Give us a chance

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Klaus's POV

I have to talk with Caroline. If there is a chance to have her back, I need to take it.

I went to my room and saw Caroline putting her clothes in a bag.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm packing." She said while throwing her clothes to the bag and avoid making eye contact. "I'm leaving."

"There's people trying to hurt you. I'm not letting you go just because you don't want to talk to me about what's happening."

"Nothing is happening." She lied, still not facing me and keeping pack her stuff, so I grab her wrist and with my vamp speed, in a blink, she was against the wall looking at me in the eyes.

"You are lying. Everyone can see that there's something going on. Just tell me. After everything, you should know you can trust me." I said.

"I trust you. That's not the issue."

"Then tell me." I said.

"Klaus, please stop making this harder than it needs to be."

"No. I won't let you just go away like it's nothing special. I love you and I will fight for us until the end. I told you that I intended to be your last love and I will keep my word."

"Why? I'm just some small-town girl who will never give you a child and is only just some collateral damage." She said reminding me of what I said when I went to cure her for the first time and apologized for saying that she was a mere collateral damage.

"You are so much more. I fell in love with you because you are not just incredible beautiful, but you are also full of light, determined, protective, loyal and optimist. You always see the good side of everything and you were the first one aside from my siblings who actually believed I was capable of being saved. You are the first woman in a thousand years who is capable of ripping my heart out. I love you so much. Please give us a chance."

"Klaus, I'm doing this because I love you." She said with tears in her eyes.

"If you love me, then stay with me. I want to be with you. I love you. Please, don't leave me. I can't handle being without you. When I left Mystic Falls, I thought that you would never come because you are too good for me. I always had hope that you appeared but I also knew that there was a chance that you would never love me, but then we got together and now that i know that you love me back, I won't let you throw this away because of whatever insecurities you are having." I said.

"You think I'm too good for you? Some guy and I had sex." She said and it was hurting me to hear that and I had to do my best to not go on a kill spree. Just thinking about some man touching Caroline, made me go insane.

"You didn't want to. He made you do it. He forced himself on you."

"How do you know that?"

"Ansel told me." I said regretting in the next second of what I told her.

"What?! He had no right to do that."

"He was just trying to help. And just so you know, if he hadn't told me, I would be still in the office driving myself crazy because I can't imagine my life without you." I said.

"Stop looking at me like if I'm perfect. I'm not perfect. I am just a insecure, neurotic, control-freak."

"Why can't you see how incredible you are?" I asked and she just looked down.

"Between us, I'm the lucky one to had you in my life. You made everything seem brighter when we dated and when you broke up with me, all I could feel was the darkness taking over. Please don't make me go back to that. I need you. You make me want to be a better person, the kind of person I was before I turned." I admitted and then I made her see everything that it happened when we were together from my point of view and how she made me be happier than I ever thought it was possible.

"Please don't leave me." I almost begged and added. "Now that I know what's like to be with you and to actually be happy, I can't live without you. I love you."

"I love you too but I'm afraid that the way you see me is just an allusion. I'm not like that. I'm too damaged." She said.

"I'm also damaged but you, unlike me, could use that as a way to make you stronger. You are way more incredible than you give credit to." I said.

"You are not damaged." She said, so I showed her the memories I had of Mikael beating me and how I always felt like nothing.

"I was almost emotionless when you appeared in my life, but when I met you and first talk to you, you made me feel things that I completely forgot how they felt. You made me fall for you. And now I can't live without you." I said and she kissed me.

"I love you so much..." she whispered.

"Tell me that you are staying." I whispered, almost in a beg tone.

"I'll stay." She whispered and kissed me.

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