Derbekah Breakfast & Kat vs. Hayley

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Derek's POV

Today, Rebekah and I made 6 months of anniversary and I was anxious and nervous – I seemed like Stiles – because I had never had a relationship that lasted for so long. I also never had great luck when it come to relationships because I dated only sociopaths and the only one who wasn't, died in my arms.

I woke up earlier and decided to start with some breakfast in bed. I am not an amazing cook but I know enough to get by. I made her some pancakes, eggs and bacon and put all of that in the tray with some blood bags and things we could put in the pancakes.

When I got back to the room, I saw her sleeping, so I quietly put the tray in the end of my side of the bed and walked over to her to wake her up.

"Bekah... Bekah... wake up..." I said and she slowly opened her beautiful blue eyes, making me smile and say. "Good morning, Bright Eyes."

Bright Eyes is one of the nicknames I have for her but I just use these nicknames when we are alone because I know that if Stiles finds out that I have nicknames for my girlfriend I won't hear the end of it.

"Hey, Cuddles!" She said with a smile. "Happy 6th month anniversary!"

"Happy anniversary!" I said back and she kissed me.

It wasn't just a kiss that she was going for, so I had to break the kiss and try to control myself.

"I made some breakfast for you. I know that you are a vampire but I thought that would be nice that we had breakfast in bed." I said and walked over to the end of the bed, where was the tray and put next to her, while she seat up.

"You made eggs, bacon and pancakes?" She asked.

"I didn't know what you would prefer so I decided to make them so you could eat what you were in the mood for." I explained.

"I actually was in the mood for cereals."

"Oh, crap! Don't worry, I'll be back in a second." I said.

How could I forgot cereals?

"Derek, I was kidding." She said with a smile.

"Oh... But if you want anything just say that I'll go get it." I said nervous.

"I have everything I want here. Blood, food and a really hot guy." She said making me smirk.

"And I can assure you that the hot guy will do everything to make your wishes come true." I said and she kissed me.

"I love you." She said with a smile.

"I love you too." I said and then we started to eat but quickly the breakfast was forgotten and we focused on much more interesting activities.

I try to be a gentleman to her but it's hard. How can a man keep it in his pants when she looks like that?

Elijah's POV

I went to the kitchen to tell the servants to start preparing breakfast, while Katerina was in the living room reading a magazine.

"Good morning!" Someone said, making me turn around.

"Good morning, Hayley" I said with a nod.

"So you and Katherine?"

"We are together, if is that what you are asking."

"I have to admit, I did not see that coming." She said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked confused.

"I guess, I always thought that one day we would be together. I know that you had a thing for me and I had for you. We never tried to be together because of Klaus, because he was afraid that Hope would call you dad. So I guess I always thought that when Hope was old enough to understand things, that you would want to give us a shot." She said.

"I guess too bad for you." I heard Katerina, making me and Hayley look at the door, where was Katerina standing.

"Don't worry, I was just talking." Hayley said to Katerina.

"I know very well what you were just." Katerina said angry. "You should try to go find another guy because Elijah is taken."

"You seem pretty defensive. If you really believe that Elijah loves you and no one else, I don't see why you are so worried about me." Hayley said.

"That's enough." I said, making the brunettes look at me, then I said. "Hayley, you went too far, you should go and try to not get into anymore argues."

"I didn't do anything. But whatever, I'm gonna to my room." Hayley said and left.

"Nobody cares." Katerina said while Haley was leaving the kitchen.

"Katerina, you didn't had to get into a fight with Hayley." I said when Hayley was gone

"Are you defending her?"

"No. I just think that Haley is going through a hard time and..."

"And nothing. She was hitting on you." She said angry. "Maybe if I wouldn't show up, you two would be making out in the kitchen."

"I would never do that. Katerina, I love you. You are the only woman I want." I said and she kissed me passionately.

"Katerina..." I said in a warning tone when I broke the kiss and then took a step back and adjusted my tie. "We are in the kitchen. People can appear..."

For how much I loved to kiss Katerina, if appeared someone, things could get awkward.

"You are right. Let's go to the bedroom where no one can interrupt us." She said with a big smile, grab my hand and vamp speed us to our room.

An: I'm sorry Hayley fans. In my book she won't be like she is in the Originals.

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