Haley & Jackson's visit

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Caroline's POV

I get out of the kitchen while drinking a blood bag when I see Haley and Jackson appear full of blood.

"Haley? What's wrong?" I asked worried and run over to them. We might not be friends but she's Hope's mother...

"The nogitsune..." She tried to say.

"Just seat here while I bring blood bags for you." I said and in a few seconds I was handing them blood bags.

"Thank you." Jackson said and I nodded with a small smile.

"Are you two better?" I asked and they nodded "So... What happened?"

"The nogitsune appeared trying to kill our pack, Jackson and I tried to stop him but only we give him was more blood and pain..." Haley said.

"It's okay. You were just trying to save your pack and fight for your family." I told Haley.

"I'm sorry that I snap your neck the last time we saw each other." She apologized.

"You did what?" Klaus asked appeared from nowhere.

"It's fine Haley" I said ignoring Klaus.

"No, it's not fine. She snapped your neck." He told me.

"So what? It happens. We all did stuff we are sorry about." I said then turned to Haley and said "That is in the past."

Niklaus's POV

"Thank you for helping my daughter, sometimes I can't be here but..." Haley was saying to Caroline all innocent and I had to cut her off.

"Sometimes? You can be months without showing up." I snapped at her.

"That doesn't mean that I stop loving my daughter." Haley said.

"Don't you guys prefer discussing this where we don't have a dark spirit to worry about?" Caroline asked me and Haley.

"I always have to worry about a dark spirit, but usually isn't a nogitsune, it's a stupid hybrid that is known by Klaus." Haley answered Caroline never stop looking at me.

"Hey! Klaus isn't that bad... He's a great father for what I saw" Caroline defended me, making me smirk.

"Whatever... I'm going to see Hope. Jackson come with me." Haley said and they left.

"So... I'm not that bad, huh?" I asked her with a smirk making her turn to see me.

"I was just trying to stop the discussion because there are more important things to do. And besides, you two should solve your issues once for all." Caroline said and went to the kitchen with the empty blood bags, then put them in the trash and of course that I followed her.

"Why do you say that?" I asked her.

"Because no kid likes to hear their parents discussing, even if they aren't together anymore..." Caroline said and I nodded.

"Do you think we need to worry about the nogitsune?" I asked her and she nodded.

"He stopped fight us to fight Haley and her pack. He is looking for chaos around us." She said.

"Caroline and dear brother." Kol said making us look at him.

"What now Kol?" I asked annoyed

"Tonight we are all going to have fun. We all go to a bar and have some fun." Kol said.

"You wanted to go to a bar when a nogitsune is God knows where, doing God knows what and attacking God knows who?" Caroline asked in disbelief.

"Don't be like that. We are just getting some drink have fun and maybe your witch friend will show me how reckless she can be with me." Kol said to Caroline making me roll my eyes.

"Kol, you have right to one warn just because you are Klaus's friend..." Caroline said while getting closer to Kol, then put her hand on his chest, grabbing his heart and added "If you hurt Bonnie I will stab you with a white oak stake after torturing for hours and hours that would become days and then will become months until you can't take it anymore and then when you will be too weak I will stab you." She said then took her hand and while cleaning her hand of his blood asked "Are we understood?"

"Of course." He said then looked at me "I now can see what you saw in her..."

More Than A Pack TVD TO TW CrossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora