Caroline & Note

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Caroline's POV

I woke up in a chair in a dark room.

What the hell? Where the hell am I?

"Wake up!" I heard a voice yelling, making me look at the person in front of me.

"What... What are you doing?"

"Right now, I'm doing nothing, but I'm about to torture you. Klaus deserves to suffer and while he thinks you left him, you will be here suffering and when he find out that you didn't left him, you'll be already dead."

"Who gives you the right to make justice by your own hands? That's not justice, it's just revenge and might feel good at first but than you'll see it's only waste time that you spent and that you will have blood on your hands of someone who didn't do anything to you." I said

"Save your strength." Said and opened the window, making me feel my back starting to burn.

Klaus's POV

I woke up and Caroline wasn't there next to me, instead there was a note.

'Klaus, I don't know how to tell you this. I can't be with you anymore. I tried to forget about all the horrible things you did in the past but I can't. You always will be the monster who killed thousands of people. I realized that all this time I was only attracted to you, it was nothing besides that. I don't love you. I never loved you. How could I? You are just a bastard who cares for no one by yourself. You are selfish, manipulative, vindictive, and all the things I do not wish to be. I don't love you. Do not come look for me because I don't want to see you nor hear you ever again. You are everything I hate. Goodbye forever'

What happened? What the bloody hell happened?

I growled and probably the all Quarter heard me but I didn't care. She left me. She tricked me. She made me believe that she loved me. I was a puppet in her hands... How could I be so foolish? Love is a vampire's greatest weakness and I fell for it.

I woke up everyone and reunited them in the living room.

"Caroline left." I said still with her note in my hand.

"What?" They all said at the same time.

"She left! She didn't want to be with someone like me. She didn't loved me, so she left."

"What are you saying? She loves you. Caroline can spent the entire day saying how much she loves you and how important you are too her." Katerina said.

"Yeah, and she always defended you when someone said something bad about you." Bonnie said.

"You two don't have to defend your little friend. The note is explicit. She doesn't love me." I said and put the note in the table so everyone could see and I vamp speed to my room.

I needed to be alone but my room smelled like her, the sheets, the pillows, some of my t-shirts, because she used to wore my t-shirts.

How could I fool myself? How could I believe that someone so magnificent as Caroline would actually love me, a monster?

"Niklaus, may I come in?" Ansel asked after knocking at the door, even if the door was opened.

"Sure." I said and he seat in the bed next to me.

"I don't believe that note was from Caroline." Ansel said.

"Are you going to defend her? I am your son, not her!" I yelled at him.

"Yes, but I know her for years and I know her better than anyone. She loves you. She never stopped. She can only be truly happy when she is with you. She loves you with all of her heart. I know it and deep down you know it too." Ansel said.

"I would like to believe that, but if she loved me she wouldn't do what she did."

"Maybe it wasn't her. Did you thought about that? She would never write something like this." Ansel said.

"Maybe. But what if that note was really written by her and that was how she felt? I mean, how can someone like Caroline love me?"

"Can't you see it? You both passed through similar situations. You both understand each other." Ansel said.

"How come?"

"Well, you both suffered physically with your fathers, you with Mikael and she with Bill. Both were both neglected while growing up, Mikael was a monster to you and Esther didn't do much to help and Caroline had a father who always made her feel like she wasn't worth of anything and her mother was always working, then there was her friends that always made her feel like their backup. You both tend to repress your feelings because you are afraid of getting hurt. You both know what is to be the second choice. You both lived in fear of getting hurt." Ansel said.

"So... you think Caroline loves me?"

"Is that a joke? She is madly in love with you. Like you say nowadays, 'she's totally into you'." Ansel said.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded.

"Now, we need to figure out who wrote this and where is Caroline." Ansel said and I nodded.

"If you are right, Caroline is in real danger and I cannot let anyone hurt her. She was the one who make me brought out my humanity. Probably if I hadn't met her, I wouldn't even cared about Hope. She was the person who made me start to care about things and people. We need to find her." I said and he nodded.

AN: who do you think it's torturing Caroline? I am actually still not sure about the person, so if you want you can make suggestions, I'm all ears...
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