Discussing Haley's situation

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Klaus's POV

After the breakfast, Hayley asked to talk to me in private, so I went with her to the office.

"What do you want now?" I asked.

"I know this is asking too much but can I stay here for a few days?" She asked. "I want to find a home in New Orleans so I could be closer to Hope and..."

"No." I cut her off. "Last night you only stayed here because it was late and Hope would stay up worried about you. Last night was an exception. I don't want you in my home."

"Klaus, I know that we don't get along but... I just want to spend more time with my daughter. I am her mother after all."

"You just gave birth to her. A mother is much more than that. A mother is the one who is there and you were always too worried with your precious pack and Hope was always left behind. Your pack was always your priority. Hope should be your priority, but it isn't. I found Hope crying for hours when she was a kid and a teenager because she felt like her mother didn't care about her. I'm not letting you hurt her again. She is better without you." I said.

"No one is better without their mother." She said.

"Hayley, just go away. You should call yourself lucky for me letting you talk with Hope." I said.

Hayley was never there for Hope and I had to be the mother and father of Hope. I know that Hope wished to have more time with her mother but Hayley never seemed into it.

"Klaus, don't do this. I just want another chance to bond with my daughter. I just want to reconnect with her, to compensate for the lost time. Once I find a nice house, I move out... but until then please let me stay here. I just want to spend time with our daughter." She said.

"You made your case. Now give me some time to think about it." I said and she nodded with a smile and before she left I said. "I'm just considering you staying here because of Hope."

"Thank you." She said and left.

I decided to call my siblings and Scott to met at my office so I could make a decision.

"Scott. You decided to finally show up. Good." I said because he was the last to get in the office, but was just for a few seconds.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Why is he here?" Kol asked.

"Because he is my daughter's boyfriend and he might help me making this decision." I said.

"What decision? Is Hope okay?" Scott asked me

"Hope is fine. The problem is her mother." Kol said, making me gave him a death glare.

"What's wrong with her mother?" Scott asked truly concerned.

"She wants to live here for a few days until find a home. My brother doesn't really care about Hayley but he doesn't know what to do because Hayley is Hope's mother." Elijah explained.

"I don't get why she can't just go to a hotel. I mean, she can use compulsion to not pay nothing for it." Rebekah said.

"Sister, like it or not, she is Hope's mother, which means she is a part of this family." Elijah said to Rebekah.

"You and my daughter seem quite close..." I said, trying to stay calm. "What do you think it's best for my daughter?"

"We all know what's best. Hayley was never a present mother. She is starting now? After almost 30 years?" Rebekah said.

"Maybe she is trying to start over. We are immortals, it's normal that she regret not passing much time with her daughter. I believe that she is just trying to try to be a nice mother." Freya said.

"I just know what Hope tells me... I think that Hope always felt something missing, which is her mother. If her mother truly wants to try to be a good mother than I think you should let her. Hope deserves to have a mother who is there for her." Scott said. "If her mother hurts her again, at least you know you did your best and you won't wonder with the if's. I know that you are worried with Hope but if something happens, we will be there for her."

"I think your future son-in-law has a point." Kol said.

"Alright. Hayley stays. But if she starts to ignore Hope or something like that, you come to me and I will show Hayley that messing with me and my family is the worst thing someone could do." I said and then said. "You can go but no one tells Hope about what was discussed in here."

Everyone nodded and Scott left, and then Kol and Rebekah.

"You should be careful, brother." I said before Elijah could left.

"Why do you say that?"

"Hayley. Katerina. They are both unpredictable women." I said.

"Don't worry." Elijah said and left.

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