The Ex-Wife of Chris Goldman

By CupcakeQueen33

338K 8.4K 515

Harper Mackenzie Lanning was married to the son of the CEO of Goldman Hotels INC. Chris Goldman. Now, years a... More

Part 1- How It All Began
Part 2- The Divorce Starts
Part 3- 2 Years Later
4 - Prepping For The....
5 - The Party
6 - Harp why?
7 - You really worried me and still do
8 - Waking Up In.....?
9 - 17 Weeks Later
10 - Authors Note
11 - A court battle won??
12 - Madness & Memories
13 - Wedding Planning?
14 - Why did you save me?
15 - A New Beginning
16 - The First Month
18 - Life as it is
19 - Past < Present < Engagement
20 - Sylvianna Naomi Goldman
21 - Homecoming
22 - Wedding
23 - Honeymoon
24 - Love and Loss
25 - Days After
26 - Baby^2
27 - Time Flies
28 - I've Got My Fight Song.
29 - Forgive don't forget
30 - Happy Birthday to you!
-- Non-Important Authors Note --
31 - Emptiness
32 - Cali Dreams
33 - Regrets
34 - More Than You Know
35 - The Last Straw
36 - Battle pt. 1
37 - Battle pt. 2
38. Battle pt. 3
39. Healing Broken Hearts
40. Falling into Place
41. Say Something
42. Piece By Piece

17 - Little Blue Lines??

6.2K 165 19
By CupcakeQueen33



It's been a month since Harper and I enjoyed each other's company under the blankets, if you know what I mean. I drive to work in the silence of my car, she has 4 more months with her leg brace. That means I have four more months to enjoy her company before she leaves as I assume she will want to go back to her own apartment and get her life re-started.

I pull into my reserved parking space at work and get out. As I'm walking to the building I feel my phone buzz. A text from Harper.

-Hey, Where do you keep Tylenol? I've not been feeling well?

-My bathroom, top cabinet on the left.


-Is everything okay? Should I come back?

-No, no. You stay at work I'm sure it's nothing.

-Okay, text me if anything happens

-I'll try

-Harper, I'm serious you are my main priority. If you don't feel well I'll come home and we can have a chill day.

-You have already taken off to much work because of me. Plus it's only 7:30 I'm sure I will be fine by lunch.

-I run this company I can take as much time off as I want

-No. Work > Me

-Babe, listen to me.

-Nope. Go have fun at work, I'll see you when you get home at your NORMAL TIME!

-But, honey it's not big deal.

She doesn't respond to my last text. As I walk in the building I tell my assistant to cancel all my meetings after lunch as I will be heading home.

Now, to attend these boring business meetings and then ,only 5 more hours till, I can return home to the love of my life.


I texted Chris asking about Tylenol and it turned into a big fiasco of him wanting to come home. I insist he stays, though I know how he usually is and he will probably clock out after lunch. I grab the Tylenol and grab a pill, I walk to my "apartment" and get a glass of water.

Before I'm able to swallow the pill a wave of nausea wipes over me. I quickly run to my bathroom and puke my guts into the toilet. This is the fourth time it's happened. I catch a glimpse at the calendar and realize I'm a week late. I text my closest friend, who may or may not be my sister, Abby.

-Ab, something might be wrong.

-OMG!! What's wrong? Do I need to call 911?

-No, I'm late


-You know ladies times.

-Shit? Wait, who did you sleep with?


-On my way! I'm bringing a test

-Okay. See ya

45 minutes later Abby was walking through the door. Her bulging belly leading the way.

"You know, little Francesca Diana and Tyler James doesn't like you for making me come all the way across town while 8 1/2 months pregnant!!"

"Oh come on! My niece and nephew love me!! How's Mark & Emma?"

"They are doing great. Emma is so excited for her new siblings even is she's 10 1/2 almost 11 years older, I don't think she realizes how much work a baby is. Let alone twins!" She says giggling

"11? Really, wow time sure flies."

"Seems like just yesterday you were getting your movie deal."

"Yeah," I say letting my mind slip into that day.

"Hey!" Abby shouts "Snap outta it, go pee on the stick. I'm assuming you don't want to let Chris know."

"There is no way he can know, I mean I told him to go without a condom since I was on the pill and all that jazz" I say walking into the bathroom. "Hey Abbs, set a timer for 1 1/2 minutes please"

I pace back and forth staring at the test on the ledge of the sink. Abby sits on my bed and watches me

"Harper, whatever happens will be fine."

