Kidnapping her

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Nogitsune's POV

Damn it! I can't believe after waking up, I couldn't get inside of Caroline's head again neither Niklaus. I wanted to be in their heads because they were the damaged ones that had power and could bring the destruction I wanted. But I will bring the chaos in a way or other, the fact is that the chaos is coming soon...

I saw her in the garden and she was thinking in something deeply, I took advantage of her being distracted and snap her neck then took her to Marcel's loft and after waking up, a witch spelled her making her be paralyzed in the same place, she only could talk.

"What did you do?" She asked me angry.

"Someone's woke up in the wrong side of the bed... I am just having some fun." I told her with a smirk.

"What do you want?"

"Pain, chaos and all that. The usual, you know?" I said a little bored with her stupid question.

"Why did you pick me?" She asked with fear, which make me smirk.

"Doesn't matter, what matters is that because of you sooner or later they will come here to find me." I told her.

No One's POV

"I can't believe this." Lydia said when looked at the note that was in the bedroom of her friend.

Lydia called everyone to meet her in the living room and she told them that the nogitsune kidnapped Caroline.

"Where is he?" Ansel asked her afraid of what the nogitsune might do.

"I don't know..." Lydia said.

"I am going to make a locator spell to know where she is." Bonnie said.

"You can't. She uses something that makes all witches not be able to locate her." Katherine said.

"We need to do something. We need to find her, even if that means to look in every possible place in this city." Ansel said worried because Caroline was like the daughter he never had and he wouldn't forgive himself if Caroline died without anyone doing something to stop the nogitsune from hurting her or killing her.

"Why don't we start we Marcel's place. He probably wants us to find him and that's the reason of why he left a note." Freya said and we nodded.

"And if it's just a trick? What if he is just fooling with us?" Stiles asked because he knew very well what a nogitsune was capable of doing it.

"I don't care. Let's go! Caroline needs us right now." Klaus said furious because blamed himself about what was happening, if he had killed the nogitsune already then Caroline wouldn't be in this situation and would be safe and sound, he can't lose her, he can't live knowing that Caroline is not alive and safe.

They all went to Marcel's place and saw Caroline standing next to the nogitsune inside of Marcel's body and Onis behind them.

"Thank God you guys are here!" The nogitsune said with a nervous voice making everyone looked at him with a confused face. "I don't know how much long I will be able to fight the nogitsune taking over my body. Please do something. I'm tired of being the one bringing pain to the people closer to me..."

"Marcellus? It's really you?" Klaus asked looking now at him and he just nodded and let a tear fall from his eye, he put his hands in a way to asked them to put handcuffs, Niklaus had with him some handcuffs for vampires who broke his rules and put it, then took a step back looking at his son without knowing what to say.

"I can't believe you bought that..." The nogitsune said with an evil smirk then took the handcuffs because even if they were strong, they weren't stronger then him.

"That's it!" Ansel said and got ready to launch an arrow made of vervain to the nogitsune, because hurting Caroline was one of his weak points.

"You're not shooting my son. He might not be himself but you are not going to kill him." Niklaus said and turned to his hybrid face, then growl.

"Niklaus is no longer your son. Marcel is gone!" Ansel said and Niklaus didn't accept it in his mind making the nogitsune smirking.

"Stop it! This is what he wants. Don't you guys see it? War. Pain. Chaos. Discussion." Lydia said making everyone turn to see her.

"Let her go!" Niklaus said to the nogitsune.

"I can't the witch---" the nogitsune was about to explain but was cut of by Hope doing some chanting making Caroline finally move, in the second Caroline felt her strength, she snapped the nogitsune's neck and they all run to the Quarter.

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