evil & completely in love

By ioatheloser

832 170 273

kim yeri and dong sicheng need eachother for different reasons. in their relationship, true love doesn't exis... More

01 | dreams of the perfect.
02 | stuck in a loop of scandal.
03 | the night of our meeting.
04 | when true love disappears.
05 | trapped in a golden cage.
06 | the truth hides behind a lie.
07 | decisions made out of love.
08 | a flight of imagination.
09 | first signs of turbulence.
10 | skiing with an enemy.
11 | do you know what love is ?
12 | hopes for a better future.
13 | another flame between us.
14 | tragedy strikes after happiness.
15 | what if, oh, but what if .. ?
16 | make me see the new you.
17 | follow and be followed.
18 | in a public relationship.
19 | the night of the gala.
20 | key to the treasure.
21 | do you fall in love ?
22 | defend and offer.
23 | once feelings appear.
24 | blackmail, baby, blackmail.
25 | once again, anger takes over.
26 | fight against the past.
27 | xoxo.
28 | oops, we fall again.
29 | yeri's birthday week !
30 | don't be scared ! i'm here.
31 | well, it's hard to be calm.
32 | we are parents ( we think ) !
33 | what's with all the tragedies ?
34 | sicheng in the countryside.
35 | but, we've met eachother already.
36 | a decision easy to make.
37 | yeri, completely in love.
38 | sicheng, completely in love.
39 | hell sent you to me.
40 | heaven sent you to me.
41 | okay, time to admit.
42 | what even is a baby fever?
43 | tough decisions for a tough life.
44 | sicheng, that's not nice !
45 | from the starting point, again.
46 | in love, or not in love ?
47 | a proposal ? please say yes.
48 | officially engaged.
49 | terrible, just terrible.
50 | girls love a girls trip!
51 | i miss the devil, actually.
52 | your smile, oh, your smile.
53 | a question of a lifetime.
54 | precious little moments with you.
55 | how did i meet an ex ?
56 | who is getting married aswell ?
57 | anger disappears once you come.
58 | an italian escape, to love.
59 | love, just like in the movies.
60 | i just love shopping!
61 | wait, i still love him.
62 | decisions and expectations.
63 | reveals, mwah, reveals.
64 | spa and worry day!
65 | a bad choice, but a choice.
66 | the final day in milan.
67 | you control me, so do i.
68 | a night full of anger.
69 | you're just as sweet as a sweet.
70 | how are you real ?
71 | it's us, and we love drama.
72 | ah, she's just a little insane.
73 | it's okay to be happy, alone.
74 | the match day!
75 | time flies by and you don't.
76 | wedding preparations!
77 | when you get a heart attack.
78 | it's a quite nice time.
80 | our favourite moments.
81 | i hate ( love ) you.
82 | a night full of emotions.
83 | a fight over a heart.
84 | it's not a fairytale, idiot.
85 | of course, you can help.
86 | ah, what a lovely life!
87 | a little girl's dream.
88 | i have been waiting!
89 | actual parents, but not really.
90 | a very, very beautiful life.

79 | struggles, and more struggles.

7 1 0
By ioatheloser

yeri didn't think she'd bump into doyoung of all people, but he seemed to have been around the area. yeri, at first, tried ignoring him, but doyoung kept approaching her. yeri turned around, realising that doyoung wasn't going to let her go easily. oh, and that was very annoying of him. yeri let out a scoff, before she remembered that sooyoung had met up with him previously.

" doyoung. " yeri finally gave in, approaching doyoung, who was holding his phone. " you probably met up with sooyoung today. you know, i don't know what your plan is, but you better stay away from sooyoung. just now, i saw jungwoo giggling while he was holding another woman's hand ! " yeri yelled, as doyoung widened his eyes. " you better not be the next man to make sooyoung feel like absolute shit. "

" i'm questioning how sicheng deals with you, because you really are a lot to take in. " doyoung replied to yeri with a laugh, but yeri didn't seem to have the same reaction as he had to the words he told her. " you see, yeri, before sooyoung was your wonderful best friend who promotes you everywhere, she was my best friend. me and sooyoung have been close since high school, so we decided to hang out. "

yeri was taken aback of what she heard. she then let out a sigh, before looking around. she took out her phone, getting closer to doyoung. she showed him the photos she got of jungwoo and the mysterious woman, making doyoung widen his eyes. he took the phone himself, as yeri waited for him to hopefully recognize who this woman was. he then handed yeri her phone back.

