Scope Big News

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Niklaus's POV

I woke up with the most beautiful woman in the world next to me. Truth be told, I still can't believe that I'm actually with her.

Everything is going so well that sometimes I wonder if this isn't just some hallucination provoked by the nogitsune, other times I'm wondering if this is actually the time I'd waited for so long, the time I can actually be truly happy and other times I think that for things going so good, something will happen to ruin everything like it usually happens.

However, every time I looked at my Caroline, all my worries would go away.

"Good morning" She said with a sleepy voice and smile.

"Good morning, love" I said with a smirk and kissed her. "I love you so much..."

"I love you too. More than you can imagine." Caroline said and we kissed again.


We were all now in the living room and Stiles and Lydia were seeing us via Skype.

"Guys, not to be rude but I'm in my honeymoon. Do you guys know what that means? If you don't I tell you. Spending time with my wife." Stiles said.

"We all know that you two probably didn't get out of your room since you got there so the best is to just hear them out and we all can go the sooner possible to our bedrooms and have sex." Katerina said.

"Kat!" Caroline said in a warning tone.

"Is everything alright?" I asked concerned with my daughter because she wasn't the type of making reunions for no reason. "Did he hurt you?" Then I looked at him angry and asked. "Did you hurt my little girl? If you did you will soon be wishing for death..."

"Klaus!" Caroline said in a warning tone. "First of all, let them talk and secondly, you have to go through me before you hurt Scott or anyone else. They are my family."

"Sorry, love." I said looking down, then looked at my daughter and Scott and added. "So what is this about?"

"We waited for after the wedding to do this because we didn't want to steal the attentions from Stiles and Lydia. But last night we decided to do what we had planned on. I turned Scott into a hybrid so we could be together forever."

"What?" I asked angry. "You turn someone without informing me first?"

"Came on, dad. I'm not a kid anymore and he is not just some random person that I turned. It's Scott. One of the people who helped us and my boyfriend." Hope said.

"And how do I know that Mr. McWolf here didn't got in a relationship with you just to turn into a hybrid?" I asked my daughter.

I hate this. We all seen what Rebekah went through with men, that they always appeared in her life but that I was always the constant of that equation. All that suffering couldn't repeat again, not with my daughter. I couldn't let that happen.

"Klaus, Scott would never do something like that. He is a true alpha not because of the power he has but because he fights for the people he loves. He is not a cheater." Caroline said.

"How can I be sure of that?" I asked her.

"Compel me. I'm not on vervain." Scott said, making me look at him.

I got up and walked over to him, then I compelled him.

"Do you truly love my daughter?"

"I do. She's the love of my life." Scott said.

"What were your real reasons for wanting to turn into a hybrid?"

"I love Hope and I wanted to stay with her but by being mortal I couldn't. While I would be mortal, our relationship would always had an expiration date. Turning into a hybrid was the only way I found to be with Hope forever." Scott said.

"Alright. I guess you are one of us now." I said then hugged him and whispered so only he could hear me. "Of you hurt my daughter, I will hunt you down and make your life so miserable that you will feel like you are in hell."

"I'm so happy for you!" Caroline said with a big smile when I broke the hug with Scott.

"Thanks" Scott and Hope said.

"Hope, take care of my buddy. If not I will... I will do nothing because Klaus kind of scares me." Stiles said making everyone laugh, except me, I just smirked.

"That's because you smart." I said with a smirk.

"You really think so?" Stiles asked with a big smirk. "The Sour Hybrid thinks I'm smart. How cool is that?"

"Sour Hybrid?" I asked making Stiles stop smiling.

"What? Sour Hybrid? I didn't said that, I said, Power Hybrid." Stiles said, and when saw that it was a horrible lie he said. "We have to go"

With that everyone went to the dinning room to eat something.

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