Katherine's talk & Klaroline

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Caroline's POV

I was replaying what just happened in the kitchen when Katherine appears with a really big smile and sparkling eyes, I could feel her happiness, all that was left to do was jumping of excitement.

"Hey! You look happy today... More then usual" I said.

"Today there is absolutely nothing that will make me in a bad mood."

"Oh really?" I asked and she nodded so I decided to put her on prove "I hate that dress and the shoes don't match with the dress."

"First you are a bad liar and second... I am the queen of fashion so if you truly felt that then you would be wrong." She said still with a smile.

"So... What put you in that mood?"

"More like who... I'm officially dating Elijah Mikaelson!!!"

"Congratulations!" I said smiling and hugged her.

"What's wrong with you Care? I can see that you are not okay."

"What? I'm fine..." I lied and she gave me a look because she knows when I lie most of the time. "Fine... I admitted to Klaus that I want to be with him but my brain says no and then he kissed me and told me that he would wait until I figured out if I really wanted to be with him or not and now I don't know what to do..."

"Klaus really likes you for be willing to wait for you figured out how you feel."

"You're not making the situation any easier." I said making her smirk.

"Why don't you try to give him a chance?"

"What if everything goes wrong and we break up? It will everything get weird..." I tried to reason with her.

"Why are you supposing that will went badly? What if you guys work out?" She asked me.

"We are too different and..."

"My boyfriend is brother from the guy who made me be on the run for 500 years and that doesn't keep me from dating him..." Katherine said making me see the things in other prospective, but I wasn't still not sure about me and Klaus.

"It's different. You know that you want it and it's right..."

"Who told you that I know it's right?" She cut me off "I have no idea if I should be or not with Elijah and I don't know if we are going to work out or not but I'm taking a chance because I see an opportunity of being happy. I know how it is feeling that we need to push people away but you showed me that is okay to keep the people we care about close to us... Follow your own advice: Be happy."

"Thanks for the talk..." I said and walked over to the office where I felt his scent and knocked on the door.

"Caroline. Come in..." He said with a poker face and I come in where I saw a tone of paintings that he had made.

"Can we talk?" I asked and he nodded while closing the door.

"It's sound proving..." He said and I gave him a small smile.

"I want to apologize for not giving you an actual answer of if I want you or not but I just don't want to jump into conclusions and... The truth is that I don't want to screw up what I have with you, I don't want to screw up our friendship."

"Caroline, we were never friends and you know that. It would be impossible to be just friends because I like you more then a friend... Someone who likes a person can't be just their friend..." Klaus said.

"So what you saying is that we aren't friends."

"What do you want me to say? We were never just friends because friends don't flirt with each other and a friend doesn't think about another like I think about you. So no... We are not friends. We are just two people who know each other and feel attracted to each other or at least one of us feel attracted to another."

"So I'm just some girl who you feel attracted and that all? Good to know." I said and was ready to go to somewhere else when he grabbed my arm making me turn to look at him.

"Why are you reacting like this?" He asked me "I thought your brain said that whatever we have is wrong and whatever it could happen would be wrong..."

"You're impossible!"

"I'm impossible? You are the one who reacts like of it was the worst thing in the world when I say that we aren't able to be friends. Why? Is that important to have me in your life? To be your puppy who comes to you whenever you need someone to make you feel better?"

"Do you really think I just want you in my life to be okay with myself? What's wrong with you? One minute you are okay and in another you are mad at me... You are unbearable!" I snapped at him.

"You were the one who appeared to 'talk', I was here in my life not hurting anyone and you come here so I think that in the picture you are the one who's unbearable." He snapped at me and I don't know why but I kind of get turned on by yelling at Klaus tried to ignore that.

"I wanted to solve things out. You were the one starting all this."

"There's nothing to solve. You don't want to be with me but you just don't have the guts to say it in my face. You come with this conversation about wanting me but the brain says no but that just means that you don't believe in me enough to be with me and you don't want me enough to give us a shot."

"You moron, it's not your I don't trust, it's me!" I yelled back at him.

"What?" He asked confused and I rolled my eyes still mad at him and mostly myself.

"I don't trust myself when I'm with you."

"Let me guess, you are afraid that I make you the monster I am..." He said with a poker face but I saw hurt in his eyes.

"What?! Are you seriously suggesting that? How many times do I have to tell you that I don't think of you as a monster? My problem is myself because I can't control myself when I'm with you, I can't think about the right or wrong because you are all I can think about!" I yelled once more at him and he kissed me, when broke the kiss, I kissed him again with passion, hunger and lust.

I didn't care about anyone else, just about us and how it felt so good our bodies together...

More Than A Pack TVD TO TW CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz