After Him

By BTSexyStory

20.5K 2.1K 515

BTS, EXO, Redvelvet fan Fiction The worst part about loving is that there is no assurance you will receive it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 2

480 64 20
By BTSexyStory

Nearing the school compound of Spring Academy, it is easy to notice the bunch of girls waiting on the sidewalk.

For Who? Non other but for the boys who calls themselves BTS.

The amount girls waiting on the sidewalk were almost fifty. They always wait on the sidewalk everyday, fixing their hair, blushing and gushing at the thought of them having a chance to date one of BTS boys, in hope they would be noticed romantically.

I always and still think it is dumb for them to be doing this for five boys when there are like a thousand boys in this school but then again they weren't all good looking.

BTS are not just known for their good looks but also their high profiles and rich families.

They all had different personalities.


Aka as they say, mister nice boy. Many girls talked about how he was so kind hearted but I don't believe in that shit, he probably just wanted more attention.


The rude boy. I still don't understand why girls like such a d*ckhead like Suga! Suga is rude, arrogant and its so hard to know he insults people with how cute he looks.


The flirt. Most of the boys in their stupid group were flirts but Namjoon is one of the most annoying flirt with his dumb pick up lines, like "You look fly, today." Or "I don't really know how to pick up girls, but I like you." When we all know Namjoon snatches girls like how girls snatches their wigs.


Jin was a playful guy, who made weird jokes and called himself worldwide handsome.

but he was no longer studying in our school since he already graduated and went to study in A-Plex University, a famous university, where  the rest of the BTS members plans to go once they graduate from high school.

When he was still studying here, girls rarely tried to flirt with or fan girl over him. I don't know if it is because of the weird dad jokes he makes in the cafeteria or he's super scary girlfriend.


Jhope, I still don't understand that guy. He just approaches everyone, saying weird Jokes, and laughing at his own Jokes, of course his die hard fans laughs with him like crazy girls whether his jokes were funny or not.

Last and the least, the one I never expected to be part of this group.


The all time flirt. Flirt here, flirt there. Non other than my brother.

I still don't understand how he joined BTS. I mean all the boys in BTS are rich, they were sons of doctors,CEO, designer, that's why people admire them, and fantasies about them, but why did they even idolize my brother? Moreover, how did he even join the group.

BTS is a group that started since my  first year of high school here in Spring Academy, It first started with Namjoon who called himself BTS aka Born To Slay then Suga enrolled and also joined and soon other boys joined and then just last year my brother suddenly became best friends with them and when you become their best friend, you are Born to Slay.

Which is still pretty weird to me, cause from what I know Namjoon only accepts boys with high profiles to join the group, and my brother is not from a high profiled family.

Sighing, I continued into the school but turn around when i heard the bunch of girls scream.

I widen my eyes as I see my brother get out of a car.

Did he just take a uber again! When our house is just down the hill!

And didn't he leave the house before me. Jimin is so weird.

Another car arrived, and the girls erupt in another scream.

Namjoon got out of the driver seat of his Lamborghini while the uber Jimin took drove away.

Namjoon locked his car, then pulled Jimin into a bro hug.

The girls erupted into screams and gush, at their bro moment.

I let out a small laugh.

Is that even something to gush about?

Ignoring the scene, I continued into the huge color blue school not bothering to look at why the girls were screaming again.

Even inside the school hallway, you can see girls looking inside their locker that has mirror, phone camera or small mirror to fix their appearance, apply lipstick and powder to look good for non other than BTS boys.

"When Jimin passes by, you should push me on the floor near him, so he can help me up. Got it." A girl who was standing in front of my locker explains to her friend.

I roll my eyes at how stupid they were.

I mean, there is nothing special about my brother, absolutely nothing.

"Hi, your blocking my locker." I mutter shyly.

The thing is. I was tough at home, fight with my brother, my sister and my parents but for some reason I couldn't stand for myself when it came to strangers. I just never speak harshly to other people like I do at home.

"So?" The girl raise her eyebrow.

So? Remove your face from my front SO I don't punch it!

"'s just.." I stammer playing with my fingers. For some reason, my brain froze and i didn't know what to say.

the girl rolls her eyes.

