
By mochalatte1

123K 4K 387

It was supposed to be another fun summer before we all went off to college, but of course, a new guy had to c... More

1. Prologue
2. New Neighbors
3. Dinner
4. Chicken
5. Blender
6. Number
7. Goal
8. Storm
9. Movies
10. Draining
11. Harry
12. Practice
14. Girlfriend
15. Stupid
16. Wrestling
17. Listen
18. Nice
19. Fork
20. Begging
22. Backfoot
23. Very very good
24. Avatar
25. Secrets
26. Hug
27. Fix It
28. It's cream
29. Elevators
30. Doubting
31. Crazy
32. Marcel
33. Golf
34. Hold On
35. Candle
36. Vodka
37. Bold Streak
38. Dip
39. Map
40. Airport thing
41. Love you
42. Please
43. Bonding
44. Birthday boy
45. Nerja
46. Game
47. Friends
48. Guys
49. Saint Lemon
50. Initiation
51. Married
52. Good to go
53. For real
54. Alienated
55. Fans
56. Logic
57. Kids
58. Helping
59. Snow day
60. Stay up
61. C'mon
62. Presents
63. Talks
64. Logan
65. It's blonde
66. Flinching
67. Justin
68. My boyfriend
69. Bright side
70. Fine
71. Girls Night
72. Time flies
73. Miss you
74. Oh shit
75. Promise
76. James
77. Mary
78. Birthday girl
79. Pros
80. Whats best

13. Like

1.7K 62 13
By mochalatte1

As I was walking out to the pool, I made accidental eye contact with Niall. He smiled and waved for me to come talk to him. Oh jeez. I dropped my stuff by the pool and walked to the fence, seeing a bunch of men sticking a swing set into his backyard. I frowned, bemused.

“Hey,” He chirped. Why is he all smiley? “How’re you?”

“Good,” I smiled. His good mood was rubbing off on me. “You? How’d initiation go?”

He snorted, “Great, I’m sure someone got a hard-on when I showed them this morning.” Okay, I didn’t ask for all that…

“Is seeing a girl sleeping a turn on?” He actually blushed as he shrugged.

“Anyway,” He cleared his throat. “I have some news.”


“Yeah, um…Greg’s wife is coming over for a week.”

I arched an eyebrow, “Yeah?” I didn’t know he was married.

A big boyish crooked smile spread across his face. “And she’s coming with my cousin Ana on my Dad’s side. They’ll be here later today.” He looked so happy to be alive; it was making me smile too. “Wanna come to the airport with us to get them?”


He rolled his eyes, “No, Chip.”

“You don’t want Eileen to go?”

“Uh, no—I’ll see her tomorrow night. She’s never met Greg.” I raised my eyebrows. “Don’t think he’d like her to be fair.” Like the rest of us. “So, you coming?” I nodded with a small smile. “Denise’ll like you.”

I bit my lip, holding by a smile. “Why do you think that?” He only shrugged, blushing a little. Oh, he’s so cute when he blushes. “What’s with the swings?” He cleared his throat, jamming his hands in his pockets.

“Ana likes swings.” He said with a shrug. “So, I’ll see you later then?”

“Yeah,” He beamed, ducking in to kiss me on the cheek before disappearing into his house. My heart was pounding but I walked it off as I got to the pool. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to Niall being near me, let alone kissing me—in any way. I’ve never had a friend make me this weird, but I’m starting to like how he makes me weird.

I wonder if he makes Eileen weird. No, of course not. Eileen is so confident around him, like she knows he won’t smack her away like the annoying mosquito she is. Maybe the other way around? Probably not. If Eileen made Niall weird, he would probably blush a lot more around her instead of sighing and rolling his eyes.

Do I make Niall weird?

Now you’re getting ridiculous.


“Denise!” Greg called. I looked around for someone to respond. Greg waved but I didn’t even see anyone look in our direction. Where is she? Suddenly a little girl came running to Niall, latching on to his legs. Where did she even come from?

