For That Special One (Special...

By theonlyphyn

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"I promise I'll come back..." It was a promise she had vowed not to break, because breaking it would break he... More

For That Special One (Special A Fanfiction)
Chapter 01-Identity
Chapter 02-The Academy
Chapter 03-The New Boy
Chapter 04-I Want To Challenge You Nagisa!
Chapter 05-Confession?!
Chapter 06-Test Or Trip?!
Chapter 07-Your Loss
Chapter 08-Hikari, That Idiot
Chapter 09-A Visit From The Hillocks
Chapter 10-I Can Catch Any Wave But Not His Heart
Chapter 11-Lily Where Are You From?
Chapter 12-Evidence
Chapter 13-The Road Of Honesty And Humiliation
Chapter 14-The Meeting Of The Heirs And Heiresses
~❤~A Special Saint Valentine~❤~
Chapter 15-I'm Back
Chapter 17-Caught-Part One
Chapter 17-Caught-Part Two
Chapter 17-Caught-Part Three
Chapter 18-Fighting Over A Holiday Trip
Chapter 19-Forgive Me
Chapter 20-Just A Cup Of Tea
Chapter 21-Summer Plans
Chapter 22-Shocking Summer Holiday
Chapter 23-Hawaii, Land Of Pure Jealousy?
~Chapter 22 In Nagisa's Eyes~
~Chapter 22 & 23 In Kei's Eyes~
~Chapter 23 In Adam's Eyes~
Chapter 24-Summer Job?!
Chapter 25-Fireworks; Autumn Awaits
Chapter 26-Autumn Tea Festival
Chapter 27-Family Reunion
Chapter 28-Date
Chapter 29-Crush Those Losers
Chapter 30-Sakura's Holiday Treat
Chapter 31-Stories Of The Past
Chapter 32-Nagisa & Ryuu (Final Chapter)
Author's Note

Chapter 16-Revelation Of Truth

606 19 2
By theonlyphyn

Chapter 16-Revelation Of Truth


I had to tell them. I had to rid of the nagging ache that was eating me alive. I wanted to patch up where I had left them those years ago. It was just a month, twenty-eight to thirty unforgettable days. I admit, it was one of the best times I had in a month. Ryuu. Jun. Megumi. The very first friends I had made in Japan, the very people that made me even more intrigued about my Japanese roots.

Also, there was Kei, my cousin. The entire side of the Takishima family had bought the adoption lie, because they couldn't even care less about me and my parents. There was also Sui, my younger cousin. I wanted to tell them, to at least not hide to my cousins, who were not related in this strain in relationship. I didn't see the point in hiding from them. It only made me constantly lurk in the shadows of their minds, a secret or mystery. The last thing I wanted was those rumours.

I was already nothing but a hollow shell of my old self. But I was ready to move on in life, to make it as full as it can be, even if it never returns to its original fullness.

I sucked in a deep breath, gathering as much courage as I could. Pulling my socks all the way up to my knees, I slipped on the brown loafers and made my way to the greenhouse. I was ready to slack, making notes only a week before the tests so that I could amend and make test papers with the teacher's guidance.

I walked to school passing by a jam of fancy black cars sending students to the academy. Couldn't they learn to save fuel by either walking or carpooling?

I was greeted by Jun and Megumi the moment I walked in. Once Ryuu comes, I'll tell them. I can't leave them in the dark now that the secrets of my family background slowly unravels itself.

I squeaked and jumped when something barrelled towards my leg. I hear Ryuu laughing as I calmed myself. Looking down, I saw the source of my little fright attack.

A tiny little tiger cub looked at me innocently with kitty eyes, the cat version of puppy eyes. I wanted to coo at how adorable it looked, but I restrained myself. I picked up the agile little cub and nuzzled its nose.

"Don't ever do that again, you cheeky tiger." I whispered in English, before chuckling and placing it in on the floor.

