Caroline thanks Natalie & Klaus talks with Scott

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No One's POV

After Caroline was rescued, everyone spent the night in the Quarter and made sure that the blonde vampire was alright.

In the next morning, they all eat breakfast but after the breakfast, Stiles and Lydia had to go back to Mystic Falls.

Bonnie's POV

I was now in the bedroom with Kol so we could talk without anyone hear us.

"Thank you, Kol. For being there for me while Caroline was missing. It meant a lot to me what you did."

"It was nothing, darling. I just did what any man would do in a situation like that." Kol said.

It's weird seeing him be all gentleman.

"No. You were sweet and caring. Most guys would just go to a bar and pick some other girl but you stayed here..."

"That's because you are more than just some woman who I had sex with." Kol said, getting me off guard. "I care about you, Bonnie."

Caroline's POV

I saw Natalie in the kitchen and I decided to thank her for taking care of Ansel.

"Hey!" I said, making her notice me.

"Oh, hi! Are you okay? Do you need something?" Natalie asked worried.

"I'm fine." I said with a smile. "I just wanted to thank you for taking care of Ansel. He tries to show everyone that he is really though and nothing can bring him down but he has a soft heart and he told me how you were always there for him. I'm really glad that he has you in his life. He deserves someone who makes him happy and is there for him even in his worst moments and you seem to be the one who does that. Thank you... for being so amazing with Ansel."

"Caroline, I love Ansel. I just want to see him happy, and because of that I beg you to be careful. I can't see him so depress, like he was when you were missing. I almost didn't recognized him. I don't know exactly what you two have been through, but I know that you were always there for him and I am starting to believe that you are his anchor. You should see how his eyes lit up when he talks about you. You are really important to him and if something happens to you..."

"I'll be careful." I cut her off.

"Thank you. Seeing Ansel so depress and desperate, broke my heart. And the worst was that I knew that he would only be back to himself if you appeared. I felt useless... Not being able to make Ansel smile again was horrible." She said, clearly fighting his tears.

"You were not useless. Last night when I was talking with Ansel, he couldn't stop talking about how wonderful you were with him and how you were the only one he felt like he could actually talk about his feelings with you. He isn't the type of man who breaks down in front of people, he is okay with showing affection to others but when it's about him being hurt, he does his best to not show it." I said and smiled to her. "He really loves you."

Klaus's POV

I was now in the office with Scott, so I could clear things with him.

"Why would you wanted to talk to me...?" He asked, when seated in the chair in front of my desk, making me look him with a serious face and he added. "... Sir? I mean, may I know why you called me, Sir?"

He was scared of me. That's good!

"I wanted to talk to you about my daughter and your ex-girlfriend..."

"Allison." He said and quickly added. "If you are concern with me hurting your daughter, there's no need for it because I love your daughter and I couldn't think of a future where Hope wasn't in it."

"Good. So... you love my daughter?"

"Of course. How could I not? She's perfect." Scott said.

"That she is." I said with a smirk.

I'm so proud of Hope. I don't know how my daughter turned out so perfect. She's the daughter that every parent dreams of. My baby girl turned out to be such a beautiful and strong woman...

"My daughter is everything for me. She is kind, strong, independent, smart and honest. If you ever hurt her, in any way, I will make sure you will suffer like no one ever was. Even if that means me losing Caroline, because I won't let anyone hurt my little girl. And when I say anyone, I mean anyone." I warned him.

I do whatever it takes for my little girl, even if that means me living the rest of my life without the woman I'm in love because Hope is the one I love more than anything.

"Kl... I mean, Sir." Scott said nervous. "I love Hope and I just want to make her happy. I am well aware that she is way out of my league, I mean just look at her... She's amazing and I just want to be there for her, in the good and bad. I want to be there when she wants to celebrate or just to cry on my shoulder. I don't care how many obstacles I have to face, for her it's worth it. I love her."

"And Allison?" I asked him.

"She was a important part of my life, she was my first girlfriend, but I moved on. Just because Allison was my first girlfriend, doesn't mean that I am still in love with her. I am in love with Hope." He said.

I guess I can understand. My first love was Tatia but now I love Caroline and I want to spend my immortal life with her.

"Alright. But if you hurt her..."

"I would prefer kill myself than hurting her." Scott said and left.

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