Starring with Chris Evans- Ch...

Fandoms-Assemble द्वारा

741K 11.7K 3.4K

(Y/N) and chris have been friends since High school. (Y/N) is an actor like chris and gets the opportunity to... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
*Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79

*Chapter 25

9.3K 130 57
Fandoms-Assemble द्वारा

Ant-Man sized A/N: this chapter does include some more explicit content if you know what i mean... so if you aren't into that sorta stuff i have put some of these *** (whatever they're called) before hand. it has no impact to the plot as a whole so you don't have to worry about missing out on anything important.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was finally Saturday, after filming no stop from 9 till 6 doing very physical scenes I was really looking forward to the date Chris had planned. He said we could have a lie in and that we had to leave at around 11am to get to the date, he wouldn't tell me where we were going or what we were doing at all. Since it was once again a very hot day it took advantage of having freedom from the suit and wore a nice vest and denim shorts, Chris had the same idea and was also wearing shorts and a short sleeved top. Since Chris said we would be out in public we both also wore baseball hats and sunglasses, which to be honest I would have worn anyway due to the sun. "ready to go munchkin?" Chris asks holding out his hand, I smile and place my small hand in his large one "yes, will you tell me where we are going now?" I ask hopefully. He smirks and places a kiss on my temple "not yet, I want to see your face light up when you see the sign" he say "now c'mon lets head down to the car"

As per usual we were belting songs all the way there, I only stopped when I noticed where exactly we were going. "please tell me it's the zoo we're going to" I say hopefully, Chris raises an eyebrow at me a smirks not answering the question "well you'll have to see" he says I roll me eyes and keep watching where we were going and sure enough it was the zoo. "omg we have to see the panda's they are so cute!" I squeal, I have always loved animals and if I didn't get into acting I would probably be working with animals "we will go to every enclosure I promise, starting with the panda" Chris laughs. When we parked he held out his arm and I linked it with mine, we got in fairly quickly and luckily it wasn't very busy mostly small children with parents or grandparents. We slowly made our way around the park taking photos of the animals and of each other, there was a picture of a lion that you could put your face through. When he saw it Chris immediately went over and put his face through the hole, he started pulling funny faces making me laugh "c'mon you have ago" he said beckoning me over. I was slightly hesitant but nevertheless put my face in the hole and smiled while Chris took a photo "you are the most beautiful lioness here" he says as he shows me the photo "careful of the other ones may get jealous" I laugh gesturing to the ones in the enclosure.

By about half one we both decided to stop and have some lunch, I began walking in the direction of a café I saw but Chris places a hand on my arm and stops me "I thought we were getting some lunch?" I ask confused, "we are" he smirks and begins to lead me in the opposite direction to the café. We walk onto a large area that people use to relax during the day, he stops just underneath a large tree and sits down. I place myself down beside him as I watch him pull two lunch boxes out of his bag, I can't help but smile and he passes me one "one lunchbox made lovingly for the best girlfriend in the world" he smiles "accompanied by her favourite drink" he passes me my drink and I kiss gently on the lips "I bet this will taste better than any 5 star food, anywhere" I say. I look inside my box and find my favourite sandwich and a couple of snacks with an apple to accompany it, Chris leans back against the tree and I lean against him as he wraps an arm around my shoulders holding me close. We sit in comfortable silence as we eat and watch the young children play on the grass "I would love to bring our kids here one day" Chris sigh, I raise an eyebrow "our kids?" I watch as his face reddens "oh gorgeous I think it's adorable that you're thinking of our future" I smile gazing into his bright blue eyes, since he had taken of his sunglasses "let's wait until we're married okay?" I watch as his smile grows on his face. "god I love you" he says pulling me closer and putting a kiss on my temple. We clean up the food but remain there just sitting there in each other's company, I watch as I see a small child probably 4 or 5 run up to his parents and point over to us. "Chris look" I say nodding over to the child "I know" he smiles "do you want to go over?" he ask, I nod and go to stand up. I brush of the crumbs on my lap and look to see Chris waving over to the child, we begin to walk over and I see the kid get more and more excited. "hi captain America! Golden hope!" the child beams "please call us Steve and Jen , what's you name little man" Chris says bending down to be at eye level. "it's Jason! Why are you here in Atlanta? Are you fighting bad guys?" the Jason asks. "nice to meet you Jason, no fighting today just having a day off with Steve here" I smile at him "have you seen any cool animals today?" Jason nods his head excitedly before rattling off all the animals that he saw. "wow you've seen a lot, what was your favourite?" Chris ask "the panda!" Jason beams, "that's my favourite too" I smile holding my hand up for a high five which he gives me. "are any of the other avengers here too?" Jason asks hopefully, I glance over at Chris not quite sure how to answer "no they have a couple of thing they needed to do" Chris explain "who's your favourite avenger then?" Jason looks slightly disappointed but smiles again quickly "well I really love you two, but Hawkeye is probably my favourite" he say. An idea pops into my head "would you like me to call him so you can talk to him?" I offer and his face turns into one of pure joy "really?" he asks "yeah, I have all the avengers on speed dial in case of emergencies" I say pulling out my phone. I start calling Jeremy and luckily he picks up "hi Clint, I have a fan that wants to talk to you" I say into the phone "really! Aw put me on speaker" Jeremy says and I do what he says. Me and Chris listen to Jeremy and Jason talk about archery and how Jason want to start taking archery lessons just to be like Hawkeye, I can't help but smile. After a few minutes of talking Jeremy says he had to go but loved talking to his number one fan, making the kid smile even more. I put the phone away "would you mind if we got a picture?" his mom asks, "of course" Chris smiles and moves to that Jason was between the two of us. Once the photo was taken we said out goodbyes and promised we would say hi to all the other avengers before heading off the see the rest of the zoo.

