Derbekah & Talking with Katerina

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AN: Sorry for taken so long to update this book, but has a thank you for your patience, I made a longer chapter then usual. 😉

Derek's POV

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Derek's POV

I was making myself go crazy, I spend the all day with Rebekah and I had to make myself not just take her to the bedroom and have my way with her.

We all just finished dinner and Klaus said that he wanted us to continue living with him because we could be useful for him in the future but I noticed that the real reason was Caroline, everyone can see that he loves her and she loves him. They should just say it and start to be in a relationship. Caroline deserves to find happiness, she is always sacrificing herself for others and I can see that Klaus truly loves her.

I went with Katherine to the garden so we could talk in private because I needed some good advice about Rebekah. I really like her, but she had so many guys and she probably date rich guys, she probably is used to have guys that can give her everything she wants and I am just some guy who is good-looking and had the luck to make her noticed me.

"What was so important the we had to come to here to talk? Are you going to reveal that you are an alien that is living in this planet to see what humans are like and find a way to kill every human and then you're going to your home planet and take them to here? That would be cool!" Kat said.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but your best friend isn't an alien." I said.

"Damn! I always had the dream of being best friend of an alien..." She said mocking me and we chuckle but then I got serious because this all Rebekah things was driving me nuts.

"Kat, I need your advice... about Rebekah." I said.

"Don't hurt her because then you will see the Mikaelson's wrath. I saw Klaus's and wasn't pretty." She said.

"I'm serious. I don't know what to do... Rebekah is so unique and so beautiful, she probably dated real princes and I'm just some guy who is living with her family for free and... How will I make her stay with me? How can I make her not get bored of me? I can't give her everything she wants..." I said disappointed at myself for not being able to give everything to the woman I care about.

"Yes, you can. The only thing that Rebekah truly wanted since she can remember is having someone who loves her unconditionally and I see the way you look at her... Just show her that you like her for who she is and not only for her body."

"Actually that's the other thing." I said making Katerina frown at me "I kind of told her I wanted things to go slow so she wouldn't think I only want the physical stuff."

"You? Reject sex? With a beautiful girl? Okay, now I know that you are an alien that took over my best friend's body." Katerina said and I gave her a look.

"Don't make fun of me! I just don't want to rush things and..." I was about to admitted but decided to not say. "You know what? Forget it! You probably would laugh of me and make jokes and I'm not in the mood to hear jokes about me and Rebekah."

"I promise I won't joke about the reason that you don't want to rush into things." Katerina said.

"Fine. I am... preoccupied that... I am not able to satisfy her." I said looking down.

"What? But you are Derek Hale. All the girls want you."

"You're exaggerating. And this is not just some random girl, it's Rebekah. She's special, she's just incredible and funny and strong and she's too much for me. She deserves someone better then me. And even if I was good enough for her, how do I know that when we do it, I will be able to pleasure her, she met so many guys and she has probably more experience then I do and... how do I erase 1000 years of meting handsome mans and dating them?"

"Derek, you are overreacting over nothing. You don't need to worry about all that, the only thing you need to be concerned is in loving her and show her that you can make her happy. You don't need to go crazy over being more intimate with Rebekah, when you two will get there, just try to make her feel that she is making love and not sex. You don't need to try to compete with anyone, you just have to show her that you want to be with her for real. Believe me, you just need to be you." Katerina said and I hugged her. I'm not a hugger but with her is different, we are best friends and like family.

"May I know what are we celebrating?" Elijah asked appearing from nowhere, making us break the hug.

"Just that Derek is going to make Rebekah see that he is catch."

"Well, I don't believe that she will think that if she saw the two of you hugging in the dark, where was just the two of you alone..." Elijah said clearly jealous but continued to have a calm voice.

"Elijah, before you start to jump into conclusions, just allow me to say that I see Katerina as a best friend and a member of my family. You don't need to worry about me. Now, if you excuse me I'm going to see Rebekah." I said and left while hearing Katerina saying that she loved when Elijah was jealous.

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