“Ana!” Niall shouted, picking her up and hugging her to his chest. “I missed you kiddo.” For some reason I thought Ana was our age. This explains the swings so much better. I smiled at the two of them, bubbling with happiness for them. Glancing at Greg I saw he was reunited with Denise, kissing and laughing and whispering to each other. Jeez, she’s pretty…

Incidentally, I felt out of place. I had no one to hug hello. I looked around awkwardly, giving them their time to catch up.

“Ana, you wanna meet someone?” I looked back at Niall, and shouldn’t have been surprised to see him staring at me. He flagged me over, “This is my friend Hunter.” He slung his arms around my shoulders as he smiled at me. “Hunter, my little cousin Ana.”

“Nice to meet you, Ana.” I said sweetly, holding my hand out for her. She was timid, shrinking into his shoulder and away from me.

“Hey, hey, no rejecting my mate Ana.” He lightly scolded. “Say hi.” She peeked at me through her prematurely full eyelashes, and waved. “Good girl Banana.” I giggled at his little nickname. He set her down on her feet and held onto her hand as the five of us made our way to the exit. “Don’t worry, she’s a little shy.”

“It’s fine, I was like that when I was little.”

“Yeah?” I nodded.

“How old is she?”

“She’ll be three in the fall.” I nodded again looking down at the little girl. Her shoulder length brown hair bounced as she toddled to keep up with Niall. She looks a little like Niall and idly I wonder if people were going to think this is our child. I certainly hope not. Maybe they’ll think she’s belongs to Greg and Denise. Once we got to the car though, I didn’t care anymore.

Seeing Niall with her is definitely the cutest thing on the planet. I’ve always had a weakness for guys that are good with kids—just to add to my already prominent weakness for Niall.


“What are you doing right now?” Niall asked as we pulled into his drive way. Greg and Denise left me, me Ana and Niall in the car as they got suitcases out of the trunk and took them inside. The whole car ride Niall was trying to convince me that Ana could talk; he said she was just too shy to speak in front of me. I personally didn’t think it she was just shy; I think she was terrified of me. Even now she was sat in his lap, as far away from me as possible…but then again she asleep so I guess I shouldn’t take it too personally.

“I’m having dinner with Brice. We’re discussing her birthday plans for her.”

“Oh…will I be invited?”

I looked at him impassively, “Why would we invite you?” The fact that I was joking completely flew over his head and pure pain crossed his face as he shifted Ana, fast asleep, on his lap.

“Why wouldn’t you invite me? You don’t like me?”

“Niall, I was kidding!”

He blushed, “Right.”

“Brice really likes you. She thinks you’re cool, so obviously she’ll invite you.”

“What about you?” I frowned, making him smirk. “Do you think I’m cool?” I rolled my eyes, reaching for the door handle. “Wait, can I ask you something?”

I froze. That’s a question I never like to hear. “Sure…”

“How come you didn’t come over? After Chucho’s got broken up. ” I sighed; relieved it was a relatively easy question. I can be honest about this.

“I’m…not Eileen’s biggest fan. I planned on staying away from her at the big party.” I paused. “I wouldn’t have been able to do that at your house…since there were only six of us…”

“I thought you were friends.”

I sighed, “Looking back on all the shit she’s done to me over the years, I don’t think we were ever really friends.”

“What did she do to you?”

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I looked away from him opening the car door. “I’ll text you tonight. Have fun with Ana.” He seemed confused that I was rushing away from him, but nodded.


“I want to have a fancy dinner. We can all dress up.” I rolled my eyes. “I know you do not like to but…maybe just once…?”

“I’ll do whatever you ask for your birthday, Brice.” She beamed with happiness. “How many people? Where?”

“Just our group. I do not want extra people…um” –she paused to think of the word—“floating. No floaters.”