I turned to Ryuu and the twins. I can't keep sidetracking.

"I need to speak with the three of you-"

"Oh! Today's such a nice day! Has Akira arrived yet?"

Anger was flaring from inside of me, rapidly boiling from the deep volcanic core of my body, the steam rising non-stop, puffing out of my ears like a chimney during a cold, winter day.

I turned my head, glaring holes into Tadashi for interrupting me. He paled, but didn't say a word.

"Why don't you go check the kitchen, Tadashi? Or maybe just wait for her somewhere?" I said in a sickly sweet voice, trying my best not to hint at how pissed I was. However, anyone who heard the restraint and tone in my voice could tell I was far from happy.

Tadashi probably received the obvious hints I was giving him as he strolled to his seat silently. Jun and Megumi reminded me of what I was trying to say before I was interrupted.

Somehow, all the confidence, and courage I was building up to this very moment vanished into thin air. Apologising with the excuse of memory loss, I promised to tell them another day, maybe tomorrow. They didn't really eat up my sorry excuse, but they had accepted it with a smile.

The five of us sat in silence before Kei arrived with Hikari hot on his trail. Once he sat down, I gathered whatever tiny bits and pieces of courage I had left, and spoke.

"Kei, I'm coming to your place after school, I hope you don't mind."

It wasn't exactly a yes or no question. I used a couple of sources, and figured out that today was probably the only day where the three of them could have dinner, and I was simply seizing the opportunity. Even though my aunt, Kei's mother, was not present, this was the least I could do for now.

That night, I went to the Takishima residence, which was larger than the pictures I had searched up. Since they had yearly expansions, it wasn't easy to tell how their current house looked like. As one of the maids led me into the foyer, took the time to admire the avant garde house of my uncle and cousins.

Modern art pieces and Japanese vases lined the walls at an equal distance apart, making the house design less simplistic than the plain coloured walls. What impressed me the most was the main stairs. With a velvet rug leading the way like the cobalt blue version of the red carpet, I slowly glanced towards the mash up of various coloured marbles. The marble steps looked exquisite with antique carvings that made the foyer seem like an art gallery.

It was when the shark tooth necklace, a surf shirt and dark skinny jeans made me feel like I was horribly underdressed to be even standing here.

Little had I known before that the dining room was going to have me feel lower than the maids.

For a normal family, I never expected a ballroom-style place the size of my apartment to be their feasting ground. Crystal chandeliers were hung everywhere, blinding me. The dazzling, small family-car sized chandelier in the centre had me questioning how much they spent on a yearly basis.

No wonder the Saiga Corporation was richer.

I yanked the gold dining chair and sat on the smooth velvet. I wonder if they ate food that could be served to kings.

I felt lucky that my parents weren't such unnecessary spenders. Home is where the heart is, my father had taught me. And home to me was not something like this. I could be poor for all I care, but I wanted a warm place to call home, not such grand rooms.

However, I kept this to myself. I had no right to judge what they wanted to do with their money, and I would bite back my tongue, respecting their decision.

"Nagisa-chan!" Uncle Satoru smiles brightly as he comes and gives me a hug. I hug him back, glad that he had accepted me as his niece. It does feel odd having to hug him, since he really resembles my father, but doesn't sound the same.

It takes some time to get used to, but I could make out a few differences. Uncle Satoru has his chestnut brown hair styled like a trendy teenage boy, his face smooth and cleanly shaven. My father, on the other hand, refuses to make himself look young, hence the beard and glasses. After the mental pointers I made, it seemed more comfortable to chat with my uncle.

We just had a little small talk about my academic life before Kei came in with his younger brother, Sui. The young brat stuck out his tongue at me before giving me a silly grin.

"Have you always wondered why you were adopted, Nagisa-chan?" Uncle Satoru asked as we waited for the main course. Oh, I nearly forgot that everyone was under the assumption that I was adopted. I had to clear myself of those rumours if I wanted a good start, and a good relationship with my family members. I can't just keep them in the dark over this.

