evil & completely in love

By ioatheloser

554 117 273

kim yeri and dong sicheng need eachother for different reasons. in their relationship, true love doesn't exis... More

01 | dreams of the perfect.
02 | stuck in a loop of scandal.
03 | the night of our meeting.
04 | when true love disappears.
05 | trapped in a golden cage.
06 | the truth hides behind a lie.
07 | decisions made out of love.
08 | a flight of imagination.
09 | first signs of turbulence.
10 | skiing with an enemy.
11 | do you know what love is ?
12 | hopes for a better future.
13 | another flame between us.
14 | tragedy strikes after happiness.
15 | what if, oh, but what if .. ?
16 | make me see the new you.
17 | follow and be followed.
18 | in a public relationship.
19 | the night of the gala.
20 | key to the treasure.
21 | do you fall in love ?
22 | defend and offer.
23 | once feelings appear.
24 | blackmail, baby, blackmail.
25 | once again, anger takes over.
26 | fight against the past.
27 | xoxo.
28 | oops, we fall again.
29 | yeri's birthday week !
30 | don't be scared ! i'm here.
31 | well, it's hard to be calm.
32 | we are parents ( we think ) !
33 | what's with all the tragedies ?
34 | sicheng in the countryside.
35 | but, we've met eachother already.
36 | a decision easy to make.
37 | yeri, completely in love.
38 | sicheng, completely in love.
39 | hell sent you to me.
40 | heaven sent you to me.
41 | okay, time to admit.
42 | what even is a baby fever?
43 | tough decisions for a tough life.
44 | sicheng, that's not nice !
45 | from the starting point, again.
46 | in love, or not in love ?
47 | a proposal ? please say yes.
48 | officially engaged.
49 | terrible, just terrible.
50 | girls love a girls trip!
51 | i miss the devil, actually.
52 | your smile, oh, your smile.
53 | a question of a lifetime.
54 | precious little moments with you.
55 | how did i meet an ex ?
56 | who is getting married aswell ?
57 | anger disappears once you come.
58 | an italian escape, to love.
59 | love, just like in the movies.
60 | i just love shopping!
61 | wait, i still love him.
62 | decisions and expectations.
63 | reveals, mwah, reveals.
64 | spa and worry day!
65 | a bad choice, but a choice.
66 | the final day in milan.
67 | you control me, so do i.
68 | a night full of anger.
69 | you're just as sweet as a sweet.
70 | how are you real ?
71 | it's us, and we love drama.
72 | ah, she's just a little insane.
73 | it's okay to be happy, alone.
74 | the match day!
75 | time flies by and you don't.
76 | wedding preparations!
77 | when you get a heart attack.
78 | it's a quite nice time.
79 | struggles, and more struggles.
80 | our favourite moments.
81 | i hate ( love ) you.
82 | a night full of emotions.
83 | a fight over a heart.
85 | of course, you can help.
86 | ah, what a lovely life!
87 | a little girl's dream.
88 | i have been waiting!
89 | actual parents, but not really.
90 | a very, very beautiful life.

84 | it's not a fairytale, idiot.

5 1 0
By ioatheloser

" jungwoo, both of us have lost our chances to be with sooyoung. " jaehyun said, as he finally decided that it was time for him to leave. " she is happy with another man, and we also should be happy with someone else, or, in my case, alone. it's stupid for us to go out of our ways and destroy a relationship just because we realised we still love her. "

" i don't know how well you know doyoung, but he is weird. sooyoung probably doesn't have a single idea of how weird doyoung can get. afterall, no one wanted to be close to him during high school. " jungwoo rolled his eyes, but it seemed like jaehyun stopped listening to him. " jaehyun ! this is for sooyoung's own good, doesn't that matter to you ?! "

" i want you to stop acting like you still are sooyoung's boyfriend ! as i have just told you, we don't have a single chance to be with sooyoung. i don't care about her anymore, because i am not in her life anymore. is it that hard to understand ? " jaehyun's face turned red, as jungwoo widened his eyes. " i know her better than both you and doyoung will ever know her ! i can tell when she is happy, and to me, she clearly is now. "

jaehyun got up. he walked away, as jungwoo looked at the door. a waitress came up to him, but jungwoo chose to leave aswell. he tried to see where jaehyun went, but was instead spotted by yuta, who was walking a dog around the streets. he smiled towards jungwoo, as the dog started sniffing jungwoo's pants.