I laughed, “So, Eileen then?” She sighed, and I was oddly happy to see it.

“I suppose. She will have my head if I do not invite her.” I laughed again. “She has really been making me angry lately, with her clinging to Niall and stuff.”

“Tell me about it…”

“You like Niall.” She stated; I didn’t say anything. “I will not tell anyone, I just want you to admit it. Honestly, I wanted you to be with him from the beginning. You seem more like the type of girl he would like.” I gaped at her. When did Brice get all these opinions?! She’s usually so quiet, a go-with-the-flow type. “So, you like him, no?”

I didn’t even hesitate—because it’s Brice. She’s always been there for me as a confidant…unlike Eileen. “Yeah, I do…I haven’t told anyone.”

“Yes! I love being first.” She clapped her hands together. “I think he likes you too. Now we just have to get him to”—she paused—“what is the word? Um…drop? It is a d-word. Hunter, help me out.”

“Wait, what? What do you mean he likes—”

“Dump! There we go. We have to get him to dump Eileen.”

“Brice, what are you talking about?”

“So he can be with you and not Eileen…?”

I sighed, “He and Eileen are just hooking up. He says they’re not exclusive. And what do you mean he likes me? Did he tell you?” She shook her head, her strawberry blonde movie star hair swishing around.

“Liam just told me he talks about you all the time—always finds a way to get you into the conversation—while he gets annoyed whenever Eileen is brought up.”

“That doesn’t mean he likes me.” I mumbled.

She smiled, “Then what does it mean?” I rolled my eyes because I honestly didn’t know. He talks about me all the time? What does he say? “Your phone is lighting up.” She pointed out. “Oh look, FaceTime request from Niall Irish Sauce Horan.” She giggled.

“He put that there a while ago…” I muttered before answering the call and holding it up for both Brice and me to be in the frame. He showed up, caught trying to fix his hair. He seemed to be lying on the floor…not wearing a shirt.

“Hello, Irish Sauce.” Brice laughed. Niall and I laughed too. “To what do we owe this interruption?” He shifted uncomfortably.

“I’m interrupting?”

“She’s kidding.” I smiled. “What’s up?”

“Look what Ana did.”

Brice gave me a confused look. “His little cousin.” I whispered to her. Niall flipped the camera around, showing Ana sitting astride him, drawing on his chest and stomach, with lipstick I think. Oh his chest and stomach…

“Ana, say hi.” He mumbled. She looked up giving his phone the same little wave she gave me. “Want to tell Hunter that you’re drawing?” She shyly looked down at the red lines on his stomach as she shook her little head. Oh, how cute! “Why won’t you talk in front of Hunter? She probably thinks you’re a mute.” He grumbled to himself.

“I don’t think that!” I laughed. “She’s just shy.”

“Five minutes ago she wouldn’t shut up.” He flipped the camera back to him. “I’ll send you a picture when she’s done. I’m not sure what she’s drawing either.” I blushed at the thought of Niall sending me a shirtless picture of himself, covered in lipstick lines. “So how’s party planning going?”

“Good. You’ll be happy to know you’re invited.”

“I love to hear that. How old are you gonna be Brice?”

“Twenty.” She responded. “I hope you have nice clothes, Mister. You have got to dress up for it.”

He jerked a little to the side, a small smile on his lips. Ana must’ve pressed to hard. He’s ticklish. I smiled a little at the thought. “I’ve got plenty of nice clothes, missy.” Niall dressed up—oh man.

“I can’t imagine you dressed up.” I lied.

“Same for you.”

Brice giggled, “She cleans up very nice, that I can promise.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it.” I bit my lip, smiling. “Argh! Ana, stop.” He glanced down, shifting again so he was sitting up. “No more, drawing.” I watched intently as he stared off screen, his eyes following wherever Ana went. He cares for her so much and it makes me swoon. A smile came over his face she came into the frame, looping her arms around him in a hug. “Will you say hi to Hunter and Brice now?” She shook her head and hid her face in his shoulder. He sighed.

