Trying to calm Klaus

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Caroline's POV

"I am going to see Klaus." I said and walked over to his room, I thought in knocking on the door but I knew that he probably wouldn't open it, so I opened the door.

In the moment I opened the door I saw Klaus throwing a chair to the a wall and I took a step ahead and closed the door.

"Everything will be okay, Klaus." I said and he turn to the other side making me face his back.

"Go away." He growl.

"I think we already get over this... I will never go away when you need me." I said taking a few steps to be closer to him.

"I don't need you. Go away!" He said still not facing me, I rest my hand on his shoulder and he pinned me to the wall behind me with his hand on my throat.

"Klaus..." I said while searching for air.

"I told you to go away." He said with his hybrid face and growled trying to make me scared but without success.

I rest my hands on his, not fighting him but just trying to comfort him, he quickly stop and looked down.

"I'm so sorry, Caroline." He whispered and looking always down, I cupped his cheeks making him look at me, but once he look me in the eye, he tried to look at somewhere else but me.

"Klaus, look at me." I said and he slowly start looking at me in the eye. "I'm not mad at you and I do forgive you but you can't be like this... You need to be willingly to accept help for someone. I thought we had solved this, I thought you already knew that I don't let go people I care about just like that... Don't push me away, please..."

"How can you be here after what happened?" He asked confused.

"Because I like you and because when you care about someone you do everything to help them and don't give up on them, even if they do everything to push us away. You never gave up on me, even after I reject you many times." I said and he just looked at me. "Klaus, I will always be here for you."

"You can't say something like that. Always is a long time..." He said lowly

"I was counting in being a long time by your side but if you don't feel the same..." I said now hurt, then I was about to leaving when he grabbed my wrist and make me turn to see him.

"I want to be with you for a long time but I know how hard I can be to live with and I know that you will probably see all the horrible things I'm capable of doing and eventually you will leave me because in the end I am always going to be alone." He said and I slapped him making him look at me surprised.

"You will never be alone. You have your siblings, your daughter and me. Even if for some reason I would leave you, you would have your family. I haven't that luck, I have no family per say, I have friends who are like family but not my real family. You had the lucky to be a father... Do you have any notion of how it sucks not being able to be a parent? Because I know... Your daughter will love you unconditionally and nobody is going to love you as much as her. Stop thinking that you are alone, when you have all this people by your side, people from your family and others aside of your family. You will never be alone, if you don't believe that I and your siblings will stay here, then trust me when I say that Hope will always be here for you." I said.

"How are you so sure of all that? How do you know that Hope won't eventually walk away from my life? How do you know my siblings will stick by my side? How can you be so sure that you won't leave me?" He asked me showing me his vulnerable side.

"1) You are an amazing father who cares only about his daughter's safety and everybody can see that she cares about you more then anyone.
2) After everything your siblings stick by your side, they showed loyalty after all the horrible stuff you did and after put them on a coffin for years.
3) I like you and I intend to be with you and never leave you." I said and kissed him.

"What was that for?" He asked me when we broke the kiss.

"It was so you would know that I'm here for you." I said and he gave me a weak smile then added "Now can you tell me why you were so mad when I appeared?"

"No need to talk... I'm feeling better." He said and I gave him a look. "Alright, love... I just felt kind of responsible for everything. I am the Original Hybrid, I was the one who supposed to have power but I'm feeling powerless, useless and I hate that, I should be the one who make people feel powerless and not the other way around. I feel that I can't protect anyone."

"Klaus, you don't have to be the one to protect everyone. We protect each other, that's what friends and family do." I told him and he kissed me.

"I am so lucky to have you in my life." He said making me smile then I kissed him again.

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