Rebekah is insecure

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Rebekah's POV

Sometimes I don't like how close Katherine is with Derek. I know they are nothing more than friends and that they never had something but sometimes it seems that I am not as important as Katherine... I know he loves me and that the feeling that I have is just my insecurity taking the best of me but I can't help it.

"I'm back. And all yours." Derek said with a smirk when appeared in the bedroom.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. Why are you asking?" He asked confused.

"No reason." I said with a forced smile and he kissed me but I quickly broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Yeah, right... You can tell me what's wrong. I'm your boyfriend."

"It doesn't matter. It's stupid." I said and he gave me a look so I would talk. "Fine. Sometimes I don't like how close you are with Katherine."

"What? Why? I know that you didn't like her before but I thought that you two were starting to get along. You two don't even fight anymore." Derek said.

"It's not about liking her, it's about your relationship. You two are so close that she doesn't mind to come here and wake you up, while being on your lap just so you two could go God knows where to talk about God knows what." I admitted.

"Are you jealous?"

"No. Yes..." I said and before he could say something, I said. "I know you never had anything with her and that you two are just friends but... I just wish that I would be as important as Katherine is in your life."

"Rebekah, you and Kat have different types of importance in my life. She is my best friend and like family... and you are my girlfriend and the person who makes me truly happy and before I met you, I believed that there was no such thing as being completely happy, but you showed me that I was wrong. My relationship with Kat and our relationship are completely different, but that doesn't mean that you have less importance in my life." He said.

"A part of me knows that but I can't help it. I'm not used to be in a relationship for so long. Usually after a few months I find out that the guy is cheating on me or using me to get to my brother or just leaves..."

"I will never do that to you. I want to be with you forever. I wanted to turn into a hybrid so I could have a chance to be with you without expiration date. I love you." He said, making me smile and kiss him passionately.

"I love you so much, Derek Hale." I said when I broke the kiss and he smiled to me and kissed me again.

"You are important to me... You are the love of my life, Rebekah Mikaelson." He said making me kiss him again with passion.

I never met a man who is so caring and patient and nice to me... I am so lucky to have found him. No one made me so happy...

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