Klancel & Cansel

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Klancel = Klaus + Ansel
Cansel = Caroline + Ansel

An: I'm sorry for taking so long to update this book but here is a chapter with more than 1000 words ;)

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An: I'm sorry for taking so long to update this book but here is a chapter with more than 1000 words ;)

No One's POV

The breakfast was more romantic then usual, Derek was talking with Rebekah and making her laugh like no one did in a long time, Elijah and Katherine were in their world, Caroline and Niklaus talked and flirted a little bit but tried not to bring much attention to them because their relationship was still a secret to everyone, with the exception of Ansel, Stiles and Lydia were talking with Scott and Hope because Hope tried to not show much affection towards Scott when her father was in the same room as them, Ansel was talking with Kol and Bonnie.

After the breakfast, Niklaus took Ansel to his office so they could talk alone without anyone eavesdropping.

"Is there something wrong? Why did you wished to talk to me?" Ansel asked worried because after everything, Ansel still loved Niklaus, Klaus was his son and Ansel saw everything he had been through in the Other Side, he knew him better then Niklaus might imagine and he knew that Klaus never stopped being that insecure guy that all wanted was to be loved like he was when he was human.

"Actually everything is great. Amazing! Fantastic! I asked you to talk to me in private because your pack and my family got really closed and this is a big place with rooms to everyone so... I had a talk with my siblings and my daughter and we would like to have you and everyone of your pack living with us in the Quarter. We make a good team together." Klaus said, not just talking about his family and Ansel's pack but also about him and Ansel.

"Are you sure about that?" Ansel asked trying not to show how happy he got to hear Klaus saying that he wanted to live with him.

"I am. But if you think that you are all better in the Bayou..."

"I would like to stay here with my pack and leave with you and your family." Ansel said, making his son smirk.

"I'm glad to hear you saying that." Klaus said, Ansel smiled to his son and was about to go talk to his pack.

"And Ansel..." Niklaus said making Ansel stop and look at him. "Thank you for helping me with Caroline and for being here helping me and my family with the nogitsune."

"You don't have to thank me for helping you, I do that because I care about you. I understand that you are probably still not ready to see me more then an allied but I am your father and I am not going to stop worrying about you." Ansel said and Klaus wanted to hug Ansel, apologize for killing him because was too afraid of getting close to him and he wanted to call him father but he just couldn't, he got paralyzed, he just couldn't move or speak, something inside of him didn't let him, maybe because along the time he got used to not trust people.

Ansel get out of Klaus's office and reunited his pack in the garden to tell the big news and, of course, everyone loved it.

After sharing the big news, Ansel stayed in the garden alone with Caroline, she wanted to run to Klaus's arms and celebrate but she couldn't because she saw that Ansel was sad about something. Everyone knew Ansel but no one knew him like she did, at least not anyone from their pack.

"Aren't you going to celebrate or go to Klaus?" Ansel asked when noticed that she was still there.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. Why would you say that?"

"Because I know you more then you might think and you can't fool me, I can see that you are sad, for how much you are trying to hide it. What happened?"

"It's Niklaus." He admitted after a few hesitant seconds.

"What about Klaus?" Caroline asked.

"I am starting to think that Klaus won't ever see me as his father... and who can blame him? I mean, I hided the fact I was his father all his entire human life, 25 years, lying to him... that can't just be forgotten. I was too afraid to tell him the truth when I should it and I'm the reason why he suffered so much since he was a child. I am the reason why he hadn't a happy childhood." Ansel said while showing Caroline how he was felling sad and guilty. Caroline was the only one that he felt that he could show his weaknesses and talk about his problems without being judge.

"You have no blame of his childhood. You talked with Esther when you found out about Klaus being your son but she was the one who was too afraid of being honest to Mikael and assumed that she liked you. You just let him be with Esther and Mikael because when he was a baby, they seemed a happy family and when everything changed and you wanted to tell the truth to Klaus, Esther didn't let you. For the love of God, she threatened you because she was too scared of Mikael. And even with that, you never stopped trying to be in Klaus's life when he was human. Klaus is really stubborn, just like you, but he isn't blind and he can see that you just want the best to him. It might not be today or tomorrow but someday he will call you father, believe me. He just is reluctant... But it's normal, he already lost so many people and with the time he got used to stop himself to get attached with someone." Caroline said, trying to cheer Ansel and make him see that there is still hope.

"He didn't seemed to have a problem with you..."

"Do you have any notion that Klaus doesn't tell me almost anything about his past? When he is with me, he tries to only show the good and hide the bad, he does everything to not show when he is hurt... But I know him, he is a fighter but he got used to do all the fightings alone and that's why he tries to push away everyone that might actually care about him." Caroline said. "Just give him some time. He just needs to see that you are not going anywhere."

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