*Karoline & Scope Talk

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AN: *Karoline = Katerina/Katherine + Caroline

Caroline's POV

After awhile of hanging out with Ansel, Kat appeared and asked to talk with me in private.

"What's up?" I asked with a smile to Kat.

"How are you? I want a honest answer." Kay said.

"I'm okay. I'm not perfect but it's nothing I can't handle. It wasn't the first time I was tortured." I pointed out.

"I don't care. It was a long time to be stuck in that place." Kat said. "I swear that when we find out who did this to you, the person will see what is to wish for death." Kay said in a low voice, then asked. "Do you remember anything about how the person looks like?"

"No. Sorry." I said.

I almost can't remember a thing since I was kidnap, the only thing I remember was the hallucinations and the pain I felt.

"It's okay. Now what matters is that you are safe and sound." She said and hugged me, and when we broke the hug she looked at the tray that Ansel had brought to me earlier. "Ansel is really spoiling you..."

"He's just trying to make sure I'm okay." I said.

"He really loves you. I never saw him like he was when you went missing... I was starting to think that he was going to turn it off. You are really important to him. What am I saying? You are really important to all of us. I don't know what would be of me without you, but of course that if you say this to anyone I will deny it till the end of times because I have a reputation to maintain."

"Of course. You are Katherine Pierce." I said making both of us laugh.

Hope's POV

After we all made sure Caroline was alright, considering everything she went through, I decided to talk with Scott in private, so I took him to my room.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"Im not really the person you should be concern about. Caroline was the one who has been tortured this all time." He said.

I admire how he always put everyone besides him.

"Yeah and you just saw Allison." I said slowly because I knew it was a touchy subject and I didn't want him to get upset.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He said.

"I can't do that. I love you and I worry about you." I said.

"I love you too, but you really don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." He said and I gave him a look. "I am. When she died, it was hard for me but I accept it and move on."

"Yeah, but seeing her again must brought you some feelings back to the surface."

"Hope, if you are concerned about us, you don't need to. I love you and that didn't change." He said, making me give him a small smile, but quickly faded away.

"It wasn't just about our relationship. I would like to know that you can talk to me about everything, even if it's about Allison." I said.

"If I need to talk about it, I will talk with Stiles... It will be very awkward for you, listening to me talking about Allison and I don't want you to think that I still am in love with her." Scott said.

"Scott, we are together. We should be able to talk about everything. I know about you and Allison and I know that I will never replace her and that she will always have a place in your heart, but that doesn't change the fact that I want you to come to me when you are hurting. I'm here for the good and the bad. I just wish that you would come to me when you need to talk with someone about something."

"Hope, I will always come to you when I'm in need to talk but this Allison situation is not something that I think I could talk with my girlfriend. I mean, that might make everything awkward and weird. I don't want to lose what we have... I can't." He said.

"You are not going to lose me." I said and he smiled a little.

"Do you promise?" He asked after a moment of silence and I just nod. "Okay. So... seeing Allison affected me. I mean, I'm not in love with her but I do love her. She was the first girl I loved and that is a big deal... I never got to say goodbye to her and apologize for making her get in the middle of all this supernatural thing. Probably if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't die."

"It wasn't your fault. You had no way to know what would happen to her."

"But if I had kept distance from her she wouldn't get into this world and wouldn't die."

"She was from a family of hunters, she would get into this world one way or another. You had no blame in this. No one's to blame." I said.

"It was just so unfair. She didn't even graduate. She didn't get to accomplish her dreams."

"Maybe not but she had an amazing group of friends and an incredible boyfriend. She was loved and happy. If you look at the big picture, that's what really matters. If you look around, everyone is searching for love and she had it. She had a small life but was a good one and, in the end, I think that is what it matters." I said.

"Thank you." He said with a small smile. "You are incredible. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have."

"Believe it." I said with a smile and he kissed me.

"I love you so much." He whispered and kissed me again.

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