“I don’t think she likes me.” I pouted, making Brice laugh.

“Well, I know someone that likes you.”

“Who?” Both Niall and I said. She only shrugged coyly. What is she up to?

She giggled. “We have to go, Irish Sauce. Hunter will call you later, most likely.”

He gave her a sideways smile, “Most likely, huh?”

“Bye Niall…” I rolled my eyes.

“See ya later ladies. Want to say bye Ana?” He sighed again when she shook her head. “See ya.” He hung up and I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.

“I really like him.” I mumbled, putting my head in my hands. How did this happen? Why couldn’t I like some I actually could have?

She clapped her hands together, “Now to get rid of Eileen.”

“No…I don’t want to be the reason they…stop doing what they’re doing.”

“So, you will just sit back and watch as he kisses her in front of you…” I shrugged but nodded. “You are hopeless.”

“Hey!” I whined. “You used to be so nice and quiet Bricey.”

She laughed, “Yeah, well not anymore!”

“I’m guessing your aggression came with age?”

“I would assume so.” I smiled and shook my head at her. “I think we should have the party at the club, restaurant in the city. It looks so nice and fun.”

I shrugged. “Whatever you want.” My phone lit up on the table again. I had a picture message from Irish Sauce.

Niall: Think it’s a cat or something

I sighed, completely overwhelmed with how to react to this picture. His little smirk in the picture made me realize he knew exactly what he was doing with this half naked picture. He knows the effect he has on me. I tried to pay attention to the red lines all over him instead of him, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t help but imagine him leaning over me or my hands all over him…his hands all over me.

I frowned, remembering that I’ll never feel that. With almost only two more months left in our trip and the fact that Eileen has a vice grip on him I know that I will truly, never have him or even get a chance to tell him that he’s the first guy I’ve liked in two years—since Alec.

My thoughts were interrupted by another text from him.

Niall: Do the volleyball this weekend!!!

“Yes! We should!” Brice cheered, clearly having been reading over my shoulder. “You and me. Brice and Hunter; it will be like last year’s hotdog eating contest!” We lost…terribly. “Okay, maybe not exactly like that…but it will be fun!”

“Those are just so guys can watch us jump around in bikinis…”

She waved a hand, “They can look all they want, I get to decide who touches.”

“Brice!” I laughed.

“It is true! Come on, do it with me. We both know Eileen will not do it because she is terrible at sports. You and I could win!”

“Louis did tell me to avenge our family name after he lost…”

“Yeah! We are going to kick some butt. Practice starts tomorrow!”


She laughed, “Yes Hunter. Beach at four tomorrow; you have off work, no?”

“I do,” I groaned. What the hell have I gotten myself into?


Niall: is it too late for you t come over

I smiled stupidly at my phone. Of course I’ll come over. I hopped out of bed to put some normal clothes on. Rushing as I put on shorts and a tank top, I kept saying “Holy shit, holy shit,” because I was just giddy with excitement. I don’t even care if he’s asking me to babysit Ana while he goes to a party, he still needed me for something and I’m happy to do it for him.

Once I was dressed (kind of) my fingers hovered over the keyboard of my phone, trying to think of something to say back to him. I went with being coy.

Me: maybe…

Niall: pleeeeease:(

It was only eleven, but everyone was asleep already, which made it easy for me to sneak downstairs and out onto the patio.

Me: I’m kind of tired…I have stuff to do tomorrow

I walked across my backyard and stopped at the fence to read his response.

Niall: you know you want to

How does he know? I hopped over the fence.

Me: what makes you so sure I want to hang out with you at this time of night

Niall: the fact that you’re walking across my yard right now…

I laughed a little.

Me: shut up and come open the door.

