Shopping for wedding dresses

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Klaus's POV

Caroline and I finally got dressed, after a hour in the bathtub.

This all seems a dream to me, none of this still seems real. I mean, I know it's real but I can't believe it because I finally was with the woman I love and there was no supernatural problems to interfere with my happiness.

"Lets go before I change my mind and make you prisoner in this room all day long." Caroline said with a smile and before I could reply, she grabbed my hand and we went to the living room with holding hands.

Once we got there, she greeted our new visitors, who were Stiles's dad and Scott's mom, which I later found out that were dating.

After awhile appeared Freya, Ansel, Natalie, Elijah, Katherine, Derek and Rebekah and after everyone was there we finally eat our breakfast.

I was in one end of the table and I was between my sweet Caroline and my little wolf girl, next to Hope was Scott and next to him was Stiles, Lydia, Bonnie, Scott's mother and Stiles's father, next to Caroline was Ansel, Natalie, Derek, my sister, Katherine, Elijah, Kol and Freya.

No One's POV

While Melissa and the Sheriff were talking with Stiles and Lydia about their engagement, Ansel tried to make sure that Natalie was alright because he knew about Natalie and Stiles's dad relationship.

The other couples were in their little bubble but sometimes talked with other people and after the breakfast Lydia went with the girls to wedding dress shopping.

"So... I have to tell you girls something. I guess I need an advice." Hope said making all the girls stop looking at the wedding dresses and look at her. "Scott asked me to turn him into a hybrid."

"What?" They all asked at the same time.

"Yeah. He said he wanted to be with me forever." Hope said with a small smile.

"But...?" Caroline asked already knowing that was something bugging Hope.

"But what if he stops loving me? I mean, forever it's a long time. How do I know that we are going to be together forever? How do I know that this is good for him?"

"Are you worried with your relationship or with Scott?" Rebekah asked.

"Scott." She said in almost a whisper. "What if he doesn't like to be a hybrid? What if he hates it and then starts to hate me for turning him into one. And besides, after I turn him, he will have to break the sire bond and that's really painful."

"He knows all that, Hope." Caroline said and added "But he is okay with that because he loves you. And if he stops, which I doubt, he will never hold against you the fact you turn him because it was him who asked for it. It was his choice."

"I love him, I do. I'm just afraid of him getting hurt. Everybody close to my family eventually get hurt."

"We all know that but that didn't stop me from being with your father, Kat from being with Elijah, Derek from being with Bekah nor Scott from being with you." Caroline said and gave a hug to Hope.

"My dad is very luck to have you in his life."

"We are both lucky." Caroline said.

And after that they all got back their attention to wedding dresses.

Hope's POV

After we found the perfect wedding dress for Lydia, we went back to the Quarter and I asked Scott to talk to him in privacy.

"Scott, about what you asked me"

"I'm sorry. I know it might seem that I'm rushing into things and I don't want you to be uncomfortable with this. I just want to be with you."

"Are you sure about turning? I mean, we are together for months. What if your feelings change? What if you hate being a hybrid? You will drink from people and I know that you don't like to hurt people. This will make you be on the extreme and what about kids and growing old with someone. I don't want to take that from you."

"I don't care about that. I care about being with you. I love you and I know that I will love you forever, if you let me." He said and I kissed him.

"Let's just wait for Stiles and Lydia's wedding." I said because I didn't want to people start to forget about Lydia's wedding just because of me and Scott.

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