More Than A Pack TVD TO TW Cr...

By klaroline-4ever

66.9K 2.2K 365

Marcel has been possessed by the nogitsune and Klaus is trying to do everything in his power to kill the nogi... More

Not Just Any Pack
Ask for Help
Klaus metting his leader
Mikaelson Family and Ansel's Pack
New Home
Visit of the Nogitsune
Death in the bar
Getting back to the mansion
Caroline's Nightmare
Morning in the kitchen
Kidnapping her
Feeling weak
Knowing About Klaroline Story
Dares Night
Game & Drinks
Niklaus's Nightmare
Derek & Rebekah
Ansel's Birthday
Kidnapping Ansel
Sharing Blood
The chaos is coming again...
Start the chaos
Maybe is immune
Breaking the spell
A quiet week
Hope & Caroline
Katherine&Elijah / Hope&Scott
Klaus finds Scott
Haley & Jackson's visit
Going out
The Morning
Katherine's talk & Klaroline
Talking with Bonnie
Secret Klaroline
Marcel vs Nogitsune
Trying to calm Klaus
Talk between *Careya and Klarcel
Coming late
The Big Fight + The Choice
Being in The Other Side
Being mad & confessing that I know it
Derek comfirming date
Derbekah Date
Scope walks around NO
End of Derbekah's Date
Protective Father & Scope
Trying to solve things with Caroline
Caroline Talk's with Ansel
Ansel talks with Klaus about Caroline
Fixing things with Caroline
Derbekah & Talking with Katerina
Kalijah & Derek talk with Rebekah
Scope & Klaroline doing things slowly
Waking up with Derek
Klaroline almost doing it
Klancel & Cansel
Klansel talking in the garden
Going to Hawai
Waking up with Klaroline, Scope and Derbekah
First Day in the Beach & Klaroline Sex
Planning a Stydia Dinner & Scott upset
Stydia's Dinner
Lydia's mom
Talking about Ansel and Natalie
Klaus & Random Girls
Going to a fancy restaurant
Nansel talk
Surprise Visit by Parents
Shopping for wedding dresses
Stydia's future & Klaus's art
Ansel saves Natalie
Ansel tells Caroline
Nansel Talk & Going to Breakfast
Preparing for the date
Nansel Date
Stydia wedding
The Wedding Reception
Scott turns into a hybrid
Derek wants to be immortal
Scope Big News
Niklaus turns Derek & Kennett hangs out
Waking up with...
Kat tells Caroline
Kat tells Derek & Talk with Elijah
Stydia moving in
Caroline & Note
27 days and nothing
Help from the Other Side
Caroline in bed & Cansel talk
*Karoline & Scope Talk
Caroline thanks Natalie & Klaus talks with Scott
Caroline Remembers
Ansel tells Klaus the truth
Give us a chance
Giving Time
Klaroline & *Cope talk
Klarosex & Unexpected Visit
Scope talk & Kat jealous of Haley
Derbekah Breakfast & Kat vs. Hayley
Discussing Haley's situation
Haley + Hope & Kalijah & Klansel
Hayley makes Katerina and Caroline jealous
Visions about Klaus
Haley likes a house
Natalie in the Hospital
Natalie asks Caroline about Vampires
Caroline seems off & Natalie's choice
Telling Klaus about Damon
Klaroline making out
Klansel conversation
Caroline & Klaus's Hybrid
Kat & Ansel looking for Care
Leaving Klaus
Rescuing Caroline
Telling everyone who hurt Care
Caroline goes to the guest room
Klansel & Karoline Talk
Klaus talks with Hope
Kat asks a favor to Derek
Stiles calls Klaus & Ansel talks with Hope
Rebekah is insecure
Elijah and Kat looking for the right outfit
Klaroline & another chance?
Kalijah makes a Reunion
Going to England
Hope & Scott/Klaus/Caroline
Kalijah Wedding

Talking with Caroline & Hope

1.4K 43 9
By klaroline-4ever

Caroline's POV

When the nogitsune said all those things, reminding me of what happened when I was human, I just wanted to disappear because I didn't want to people think that I'm this fragile thing that can be broken any moment. I vamp speed to the room that I was sleeping in and then I heard someone knocking on the door.

