Stydia's future & Klaus's art

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Lydia's POV

I was talking with Stiles about the wedding but I wasn't there 100% because I was thinking about what my mom said the other day.

"Stiles?" I said making him stop talking and look at me.

"What's wrong, Lyds?"

"Where are we going to live after getting married? I mean, I love living with our friends but... my mom is right. Not now but in the future we will want to start a family, and what will we do then? We need to have a real profession and have a real life. This life of hunting evil can't be forever." I said concerned with the future.

"Actually, I thought a lot about that and I was thinking in going back to Beacon Hills. It's a small-town and we know everybody. I can go work in the police station with my dad and you can be a microbiologist like you wanted since high school." He said.

"You're amazing!" I said with a smile and kissed him. "Wait. How did you know I wanted to be a microbiologist since high school? Just after high school I told you about what I wanted to do and I never told you since when that was my dream."

"Give me some credit, Lyds. I've been in love with you since the 3rd grade." Stiles said, making me smile.

Klaus's POV

I was feeling inspired so I went to my studio and start painting. I never felt this inspired before... I got more inspired then usual after Hope's birth but now it was different, it seemed that everything was going perfectly and that was what scared me. I'm not used to be happy...

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, but I was so inspired that I continued to paint, instead of going to the door.

"Who is it?"

"Caroline. Can I came in?" She asked.

"Of course, love." I said and heard the door opening, then I heard footsteps until feel Caroline's scent near me.

"Do you need something? Blood, maybe?"


"Are you sure? You've been hours in here."

"Well, I got inspired."

"That's great but I don't want you to be all weak." Caroline said, making me smile of happiness.

I never had anyone that showed so much concern for me, my siblings care about me but they never did to the point to make sure I was hours without blood in my system.

"Did you thought about show people your work?"

"No, they would just judge and criticize." I said looking back at the painting that was almost done.

"Maybe they would like it."

"Why do you care if I show my paintings or not?"

"Because your art matters." She said and gave me a soft kiss. "Don't ever forget that."

She left and I started to paint again.

Your art matters. These words kept repeating in my head. No one ever said something like that to me. Maybe because it was a hobby that not many knew about but no one ever complimented my paintings or my artistic vein, not even my siblings.

AN: I know that you like to see all of this characters together but I was thinking that now that Stiles and Lydia would get married, they would think about the future.
I hope you all are liking this story so far.
If you want some supernatural creature in this book or want me to put more of a character or couple or you have an idea for a twist just say it, all ideas are welcome. I'm sorry for taking so long to update.

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