27 days and nothing

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Klaus's POV

It's been 27 days and nothing. She was nowhere to be found. I am starting to believe that she really left me.

Caroline's POV

"Just let me go." I said with a weak voice.


I heard the window opening and started to burn, it's been like this since I was kidnapped. When I wasn't being burn, I was getting hallucinations or having the most awful pain imaginable. I was only fed a few drops of blood so I wouldn't die and the torture could go on.

"Stop! Please..." I begged but it was useless.

Ansel's POV

"Ansel, you need to calm down. Caroline is going to appear safe and sound." Natalie said to calm me down.

"How can you be so sure of that? What if she's dead and we don't know it? What if she died thinking that no one was even looking for her? What if..."

"Ansel, you can't think about the worst. She can be alive. She can be okay and trying to find her way back."

"But what if she isn't? She was the first one from this time that took a chance on me and make me believe that i would find happiness. She was the first one I told about my son, she was the only one who helped me with being part vampire, she was like a daughter to me."

"She is." Natalie said. "Hold on to hope. That's the only thing that will keep you from falling apart."

"But what this is a false hope, what if she's gone? I don't know what to do if we find her dead. She's the one who helps me when I get angry or irrational or even when I don't get this new time advices and talks and she's the one who helps me to fit in. She was the one who gave me courage to be with you. I would probably never ask you out if it wasn't for her. She's been like my safe place, with her I know I can talk about whatever it goes in my head without hearing a mocking commentary or judgement. I can't lose her. I lost so many people... I can't lose her too." I said with tears wanting to get out and Natalie hugged me.

"I know, honey. We will find her. I'm sure of it." She said while hugging me.

Katerina's POV

I was done with just searching, so I went to Caroline's room, where was Klaus.

"Are you going to keep staying in here doing nothing or are you gonna help us find some plan."

"Did you find her?" He asked not showing any kind of emotion.

"No. But we have to find another plan, because this is clearly not working." I snapped at him.

"What's your suggestion then?"

"I don't know. We just have to find her. Not that you really seem to care anyways. All you do is staying in here or walking around while we are trying to find ways to find her."

"My apologies if I can't find another plan but if you look around, no one got a better one."

"Then look for something else. Do something! I don't care what, just do something." I snapped at him again. "If you love Caroline you should do something."

Next thing I know, he throws me against the door and I am in the hallway and when I got up, he grabbed me by the throat and made me go against the wall and put his free hand on my heart.

"Who do you think you are to question my love for Caroline?" He growled and showed his hybrid face.

"I'm someone who loves Caroline." I said while fighting to get out.

"Niklaus!" Elijah yelled in a warning tone, making both of us look at him. "Let her go."

"Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Because you know that if Caroline appears and finds out that you killed Katerina, she won't forgive you. They are best friends and you know how much that means to Caroline." Elijah said and Klaus started to let me go.

"Next time I don't know if you'll get so lucky, Katerina." He said and left.

"Katerina, are you alright? Do you need some blood or..."

"No, I don't need blood. I just need Caroline back, that's all! I need my best friend back." I said angry.

"Katerina, I'm sorry if I disturb you. My intention was only to help you."

"I know. I just need to find Caroline and..."

"I know, Katerina." He said and hugged me.

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