Derek & Rebekah

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Rebekah's POV

I barely slept tonight and when I was able to sleeping I was having dreams of memories about all the times I got dumped by guys or was rejected and all the times I realized they were just using me.

I decided to go to the kitchen and drink some blood type A+ and stay in the kitchen with my thoughts about how naive I can be. For how much I hated, Nik is right. I have this need for someone to love me that every guy can make a fool of me by just giving me some compliments...

"Hey! Is everything alright?" The cute wolf of Ansel's pack asked me, making me get back to reality.

"Yes. Why shouldn't be? You?" I asked.

"A little hangover and tired but we can say that I'm fine." Derek said and start to make some cereals "Do you want some?"

"Thanks but I already have my breakfast." I said shocking my blood bag.

"Oh, right! Vampire. Forgot that for a moment."

"It's okay. It's not like we can't eat breakfast." I said

"And dinner?" He asked.

"Yes, we can eat all the meals a human does." I said confused at his question and got back to drinking my blood.

"No... I know that you and all vampires eat human food. What I was trying and apparently failing to ask was: will you go out for dinner with me?" He asked and for the first time I saw a guy vulnerable asking me out.

"Like a date?" I asked and trying to hide a smile with no success.

"If you accept it..."

"When?" I asked curious.

"After all this is over and we can go out without wondering if the nogitsune is preparing to make a move." He said.

"Why not? I guess it wouldn't hurt." I said to not seem needy and he give me a smirk.

"Good morning Derek! Rebekah." Katherine said and went to the fridge to take a blood bag. "Can I ask you something?"

"If I say 'no' is going to stop you from asking me?" I asked while rolling my eyes because already knew the answer.

"No." She said and Derek smirk while eating his cereals, then added "Why Haley is never here? She shouldn't suppose to bond with her daughter?"

"She is worried about her pack and doesn't get really along with Nik so she just stops by now and then, not frequently." I told her.

"And Hope is okay with it?" Katherine asked.

"I wouldn't go that far but she is used too." I said.

"If my daughter was here I never leaves her side."

"I'm sure that Nadia is looking out for you in the other side." Derek said.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your moment but is there or was...?" I was about to ask because I couldn't help but feel jealous. A guy shows interest in me and doesn't take long to find another woman more interesting.

"No, we are just best friends." Derek said. "Why? Does it bother you if I had some history with Kat?"

"No." I said like if it was the stupidest thing in the world. "I just didn't want to have Katherine's left overs."

"Really? You didn't seem to bother with the Salvatore brothers..." Katherine said.

"Katerina." Derek said in a warning tone.

"Whatever. I don't like them anyways..." She said then walked over to me and added "Derek is like family to me so if you try to hurt him or something like that I will torture you like no one have been torture in the history of torturing."

"Kat I'm right here and I can defend myself." Derek said.

"You know how is our friendship we always give this speech to the other person who we are about to have something with." Katherine said to Derek then turn to face me once again and added "And those girls are not here to tell the story."

With that Katherine left making me look at Derek with a confused face because I wasn't used to see Katherine so protective of someone.

"Our pack is really united and both Katerina and I don't have family since we're teenagers so we are more protective of each other then people are used to see." Derek explained me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know that about your family."

"It's okay. You didn't had how to know." He said and I gave him a small smile without knowing what to say.

An: which ship name for them do you prefer Derekah or Derbekah?

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