"I don't want to talk right now..."

"Please... Let me in" I hear Ansel saying from the other side of the door.

"Fine. You can come in." I said because he was always there for me and I never hide anything from him.

"If you don't want to..."

"What? Do you think I am weak? Do you think I cannot handle a stupid dark spirit?" I snapped at Ansel.

"It's not what I mean. But I know how hard it was for you when..."

"That belongs to the past Ansel. I don't think about it anymore. I'm not that little girl Caroline anymore." I said and felt tears falling from my eyes.

"I know, believe me. You are one of the strongest people that I have ever known my entire life. But even what's in the past, can hunt us in the present and I saw that for how much you deny it, you are not over what he done to you. And it's okay, he was awful to you."

"He wasn't himself and was obsessed with revenge. He isn't that horrible person and he show it many times that he can be good."

"But you can't forget what he did to you." Ansel said like if he was reading my mind.

"Am I a horrible person to never had forgiven him for what he had done?" I asked Ansel.

"Of course not." He said and hugged me, I just stay there crying on his shoulder. It had been a long time since I hadn't cry and now I seemed like the stupid human Caroline I was. "In fact, you are one of my favorite people and the kindest person I ever met."

No One's POV

Niklaus was in his studio hearing the conversation between Ansel and Caroline and felt sad and angry because Caroline was sad and he felt useful because he couldn't find a way to help her. One question kept appearing in his mind since he heard the nogitsune: 'Who abused her?'.

For how much he wanted to know, there was one thing more important that he needed to know, what could he do to put a smile in Caroline's face again.

When Niklaus heard Ansel getting out of Caroline's room, he vamp speed to her room and knocked on the door.

Niklaus's POV

"Ansel, I already told you..."

"Not Ansel. It's me, Klaus." I said and she slowly opened the door with her eyes red.

"What do you want? I am not in a mood for chatting." She said with a bored tone.

"I want you to know that..."

"No way! No. You are not going now to do the pity thing. If it's going to be like that then I'm out of this freakin mansion."

"First, I don't do pity and second, I just wanted to be here for you because I care about you but if you don't want it then fine." I said irritated because I was not used to this supporting thing and giving a shoulder to cry on.

"I'm sorry." She said when I was about to walk way, I turn and looked at her surprised but then cover it with my poker face. "Come in."

I come in and closed the door then I seat in the bed next to Caroline and put my arm around her, pulling her closer to me.

"I am being selfish... I still didn't ask you how you are..." She said getting out of my embrace but still seat next to me.

"I am alright. Why do you ask?" I asked faking not understanding the reason of her question and she gave me a look. "I'm fine."

"You know that you aren't weak or pathetic. And... For what Ansel told me, you seemed a pretty nice guy when you were human." She said getting me off guard because I don't talk about how I was in human.

"Am I not nice now?" I asked.

"Yes, but you try not to show to most people." She said with a small smile. "I better go talk to Ansel, he was here supporting me and I completely forgot to ask about him. I don't want him to think that I don't care."

"Yes, and I have to talk to Hope." I said, she nodded and gave me a peck on my cheek then get out of the room, I shocked my head to stop thinking about Caroline and have a conversation with Hope.

I went to Hope's room and knocked on the door (even if it was opened) and saw her drawing something in her sketchbook.

"Can we talk?" I asked, she nodded and I closed the door so anyone could hear because this room was spelled. "I wanted to apologize for every time you felt you couldn't have a friend just because you are my daughter."

"You have nothing to apologize for. Yes, you have a lot of enemies but I prefer not having friends then having friends who talk bad about me in my back like I see." She said.

"But you liked to have a friend." I finish it and she nodded with a sad smile.

"Why don't you try to be friends with Lydia, Bonnie and Caroline."

"Yes, everyone from Ansel's pack seemed nice. Scott has been really nice to me and..."

"What you mean really nice?" I asked her cutting her off "Did he overstep any boundaries? Just say the word and I finish him."

"No, he didn't do anything. He was nice to me as a friend... And you really need to stop with that, yes I'm your daughter but I have 27 years old." She said.

"I know that but I care about you and just want to protect you." I said, she nodded in understanding and then we hugged.

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