End of Derbekah's Date

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Rebekah's POV

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Rebekah's POV

I thought that Derek would try to flirt with me as much as he could but he actually surprised me... I won't deny that he complimented me a few times but he didn't seemed focus on complimenting me to have me, he seemed to be focus on really getting to know me and no other guy acted like that... Derek was so sweet to me and looked at me with so much adoration and caring that made me blush quite a few times, no man ever looked at me like that before...

After our date, Derek took me to my bedroom, and we stopped once we reach to the door of my room. For the first time in a long time, I didn't know what to do... I didn't know if he wanted me to kiss him, I didn't know if he wanted to sleep with me or what and I hated the fact I didn't knew what to do.

"I guess this is it..." He said breaking the silence and the only thing I managed to do was nodding my head.

"I really like our date, Rebekah." He said making me smile and blush when he said my name, I never heard nobody saying my name like he does. "I hope we will get more dates..."

"I hope so too..." I said with a shy smile while blushing. This is all so weird... I'm not used to blush or to be treated so nicely like he treats me.

"Is that a yes to have more dates with me?" He asked with a smirk and I nodded with a stupid shy smile making him smirk even more.

He was now leaning... This is it! He is going to kiss me! But I was wrong, he gave me a peck on my cheek making me disappointed then he got back to his original position.

"Good night, Rebekah."

"Good night, Derek." I said disappointed and I couldn't hide it, so I just turned around to go to my bedroom.

"Rebekah..." He called me in almost a whisper while grabbing my wrist, making me turn to see him. "I don't want to rush things... I want to take things slow."

"Of course... I understand. I mean, you have been single for quite a time and I'm surely not the most interesting woman you met. It's alright, I get it..." I was starting to rambling but he cut me off by calling my name.

"Don't doubt of yourself. You are the most amazing woman I ever met... I just don't want you to feel like I just want you for your body or that I'm like your other boyfriends. I want to do this right. I am sorry if I make you doubt of yourself but it's really hard to be with someone has incredible as you... You have no idea how hard is for me to be with the most extraordinary and beautiful woman in the world and keep your hands to yourself but..." He was saying and I cut him off with a kiss in his cheek.

"I also want to do this right... I'm sorry for being such a insecure little girl." I said while looking down and he cupped my cheeks, making me look at him.

"Don't apologize for telling me how you feel." He said and I gave him a smile.

"Goodnight, Derek!" I said with a smile and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Rebekah!" He said and with that he walked over to his room.

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