord.”

“Hey, that’s not nice.” He grumbled before continuing. “I was thinking I could drive you to Brice’s birthday dinner. It doesn’t make sense for us to live so close and take two different cars to the same place, yeah?”

I smiled, “Sure, but Eileen has to come—my being untrustworthy and all. I could attack you or something! We’ll definitely need her there to protect you.”

He snorted, “Are you kidding? You’re the last thing I need protecting from.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah, really.”

“I can be vicious. It’ll make you wise to remember that.”

“You’re like a little bunny, Hunter. You’re not vicious at all.” I giggled. I’ll show you vicious…

I sprung from my bike, knocking him over and into the grass. He let out a surprised ‘oomph’ as I landed on top of him. Grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head as I giggled like an idiot. He was even more staggered when I swung a leg over him so I could hold his hands down better. “Whoa…”

“I win.” I said proudly. “And you went down like a punk.” A big goofy grin crossed his face as he gazed up at me. “Guess what.” I smirked.


I was feeling unnaturally bold and flirty for some reason. With Brice’s words ringing in my brain, I stuck my foot out on the plank. “If you didn’t have a girlfriend, I would’ve had my way with you by now.” I whispered. “But I won’t do that because I’m not a home-wrecker.”

He let out a breath as his eyes widened, “Let’s forget about it Eileen for a second…” He mumbled seductively. Oh my god. That went well!

“Now Niall, that’s not what good boyfriends do.” I teased.

“Who’s gonna tell on me? You?”

“Maybe.” He wiggled underneath me trying to break his hands free. “I told you Horan, I’m vicious.” I giggled.

He rolled his eyes, “Not when you giggle like that, loser.”

“Who are you calling a loser? Last I checked, I’ve won everything we’ve done.”

“And you cheated every time!”

I shrugged, “I do what it takes.” He groaned and he twisted his hips to make me fall off him. I yelped as he was on top of me in no time, pinning and straddling me.

“So do I,” He muttered. I couldn’t stop laughing as he tried to keep his face straight. “You’re so cute.” He muttered with a smile. “Like a bunny!” I gasped in mock hurt.

“I’ll wrestle you any time, Horan.”

“We’re wrestling now, and it looks like I won.” He leaned in so our noses were brushing and suddenly my spurt of boldness was gone and replaced with lust—which I was more embarrassed to embrace. “What are you going to do about it?” My chest rose and fell quickly as I remained quiet. “So, you’ve gone silent?” My front pressed against his each time I inhaled, rubbing us together.

“Hunter.” His raspy voice spoke.

“Yes?” I panted.

His eyes moved to my lips. “Can we forget Eileen for a second? I’ll time it.” My lips parted but I stayed silent. This is why we can’t be alone together; the tension puts us in stupid situations like this. Against my better judgment, I want him badly right now. “C’mon, I won’t tell on you.” He whispered, lips brushing mine. I couldn’t help it—I lifted my head up and gave him a soft kiss before resting back in the grass. His blue eyes were intense.

“Think of it as one of our games,” He pecked me lightly. “I can cheat but we both win.” I shifted up a little so he was straddled over just the right place. A puff of air left my mouth in relief, glad to get a little friction. This is just so wrong…

“You want me to move?” He questioned, tilting his head a little. My eyes crossed because of the small distance between us. “Talk to me, baby.” I flushed, mouth falling agape, as ground his hips into mine. “You like when I call you ‘baby’, don’t you?” His smug grin made an appearance as he leaned down to kiss me roughly into grass of some random person’s back yard by the back street.

“Say something,” he begged sounding a little concerned as he grinded against me again. “Tell me if you want it or not. You’re making me feel bad.”

“You should feel bad.” I breathed. “You’re cheating on your girlfriend.”

His lips ghosted across my cheek to my ear, “That’s not what I feel bad about…and I’m not cheating—we’re just wrestling. I just want to know if you want it or not.” I closed my eyes as he kissed down my neck.

