Nansel Date

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Ansel's POV

It was 9pm and I was waiting for Natalie in the living room. I turn to the door when I heard steps but was just Lydia.

"Ansel, I love you and you've been like a second father to me but, if you hurt my mother I will make your life a living hell." Lydia said.

I wasn't shocked with what she said because she practically just had her mother and they become really closed after finding out about the supernatural world.

"The same goes if your mother hurts my father." Niklaus said coming from behind me, never taking his eyes from Lydia.

I was with a serious face but inside I was smiling like a toddler in a candy shop because I was seeing that Niklaus was showing how much he cared about me.

"No one is going to hurt anyone." I said.

"Ansel is right and if whatever they have won't work out then they will lead it like the adults they are. So, to sum it up, no matter what will happen, there will be no killing, no torturing, no hurting, no hating and no bad ambient in here because we are all friends." Caroline said.

"But..." both tried to defend themselves at the same time, but Caroline cut them off quickly.

"But nothing. I wasn't asking you, I was telling you. Are we understood?"

"Yes..." they both said.

Caroline is really born to lead. Just like my son...

"I'm ready..." Natalie said with her beautiful smile, making me forget about whatever was happening before she had appeared.

"You look... ravishing" I said and she blushed a little.

"Thank you. You look really handsome too." She said with a shy smile and I smirked.

"Let's go?" I asked and she nodded with a smile.

"I want you home before midnight." Lydia said before we could walk away.


"Yes, we want to be sure you two are alright." Niklaus said.

"Thank you for your concern but I'm sure we can handle a night on our own." I said and took Natalie to the car.

I opened the door, so she could get in and then I went to the drives seat and drove to the fancy restaurant that Niklaus told me about.

Once we got to the restaurant, I told the receptionist that I was Niklaus's father and she quickly took me and Natalie to the table with an amazing view.

"This is so fancy!" Natalie whispered to me while looking around, then looked at me and said. "You didn't had to take me to a place so expensive. I was alright with a small restaurant."

"You deserve the best." I said and she blushed.

"What do you do?" I asked after the waiter took our orders.

"I'm a substitute teacher and a counselor at Beacon Hills High School." She said.

"That much be so interesting. I mean, you are the one who the students go to find themselves. You are like a psychologist." I said and she smiled.

"Its nothing special compared with what you do. You are the one who's keeping an eye for those kids. I mean, I know they are not teenagers anymore but still, you are the one who's making sure that they are alright and you seem like a second father to all of them. It's impressive what you do." She said and then the waiter appeared with our orders.

While we eat our dinner, we talked about us, I heard about how was her life and what were her hobbies and all that and she made me tell her how was life in the 10th century.


We got to the Quarter and I took her to the bedroom.

"Thank you once again, Ansel. I had a really good time."

"It was my pleasure, Natalie." I said with a smirk, she smiled and then kissed me.

"Goodnight, Ansel."

"Goodnight, Natalie." I said with a smirk and left to my room.

She kissed me!

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