"This is also one of the reasons I'm here, Uncle." I took a deep breath, bracing myself from whatever reaction they would have. "We're blood related. My real parents are indeed Takishima Sho Alberto and Melissa Alberto."

It took a while before Uncle Satoru snapped out of his shock, and I patiently answered every question he had throughout the remaining courses of our dinner.

Before I left for my apartment, Uncle Satoru offered to give me a room to stay, but I declined, much to his dismay. I tried explaining how I was doing completely fine, rather than hurt him by telling him that their mansion was not a place I would want to come back to and relax.

I swear, no one wants to see or hear the crazy fits I have with Poppy when we Skype. Or when I start watching those shows on my laptop with all those dumb moves made by the characters.

I waved the trio goodbye, promising to return for dinner every now and then.

I nearly shrieked as I turned towards my apartment doors and saw Ryuu and the twins waiting for me outside. How did they know my address? Last I checked, I never revealed it to anyone...

Unless someone was stalking me. I shook off whatever foolish thoughts I had. It must be too much television dramas on my part.

"Why are you guys here?" I stole a quick glance at my phone's lock screen. "It's already nine."

"You had something to say to us privately, and now we're here." Ryuu shuffles his feet slightly, and the twins beamed at me. I didn't know how long they were here, but I hoped they didn't make that big a sacrifice just to talk to me.

It wasn't polite to just have my guests standing outside my apartment doors, so I led them in. Serving them each a cup of chilled milk tea bought from the nearest convenience store, we sat on the living room floor and they waited from me to talk.

Megumi was sitting opposite me, and it felt as if she was looking into my soul with her intense stare. However, I knew she would probably be stuck in the cobweb of lies that I was planning to dust away. Honesty is the best policy after all.

I took a deep breath, settling down my cup of milk tea. It was going to be some storytelling, and I just hope they would listen until the end. That was all I wanted to ask for.

"Do you still recall when you were eight years old? How two adults, a baby faced man and a professional American woman had came to meet your parents during autumn? With their young daughter? The little girl who looked half Japanese, half American, who didn't seem to fit in?

When she finally had the courage to make friends, to step out of her comfort zone, she met three people. They were kids, just like her, but different..."

I quickly took a sip of milk tea, to cover the slip-up. As much as I'd like to tell them everything, there were still some things I'd like to keep to myself.

"There was this boy with green hair, the outstanding big brother figure amongst them, and two adorable twins, a girl and a boy which were shy in such a cute way. They were willing to be her friend, even when the girl had told them they might never meet again after that one month.

That girl experienced one of the best months of her childhood that month. She played on swings, see-saws, and even visited various amusement parks. Sharing the joy with her friends, and the unnoticeable sorrow. Her cruel life had hit her then, the temporary salvation was like a holiday to Eden. She grew attached to her three friends, and was unwilling to return home, in Hawaii. She wanted more time. Heck, she wanted to freeze time in its place and play with her newfound friends forever.

Before she had left, she knew of the flight changes that day. Overwhelmed by sadness, she couldn't bear to tell them about the time change. It was best if she didn't interact with them, to cut down a few strings of attachment so leaving wouldn't hurt. She had the fear of losing people, but she loves everyone from the bottom of her heart. I'm not lying!

If your memory had served you as well as mine did, you would've known the three young kids were called Ryuu, Megumi and Jun. The young girl they met? Her name was Nagisa, and that girl is me."

I quickly slurped the remnants of my milk tea. I didn't want to look at their reaction. Would it be shock? Or maybe hurt, since I did not find the courage to reveal to them from the beginning.

Megumi had shifted closer to me, and so did Jun. Both of them gave me a side hug, which I returned.

"You really came back..." Jun trails off with a smile.

"Yes," I said happily. "I did."