I felt so conflicted and evil. Aside from encouraging him to cheat on his girlfriend, I’m giving into feelings that I haven’t acknowledged in years. It was making me overwhelmed and I just didn’t know which side to listen to—my gut or my brain.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Don’t cry.” His hands released my wrist, gripping my face between them and wiping my tears with his thumbs. I hadn’t even realized tears were slipping from my eyes. “I’m sorry, ‘Unter. I got carried away. Please, don’t cry. Shit.”

I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to me in a tight hug. Frustration bubbled inside of me when I realized that thinking too much has messed things up again. I was still breathing heavily as we lay in the grass hugging—just trying to get my thoughts together. Niall’s body was relaxed on top of mine and I absentmindedly slipped a hand in his hair as I cradled his head into my chest.

What was I thinking? I may hate Eileen, but I’m not just going to make out with her boyfriend behind her back. If I’m going to make out with Niall, I don’t want to sneak around to do it. And what is he thinking? His relationship has barely started and he’s already cheating on her. Something inside me said it was because he likes me more than Eileen, but I quickly brushed the thought away.

“You smell good.” His voice was muffled against my chest and collarbones.

I laughed, “Thanks.”

“Hmm,” He inhaled deeply before bringing himself up, supporting his body with his forearms. “You alright?” I nodded. “Don’t nod.”

“I’m fine.”

His face fell and he closed his eyes, “I keep messin’ up with you.”

“Niall…we can’t keep doing this. You know that. It’s even worse now that she’s your girlfriend. This is probably why she doesn’t want us alone together.”

“Don’t avoid me after this, please. I won’t do it again.” He’s said that before. That’s not what I want at all, but it’s what he needs to do. He stood up, pulling me to my feet as well. “Look at me.” He said firmly. I complied with his sudden demand and I was, again, trapped in his eyes.

“That was the last time, I promise. I’ll tell Eileen to come with us to Brice’s party if it makes you feel better…since I can’t control myself.” He smoothed some of my hair off my forehead, his hand stopping at the back of my head. He looked so sorry, like he’d just dropped a trophy on stage. I wish I could just say, ‘Niall, the only thing that would make me better is if you held my hand as we watch a stupid movie together or while you told me about your boring day.’

But I can’t.

“Why does this keep happening?” I whispered, more to myself.

“Because I’m stupid.” I let out a breathy laugh; I should’ve guessed that. “You’re supposed to say ‘No Niall, you’re not stupid—you’re the smartest lad I know’.”

“But you are stupid.” I giggled.

He rolled his eyes as he playfully pushed my shoulder, “Let’s go home. You look nice by the way.”


“Hunter?” Mom called from down the hall.


“Will you come here for a minute?” I groaned but rolled off my bed and walked into my parents’ room. Mom had her bed covered in clothes she’d pulled out of the closet. Oh no, is she doing to ask me to pick out an outfit? That’ll take years. “You know your father and I have a date, so I need you to help out and look after Lou, okay?”

My eyebrows shot up, “He needs looking after?”

“Well, just make sure he eats something—all of you—and he has to take his painkillers at seven. No parties, no boys or girls over, and no drinking or smoking. I will smell it on your breath when I walk back in this house, and so help me I’ll break all of your backs.”

“Jeez, Mom. I get it.”

“I’m serious. Don’t even let Liam or Niall over here, and especially not that dirty girl Chip has been talking to.” Chip’s talking to a girl? Just one? “You’re in charge, okay?”

I nodded, “So where’s Dad taking you?”

Her face completely lit up, “Dinner and a movie—and we’re staying in Córdoba overnight. I feel like a teenager again. I’m excited, actually.”

“Well…I hope you have fun.” I cringed a little at the thought of my parents making out in a movie theater.

“Hunter, when are you going to go on a date?”

I was taken aback, sputtering a bit before getting my words together. “When someone asks me.”

“Maybe you should ask someone.”