Only a moment later the door flung open. He gave me a big smile before pulling me inside and wrapping me in a big hug. It’s was a hug like he hasn’t see me in days, while I was with him just earlier today. What’s this all about? When he pulled away, keeping his hands on my hips, a lazy smile still graced his face. He was clearly sleepy. Oh my god.

“Hey.” My heart took off at the sound of his tired voice.

“Hi Niall.” I mumbled. “Why am I here?” He thought for a while before shrugging, his smile growing. I felt his hands tightening on my hips as he tried to pull me closer. I resisted.

“Don’t be shy.” He whispered. I was basically panting. He’s barely done anything to me, and I already want him badly. But I can’t have him, and it’s never hurt as much as it does now. I wish he would just say, ‘Hunter, I’m done with Eileen. You’re my girl now’ and I could just—

“What are you thinking about?”

I looked up at him through my lashes. “Eileen…and you…” I admitted.


“Because…you—I really want…but you…” I sighed. “Did you only call me over because you’re horny?”

His eyes widened. “No, Hunter. C’mon, I’m not like that.”

“Then why?”

“Why do you always need a reason for stuff Hunter?” He said frowning, suddenly defensive. “I can’t just ask you to come to mine without there being some big secret behind it?” I wanted to moved away from his raising voice but he gripped my hips and grinded into me.

“Listen,” He whispered. “And look at me.” Grabbing my face in one hand, he turned it so our eyes were locked, our foreheads pressed together. My heart was convulsing in my chest and a familiar tingle from deep inside me was making me feel conflicted about this. I was getting so turned on by his mild roughness that I was kind of glad I brought up Eileen. Oh my god, I’m turning into some kinky psycho!

“You have to stop looking for an explanation for everything. I don’t know why I do stuff.” He mumbled. “I…you and me are different than me and Eileen. I’ve got a soft spot for you because…I—I don’t know. See? I never know anything. You just have to take it how it is.”

I swallowed, speechless. A soft spot? For me?! Does he have a different spot for Eileen? Is that the spot where only the girls that he plans on banging get? I kind of have that spot too…

“Take it how it is, Hunter.” He repeated. His voice was low and raspy, eyes drooping closed as he leaned in with parted lips. Stop thinking about Eileen. Don’t let her control you. Kiss him. I moved my hands up his arms and dug my fingers into his bicep and his lips pressed into mine, already in full make out mode. A whimper escaped. “Louder.” He growled. He moved his mouth down my neck, nudging my head to the side to kiss and lick all over the tender skin.

I nearly melted to the floor.

He laughed, “Stand up ya weirdo.” I locked my knees, hoping that would help me. Thankfully it did. “Sleepover.” He whispered, kissing my ear. Oh my god, yes! Shit, but no…

“I can’t. I told you I have stuff.” He groaned and pulled back to lean against the wall, looking down at me. My sense was coming back, and guilt flooded through me. “Ni…” He sighed and threw his head back.

“And now you’re gonna tell me I can’t do that anymore.”

I giggled. “Yup.”

“You’re not taking it how it is, Hunter…”

“I mean, imagine what Eileen would do if she knew we…did this behind her back.”

He sighed, “Not exclusive. I can do what I want.”

“C’mon, you know she’d be mad, and you know you hate when people mad at you.”

“Are you mad at me?” I rolled my eyes. “Well?”

“No, I’m just saying…we can’t keep this up.” Unless you drop Eileen…

“I refuse to apologize,” He said smugly. “I’m not sorry for anything.” Yes! No awkwardness! This is turning out easier than I expected. “Can you stay over for a bit though?”

I laughed, “No, Niall! I have to get up in the morning!” I pushed his hands away, “And you look tired.”

“Fine.” He pouted.

“I’ll see you around okay?” He nodded before ducking down to kiss me on the cheek. “Goodnight…and no more…of this…because of Eileen.”

He smiled, “Yeah, whatever. We’ll see how long it lasts this time.” 

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