'It's really great to see you again! You've grown so tall, and pretty too!' Megumi nudged my shoulder and showed me her sketchbook. I blushed, but that didn't matter. I was reunited with my childhood friends, and the feeling was just unimaginable joy.

Then, I stood up and apologised for not telling them from the start. They had looked pretty content without me, and I didn't know if I had caused them any sadness.

They forgave me, and fighting whatever anxiousness I used to have was nothing compared to this.

We chatted a little before Ryuu had cleared his throat and gathered his and Jun's cups as well as the ice cream soda I had offered after. They had overstayed their welcome, and it was a school night. I stood up and went to collect Megumi and my share of the cups and soda cans, taking it to the kitchen.

It was almost ten thirty, and as much as I didn't mind them overstaying, it was best for them to be at home than anywhere
else. I was positive that they stayed in a higher classed district than mine, which would probably be very far from this district. I didn't want to affect them in any way. There was another test coming soon, even through not major, I've seen Akira and Hikari burying their nose in a book already. Sleep is important at a time like this.

I heard the main door of my apartment slam shut, signalling that they'd left already. I washed the cups and the cans, for recycling purposes. Turning, I squeaked at the sight of Ryuu standing directly behind me. I may or may not have stepped on his toe when I jumped slightly.

Ryuu just gave me a surprised look, and handed me the cups, placing the cans on the basin for me. The more I looked at him, how we were technically arm to arm, since my shoulder didn't reach his tall one, I felt the guilt. I already told him who I was, but the heart couldn't bring itself.

Did I truly string him along? Or did he find it a laughable topic now? I didn't know, but I dare not to ask.

I sniffed a little as I washed the cup, scrubbing at a nonexistent stain, thinking Ryuu would walk out too. Unfortunately, it did not go the way I wanted it. A tear fell, but it was wiped by a warm hand before it spilled down my cheek like a tiny, single-streamed waterfall.

"Why are you crying?" his words were soft, as if trying to put me in a gentle embrace as I tell him the problems that could vanish if I knew what he was feeling on the inside. I couldn't look directly at him, knowing that his eyes were focused on me as both his hands are grabbing my arms. The cup stays still at the basin, the tap water still flowing.

I knew the sight of me would pain him, or wouldn't it? I didn't know if inside, he felt what I was feeling, what I couldn't seem to let go even after so long.

"Ryuu, I-"

Ryuu cut me off mid-sentence, as our lips came into contact.

I was supposed to be pissed by his interruption, but I liked it. Instinctively, I kissed him back, his hands on my back, pulling my closer and closer towards him, as if he didn't want to let me go.

I was the one who broke the kiss, who gently pushed him away. We weren't dating, but I was breathless, and nothing in my brain seemed to be functioning well. Heck, I forgot what I wanted to say to him!

I ducked my head low, furiously blushing away, unsure of what to do. What am I supposed to do? I couldn't face him at all, not with the spontaneous kiss we both shared moments ago. I was panting, my lips stinging from Ryuu's kiss, yearning for another lip-to-lip contact with him. I shook my head, trying to rid of this thoughts. I couldn't think of him like this, not when I probably broke his heart at the age of eight.

"It's my first kiss, and I'm glad to have given it to my first crush." Ryuu says, his voice slightly breathless as well.

All I did was stay rooted in my spot, his words constantly repeating in my head. I felt no different from the typical schoolgirl that crushed on of the SA's guys. I didn't like it.

I took his first kiss, even though someone else took mine.

As I placed my phone on my nightstand, I heard the signature buzz of a text message.

'I still remember all the details of the letter. And everything silly you did when you were eight-Ryuu'

What was he trying to do?

{published 28/02/2014}

Here's another chapter to clear up a little misconceptions and doubts.
I wanna know how you guys feel after reading the chapter...
And if you have questions, just ask in the comments.
All questions will be answered, via "reply comment" as long as it doesn't spoil the plot *winks*
Enjoy Reading!

theonlyphyn <3

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