“What if they say no?”

“Then ask someone else. Rejection is a very small thing to be afraid of—like a gnat.” That’s easy for you to say. You’ve never been thrown out of a car because you weren’t good enough. “I think you should put yourself out there.” She picked up a dress of the bed and held it in front of herself as she stared in the mirror, assessing how it would look.

“You’re such a beautiful, bright girl. If you’d stop pushing everyone away, maybe you would be here waiting for your seventh or eighth date.” She picked up another dress. “What do you think?” She held up the two dresses for me. I was glad she was moving the subject on.

“Sea foam green—you’ve always looked nice in that one.”

Her mouth fell open at my compliment as she clutched the dress to her front. “Really? You know I’ve been going to the gym.”

“Yeah Mom. Dad will probably drop dead or something.”

She frowned, “Well I don’t want him to do that…”

“It’s just an expression.” I reassured. “And don’t worry about anything. I’ll keep everything under control.” She snorted as she started putting away her extra dresses.

“Good luck with that.”


I stirred the soup on the stove before checking on the chicken in the oven. Mom and Dad have been gone for about an hour and I’d check on Louis twice and given him his meds. He seemed so down compared to how he usually is and it broke my heart. He wasn’t even talking very much. Oh, Lou, I wish I could take the pain away so you could be happy again.

“…here around like ten.” Chip walked into the kitchen, talking on the phone as he looked around. “No, bring your own shit. What do I look like?” He started rummaging through the cabinets as he looked for something. “Well yeah, I’ll get her done before the party’s over no doubt. She’s obsessed with me.”

“What are you looking for?” I questioned from the stove.

“Booze—where do Mom and Dad keep it?”

Like I would tell him that. “Don’t you have your own stash? And why don’t you just go and buy some? You’re legal.”

“Because I don’t fucking feel like driving out.”

“What do you need booze for anyway?”

He looked at me as if it was the dumbest question he’s ever heard. “Because I don’t like being sober during parties.” He turned his attention back to his phone. “Yeah, you can sleep here.”

“What? No they can’t! And you can’t have a party, Mom is going to flip and it’ll be at me.”


So?! I don’t want to get in trouble for something you did.”

“Relax, it’s only a few people and—”

I gave him a look, “Which people? The Greeks? Because you know damn well they’re going to break something and I’m not cleaning anything up.” The Greeks are loser frat boys from California that call themselves The Greeks over here because of the Zeta Beta whatever thing. I know for a fact that they completely trash houses when they go to a party and I have no interest in cleaning up after them. “Louis’ really hurting anyway. He can’t have a party.”

“Then both of you can stay upstairs.” He snapped.


“Hunter, just shut the fuck up. I’ll invite Niall over if it makes you keep your mouth shut.” I faltered. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Now I don’t want to see or hear you while these people are over, got it? Just stay with Louis and Niall upstairs.”

“Who’s this dirty girl Mom said you’re seeing?” I blurted, trying to get him to stop saying Niall’s name.

He smirked, “Oh, she’s dirty alright.” I gave him the most disgusted face I could manage. “Finish your cooking and leave. How much did you make?”

“Enough for the three of us,” I shouted. “Because your fucktard friends aren’t supposed to be over here and neither is Niall! Chip, why do you do these things when you know they’re wrong?!”

“Because I do what I want. Haven’t you figured that out yet?” He went back to his phone call; giving whatever idiot he’s talking our address and stuff. Why can’t he ever listen to me? If Mom says anything I’m drop-kicking him under the bus.

I sat on the counter as I waited for dinner to finish, playing aimlessly on my phone. Brice was out shopping with Liam in search for a birthday dress. She’s sent me pictures of probably about twenty dresses from eight different stores, giving me a detailed description about how she thought it looked on her. She was making me weirdly excited for her dinner.

Usually I hate dressing up, but honestly I’d do anything for Brice. Hopefully things will run smoothly and Eileen won’t ruin anything.

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