" i never thought i'd see you. " jungwoo said, as yuta let out a small laugh. " yuta, have you ever felt like you messed up so bad in a relationship, that you think that the person will be better without you ? " he asked, as yuta was taken aback by the sudden question. " i'm asking this since i saw doyoung and sooyoung, and .. i can't honestly understand it. "

" it was quite a random pair, since i believe that doyoung and seulgi used to talk to eachothed. " yuta replied, before he let out a sigh. " but, you see, speaking about seulgi, we were supposed to get married, until i messed up. the best thing i could've done was tell seulgi to forget about me and live the rest of her life not thinking about what we would've been if we were happy. "

" do you think i should go and talk to sooyoung ? " jungwoo asked, as yuta nodded. " she probably hates me because of the engagement i didn't tell her about. i basically made her a homewrecker without her even knowing that. " he sighed, as yuta chose to remain silent. his dog continued sniffing jungwoo, before yuta took him in his arms. " i still think she deserves an explanation. "

" make sure that explanation will make sense. " yuta said, before he looked at his dog. " me and ares will get going. i hope that sooyoung will somehow understand you, since it seems like yeri is still hunting you down. " he started laughing, before he left. jungwoo looked at him, as he left to his car. he got in, before driving off, thinking about the advice yuta gave him.

" yeri, i look absolutely ridiculous with my red nail, and it's somehow because of you. " sicheng sighed, as yeri started laughing at him. she put her finger next to sicheng's, both of them now seeing their matching nail. " no, i can't show up to work with a red nail. at least it's not the one on my middle fingers, since it would've been clearly worse. "

" that would've been better. " yeri continued laughing, before a small sigh escaped her mouth. " sicheng, i am getting emotional again. i still can't believe that i am sitting in a nice bedroom, doing me and my fiancé nail, so we could match. " a few tears escaped yeri's eyes, as sicheng pulled her into a hug. he kissed the top of her head, " sicheng, i want to cry so bad. "

" yeri, your mood swings are what keeps me going. " sicheng started laughing, as he continued kissing yeri's head. yeri hit sicheng's chest, as he continued laughing. " i told you, you change your personality faster than i used to change my girlfriends back in the day. " he told yeri, as she widened her eyes. " i think that it didn't make you too happy hearing that. "

" you do not tell me about your stupid ex-girlfriends ! " yeri yelled, as sicheng tried pulling her into a hug. " i hate you for the fact that you just told me about ex-girlfriends ! " she pushed him away, as sicheng tried to hide his smile. " we will not match nails anymore. i will .. i will make sure you will not match with me ever again ! " she crossed her arms around her chest.

" yeri, i am terribly sorry for telling you that. " sicheng said, as yeri looked away from him. she scoffed, as sicheng tried to kiss her cheek once again. " yeri, please look at me. i am very sorry, and i will promise to never talk about other women for the rest of my life ever again. please, please, i love to match with you. " he sighed, as yeri looked back at him.

" buy me lunch tomorrow ? " yeri asked, as sicheng nodded. " you might wonder why i don't want lunch today. well, it's because .. " yeri thought of a good answer, before she shaked her head. " actually, i want lunch today. what's the clock ? 11 ? " she asked, as sicheng nodded. " let's go and get lunch ! i want to eat sushi. "

" of course you want sushi now. "

" sooyoung, i know that you might not like what i am about to tell you, but i truly do love you. " jungwoo said, as sooyoung let out a sigh. they agreed to meet up at a restaurant, a place where jungwoo hoped he would convince sooyoung that he maybe wasn't as terrible as she thought he was. " i am sorry for everything i did to you, but when we were in milan, i felt the happiest .. "

" you were engaged ! " sooyoung yelled, as jungwoo looked down. " you were engaged to a woman that was probably waiting for you to go home to her and spend time with her, but you were with me, telling me how jaehyun messed up and how i am special and should be loved .. " she scoffed, as jungwoo continued to avoid her gaze. " are you sorry for what you did to her ? "

" i talked to her. she was okay with it, but .. we broke off our engagement. " jungwoo replied, as the waiter brought them the food. sooyoung started eating her food. " i know that you are not going to ever forgive me for what i did, but i still want to tell you how much i love you, and how much i still want to be with you. "

" do you hear yourself ? " sooyoung asked, as jungwoo put his fork down. " do you realise that, after everything you've done, i will forgive you and be with you again ? " she shaked her head, as she looked back at her food. " jungwoo, not only did you literally cheat on a woman with me, but you accused me of being unfaithful with you. " she sighed, as jungwoo cleared his throat.