"Loser." She mutters then walks away with her friend.

All the words I should have told her started rushing in my brain.

I should have told her.

Here you are gushing about my brother, now your treating me like this. Bitch you fine?

No, it would definitely hit her if I said.

This is my locker, so get out! Or I'll call my brother Jimin to kick you out of here.

No no no! It would hurt her if I said

And you think my brother will help you if you fall when you are treating me like this! How dare you!

Ughhh I should have said something!

But then again no one actually knows Jimin is my brother. They always treat me badly because I always stammer.

They always make cookies, telling Jimin to give it to their sister-in-law aka Jimin sister who they thought is in college.

I mean, Irene is in college but I am here, I just don't know why I never tell people Jimin is my brother or why Jimin never says I'm his sister.

I know he annoys me but defending me from his fan girls would be appreciated.

But that idiot always ignored me when people tease me.

After getting my stuff from my locker, I went into my boring class where I always get teased.

Sitting down in my sit, I turn my head around and saw Rose.

Rose, the Geek friend of the bitchy popular cheerleaders, Felicia and Rose. and sister of one of BTS member, Jhope. And of course girlfriend of BTS member Jungkook.

I widen my eyes as a scrambled paper hit the back of Rose head.

I turn my head around and there was Kai, giving her that weird dark stare again.

Kai. Jennie's brother, just always bullies Rose in class even though she is Jennie's Best friend.

Then again, its not like Jennie ever defends Rose from being bullied.

Kai bullies her for no reason. I mean, others bullies her to laugh at her. While Kai, after doing some crappy thing like putting glue on her desk, poking her on the head, suddenly grabbing her out of class, or throwing a scrambled paper at her.. He just stares at her blankly, he doesn't laugh amused by the situation like others which just makes things awkward.

Even I who is sitting beside Rose, feels the awkward tension.

I face the front again, ignoring them but another scrambled paper lands on Rose head and I couldn't help up but glance at her.

I take in a deep breath, trying to ignore them. I can't even defend myself why would I try to defend Rose when she has Popular friends and a popular brother and boyfriend and she's popular as well. But then again her brother or her boyfriend are not in this class and her friends are stupid.

But I still shouldn't help her.

Ignore him, joy. Ignore him.

Another paper.

Another paper.

I turn to Rose, who was clenching her hand and shutting her eyes tightly.

And then i turn to her friends Felicia and Jennie who were beside her but they are just scrolling down their phones.

What kind of friends are they!

The situation reminds me of my dream. But this time I wasn't the one drowning in paper, but i was drowning in anger.

Getting up from my seat, I turn around. Gathering my courage as I walk towards Kai but once I was in front him, I did the opposite of what I wanted to do.

I bend, resting my arms on his desk.

"Can you please, stop doing that to her." I whisper begged, trying to not gather attention

He ignores me, tearing a paper from His notebook, crunching it in is hand then looking behind me to throw the paper at Rose.

He was about to ripe another paper but I grabbed his hand before the paper was ripped out.

"Stop doing that." I hiss but he just stared at me. ""

"I don't want to." He simply says and it took a lot of courage for me not flip his desk and slap his face.

"Why?" I ask.

"I just don't."

"Why do you keep bothering her?" I hiss silently. Even though I didn't want to gather attentions, my classmates were already turning their attention to us.

"Because I want to."

"You can't just say 'because I want to', you need to give me a valid reason why you keep bully her, you dummy!" My voice was a bit loud now and I'm sure all the students were looking at us.. Even Rose.

"Don't talk to Kai like that!" A random girl screams.

I turn to the girl, giving her a glare.

"I'll talk to Kai any how I want." I hiss at her, glancing at Rose and her friends who were now staring at me before.

Rose looked dumbfounded, Jennie looked irritated, probably because Kai is her brother while Felicia has a smirk on her face.

I turn to Kai who surprisingly had a smirk on his face as well.

"W-Why! W-Why! Why are you smirking." I stammered even though I was trying to sound strong, I still stammered like a idiot.

He leans back in his seat, folding His arms as he stared at me.

"You want a valid reason?" He ask.

"Well.. Yeah."

"Because she's cute."

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