Fixing things with Caroline

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

I decided to go talk with Caroline and try to fix things between us, I can't be again without her, not now that I know how it is being with her and be as happy as I was with Caroline.

I walked over to Caroline's room and knocked on the door, she opened the door and only looked at me.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, of course. What's up?" She asked, closing the door while I get into the room.

"I wanted to tell you something and I need you to not interrupt me." I said and she nodded, so I started my speech. "Caroline, I love you. I know that I shouldn't had said what I did about being a parent and it wasn't my intention to hurt you, but I did and I will never forgive me for that. However, I want you to know that the fact of you not being able to get pregnant, doesn't make me like you more or less. I love you and there's nothing that it can change that. I actually felt horrible when I found out that I could have kids and got Haley pregnant. I mean, I love Hope and she is everything to me but it hurt me knowing that I wouldn't be able to be a parent with the love of my life. Caroline, I am not asking you to give me a chance now and to just get into my arms and forget about the hurtful things I said to you because they are unforgettable... I'm just asking you to think about what we had and considered giving us a chance. And I promise that if you give me that chance, I'll do everything to make sure you won't regret it. I love you no matter what."

"That's all very sweet but how do I know that it won't happen again? How can I be sure that you won't hurt me again? Klaus, a relationship is with 2 people who talk to each other like equals and I can see that you think that you are better then me. I'm sorry..."

"Me better then you? Since when? You are so much stronger then me. You never gave in to the darkness, you always see the best in people, you're fearless and full of light. You are the one who's better between the both of us. I admire you." I told her and she looked at me in confusion.

"You are so wrong. I'm not strong or fearless. I am weak and I'm always afraid of if something goes wrong and..."

"Caroline, you're stronger then you believe." I said and she looked down, I cupped her cheeks, making her look at me and see the tears she was fighting to not let them out.

"How do I know you won't hurt me?" She asked with a weak voice.

"You don't. You have to take the risk. You have to trust me." I told her.

"Well, you were always there by my side... I guess I can give us a second chance." Caroline said making me smirk then kissed me.

"Oh, but there's a condition." She said when broke the kiss and I give her a nod so she could see that I didn't mind with whatever condition she had. "We won't have sex. At least, not now... I need to know that I can really trust you."

"Of course, love." I said and kissed her.

"I love you Niklaus Mikaelson." She said making me smirk.

"I love you more Caroline Forbes." I said and kissed her passionately.

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