Trying to solve things with Caroline

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Klaus's POV

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Klaus's POV

After I was sure that Scott wasn't in my daughter's room, I went to see him in his room and he was in the bed texting, probably with my daughter.

Now that things between Scott and Hope were solved, I walked over to my room to talk with Caroline but she wasn't there, but was a note.

'Klaus, tonight you really hurt me. I need some time alone. Now that you don't need my help to fight the nogitsune because he's dead, I decided to go sleep someplace else. Don't try to find me or call me, I need some time alone and try to figure it out things between us because you change everything when you talk to me like you did. Goodbye.'

Bloody Hell! What have I done? I can't believe I ruin what I had with Caroline? I was finally happy and I screw up.

I decided to call Caroline but it always ended in voicemails, and I let as many voicemails as I could but in the end she had the phone filled of voicemails not letting me be able to give her more voicemails.

Caroline's POV

I was in a motel and my phone continued to buzzing with Klaus calls but I make myself not answering the stupid phone because if I hear his voice I would cry even more.

Then I heard my phone buzzing again and saw that this time was a text from Klaus.

Klaus: Love, we need to talk. I am so sorry for the way I talk and what I said, I was just too upset and worried with my daughter that I put everything on you. I'm so sorry. Please give me another chance. I need you, Caroline. I love you.

Me: Klaus, I need you to give me some time. Respect that. I need some time alone.

Klaus: I can't. I need you. I already waste so much time without you... I can't lose you again. Please. We need to talk.

Me: We talk tomorrow in the bar next to the Quarter.

*the next day*

I went to the bar and saw Klaus seated in a table and he almost seemed nervous.

"Hello, Klaus" I said without any feeling in my voice.

"Hello, love. You look beautiful."

"Thanks. So... you wanted to talk to me?" I said changing the subject.

"Love, I wanted to apologize for last night. I know that I was way out of line but I was too focus on Hope and Scott"

"You were right. I am not a parent, I don't know the feeling of having a daughter and I don't know how it feels knowing that your daughter is someplace with a guy. But for the first time you talk to me in a way that I never thought it was possible. In a relationship you should hear the advices of the other person but you just attack me because I don't know what it is to be a parent. You made me feel like if I was under you..."

"I'm sorry, love. I know that I was completely asshole and believe me, I regret it in the next second but. What am I saying? There's no excuse to what I have done. I screwed this, I screwed everything, like I always do. I get if you don't want to give us a chance again because look at you. You're beautiful, intelligent, sexy, honest, full of light, strong, with a good heart and you are the most incredible woman I ever met. And I am just a person that has rage issues and finds always a way to ruined his own happiness and the ones around him. I'm just a monster and you deserve someone much better then me." He said more to himself.

"Klaus, you're much more then that." I said and he just looked at the table, so I continued "I can't be with you, not now but... I still love you but you hurt me too much."

"Are you at least going back to the Quarter?" He asked me and I nodded, then he gave me a peck on the kiss.

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