Visit of the Nogitsune

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Niklaus's POV

I'm tired of this. I have a dark spirit taking over Marcel's body, I don't know how to protect my family and since this all start to happening I'm having this stupid nightmares that make me have no peace, this dreams that keep reminding me how I was when I was human and how weak I was.

Nogitsune's POV

Everything is according to plan. I already took over this vampire's body and now I am able to put Niklaus weaker and weaker by the moment with the nightmares of his stupid human life and tomorrow I will visit the Mikaelson's and see their new guests. I can't believe that they are so foolish that would think I wouldn't know their new guests. While I wait for tomorrow, I am going to find their past...

Caroline's POV

I woke up, took a shower and get dressed, then I went to the kitchen where was Klaus, Hope and Scott.

"Good morning!" I said with a smile and then took from Scott the box of cereals and start to preparing my breakfast.

"Good morning, love!" Klaus said with his usual smirk and I just gave him a smile.

"Good morning Caroline." Hope said and I also gave her a smile.

No one's POV

"Like I was saying, when Stiles was possessed by a nogitsune, I needed to go inside to his head along with Lydia and we took him from being possessed by a nogitsune but then the nogitsune continue to walk in his shape making everyone think he was Stiles. The nogitsune feeds of pain and he's propose is to spray chaos to everywhere he passes by." Scott said.

"And how did you killed him?" Klaus asked him.

"A nogitsune can't be turn into a wolf because he is already a fox so I bite him and he died." Scott said.

"You won't believe who appeared..." Kol said appearing in the kitchen.

They went to the living room and they saw the nogitsune who had possessed the body of Marcel and he brought with him Onis, spirits that have the shape of a human or a warrior, and they were originated to create disasters, diseases and other things that can originated pain and chaos, with their help the nogitsune was confident that he will be able to cause destruction easier then he thought at the beginning.

"Who are these guys?" Klaus asked the nogitsune.

"Onis" Stiles said while pulling Lydia to his embrace reminding himself what he and his friends had been through and what could happen.

"What?" Klaus asked.

"They are spirits that will bring suffering and pain..." Caroline said trying not to show she was scared. Lydia told her about the nogitsune she faced and she knows how the nogitsune can feel pain and feeds of it.

"Are this the people who are going to help you destroying me? You think there is a chance to any person in this room to kill me?" The nogitsune asked Klaus with an evil smirk. "Look at them. Stiles, the boy who feels guilty for her mother's death and for having blood on his hands and feel good about it. Lydia who is not loved by her parents. Derek, the werewolf who saw his family getting burn alive. Scott, the true alpha that had lost the love of his life... So sad" the nogitsune said faking to be sad then continue "You? I saw your dreams, it's really sad. You were so pathetic in human and now you are worst, trying to show that you are strong when in reality we both now that you are still this weak person..." Klaus was ready to fight him but then he felt Caroline holding his hand making him look at her, she shocked her head because she knew that fighting was exactly what the nogitsune wanted and Klaus decided to take a deep breath and not get the anger get the best of him.

"Continue... There is Freya, the abandoned sister who had a son that died. Elijah, the honored brother who killed his and yours first love. What was her name again? Oh, that's right! Tatia..." Nogitsune said with a smirk "Kol who always felt the brother that nobody cared about; Rebekah, the Original who was never truly loved; Hope, the girl who feels alone because knows that can't have real friends. Ansel, the man who is filled of guilt because keep you the secret of being your father and every night he relives the night you killed him; Katherine, the girl who has no family because you killed them all and make her be on the run for years; Bonnie, the witch that is always sacrificing herself for everyone; and for last but not least, Caroline, one of the people in here who suffered more..." Nogitsune said making Klaus look at Caroline and then the nogitsune turned to Caroline and told her "I know everything. How you were abused, how you were just a useful person who nobody cared about and I know how you always feel like your not good enough." He smirked and Caroline looked at the ground to not face anyone then the nogitsune said "Goodbye for now..."

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