Stiles calls Klaus & Ansel talks with Hope

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Klaus's POV

After breakfast, I went to my studio when suddenly my phone vibrated and when I looked at the screen, I saw that it was Stiles.

Since when does he call me?

"Stiles." I said when I accepted his call.

"Klaus. How are you doing? I just heard about you and Caroline..."

"I'm fine." I lied.

"It's okay, Klaus. Safe place. You can let it out. You can even growl if it makes you fell better."


"I don't know. You are part werewolf, so..."

"I don't need to growl."

"I got it. We can just talk about your feelings."

"Stiles, I'm without patience for this. Did you call me to ask for something or was just so you could try to do some small talk?"

"I just wanted to know how you were. And I wanted to tell you that I believe you and Caroline should be together and you can't give up on her. She can be stubborn but you need to be more than her and just make her see that you two belong together."

"Do you really think that?"

"Of course I do." He said and then mumbled to himself without realizing that I can hear him perfectly. "Besides if you stay with Caroline, she won't let you kill me."

"Stiles you know I can hear you very clearly, right?"

"Crap! Did you hear what I said? Of course you did! I'm sorry, it's just... don't kill me... please..."

"Why would I kill you?"

"I don't know. I'm way too sarcastic and I can talk without stop for a long time and I just want to play safe."

"Don't worry. I have more important things to do than kill you for no reason."

"Good. You should focus on that and on not killing me." Stiles said making me roll over my eyes. "But to be completely honest, I'm really sorry about you and Care. I really thought that you two were going to work out. I might not know her as long as you but I know her for awhile and I never saw her completely happy until she started to be with you."

"Thanks. Maybe one day you should visit us and the two of us could go out for a drink."

"The two of us? Like you and me? Alone?"

"Alone with the rest of the people in the bar."

"That would be great and not scary at all. I have to go but if you need something just text me."

"Okay." I said and hung up.

Stiles can be so weird sometimes...

Ansel's POV

After breakfast I went to see Hope because with everything, I still hadn't talk with her and see how she was dealing with the all Hayley situation.

Hope's POV

"It hurt but it's nothing I can't handle."

"I know but sometimes it's good to talk about what we feel, it can be liberating... and like now it says, making you move on and get it over with." Ansel said then quickly asked. "Did I use the slang correctly? I'm still not sure about some of this because when I heard it for the first time I thought it was moving to another place quickly."

"Don't worry. You use it correctly."

"Really? Wow! I'm getting good at this! I'm starting to be all hip and modern." Ansel said, making me giggle.

"You should never say that you are hip and modern. Who says that are the mothers who are trying to seem younger than they are, which isn't good."

"Yes, Niklaus said something about that. I guess I'm still not fluent in this kind of talk but I think I'm improving." He said proudly, then quickly said. "I even learn how to download an app. And yes, I said app instead of application because I know that nowadays people try to abbreviate words because of... well, I don't know why but I know they do it."

"You know that you don't need to change the way you talk just to please people, right?"

"I know. But when I started to live in this century, no one get me and when Caroline appeared she understood me and sometimes had to translate what I said to modern talk, so I promised myself that I would try to be more aware of the way people talk now and what they do now so I won't seem so weird."

"You aren't weird. And we all love you no matter the way you speak." I said and he hugged me. "I'm not really a hug kind of person..."

"Doesn't matter. You deserve this hug." He said then broke the hug. "I know that we aren't very close but I'm really glad that I'm your grandfather."

"And I'm really glad to have you as my grandfather." I said with a smile.

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