At half four we made our way to the gift shop to leave, although we didn't get to see absolutely everything it was only a couple of things that we weren't that bothered about seeing anyway. In the gift shop I found a rack or hand puppets and picked up a parrot one and put it on, I crept up behind Chris who was looking at something else and made it jump out in front of his face. He jumped back in surprise and laughed when he realised what it was "oh my god munchkin that made me jump" he says clutching his chest, I laugh "I can tell" he raises and eyebrow "well I may not take you out for the other part of the date now" he smirks crossing his arms over his chest. I pull and pouty face and start to nuzzle the puppet into his face and neck "aww pwease take (Y/N) out" I make the puppet say, Chris tries to not laugh but fails shaking his head. "do you want anything from here?" Chris asks glancing around the shop, I shrug my shoulders and also look around the shop. My eyes fall onto a stand that has take-away coffee mugs on sale, I walk over putting away the puppet in the process and pick us a plain navy one. I then see that it's an eco one made out of bamboo fibres "whoa these are pretty cool" I say glancing up to Chris who had followed me "do you want one, it would be really good for the coffee's you have on set" I ask. He picks up one with black, white and navy blue stripes all going in different directions and inspects it "this ones pretty cool" he says still looking at the cup, "cool I'll get it for you" I say getting out my purse but he placed a hand on my arm to stop me "no its fine I'll get it" he smiles "which one do you want?" I shake my head smiling "no Chris you paid the admission fee so I'll get these" I say picking up the one I wanted "it's fair that way". I go to walk to the cash register but Chris plucks my one from my hands "okay but I pay for this one okay" he smirks, "you're not gonna let my say otherwise are you?" I smirk knowingly "nope" he smiles as he walks to the till. We pay for each other's cups and walk hand in hand to the car, "so what is the next part of the date" I ask "ah that's a secret but we are heading to the apartment first to get changed, the taxi will take us from there" he says opening the door for me. I slide in the car "okay so do I need to dress casually, smart casual, or smart?" I ask as he gets in, "I would say smart, maybe not red carpet smart but smart" he says glancing over smirking.

