Leaving Klaus

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Caroline's POV

It's been a few days and the guy tortured me with vervain so I could be really weak and just gave me a few drops of blood so I wouldn't die, he rapped me a few times and the only thing that is keeping me from turning it off or from falling completely apart is that I know that Klaus will find me and save me.

Klaus's POV

No one realized that I turn it off, they think that my behavior is because I'm not over Caroline.

Katerina and Ansel have been walking around to find the woman who betrayed me because they believe that there is actually a good excuse for what she did.

Yesterday, I got into a fight with Rebekah and things went badly, making her now live with Hayley along with Derek. Kol went with Bonnie to some place for some reason that didn't got my attention.

Elijah is always taking care of city business because I'm bored with all that and I stopped making time for that.

I was now in my office draining some girl, with some girls in the floor dead because I don't have the patience to hide the bodies.

"What the...? What's this?" Hope asked when got into my office.

"It's my food." I said like if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Since when do you feed until they die."

"Since I felt like it."

"You can't do this." She said.

"Who are you to tell me what I can or can't do?" I growled.

"I'm your daughter!"

"Exactly. You have nothing to say about what I can or can't do. It's the other way around."

"Since when do you talk like this to me?"

"Since I feel like it. If you don't like it, you can go."


"You heard me. If you don't like it, you can pack your things and go." I said.

"You are not serious."

"Actually I am. The choice is yours."

"Okay. I'm going to pack and when you see the man I call dad say something because the person in front of me is a complete stranger." She said and left.


It's been a week since Hope left and didn't took long to the rest went to some other place, making me be alone in the Quarter, making me be free to drain women and to do whatever I feel like it.

I was draining a body when I got a text from an unknown number.

'Did you realize that one day you had everything and now you have nothing? Everyone turn your back on you. Caroline probably never loved you for real. Your daddy isn't by your side again... story repeating itself? Your siblings barely talk with you, if they still talk... Even your daughter, the only girl who loved you unconditionally, left you. You are finally having what you deserve. You deserve be alone and miserable.'

By reading the text, memories started to flow back and I started to feel again and now I felt more misery and pain then before. I hurt my daughter, I pushed away my siblings and I am heartbroken because of Caroline's betrayal.

I tried to call Hope to apologize but she didn't answer it, I was now mad at myself and started to break chairs to try to calm down.

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