" that woman seems familiar to me, but i can't tell you right now who this is. " doyoung explained to yeri, who put her phone back in her purse. " that is very disrespectful, especially since he was able to move on from sooyoung this easily. i don't remember jungwoo being like that for his whole life, so why is he doing that now ? " doyoung asked, before he suddently realised something. " what if he cheated on sooyoung ? "

" what ?! " yeri yelled, as everyone turned around, now looking at them. " what if you're right .. " she started panicking, before grabbing doyoung by both of his shoulders. she looked straight into his eyes, scaring doyoung. " we have to do something about it, and we have to do it fast. basically, we have to distract sooyoung from this new romance that jungwoo might've started while he was seeing sooyoung. " she let go of doyoung, who held onto his arms. " you have to stalk jungwoo. "

" i have better things to do than stalk jungwoo and his new girl ! " doyoung yelled, as yeri tried to slap him. " do not attempt to slap me ! i am an athlete, i have practice, i have matches, i have fans that i need to avoid, and stalking jungwoo won't help my schedule and won't give me more years of life ! " he started complaining, as yeri was even angrier than usual.

" sooyoung is your friend. " yeri turned back to doyoung, " if you don't want to go ahead and stalk jungwoo, then you are going to distract sooyoung. go and buy her something nice, a necklace, a pair of shoesz anything ! " yeri explained to doyoung, who shaked his head. " come on, doyoung ! you're like .. basically sooyoung's type. a nepo baby ! " she smiled.

" i am not a nepo baby ! " doyoung yelled, as yeri started laughing. " i am an athlete's nepo baby. and, i am not going to buy sooyoung a single thing ! i am not in a relationship with her, her sister is my new friend, and sooyoung is going to find out about jungwoo at some point ! " he sighed, as yeri looked at the clock. " i shouldn't have stopped to talk to you. "

" i will drag you to the mall, and you will figure out something to get her. " yeri threatened doyoung, who was taken aback by what she said. " she is your friend, doyoung ! would you like to see her suffering over a man that most likely started seeing a random girl while he was with her ?! " yeri yelled, as doyoung finally agreed to go with yeri's plan.

" okay, i will go and buy whatever you tell me. but, please stop calling me a nepo baby ! " doyoung reminded yeri, who rolled her eyes. she then looked at the clock again. " do you have to go anywhere ? can you come and help me figure out how to buy something for sooyoung, i'm not used to buying gifts for women .. " he started laughing, as yeri looked confused towards him.

" doyoung, you're old enough to figure it out. don't worry, you will walk into whatever shop you want .. and tell the employees that you want to buy something for someone. it's that easy. " yeri started laughing, as doyoung looked around. " i have to go. me and sicheng usually spend time together around his lunch break. have a great time buying something for your best friend. " yeri sent doyoung a flying kiss, as he sighed.

doyoung stood infront of the jewelry store, as the employee was waiting for him to choose something for sooyoung. doyoung looked at the options, before the door to the jewelry store opened again. doyoung turned around, seeing that jungwoo and the mysterious woman walk in. he quickly turned around, as he let out a cough.

" doyoung, hi. " jungwoo let out a laugh, as doyoung looked at him. " what brings you to the jewelry store ? " he asked, as doyoung waited to answer. jungwoo looked at the other woman, who was picking out a bracelet for herself. " you know, i really didn't expect you in a place like this. usually, i would love to talk to you, but .. "

" i came here to buy sooyoung a necklace. " doyoung told jungwoo, who widened his eyes. " because it seems like someone else is with another woman, buying her bracelets, while also accusing sooyoung that she cheated on you ! " he yelled, as jungwoo was even more shocked. " what if you cheated on sooyoung ?! " he yelled out, as the employee got up.

" oh, so now i am accused of cheating ? " jungwoo let out a laugh, as doyoung turned around. he finally pointed to a necklace, as the woman took it out. he handed her the credit card, before jungwoo walked closer to him. " why are you, of all people doing this ? you've never done this for anyone. " he scoffed, as the employee handed doyoung the bag.

" because, maybe sooyoung also deserves to be happy. " doyoung replied, before letting out a small laugh. " and you surely didn't make her feel that way. "

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