I look at myself in the mirror smoothing out some of the creases in my dress, I was wearing a simple back dress that stopped at my knees it also had lace shoulders and long sleeves. I slip on my heels which were quite small since I really didn't want to wear large ones, I grabbed my clutch and walked out into the lounge to see Chris dressed up in a nice black suit with a plain white shirt and skinny navy blue tie. "Looking as handsome as ever Dorito" I say walking over to him "not as fabulous as you munchkin" he smile looking down at my dress, "now would you do me the honour of accompanying me on this date?" Chris asks offering me his arm "well I didn't get all dolled up for a night in front of the tv" I smirk placing my arm in his "good you because I would hate to eat on my own" he smiles before placing a sweet kiss on my lips. His phone buzzes in his pocket saying that the taxi was outside, "now my princess shall we go?" he ask "after you my prince" I smile back. We sit in comfortable silence as I look out the window as we pass sights, I glance back over at Chris who was smiling watching me. "look we're here" he says softly leaning over slightly to point out the very fancy restaurant we were eating at, "wow" I mutter unable to say anymore words. When we pull up Chris pays the driver and helps me out of the taxi, we once again link arms and walk into the restaurant "table for two under the name Evans" he says to the waiter. We get led to a nice table out of the way from everyone, we sit down and I take in the amazing scene around me. "wow, this place is amazing" I say looking at the sight, Chris take me hand in his and smiles "only the best, for my favourite girl in the world" he places a kiss on my knuckles. We spend the night talking about this that and everything, both of us were drinking since we were getting a taxi home. When it came to pudding we both ordered a chocolate torte with vanilla whipped cream and raspberry coulis to share between us. When I took the first bit I moan slightly at the amazing taste "this is amazing" I say pointing to it with my fork, "it really is, not as amazing as you" Chris smirks I can't help but smile back in the same way.


Back in the taxi I cuddle into Chris and draw circles on his hand with my thumb, when we reach the apartment building while takes my hand and hold me close as we walk to the elevator. Back in the apartment I place my clutch on the side and remove my heels, as Chris also removes his shoes. I walk over to him, as he stands smiling at me hands in his pockets "thank you for an amazing night" I say before placing a passionate kiss on his lips. He removes his hands from his pockets and wraps them around my waist pulling me closer, I wrap mine around in neck and weave my fingers through his hair. As the kiss deepens Chris slowly lets his tongue drift across my lower lip asking for entrance, I gladly allow it and our tongues instantly move in rhythm. His hands drift from my waist to my thighs, I jump slightly and he hold me tight my legs now around his waist. He walks us towards the bedroom, shutting the door out of habit. He places me gently down on the bed, our lips part as he stands up to remove his jacket. He flings it down somewhere as I pull him by the collar back onto my lips, as we kiss his hands move to unzip my dress and remove it leaving me in just my underwear. Feeling like he was to dressed my hands move to remove his tie and unbutton his shirt, once his shirt was off he gently moves me back onto the bed so that he hovered above me our lips never parting, only for air. My hands explore his chest and make their way down to his trousers, I begins to take the off and he kicks them across the room leaving him in just his boxers. He moves one hand up and down my torso, slowly towards my bra clasp. I arch my back giving him full access, he undoes my bra in one swift motion and removes it. he pulls away from the kiss to look down at my body, "god you are beautiful" he whispers. He then begins to kiss me again working his way down my body leaving marks on the way down, he stops at my breasts as he gently kisses my nipple before swirling his tongue around it. as he does so his begins to play the other gently earing a slight moan from me, hearing this he starts leading his kisses down to the line of my undies. He glances up slightly asking for permission before he gently moves them down and off, he then begins to place soft kisses on my womanhood making my core ache. "c-Chris" I moan at his touch as he works his tongue down there, "c-Chris please" I ache to feel him. Hearing me request he removes his lips and once again places them on mine, I begin to kiss his neck and shoulders while my hands work to remove his boxers. Once free his large member stands tall, I gently glide my hand over it making his breathe hitch. He goes to positon himself but I stop him "Chris" I pant, "yeah sweetheart?" he ask softly, "condom" I simply say. He reached over to the bedside table and slide on one, "I love you (Y/N)" he sighs as he presses his lips onto mine I feel him against me. "Chris please I want you" I moan, I feel him smirk into the kiss and he begins to thrust into me. With each thrust he picks up speed and rhythm leaving us both moaning each other's names, god do I love the way he feels inside me. Soon I feel my climax approaching "c-Chris I'm close" I moan "me to baby hold on" he replies. With just a couple more thrusts we both reach and ride our climaxes together, Chris begins to slow down and then pulls out. He leaves me panting on the bed while he quickly disposes of the condom, but soon enough I feel his arms around me "I love you (Y/N)" he sighs burying his head into my shoulder. "I love you too Chris" I sigh placing one last kiss one before we both fall asleep in each other's arms.

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