Feeling weak

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Caroline's POV

I was now in the Quarter and felt weak, the nogitsune make sure I was weak and right now all I could think about was blood.

"Do you need something?" Ansel asked clearly concerned.

"Blood" I managed to say and in the next second Klaus gave me a blood bag that was type B+, I gave him a weak smile and took it, it just took seconds to the blood bag get empty.

Niklaus's POV

I looked at Caroline, she was so fragile and was all because of me. I can't believe this nogitsune tricked me, I defended him against Ansel, the man I admired when I was human.

"Would you guys mind if I would go to my room?" She asked seeming okay, but I could see in her eyes that she was still weak.

"Of course. I'll help you." I said and she gave me a weak smile, then I collocate her arm around my neck and picked her up in bridal style, then took her to her room.

Once we got into her bedroom, I lay her down in the bed and took her shoes to make her more comfortable, then seat next to her and she was glaring at me with tired eyes that wanted to closed but for some reason she was fighting it, and once I seat next to her she gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry." I finally apologized, I just didn't do it before because I wanted to do it in private, where no one would hear us.

"For what?" She asked while giving me a confused face.

"It was my fault what happened and I believed in the nogitsune, making me go against Ansel..." I said blaming myself and reliving what the nogitsune done, but all that was interrupted and I got back to real life when I felt her holding my hand and smiled with the feeling of her touch.

"Stop blaming yourself..." She said looking at me and then added "You don't need to apologize for trying to save Marcel."

"Why don't you blame for what happened?"

"Because I know you didn't had any intention of hurting me." She said and I gave her a small smile. Sometimes I forget how amazing and she is and how she sees the good in people.

"Is there anything else that I can do for you, love?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Can you get me more blood? I'm still hungry and I can't think about anything but blood." She told me making me get suspicious then I look at her neck and saw she had bitten by a wolf, I didn't realize it yet because it was covered mostly by her hair but the wound was getting worst and was spreading.

"Someone bit you." I said more to myself.

"What are you talking about?" She asked and I realized she probably was compelled.

"You will remember everything that the nogitsune get you through today." I compelled her. I hated doing this but I had to.

"Omg! Omg! I... I am going to die. I was bitten... What am I going to do?" She asked, I bite my wrist and gave her my blood, she took it hesitantly but then drink it until be satisfied, she put her nails in my skin so the wound wouldn't disappear and drink it making me feel her and just make me want to be with her, I was stroking her hair while she was drinking and after awhile she stopped it.

"Thank you" she said with a small smile and I gave her a nod. "Can you stay here...?"

"As long as you wish, love." I said with a smirk and she smiled then rest her head in my chest and we ended up snuggling. I can't believe I am snuggling, I don't do those things... What has she done to me? And the worst is that I like it.

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