"No, no don't say that. It will mess everything up, Chris and I are just starting to get into better terms it can't be ruined."

"Fine, but please stop pacing and come sit down."

I walk over to the bed and face plant into the pillows

"How much longer?"

"One minute"

"It's only been 30 seconds???" I wail

"Yep. 45 seconds. 30 seconds. 15 seconds. Okay, it should be ready." She says

"I can't look. I just can't" I say shanking my head. I feel a tear slip out of my eye

"I'll go do it." Abby says getting up from my bed "Well, I'm not going to be an aunt."

"It's negative??" I say with relief

"Yes, it is." She says smiling

"Oh, that goodness." Just as I say that a look of terror crosses Abby's face and she drops the pregnancy test."Abbs? What's wrong?"

"The babies, they want to come now." She shrieks

"Stay calm. I'll call an ambulance then Mark."

She nods in panic and I call 911 and then Mark who says he will meet us at the hospital. I help Abby get situated on my bed and we wait for the ambulance to show up

------ 5 hours later --------

"Are you the sister of the mother?" A nurse asks

"Yes, I am. Is she okay? Are the babies okay?" I ask panicky

I can tell by the look on her face that something went wrong. "You might want to send the younger girl away"

"Emma here's $10 go buy yourself some candy." She happily takes the money and I turn to the nurse "Please tell me, what happened."

"Okay, well I'm Nurse Kata I was assigned to her and it saddens me to inform you that Mrs. Willows has passed away due to complications due to the stressful delivery of the first baby. This caused the second one to suffer and go through pre-birth shock. I'm so sorry for your loss."

My world stands still.

"Is the first baby okay?"

"Yes, we managed to save him."

I see Mark approach me from the hallway and the minute he gets to me he collapses in my arms

"She's gone. She's gone, my wife and best friend" he says bursting into tears "I can't do this, one baby survived but he's in critical condition."

"Shhh, I know. I just lost my sister."

"What am I going to do? I can't be a single father again."

"I'll be there for you, you and Emma, and your brand new baby boy. In fact I want you to move in with me."

"Really?" He asks looking up "What will Chris say?"

"Please, he has a mega mansion. Plus, I only have to stay for 4 more months and then I can move into my new house I purchased."

"You are the best. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. My kids have the best aunt in the world."


I soak out of the office and drive home. A smile passes my face as I think of how Harper will
Be home and I can surprise her with a weekend trip to my lake house.

I pull into the garage, park my car, and walk in the house.

"Mr. Goldman, how are you today. I wasn't expecting to see you till supper if you want lunch I can fix you a chicken Caesar salad or a nice panini."

"No thank you May." I say "I actually ate at the office. Oh, and I have plans for the weekend so don't bother coming in. Actually take a week off and go visit your grandkids and I'll even pay for a plane ticket."

"You are to kind Mr. Goldman. But you don't have to do that. I'll see them in a few months for thanksgiving."

"Go, have fun."

"Thank you sir, and I'll make sure to repay you."

"No need, and please call me Chris"

I see her face light up with joy as she walks out of the room. I walk up to Harpers room and knock, no response. I peek in and she's nowhere to be seen. Something catches my eyes a pregnancy test. I walk over and see that it's positive.

Harpers pregnant, I'm going to be a dad. This time I'm not going to screw it up. I call her cell and she picks up, in tears.

"Harper, Harper, What's wrong?" I ask

"Abby, Abby, Abby" she stutters

"Where are you? I'm coming to you."

"Hospital, Maternity ward."

I run to my car and speed to the hospital. I have to see what's wrong with my dear future wife. That's right, I Chris Goldman Jr. am going to fix my mistakes with Harper and re-marry the woman of my dreams.

- Tyler James Willows born September 13th
- Abby Lanning-Willows died September 13th
- Francesca Diana Willows born and died September 13th

😢 Sad chapter, I know I didn't enjoy writing this but it needed to happen since it influences future plans.
Oh, and I want your guys' opinions on what should happen in a future chapter:
1. Jacob returns and claims Harper drained him of his savings and sues her
2. Jacob gets into an accident...... Which may or may not be accidental (you'll have to read to see)
3. Jacob disappears from my book and we never hear from him again.


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