" i'm sorry, i'm very sorry. i promise .. " jungwoo remembered yuta's words. " i will stay out of your life and let you live the way you want to. " he told sooyoung, as they both looked at eachother. " you can forget that i ever approached you, that i ever .. that i ever made you feel the way you did. " he said, as he felt bad.

not only did jungwoo feel bad for sooyoung, but he felt bad for his younger self, the boy who once dreamnt of being loved by everyone he met. he felt bad for the girl he took from switzerland, promising her a better life. he felt bad for jaehyun, who was painted as a villain who got in between jungwoo and sooyoung.

jungwoo never thought he would be sorry for what he would do. when he was a teenager, he would stick to the rules and listen to everyone. he hated making anyone feel sad, or disappointed in him. he never got angry, never said something bad about the people around him. what happend to that jungwoo ?

once jaehyun asked sooyoung out, jungwoo saw nothing but red. his whole life, jungwoo had loved sooyoung and waited for the perfect moment to ask her to be his girlfriend. jaehyun knew about this interest, but chose to go for sooyoung himself. it was the first time jungwoo felt anger towards someone, and he wanted to make sure that, at some point, he would show jaehyun how his pain was like.

" jungwoo. " sooyoung said, as jungwoo looked up. " you, of all people, had to do this ? " she asked jungwoo, who didn't seem to have an answer. " do you realise what you caused ? i might forgive you, but what about your ex-fiancée, what about her ? " she continued asking, as jungwoo shaked his head. " this was all about her. you probably made her think about a family, about a .. "

" i understand that everything i've done was completely wrong. " jungwoo said, " and i wanted to let you know that i am sorry. " he said, as both of them seemed to finish their food. a waiter came by, taking their plates. " i am guessing that you don't need a ride home. " he said, before sooyoung grabbed him by his wrist.

" i actually do need one. "

" please, please don't tell me that you are starting to question your feelings towards jungwoo. what if you become the one who is being cheated on ? " yeri asked sooyoung, who sat on the couch of their shared apartament's living room. " have you talked to doyoung ? is he aware that you want to be with jungwoo again ? "

" doyoung would probably murder me if i caused him that much scandals just for me to go back to jungwoo. " sooyoung sighed, " and he would hate me for making him clean his apartament so i can live in there for a few days. and for the fact that i am about to go out with jungwoo again. " she laid down on the couch, " how are you and sicheng ? "

" we went out and ate lunch, then kun called sicheng for an urgent meeting. " yeri replied, as she sat next to sooyoung. " we talked about this already, but in milan and about another man. stop trying to think that you need to be with someone to be happy ! " she yelled towards sooyoung, who nodded. " what has gotten into you ?! "

" i don't even know ! " sooyoung yelled back, " ever since i remembered the time jaehyun broke up with me, i feel like i've gone insane. " she said, as yeri looked around their room. " i think i need to find a solution, or else i will end up in another relationship that will last five years and three fights with you over it. "

" you know, i think you should go and talk to jaehyun. talk seriously about everything. " yeri looked at sooyoung, who widened her eyes. " tell him about how you felt during you two's relationship, tell him about jungwoo and what you believe now. " yeri said, as sooyoung shaked her head. " this started with jaehyun's engaged, and maybe, you will listen to whatever he tells you. "

" do you think he will be able to help me ? " sooyoung asked, as yeri nodded. " really ? because i talked to him once, and it ended up in a bigger mess than it was. " she got up, as yeri let out a sigh. she shaked her head, before sooyoung tried finding another solution. " doyoung will murder me if i tell him what i think now, i will cry about jaehyun if i go and talk to him, seulgi is probably angry about me and doyoung, since she likes him, you are angry with me, i don't like yuta, and one person in this whole world has dealt with more relationships and more people than all of us have. "

" and who would that be ? " yeri asked, as a small smile appeard on sooyoung's face. " i think that you should go and talk to jaehyun, but you seem to have other ideas. " she scoffed, " please don't tell me that you will go and ask kun for advice ! that man hasn't felt the touch of a woman for his whole life, he won't help you with anything ! "

" no, yeri, i need to go and ask for advice from none other than your fiancé, dong sicheng. "

" wait, you are right. sicheng surely knows how to get rid of exes. "

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